Chapter 18 The end of one life and return

 Under the World Tree, Shen Changqing in black robe sat quietly cross-legged.

The aura around him was restrained and deep, with wisps of demonic aura all over his body, and a suffocating sense of oppression lingered between his closed brows.

When he slowly opened his eyes, a shadow with the appearance of a Yin Luo demon flashed past.

 He woke up, or rather, he died again.

 Looking up at the reincarnation fruit, the text on it is clearly revealed.

  【The end of reincarnation. 】

  【The imprint of life is being imprinted, and the time anchor is 3,500 years ago in the Xuanhuang Realm. 】

  【Previous life fusion, current progress is 3%. 】

Shen Changqing was silent, thinking back on the thirty years of this life, which seemed short but were actually fruitful for him.

Whether he understands the techniques of creation or various methods of killing, he is proficient in them all.

 More importantly, his strength has not been weakened at all!


 Shen Changqing looked at the progress of the fusion of the reincarnation fruit.

“As the leader of the Black Lotus in this life, the speed of fusion has obviously slowed down. Is it because the soul level is too strong?”

He thought thoughtfully. After all, it had been a while since he returned to the world tree, but the fusion progress was only 3%, which was too slow.

 It is worth mentioning that he was reincarnated 3,500 years ago and spent thirty years, but in real time, less than a week had passed.

At present, Shen Changqing can see that his daughter is studying seriously in a certain room of the Yingling Academy in Lucheng through the heroic spirit body of Qingyunzhai Laozi.

Without hesitation, Shen Changqing's consciousness re-entered the body of the heroic spirit and slowly appeared in front of Shen Miaoke.



Shen Miaoke, who was racking his brains and trying to master a certain cultivation method, jumped up in surprise.

She rushed up and hugged Shen Changqing tightly, and shouted: "Dad, I miss you so much. You have been sleeping for a week, and I thought there was something wrong with you again."

Shen Changqing stroked her hair lovingly, feeling particularly cheerful and said with a smile: "Dad is just a little tired. He is much better now. How are you doing during this time?"

  Shen Miaoke nodded heavily, quite excited, and seemed to have many, many things to say to Shen Changqing.

 After some understanding, Shen Changqing quickly learned what had happened in the past week.

 In fact, as early as the night when Shen Changqing entered reincarnation, after Li Wen made a phone call, his daughter was ceremoniously received by Lucheng Yingling Academy.

 They conduct a comprehensive survey and evaluation of their heroic bodies.

 But unfortunately, because he was always asleep, Lucheng Yingling Academy was unable to obtain accurate results.

 However, what they can be sure of is that this is Laozi Qingyunzhai!

 For a time, not only the Academy of Heroes was shocked, but all the people who had awakened their contract talents in the entire Luc City learned of the news.

 Three days later, high-level officials from Daxia arrived and offered Shen Miaoke a lot of generous offers, inviting Shen Miaoke to join the capital's class for gifted young people.

This undoubtedly makes everyone extremely envious. After all, the genius class in the capital is a level higher than the Heroic Spirit Academy in the city!

As long as Shen Miao joins the youth class, not only will her future be unlimited, but she will also be able to rise to prominence by relying on the value brought by this heroic spirit, Mr. Qingyunzhai!

 But, she refused.

Shen Changqing asked in confusion: "Why didn't you agree to such a good condition? The capital is the imperial capital of Daxia, which is much better than a small mountain village."

Shen Miaoke shook his head: "I know what they want, it's just that they want you, dad, to continue to create value for them, but my dad is not a tool man." After the words fell, Shen Changqing couldn't help but tremble. , his eyes showed some complexity.

How can this child be so sensible?

“Besides, it’s not like the world will be the end of the world without you, Dad. There is no shortage of talents in Daxia, let alone ancient heroes.”

“As for me... I’m fine here. I don’t ask for a better life. As long as my father can stay with me, it’s enough.”

After hearing this, Shen Changqing smiled and pinched her cheek.

“But, dad, how did you become Mr. Qingyunzhai?”

Facing this question, Shen Changqing pondered for a while.

 “That was dad’s previous life.”

 There was no covering up, he told the truth in front of his daughter.


Shen Miao looked very surprised. After all, this was indeed unbelievable. Is there really a theory of past lives?

“Oh, by the way, the dean said that if you wake up, let me take you to the training room to evaluate the level of the heroic spirit, check the status of the heroic spirit, etc. Do you want to go now?”

Shen Changqing shook his head: "There's no rush for now. I see you are practicing the exercises. Have you encountered any problems?"

The Xuanhuang Realm has a history of seven million years, and the practices left behind are very mixed, with different approaches.

 In the lifetime of becoming the leader of the Black Lotus, he said without exaggeration that he had reached the pinnacle of martial arts and could guide his daughter to a better way of practice.

“What do you mean by this ‘Nine Sun Skills’? It was contracted by the dean and handed down from an ancient heroic spirit named Jiu Yang Zhenren. That is a heroic spirit. It is said that he was a person from the Xuanhuang Realm three thousand years ago.”

“If it weren’t for you, dad, I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to come into contact with this advanced technique. It’s really difficult to learn at the moment. The lightning-inducing technique is too difficult.”

Shen Miaoke muttered, she had not even entered the house in the past seven days.

After listening to this, Shen Changqing looked thoughtful.

 He briefly browsed through the so-called Nine Yang Gong, nodded slightly and said, "This is indeed a bit out of line for you. Dad has several ways to practice here. Do you want to learn it?"

Judging from the content of Nine Yang Gong, the person who created this method is definitely an expert.

 But compared with the hundreds of secret books that Shen Changqing learned in the Holy Fire Cave, it is still a little bit behind.

What made him feel a little helpless the most was how big was the Xuanhuang Realm?

He has traveled a lot in the ten years he has left to live, but it still feels like a drop in the ocean.

This so-called Jiuyang Zhenren seems to have never been heard of by him in his reincarnation.

“Is it true? Dad also knows the path to ancient martial arts?” Shen Miaoke was surprised again.

 After a few days of getting to know each other, she clearly understood what kind of contribution her father had made to an era in his previous life as Qingyunzhai Laozi.

Shen Changqing left behind many books, methods of self-cultivation, teaching the younger generation how to behave in the world, and he was even quite accomplished in martial arts.

 Give the twelve military strategists of the four sects and eight sects at that time to create stronger moves one by one.

 But it was the last years of the dynasty after all, and it was an era of war and iron horses. Being able to fly over the roof and walk over the wall was very impressive.

 And Guwu is completely different!

 “I just know a little bit about it, so bring me some pen and ink.”

Shen Changqing couldn't help but laugh. He had already found in his mind the most suitable way for his daughter to practice ancient martial arts.

 (End of this chapter)

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