Heroic Spirit: All My Past Lives Were Summoned By My Daughter

Chapter 19: Ancient heroic spirit, six-fingered demon king (please read)

Chapter 19 The Ancient Heroic Spirit, the Six-Fingered Demon Lord (please follow up)

 Under night, Lucheng Yingling Academy is brightly lit.

In addition to Shen Changqing who was writing exercises for his daughter, there were many talented people who also did not fall asleep.

The imperial mausoleum that was excavated last time distributed a large number of high-end media. Through them, these proud men continued to try to contract with ancient heroic spirits.

 After this period of hard work, in fact, several top geniuses have successfully contracted with characters from a thousand years ago.

They were either military strategists, civil servants or generals, or were disciples of Shen Changqing who had been preaching and practicing in the past.

About Qingyunzhai Laozi’s life experiences and deeds, we also got more extensive and comprehensive information from the mouths of these heroic spirits.


 At this moment, I am in a certain conference hall.

Li Wen and many experts gathered together, all with solemn expressions and frowning.

They looked at the various intelligence data placed on the table, and it was always difficult to sort out the clues.

The dean of Lucheng Yingling coughed lightly and broke the silence first: "It's been seven days and we still haven't found any trace of the Ghost Slave Sect. Have they given up their plan?"

Seven days ago, what happened to Li Tongtong was naturally known to the Yingling Academy and Yingling Hall in Lucheng.

 They quickly launched an investigation and discovered many missing young geniuses in other cities!

The culprit behind this is the Ghost Slave Sect. After continuous tracking, we finally figured out the reason why the Ghost Slave Sect kidnapped geniuses.

Not long ago, the Ghost Slave Sect went to a remote place in the Xuanhuang Realm through the underground cave tunnel. After conquering an ancient ruins, they found the medium of a certain terrifying demon.

  But because no one in the Ghost Slave Sect could contract that terrifying demon through this medium, he just took the risk and took the risk to attack the young genius of Daxia.

This plan has been going on for some time. After the news came out, major cities were on alert, especially the Yingling Academy and its affiliated high schools.

 Lucheng responded immediately, but strangely, the Guinnu Sect seemed to have disappeared, and there had been no movement at all in recent days.

"Is there a possibility that the Ghost Slave Cult has succeeded?" A senior staff member of the Lucheng Hall of Heroes asked thoughtfully.

"As for the origin of the so-called demon, we haven't found any information yet, and we don't know what kind of guy it is, but what is certain is that since it is a demon, it must have come from ten thousand years ago."

"This matter still cannot be taken lightly. They are in the dark and we are in the open. We need to be vigilant at all times."

Li Wen nodded and did not rule out the possibility. Judging from the behavior of the Ghost Slave Sect, they would not give up until they achieved their goal.

And if it suddenly disappears without a trace, there is a high probability that it is successful.

“One more thing, our college’s teachers discovered an important piece of information while traveling through the cave tunnels to other places where aliens live in the Xuanhuang Realm.”

Dean Lucheng immediately sent a message to everyone on his mobile phone.

“The Bai people are 80% similar to us, sharing the same blood, but they are extremely talented. They have a pair of inverted magatama vertical pupils and a tail of power growing behind them.”

“There is currently no information about the origin of the Bai people. It seems that they are just a small ethnic group living in a remote place in the Xuanhuang Realm. Although they are a certain threat, they are not something to be taken seriously.”

 “The next thing is what we need to pay attention to most.”

Dean Lucheng quickly sent a second message to everyone’s mobile phones.

 After seeing the information description, Li Wen couldn't help but his pupils condensed slightly.

 There is an introduction above, as well as a summary of the levels of heroic spirits.

   [Heroic Spirit: King Dugu. 】

  【Level: Hero level. ]    【Origin: The land of the Great Demonic Abyss in the Xuanhuang Realm three thousand years ago. 】

  【Title: Six-fingered Demon Lord. 】

  【Ability: Unknown. 】


Dean Lu Cheng looked solemn and spoke slowly: "Everyone, this ancient heroic spirit named the Six-Fingered Demon Lord. After our teacher's investigation of his advanced medium, we found that he was a murderous demon three thousand years ago who had a profound influence on future generations."

“He was born in the Great Demonic Abyss of the Xuanhuang Realm, a place where demons are rampant in the world. He is very powerful and moody. He once slaughtered more than thirty cities and destroyed two prosperous dynasties.”

“He has many magic masters under his command, all of them are ruthless and cruel, and equally powerful.”

“Judging from the current investigation information, even if the six-fingered demon lord is dead, he will still be talked about in future generations.”

 “Attention, he has been contracted by the Bai people.”

After Dean Lu Cheng finished speaking, the field fell into a dead silence.

On their mobile phones, all the life experiences of the Six-Fingered Demon Lord were revealed. Just a cursory scan of them made people feel thrilling and sweaty on their foreheads.

Li Wen took a deep breath and asked in a trembling voice: "Dean, the second heroic spirit you contracted, Jiuyang Zhenren, was the leader of the righteous path three thousand years ago. Compared with the six-fingered demon king, who is stronger and weaker?"

 In the ratings, Jiuyang Zhenren and Six-Finger Demon Lord are both heroic spirits.

 But in fact, the rating of heroic spirits can only be a generalization, and there is no way to measure the specific strength.

To give a simple example, the title of the heroic spirit contracted by the Lord of the Hall of Heroes in Lucheng is Medicine King. He left behind numerous medicinal books thousands of years ago and has a profound influence on future generations.

 The assessment level is heroic level, but in terms of combat effectiveness, this medicine king cannot even withstand Li Wen's victorious general with a fist.

You must know that the rating of a victorious general is only Hero level.

 So, in most cases, the level of a heroic spirit does not represent the true strength.

Dean Lu Cheng thought for a long time and finally replied:

“Judging from the life experience of the Six-fingered Demon Lord, Master Jiuyang is no match for him. Even if the two belong to the same era and the same realm, Master Jiuyang will even be killed by him.”

 After saying this, everyone’s eyelids twitched.

 Is it that exaggerated?

 No one knows the strength of Master Jiuyang better than the dean.

As the leader of the righteous path at that time, Master Jiuyang brought peace to an era. He defeated all the demons in the world and did not make any trouble for two hundred years.

Some even fled directly from the area where they belonged, spreading the fame of Jiuyang Zhenren to other places.

According to what the dean said, the Six-fingered Demon Lord and Jiuyang Zhenren are also far apart. Otherwise, there would be no leader back then?

“In short, everyone has been paying attention recently. Whether it is the Ghost Slave Sect or the Bai Clan, whenever there is any disturbance, information needs to be conveyed in time to avoid the accident that happened to Li Tongtong last time.”

 The dean stood up and prepared to end tonight's meeting.

But I saw a new message coming from the mobile phone group.

 “Qingyunzhai, I’m awake?”

 The dean looked shocked and overjoyed.

 (End of this chapter)

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