Heroic Spirit: All My Past Lives Were Summoned By My Daughter

Chapter 33: Enlightenment of Taoism and magical powers, law of heaven and earth! (Seeking for furth

Chapter 33 Enlightenment of Taoism and magical powers, the law of heaven and earth! (Seeking for further reading)

 Ten years later, the cliff behind the mountain.

Shen Changqing sat cross-legged and looked at the "Huang Ting Pian" that he created by his own enlightenment in front of him, ending his day's practice.

 Because of the experience in the previous life, the main body has cultivated to the peak of the Grand Master in the past ten years.

 It is worth mentioning that the path of spiritual practice he followed also belonged to the previous life, but it was just more perfect on this basis because he had a better reference.

However, the leader of the Black Lotus, who belongs to the soul of the true demon, is slower. He is currently stuck in the Great Perfection of the Yellow Court Realm, and it is difficult to enter the Great Celestial Realm.

“The Taoist Celestial Master contracted by the Heroic Spirit Guild Master Chen Xiangyang was already at the Heavenly Phantasm Realm back then. I don’t know how many years it took him to reach this level.”

Shen Changqing fell into deep thought. In fact, if he entered the Huangting realm, he would already be a great master in the world.

Not to mention that the ancient martial arts era is unique, even in the current troubled times of demons and demons, it is very rare.

As for the realm of celestial phenomena, this level is too profound and profound. Without long-term precipitation and accumulation, it is almost impossible to touch.

 According to Shen Changqing's estimation, even a genius among geniuses would probably take hundreds of years.

At present, he can sense that there is a sleeping celestial being in Kunlun Mountain.

It is precisely because of this Celestial Realm person that Kunlun Mountain has always stood firm and deterred all directions.

  Judging from the fluctuations in the breath, he has entered his twilight years and has not much left to live.

At this moment, the figure of Taoist Chi Yuan suddenly appeared in a hurry.

“You kid, how long have you been immersed in practicing? Come with me quickly, the Enlightenment Pool will be opened soon!”

Shen Changqing put away "Huang Ting Pian" and said with a smile: "Here it comes."

 The so-called Enlightenment Pool is a method inherited from Kunlun Mountain that continues to this day.

There are a total of twelve magic weapons in the Enlightenment Pond, which not only possess amazing power, but also contain unfathomable ancient magical powers.

These twelve magic weapons are the Xuan Shen Ruler, the Kongtong Seal, the Jade Clear Bell, the Five Thunder Orders, the Zhentan Wood, the Hunyuan Mirror, the Yin and Yang Qiankun Ring, the Magic Sword, the Hand Stove, the Whisk, the Ruyi, and the Gourd.

 The user of each magic weapon needs a minimum level of Celestial Realm strength, otherwise it will not be able to activate the slightest power.

 When Shen Changqing learned about it for the first time, he was quite shocked.

 After all, there is only one Celestial Realm in Kunlun Mountain now.

 It is conceivable how rich the Kunlun Mountains would have been at its peak.

 It is precisely because these magic weapons are almost no longer used that they have evolved over time to function as a pond of enlightenment, providing future generations with access to ancient supernatural powers from the magic weapons.

As long as he can understand something superficially, he is the proud son of Kunlun Mountain.

“This is the period when the chaos of monsters is coming to an end, followed by the arrival of the Ancient Martial Era. I don’t know what exactly happened to produce such a situation.”

Shen Changqing was meditating while following Taoist Chi Yuan towards the Enlightenment Pond.

By the time he arrived at the Enlightenment Pond, there were already hundreds of Taoist boys ready.

 The atmosphere in the huge back mountain territory is solemn.

There are three old men in robes standing on the cliff attic, looking down at the scene below.

These three are the highly respected heads of the three mansions in Kunlun Mountain, and they are all Huangting realm masters.

At this moment, seeing Shen Changqing appear, they all turned their attention to him.

“Is that child Li Xinghe, the orphan of the Li family?”

“That’s right, I’ve long heard that the Taoist boys of this generation are all extremely talented. Li Xinghe has reached the pinnacle of Grand Master at a young age, and he is indeed one of the top three in the world.”

“Well, maybe it’s because our Kunlun Mountains are shining brightly, but I didn’t expect that this generation has so many talented people. It’s such a prosperous time!”

“With their talents, they should be able to gain a lot of achievements in the Enlightenment Pool, and they may even be directly recognized as the owner of the holy treasure. In this way, even if they don’t have the strength of the Celestial Realm, they can still use it a little.”

 “I’m really looking forward to it…”

The three Kunlun Mountain Palace Masters looked down with burning eyes at the few extraordinary geniuses standing side by side with Shen Changqing.

 After a while, the Enlightenment Pond finally opened.

The light of the twelve magic weapons goes straight into the sky, exuding a vast aura, carrying waves that drive away all evil spirits in the world, and shines on the top of the sky.

Hundreds of Taoist boys rushed forward without hesitation and with excitement and apprehension.

Shen Changqing was also among them, but unlike them, he walked in front of these magic weapons in a leisurely manner.

  First Xuan Shen Chi, staying for half a stick of incense, then left immediately.

 Then there is Kongtong Seal, which is still half a stick of incense and walks straight away.

 Followed by the jade clear bell, the five thunder orders, and the altar wood...

Every time Shen Changqing walked in front of a magic weapon, he only stayed for a short time, and then moved on to the next one without any nostalgia.

Such a scene naturally fell into the eyes of the three palace masters on the cliff attic.

As a highly anticipated genius, Shen Changqing’s every move has attracted much attention, but they cannot understand what Shen Changqing is doing.

One of the palace masters couldn't help but show a disappointed expression: "This boy is certainly talented, but he is anxious and greedy. It's a pity."

Another palace master also sighed slightly: "He is too impatient. The Enlightenment Pond can only be opened for two days. If he tries to understand everyone like this, he is afraid that he will not get anything in the end."

 The last Palace Master thought deeply and shook his head: "Let's take a look. Maybe he has his own ideas. If he can become a Grand Master in ten years, he must have something to offer."

Taoist Priest Chi Yuan below saw Shen Changqing's actions and couldn't help but sweat profusely.

Time passed little by little, and half a day passed in the blink of an eye.

There are already many Taoist boys who have firm Taoist aspirations and have successfully understood some of the secrets of the magic weapon with concentration, but Shen Changqing is still wandering around.

“What on earth are you doing, this kid? I’m so anxious.” Taoist Priest Chi Yuan stamped his feet repeatedly.

Shen Changqing watched faster and faster until he came to the final Ruyi. “The two arts of yin and yang, the three spells of Xuan Shen, the four seals of Kongtong, and the five thunder methods...the ancient magical powers contained in these magic weapons are indeed powerful, and they actually have the charm of an immortal family.”

  Shen Changqing finally understood and mastered the ancient magical powers in the magic weapon Ruyi, and fell into deep thought.

It is undeniable that this will be of great help to improve his strength.

There are a total of twelve magic treasures in the Enlightenment Pond. With just a little thought, he can easily hold the magic treasures in his hand and use them all for himself.

 But Shen Changqing didn't do that. After all, you can't be too greedy.

Hundreds of Taoist boys on Kunlun Mountain have hope in their hearts that in the future, all of them will be able to take on important roles, and they will have no enmity or enmity against him. He cannot block the path of others.

 The remaining opportunities may as well be left to others.

 So, every time he understood the ancient supernatural powers, he cut off the connection with the magic weapon.

“Twelve ancient magical powers, each magical power has nodes that can be integrated with each other, like a puzzle?”

Shen Changqing found a place where there was no one, and a lot of magical spells came to his mind.

These spells seem to have something in common, but due to their own shortcomings, they cannot really blend together.

With Shen Changqing’s incredible understanding, he was able to forcibly walk out of his own Huangtingjing Avenue even when his cultivation path was broken. What’s the difficulty in repairing his supernatural powers?

With his mind immersed, Shen Changqing began to realize the truth.


Time passed quickly, and night fell on Kunlun Mountain, but with the reflection of the twelve magic weapons, the sky was still like day.

 Until, boom!

The Enlightenment Pond was shaken, and the Mysterious Ruler was held in the hand of a fifteen-year-old boy. A large number of talismans on it seemed to have come to life and were imprinted on the boy's pupils.

Such a vision alarmed all the Taoist boys present, and they all raised their eyes to take a look.

 “Xuan Shen Chi actually recognized its owner, how amazing it is!”

The three palace masters in the cliff attic were also shocked with surprises on their faces.

“Hahahaha, God will not destroy our Kunlun Mountains, and today our Xuanfu will be happy to welcome a Taoist disciple!”

 One of the palace masters was so excited that he was trembling. He was obviously planning to take the young man under his wing and make him the master of the palace!

Although the other two palace masters were envious, they didn't say anything. This was the rule.

However, almost at the same time, two more magic weapons shook violently, and each was held in the hands of two other teenagers.

They were so excited that tears came to their eyes and they shouted: "I did it, I did it!"

 Such a picture completely ignited the emotions of the entire Enlightenment Pond.

The whole place was in an uproar, and the other two palace masters looked at each other, and they were all so happy that they laughed.

 No one thought that three peerless geniuses would appear in the Enlightenment Pond this time!

 It is as if the glory of the past has reappeared.

Taoist Priest Chi Yuan below looked at this scene with both relief and despair.

He originally thought that Shen Changqing could gain a lot of achievements in this Enlightenment Pond, but he didn't expect it...

 The excitement in the world has nothing to do with Shen Changqing. He is still immersed in the enlightenment of the twelve magical powers.

The context gradually became clear, the thoughts gradually became clear, and the countless mantras flying in my mind were reduced to their final embellishments.

 “His body is transformed, as if it is higher than the sky.”

Shen Changqing murmured to himself, and finally slowly opened his eyes.

 The twelve magical powers are combined with each other, and he perfectly fills every defect and loophole.

I saw countless streams of light blooming from his body, the true energy swept out overwhelmingly, and a super gravitational force exploded, sucking the light of the sun, moon and stars.

This movement caused the restlessness in the audience to stop abruptly, and everyone turned to look at Shen Changqing in astonishment.

 The sky and the earth buzzed, and the moment the shadow of the giant suddenly appeared, an earthquake occurred in the entire Enlightenment Pond!

All the Taoist boys were horrified to find that the magic weapon in front of them was trembling violently, and they all moved towards Shen Changqing's position.

It’s like surrendering, like prostrating, like worshiping God!

 Including the three magic treasures who have recognized their masters, they are also trembling!

 “What’s going on, what is that?”

 “I feel like I’m out of breath!”

 “Giant, such a big giant!”

All the Taoist boys in the audience were horrified, their whole body strength was suppressed invisibly, and their knees were even out of control, and they almost knelt down in front of the giant.


Above the attic, the master of the Xuan Palace opened his eyes wide and looked at the giant giant behind Shen Changqing with some disbelief.

The majestic momentum is like suppressing the heaven and earth, and the blooming light is like the origin of stars. The majestic and majestic figure strongly impacts the eyeballs, making people's minds feel like waves.

The two palace masters next to them looked at each other, their minds were already pounding, and their expressions were dull.

“Senior brother, do you still remember the ancient magical power that the ancestor once talked about?”

"Of course I remember! This is probably the legendary Heaven and Earth!"

"But this is not recorded in the twelve magic weapons. How did he understand it?"

 “I don’t know, I don’t know!”


Deep in the forbidden area of ​​Kunlun Mountain, the only existing ancestor of the Celestial Realm in the contemporary era suddenly awakened.

 The spiritual thoughts swept across and instantly locked onto the sky above the Enlightenment Pond, bringing disbelief and deep shock.

Taoist priest Chi Yuan stood there blankly at this moment, and then he knelt on the ground with a plop and tears rolling down his face: "The old Taoist did not misjudge the person, the old Taoist did not misjudge the person!"

 (End of this chapter)

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