Chapter 35: Finally Seeing Ghost Xu Luo

Looking at Bai Li's back for a long time, Shen Changqing turned around and returned to the back mountain.

The appearance of a Celestial Realm person in the Divine Sword Sect caused quite a shock to the entire Kunlun Mountains.

The common people in the world are naturally happy to see it, because the Shenjian Sect’s move to slay the demons has indeed captured the hearts of many people.

 But in Shen Changqing's eyes, the Divine Sword Sect was clearly picking on the weak.

Hundred Thousand Mountains is certainly home to demons and demons, but it is not the most threatening demonic forbidden land in Middle-earth.

 It can even be said that most of them are like Bai Niang and Bai Li.

Because he couldn't survive outside, he was suppressed by strong humans and enslaved by other monsters, so he had no choice but to escape.

If the Divine Sword Sect really has the idea of ​​​​thinking about the common people in the world, the first target of the sword should be Guigu Ridge, where the Demon Emperor belongs.

 “It’s just interests after all.”

 Shen Changqing returned to the back mountain, threw away all distracting thoughts, sat cross-legged and continued practicing.

  He has done enough things in several reincarnations.

 Only mastering power and continuing to become stronger is his current goal.

At present, all the twelve magical powers of Kunlun Mountain have been integrated and mastered, and they can be mastered at will.

However, there are still many secret books and ancient methods that need to be learned. When the number has accumulated to a certain level, you can try to create new methods.

"The "Celestial Phenomenon" given by the Patriarch should be the most conventional way to practice, but based on the description above, not many people can do it."

Shen Changqing looked at the "Celestial Phenomena" in front of him, feeling really at a loss what to do.

 At present, the true demon soul in his body, that is, the leader of the Black Lotus brought here, has already reached the Huangting Perfection, and is only one step away from entering the celestial realm.

 However, if he practices according to the conventional "Celestial Phenomenon", he will need at least eighty years!

 Putting it on the main body, based on the current strength of the heaven and human realm, it will take at least five hundred years.

You must know that the land of Middle-earth where Shen Changqing is currently reincarnated is between the era of demons and demons and the era of ancient martial arts.

 He could not predict whether he would have eighty years or five hundred years left.

Moreover, this regular "Celestial Phenomenon Chapter" is still full of loopholes in Shen Changqing's eyes. Even if he successfully breaks through the celestial phenomenon realm, it is not the strongest celestial phenomenon realm.

“It is reported that there are still several thousand-year-old monsters imprisoned in the dungeon of Kunlun Mountain. Perhaps we can find inspiration from them.”

Shen Changqing did not choose the conventional path. In order to allow the Black Lotus Cult Master to enter the strongest celestial realm and shorten the time, he decided to take the risk to understand the demon cultivation method.

After all, in Shiwandashan at that time, he discovered that Bai Niang's practice method, with the blessing of the true demon soul gifted by the reincarnation fruit, was quite beneficial to the leader of the Black Lotus.

Perhaps, this is also a broad road!


Time is passing by, and the turmoil in the outside world is likely to intensify.

Soon another half year passed, in Guigu Ridge, the forbidden land for demons in Middle-earth, in the domain of the Sky Demon Emperor.

The black mountains here are continuous, the sky is gloomy, dark clouds cover the sky all year round, and the blood river rolls like molten lava. There are a large number of ancient palaces built on the black soil.

At this moment, in a certain palace, the Heavenly Demon Emperor was half-reclining on the blood chair, with his scaly right arm supporting his cheek.

When I was slightly tipsy, a large amount of black mist filled the air, and a figure condensed behind it, which was none other than the White Bone Evil King.

 “What’s the news about the Divine Sword Sect?”

The Demon King slowly opened his eyes and looked at him calmly.

"Back to the king, the young master of the Celestial Realm of the Divine Sword Sect has swept away half of the monsters in the Hundred Thousand Mountains. Some familiar faces from back then are waiting outside the realm." The White Bone Evil King spoke respectfully, and the young master came down the mountain. The journey of becoming a demon will last almost a year.

 During this year, the Hundred Thousand Mountains suffered terribly, and half of the vast territory showed signs of extinction.

 If this trend continues, the Hundred Thousand Mountains will completely disappear from the central land within a few years.

Such a rate of progress is appalling.

 Many demon lords from Shiwanda Mountain have been forced to leave. At present, there is almost no other better choice except to seek refuge in Guigu Ridge.

 “Make them wait.”

The Sky Demon Emperor did not choose to accept them immediately, but wanted to leave these demon lords alone first.

“Understood, there is another thing. Recently, many strange groups of demons have appeared in Middle-earth.”

“My subordinates conducted an investigation and found that these demons come from the Great Demonic Abyss and several other places. According to what they said, they are similar people named Oni Xuluo who are killing people indiscriminately in their hometown.”

After the White Bone Evil King finished speaking, the Heavenly Demon Emperor could not help but narrow his eyes.

 Ghost Xuluo?

 He had never heard of the name of this demon.


The White Bone Evil King pondered for a while, his face slightly ugly.

“It’s strange that my subordinates have been investigating everywhere, but they can’t find the origin of the demon named Guixuluo, and they can’t learn it from the mouths of those who escaped.”

“I only know that this ghost Xuluo seems to be quite strong. No one in the nearby realms can be his opponent, and he is moody.”

“Currently, he has killed all the powerful members of the Hengsheng Sect, and actually two of the thousand-year-old demons died in his hands.”

After saying this, the Heavenly Demon Emperor looked slightly solemn.

In the eyes of some nearby regions, the land of Middle-earth is known as the heart of the bright moon. It is the gathering place for the most powerful and prosperous people in the world. Almost all forces from the outside world revolve around Middle-earth.

Therefore, some of the most prosperous sects mentioned by the White Bone Evil King may not even be as good as the second-rate sects in Middle-earth.

 It can be said to be extremely rare to have a great monk from the Huangting Realm sitting on the command.

As for the thousand-year-old demon, since the cultivation methods of demons are completely different from those of strong humans, and their longevity is even different, they cannot be measured by age.

“Just a clown, no need to worry about him.”

The Sky Demon King shook his head. As the Demon King of the Middle-earth Plateau, he sits at the head of the ten forbidden areas.

In the Kunlun Mountains, despite the suppression of several ancient sects such as the Shenjian Sect and even the Tianfo Temple, they are still standing tall and tall. How can they be compared to those demons from the outside world?

“Your Majesty, there does seem to be something wrong with the origin of Guixuluo. Why don’t you ask your subordinates to investigate again?”

The White Bone Evil King knew that the Demon Emperor was centered on himself, but he still asked tentatively.

  “Also good.”

What is rare is that the Demon Emperor did not refute. Maybe he also noticed that something was wrong with Guixuluo.


 Looking back to Kunlun Mountain again.

Shen Changqing first explained the situation to Taoist Priest Chiyuan. He would leave for a while in the next few days, and then go down the mountain to find a retreat.

 After half a year of enlightenment, he finally found a broad road among those thousand-year-old monsters that was most suitable for the leader of the Black Lotus to break through!

“The combination of demon cultivation method and demonic cultivation method, I wonder how strong this method can make the leader of Black Lotus?”

Shen Changqing was slightly inspired. He had a vague feeling that he might create a terrifying cultivation path that was unique in history!

happy holidays!



 (End of this chapter)

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