Heroic Spirit: All My Past Lives Were Summoned By My Daughter

Chapter 41: In the name of the Demon Emperor, the ancestor passed away

Chapter 41: In the name of the Demon Emperor, the ancestor passed away

Kunlun Mountains.

The breeze is blowing and the clouds are lingering.

Taoist Priest Chiyuan stood on the top of the attic, looking at the outline of the mainland outside the mountains, and couldn't help but sigh.

 “It’s so rare to find peace.”

  The sudden destruction of the Divine Sword Sect and the intimidation brought by an unknown powerful demon **** directly ended the chaos in Middle-earth for many years, and a rare peace appeared.

This peace has lasted for two full months.

Kunlun Mountain has naturally conducted a lot of investigations into the matter of the Divine Sword Sect, but so far no one knows the origin of the demon **** who caused the death of the young master uncle of Tianxiang Realm.

He is like a gust of wind, suddenly appearing and shocking the entire Middle-earth, and then disappearing without a trace.

At the same time, the numerous demons from Shiwanda Mountain who were successfully liberated were also spread by word of mouth, and the name of the demon **** also spread like wildfire, becoming more and more mysterious.

They said that the body of the demon was ten thousand feet high, covering the sky and the sun.

Some people also say that the demon **** has a pair of giant star eyes, wears a night robe, and has long silver-white hair.

Over time, the name of the Demon God quickly spread throughout the Middle Earth, and the surviving demons in the Shiwan Mountains respected him as the Demon King.

 It’s just that the Demon Emperor never showed up again.

In just two months, except for the ruins of the Divine Sword Sect that proved the real existence of the Demon Emperor, there was no trace of him in the land of Middle-earth.

As time passed, another three years passed in the blink of an eye, and the land of Middle-earth also fell silent for three years.

Gradually, this seems to have become a legend in Middle-earth.

They only remember that there was once an unspeakable mysterious strong man who overthrew the Huanghuang Divine Sword Sect...


 This day, in the Kunlun Mountain Cave Mansion.

Shen Changqing finished the day's practice in a breath. When he opened his eyes, he saw Bai Li sitting at the table with her chin propped up, looking at him with a smile.

 “What do you want to eat today?”

Shen Changqing hummed for a while and responded with a smile: "It's up to you."


Bai Li kissed Shen Changqing's forehead and went to prepare the meal in a happy mood.

The past three years of getting along day and night have allowed Bai Li to get rid of the haze and pain of Bai Niang's death, and regard Shen Changqing as the most important person in her life.

 Similarly, Kunlun Mountain has also become her new home.

Looking at Bai Li's leaving figure, Shen Changqing checked the status of the True Demon Soul again.

With the practice day after day, the strength of the Black Lotus Leader has increased again, and the body has also reached the realm of freedom.

“According to this rate of progress, I’m afraid it will take another hundred years before the body can successfully enter the celestial realm.”

Shen Changqing pondered, although he had previously enlightened on the method of dual cultivation, allowing the Black Lotus Cult Master to practice the path of the devil can achieve a leap in realm and shorten the time.

  But for the pure Kunlun Daozi identity, this road is obviously unworkable.

While he was deep in thought, the figure of Taoist Chi Yuan hurriedly appeared outside the cave. He looked quite anxious.

 “Xinghe, the ancestor has something to say to you!”


Deep in the forbidden area of ​​Kunlun Mountain, under the cliffs.

The masters of the three palaces waited silently. A large number of elders were scattered on both sides, all with sad expressions.

Seeing Shen Changqing and Chi Yuan appear, they all moved out of the way.

“The Patriarch asked to see you by name. In my opinion, time is running out. You can just go in alone.” Taoist Priest Chi Yuan stopped outside the forbidden area.

 Through the long corridor, Shen Changqing soon saw an empty basin in front.

The Patriarch of Kunlun is sitting quietly cross-legged, with his white hair draped casually on his shoulders, his eyes closed and his face looking old, with a strong aura of death lingering around him.

 He is like a candle that is about to run out of oil.

“Master.” Shen Changqing bowed.

"sit down."

Kunlun Patriarch opened his cloudy eyes, with a smile on his lips, patted the futon beside him, and motioned for Shen Changqing to come over and sit down.

“More than ten years ago, I knew that you had extraordinary talent and would definitely be able to carry the beams of Kunlun in the future. The ancient magical power of law, heaven, elephant and earth has actually been lost long ago. It is the only method belonging to the Taoist immortal family.”

“But you are able to reshape the path from the twelve magic weapons, and you have a faint tendency to knock on the door of immortality. It is really amazing.”

"Since then, I have tried to unlock the seal of the Kunlun Mirror and entrusted you with this true treasure of Kunlun Mountain."

"Fortunately, before I died, the seal was finally released."

As Patriarch Kunlun spoke, he slowly took out a bronze mirror from his arms.

It is simple and unpretentious, looks dull, old and even rusty. It is like the most commonly used bronze mirror among the people, completely inconspicuous.

 But Shen Changqing sensed a boundless and majestic dusty power from this mirror.

“Although the seal has been released, even the power of the heavens cannot move it, and the Lord still needs to be recognized.”

"In addition, there is also an ancient magical power contained in it. If you suddenly realize it, it will be of great help to your practice."

“My life has expired and I can no longer witness it with my own eyes, but I believe you can make it regain its former power.”

After finishing his words, the Patriarch tremblingly handed the Kunlun Mirror to Shen Changqing.

 Wherever you start, your whole body is cold.


 Shen Changqing didn't know what to say and felt complicated.

That day, the young master of the Divine Sword Sect came to Kunlun Mountain. It was the founder's stance that made him more determined to eradicate the entire Divine Sword Sect.

Unexpectedly, after only three years, the founder could no longer hold on.

“I am quite grateful to the Heavenly Demon Emperor. Without him, the turmoil in Middle-earth will never subside. I believe that after my death, the evil reputation of the Heavenly Demon Emperor will shock the outside world for many years.”

The Patriarch of Kunlun suddenly raised his hand and patted Shen Changqing's shoulder gently, his cloudy eyes full of preference.

 I don’t know whether I said this to Shen Changqing or the Demon Emperor.


Shen Changqing raised his head in confusion and saw that Kunlun Patriarch's eyes had closed again, and the last breath passed away in the wind.


 At the top of Kunlun Mountain, a bell suddenly rang loudly.

Nine times in a row, when they echoed, the three palace masters outside the forbidden area, as well as Taoist Priest Chiyuan and a large number of elders were filled with tears and fell to their knees on the ground with a plop.

 Looking around the Kunlun Mountains, all the disciples and Taoists are doing the same.

 “Congratulations to the ancestor!”

The painful shouts echoed in the mountains and could not go away.

Shen Changqing stood in front of the deceased ancestor, holding the Kunlun Mirror in his hand, his mind rippling.


 Far away, Guigu Ridge.

Above the Blood River Palace, the Demon King suddenly opened his silent eyes, and a greedy look flashed across his eyes.

 “The founder of Kunlun Mountain finally died?”

He stood up suddenly and laughed.

The remaining nine forbidden areas for demons and monsters in the Middle Earth felt the disappearance of some kind of divine power in Kunlun Mountain at the same time, and they all started to tremble.

There is a deep breath that continues to pass through, rolling up the dark fog that fills the sky, and condenses the fierce eyes that cover the sky.

 “The old thing is finally gone!”

“How many years have passed, and the last holy land in the Middle-Earth is gone. It’s time for this world to change hands!”

Crazy laughter roared in the sky, and ancient wills in all the forbidden places of demons awakened one after another!

 (End of this chapter)

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