Heroic Spirit: All My Past Lives Were Summoned By My Daughter

Chapter 34: The Divine Sword Sect slays the demons and meets Bai Li again

Chapter 34: The Divine Sword Sect slays the demons and meets Bai Li again

“It’s impossible, the inheritance of this law, heaven, elephant and earth has long been discontinued.”

The master of Xuanfu was extremely shocked. Looking at the ten thousand-foot giant behind Shen Changqing, the roar in his mind could not be calmed down.

 When the inheritance is broken, there is no way for later generations to understand the ancient supernatural powers.

 However, the shadows of the sky and the earth are now reflected in the sky above the entire Kunlun Mountains.

 There was a rainbow coming from the sky, and its aura covered the sky and the earth. Everyone immediately turned around to look, their expressions changed involuntarily, and they all bent down.

 “Disciple pays homage to the Patriarch!”

The loud voices sounded in unison, as did all the Taoist boys in the Enlightenment Pond.

The person who came was wearing a white robe, with long hair swaying in the wind. He also had a childish face with white hair, and his eyes revealed the light of vast stars, spreading deep pressure from the inside out.

He is the only existing celestial realm in Kunlun Mountain in the contemporary era, and he is also the founder and true leader of Kunlun Mountain.

“Li Xinghe, how did you come to this enlightenment?”

Kunlun Patriarch looked at Shen Changqing and spoke softly, but it was as loud as the sound from the sky and had the power to penetrate the ears.

Shen Changqing could sense the powerful aura exuding from the Kunlun Patriarch. He could be said to be the strongest person he had ever seen.

He raised his hand and responded truthfully: "After thoroughly studying the magical powers contained in the twelve magic weapons, the disciple found similarities in each of them, so he extracted them one by one and saw new magical powers."

 When these words fell, the whole hall couldn't help but be shocked.

The Taoist boys looked at each other one after another, even more stunned and confused.

Shen Changqing actually understood all the magical powers of twelve magic weapons in this short period of time?

The three masters of the cliff attic looked at each other and took a breath of cold air.

Especially the Master of Xuan Palace, looking at Shen Changqing's figure, he couldn't help but feel a little ashamed.

He thought he had an impetuous and greedy personality, but it turned out that every time he walked in front of a magic weapon, he had actually mastered the magical power!

 Such a genius, he actually misunderstood.

 “That’s it…”

Patriarch Kunlun suddenly let out a long sigh, his eyes showing unprecedented confusion.

Shen Changqing said it simply, everything was so reasonable in Feng Qingyun Dan, but in fact he was the only one who knew about the entire Kunlun Mountain. Even if he understood all the twelve magic weapons, it would still be impossible to understand the laws of heaven and earth!

He himself is the comprehender of the twelve supernatural powers. Doesn’t he still understand the possibility?

 In this situation, Shen Changqing actually walked out of this way.

 He could no longer understand what kind of person this was.

"From now on, Li Xinghe is the only disciple under my command, and he can enter and leave any forbidden areas in Kunlun Mountain at will."

After the Patriarch Kunlun finished speaking, he waved his sleeves and left.

The whole place was in an uproar. Many elders quickly turned around and raised their hands towards Shen Changqing.

 “I’ve met my uncle.”

 “I’ve met my uncle!”

  Shen Changqing was quite surprised by this result. He did not expect to be able to access the higher secrets of Kunlun Mountain so easily.

 He nodded slightly and walked towards the excited Taoist Chi Yuan.


 Time passed, and in the blink of an eye it was half a year again.

On this day, Shen Changqing was still immersed in cultivation in the back mountain area.

 Suddenly feeling something, he couldn't help but open his eyes and looked at a figure appearing at the bottom of the mountain with a smile.

 He stood up and landed on the ground.

 “Congratulations, you have entered heaven.”

Bai Li blinked her blue eyes and stared in wonder at the rich fluctuations of true energy in Shen Changqing's Dantian.

“It’s just a matter of opportunity and a little bit of luck.”

Shen Changqing shook his head slightly. During these years in Kunlun Mountain, Bai Li often appeared at the foot of the mountain and secretly looked at him from a distance.

  It comes every once in a while and almost never stops. As time went by, the two had an 'accidental encounter'.

 But Bai Li didn't know that he actually knew her identity very well.

After so many years, Bai Li has grown into a grown-up girl, full of charm.

“Cultivation is never that simple. Not everyone can just add some luck.”

Bai Li came over and sat with Shen Changqing, gently shaking her knees, and took out the wrapped red fruit from her arms.

"This is called glass fruit. My mother said it is very precious. Eating it can help the five senses to sense and speed up the perception of spiritual energy. Some people outside have even made a lot of money."

“I also got a good deal and accidentally saw a glass forest.”

Shen Changqing took a look and saw that there were about a hundred red fruits in the bag.

 Of course he knew what it was, and it was described in detail in some records of the Kunlun Mountains.

The Glazed Fruit grows in the Hundred Thousand Mountains. It is nurtured by the aura of heaven and earth and can bear fruit every ten years.

 Every time it matures, it will cause a large number of demons to rob it madly.

There are hundreds of them here, which makes it hard for Shen Changqing to imagine how Bai Li managed to **** food from the mouths of the monsters.

 He picked one up and put it in his mouth, chewing it gently.

"How is the taste?"

Bai Li looked at him with hopeful eyes.

"very nice."

 After a while, Shen Changqing nodded.

 “If you like it, I’ll bring more in the future.”

Bai Li laughed happily, and she felt that everything was worth it to be praised by Shen Changqing.

 It's just that she doesn't know how long this time will last.

My mother said, there are different paths for monsters and monsters.

She had to hide her identity as a demon. The stupid boy in front of her must not know that the encounter was carefully planned by her.

After so many years of going around in circles, the once chubby dolls have become masters of heavenly beings.

From now on, I am afraid that I will have to shoulder the responsibilities of all people in the world.

“By the way, I heard that our Divine Sword Sect has a Celestial Phantasm Realm who recently ordered a large-scale extermination of demons in Shiwan Mountain. Were you also ordered to participate?”

Shen Changqing asked unhurriedly, actually testing Bai Li's living environment.

"This... I am too weak. I would like to participate but have no chance."

Bai Li lowered her head. She told Shen Changqing that she was a disciple of the Divine Sword Sect.

Indeed, the appearance of a Celestial Realm person in the Divine Sword Sect caused great shock to all the forces in the Middle East.

As soon as he broke through, he immediately declared it to the world and swept across the forbidden land of demons in an attempt to capture people's hearts. The first target to be eradicated was the Shiwan Mountain.

In those few months, tens of thousands of disciples of the Divine Sword Sect were mobilized, including three masters of the Huangting Realm. They killed many powerful monsters in the mountains and forced them to leave the territory.

That day, Xiangjing only sacrificed a magic weapon, suppressed many demon groups, and imprisoned them in Shenjian Sect to serve as a trial for young disciples.

However, the Shiwandashan area is extremely vast after all, and it is impossible to completely complete the sweep in just a few months.

 During this period, the Divine Sword Sect was taking a rest.

“No matter what, the external situation is turbulent, so you have to be careful.” Shen Changqing warned.

“Well, I know this well. It’s getting late. If you don’t go back, you’ll be scolded. I’ll come and play with you next time.”

Bai Li forced out a forced smile, reassured Shen Changqing, stood up and left.

It’s the beginning of the month and I’d like to ask for a ticket for next month!

   Thanks Shijia for the 100-coin reward.

   Thanks to book friend 160530164556834 for the 100-coin reward!



 (End of this chapter)

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