Heroic Spirit: All My Past Lives Were Summoned By My Daughter

Chapter 32: Hundreds of thousands of mountains, the situation in the world (seeking for further rea

Chapter 32: One Hundred Thousand Mountains, the Situation of the World (please follow up)

 “Mom, he looks delicious.”

 Two months later, in the mist-filled Shiwanda Mountains, there was a camphor forest.

Bai Li gently pinched Shen Changqing's cheek, looked at the flawless white baby skin, and couldn't help but take a bite.

 “Shut up!”

Bai Niang scolded angrily.

 As a monster, you are born to eat people, especially babies, which are more strongly attracted to monsters.

Although under her careful guidance, Bai Li had never eaten anyone since she was born, she was really worried that Bai Li was not serious enough and bit Shen Changqing.

 “Mom, I was just teasing him.”

Bai Li giggled, kissing and hugging Shen Changqing.

 Shen Changqing, who could only toddle for the time being, silently accepted the saliva.

 After the two months of conversations between the fox demon mother and daughter, he roughly understood where he was and the situation in the world.

This is the Middle-earth Plateau, a vast land in the Xuanhuang Realm with a very high level of combat power and a longer history.

 At present, Shen Changqing is in the Shiwan Mountains in Central China, and behind the Shiwan Mountains is the Kunlun Mountains, the holy land of Taoism on earth.

There is no doubt that Kunlun Mountain has been handed down to this day and has become the number one holy place in the contemporary world. It is the final anchor to suppress countless demons in the world.

As long as Kunlun Mountain exists, the demons in Middle-earth will not be able to overturn the sky.

However, in recent years, the foundation of Kunlun Mountain has been declining day by day. It seems that it can no longer suppress the evil spirits of heaven and earth, and there is a faint possibility of collapse.

But after all, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Even though Kunlun Mountain is also aging under the general trend, those demons still dare not approach the territory easily.

 According to the intention of the fox demon mother and daughter, they were going to find a suitable opportunity to send him to Kunlun Mountain.

After all, a human being living in a mountain full of hundreds of thousands of demons will inevitably attract covetous attention over time. This is also to fulfill the long-cherished wish of Mother Shen Changqing.

 In addition, in addition to the Shiwan Mountains and the Kunlun Mountains, there are many forbidden places for demons in Middle Earth.

“I didn’t expect that this fox cultivation method, with only a slight change, would be quite beneficial to the soul of the true demon.”

Shen Changqing rolled his eyes. With his incredible understanding, he had naturally understood the cultivation methods of Bai Niang and Bai Li in two months.

He quickly restored the state of the true demon soul to its peak state by absorbing the evil power of heaven and earth and the weak source of spiritual energy.

At this moment, he was roughly sure of the state of practice that belonged to the Black Lotus Cult Master in his previous life.

 Happy realm, Huangting realm, celestial realm.

This is the realm that started from the martial arts myth, which is also the realm of Xiaoyao.

 In the remaining ten years of his life, he has reached the Huangting realm!

Looking at the contemporary land of Middle-earth, there are only a handful of masters in the Huang Ting realm, and even less powerful ones in the Celestial Realm.

From the explanations of the fox demon mother and daughter, it seems that there was an existence beyond the celestial realm a long time ago?

Shen Changqing didn't know that, after all, although the fox demon mother and daughter had rich experience, they had not yet reached the true upper-class level.

Perhaps there is an answer in the Kunlun Mountains...

 In the following days, Shen Changqing continued to absorb the evil power of heaven and earth, absorb weak spiritual energy resources, and continue to strengthen the power of the true demon soul.

 In a blink of an eye, half a year has passed.

 This day, at the foot of Kunlun Mountain.

The fox demon mother and daughter concealed their auras and looked at Shen Changqing who was sleeping soundly on the ladder to the sky from a distance, with expressions of reluctance.

"Mom, do you think the little guy will remember us?" Bai Li murmured.

"He is still young, how can he remember it." Bai Niang shook her head gently.

Over the past six months, Shen Changqing has been very happy getting along with them, adding an indelible color to the ordinary and boring life of cultivation.

Bai Li wanted to keep Shen Changqing many times, but she was rejected every time.

 Humans and demons have different paths, and their lives are not on the same path. Maybe many years later, Shen Changqing will come down from Kunlun Mountain to slay demons at some point like many great masters who have attained Taoism.

  Even if the sword is hanging on their necks, I am not surprised.

 “But, I don’t want to give it up.”

Bai Li started to cry, wiping the tears from her eyes again and again.

 “Someone is coming!”

After stopping to watch for a long time, Bai Niang smelled a powerful aura that made her whole body tremble, and quickly pulled Bai Li away from the foot of the mountain.

 “Where are the abandoned babies?”

An old man in robes with an immortal air walked slowly down the stairs, and soon saw Shen Changqing sleeping soundly.

Frowning and walking over, when he saw the jade pendant hanging around Shen Changqing's neck, he couldn't help but look moved, and felt quite incredible in his heart.

 “Li Xinghe…this is my junior brother’s child!”

He quickly raised his head and looked outside the mountain. There was a faint aura of demonic power lingering, but it disappeared without a trace.

After thinking for a moment, he quickly returned to Kunlun Mountain with Shen Changqing in his arms.

As if there was a slight sigh, Shen Changqing opened his eyes and looked far away in the direction where the fox demon mother and daughter were leaving.

More than half a year has passed, and it would be a lie to say that there is no emotion.

According to his understanding, in fact, when they were chased by the White Bone Evil King, the fox demon mother and daughter should have died at that time, including himself.

It was only because he released a breath of the true demon soul that he was saved from death.

 Of course they don’t know that they have memories.

 “I hope there will be a good ending.” Shen Changqing muttered silently.

Not long after, the old man in robe quickly returned to Kunlun Mountain and shouted excitedly towards the Presbyterian Hall.

“Junior Brother Li’s child has been found, Junior Brother Li’s child has been found!”

The sound spread out, not only roaring throughout the Presbyterian Hall, but also spreading to all directions of Kunlun Mountain. In an instant, a large number of powerful spiritual thoughts swept over.

Many hurried figures rushed out of the Presbyterian Hall, and a rainbow flashed across the sky as disciples from Kunlun Mountain arrived one after another.

 “Where did you find this child?”

Taoist priest Chi Yuan, who had turned white at the temples, excitedly took the jade pendant from Shen Changqing. After confirming that the jade pendant was a token of Kunlun Mountain, he burst into tears on the spot.

"When I found him, he was sleeping soundly at the foot of the mountain. He must have been sent back by a demon." The old man in robes responded quickly.

 “Monster?” Taoist Priest Chi Yuan looked startled.

The Taoist faith of Kunlun Mountain is different from other sects in Middle-earth in that they do not classify all monsters in the world as alien.

 There are many people who do evil things, but there are also people who do good things.

Shen Changqing’s parents taught all living beings in this life and formed many good relationships. Being able to be sent back to Kunlun Mountain safely and unharmed was also a blessing.

 “Okay, okay, my child, you have a family from now on.”

Taoist Priest Chi Yuan gently stroked Shen Changqing's face with his trembling hands.


As time passed by, Shen Changqing, who stayed in Kunlun Mountain, began to come into contact with spiritual practice.

Although our understanding is incredible and we can draw inferences about anything we learn, if we don’t apply diligence and hard work later in life, we will eventually lose sight of everyone.

Shen Changqing certainly understands this truth, and his hard work surpasses all contemporary Taoists in Kunlun Mountain.

 In a blink of an eye, ten years have passed.

 (End of this chapter)

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