Heroic Spirit: All My Past Lives Were Summoned By My Daughter

Chapter 17: Invincible in the world, in the name of the leader!

Chapter 17 Invincible in the world, in the name of the leader!

What is the concept of Wulin Myth?

During the prosperous age of martial arts in the Eastern Wasteland, there were so few masters of heaven and humans in the entire world that they could be counted on one hand.

Without exception, they are all heroes, and they have the strength and status to suppress a country by one person!

 Beyond the realm of gods and humans, it already belongs to the realm of legend. It is an unknown realm where there is no cultivation direction and how powerful it can be described in detail.

Once someone sets foot in this unknown territory, there is no doubt that he will become the current martial arts myth, and he will be the first person in the Eastern Wasteland!

 Hence, countless masters in the Eastern Wilderness all tacitly call the legendary realm above heaven and man the myth of martial arts.

They have never seen the power of that kind of realm, but as the scene of today's Nanhai Sword Master completely surpassing the peak of heaven and man, he was killed by the Black Lotus Cult Master with one finger.

The concept of the so-called martial arts myth instantly appeared in everyone's mind.

The fear continues to spread, sweeping across the entire Taixuan Sect realm like a storm.

This sect, as the leader of the righteous path in the Eastern Wasteland, was instantly shrouded in the haze of the Demonic Cult. Everyone was covered in cold sweat and lost all will to fight!

Yaoguang Pavilion Lao was so shocked that he turned around and ran away. He burst out his true energy and turned into a rainbow, intending to leave this place of right and wrong.

But how could Shen Changqing let such a powerful righteous man leave? He raised his hand and touched it with the devil's finger again. The black true energy came through the air and penetrated the middle of Yaoguang Pavilion's eyebrows on the spot!

 His death once again triggered panic in the entire audience.

 Chen Lingfeng's face turned pale and he shouted: "Why are the good and the evil quarreling like this? You take your demon sect elders away. All our sects in the East Wasteland swear an oath to never violate the demon sect again!"

Shen Changqing glanced down with cold eyes. He had completely entered the path of all demons, and his whole body reflected the chaotic aura of demons. He had no intention of letting go of these righteous leaders.

The so-called "well water does not offend the river" is just based on the premise that the devil's religion is not old.

If the Demonic Cult had grown old, the situation would still reappear today.

He is not a person who kills innocent people indiscriminately, but he is definitely not a soft-hearted person!

As he raised his hand, the devil's finger came again, and it fell in front of Chen Lingfeng like the earth was falling apart.

Nanhai Sword Master and Yaoguang Pavilion Elder, as secluded powerful men, cannot withstand this terrifying power, so how can this person be able to withstand it.

 In an instant, his whole body was filled with blood mist, and his limbs were shattered inch by inch!

Following this, Shen Changqing's voice turned into a thunderous sound, resounding in the ears of every strong man in the Eastern Wilderness present today.

“From now on, Taixuan Sect no longer exists, and there is no more righteous leader in the Eastern Wasteland.”

“Those who remove their swords can return to the mountains and forests.”

 “Anyone who resists will be killed without mercy!”

 After saying these words, many disciples of Taixuan Sect looked at each other, dropped their weapons in fear, and began to flee in all directions.

The tree fell and the swans were loosened. Shen Changqing single-handedly ended the unity among the decent factions.

 “Long live the leader!”

 “Long live the leader!”

 “Long live the leader!”

 Under the sky, in the realm of Taixuanmen.

One hundred thousand members of the Black Lotus Demon Sect waved flags and roared fanatically.

Shen Changqing had already arrived in front of the Sixth Elder, but saw the Sixth Elder kneeling on the ground with tears rolling down his face.

“My subordinate was blind and mistakenly believed in Lu Chenyu. In fact, she deserves to die! But is the leader willing to give Lu Chenyu a chance? She was just blinded by Taixuan Sect..."

Lu Chenyu also knelt aside. She knew that she had committed a serious crime and would inevitably die.

"Sixth Grandpa is serious. I never meant to blame you. As for Lu Chenyu stealing the skills and letting her face the wall on the Mandrill Cliff for ten years, he is not guilty."

 Shen Changqing shook his head and helped the Sixth Elder up.


The two of them were at a loss and looked at each other.

Shen Changqing did not exchange too many greetings, and quickly asked the Sixth Elder and others to accompany the congregation back to Mandrill Cliff first, and then called Zuo Zunshi.

“I will probably leave Donghuang and won’t come back in the next few years.”

  Shen Changqing explained the matter to Zuo Zunshi. He did not tell anyone that when he created the method of entering the Tao of Ten Thousand Demons, his life span had actually been greatly reduced.

Although Wan Mo Dao is strong and can allow him to truly step into the mythical realm of martial arts, this will make his life short.

 However, for Shen Changqing, this does not matter at all.

 Twenty years have passed by in a hurry, and as the leader of the Black Lotus, he has no regrets.

In the next few days, he should go to other places in the Xuanhuang Realm. After all, looking at the entire Eastern Wasteland, he is already invincible. Only by getting out of the Eastern Wasteland can he use his remaining longevity to become stronger.

 “Leader, what are you doing?”

Zun Zunshi was very confused and did not understand the meaning of Shen Changqing's words.

 “Go and take care of everyone in the church.”

 Shen Changqing patted his shoulder gently, turned around and walked away into the distance.

Zuo Zunshi may have understood something, and he bowed deeply towards Shen Changqing's back with a complex expression on his face.


 The sun and the moon fly by, and time flies by.

Shen Changqing has been away for ten years.

Although there is no trace of the Black Lotus Cult Master in the Eastern Wasteland, the past ten years have been filled with legends about him.

 That battle that year shattered the unity of the Eastern Wilderness sect, and the image of a frightening leader was deeply imprinted in the minds of those powerful sects who fled.

 Like a nightmare, perhaps even after the passage of time, it is still unforgettable.

 On this day, I walked under the Mandrill Cliff Waterfall.

The Sixth Elder was teaching Lu Chenyu how to practice when he suddenly noticed something and looked at the other end of the waterfall.

 The person who came was wearing a long robe and had a good appearance. He was smiling at him.


 The Sixth Elder was a little wary. In such a heavily guarded situation in the Black Lotus Demon Sect, if someone could appear here without anyone noticing, the opponent must be very strong.

“Don’t be nervous, I am the master of the Langya Ghost Sect. I have been entrusted by my master to come to the Eastern Wasteland Demon Sect to send back something.”

The man in the robe spoke softly without any malice.

After hearing this, the Sixth Elder suddenly felt suspicious.

Langya Ghost Sect?

 Which sect is this?

 Who is the master he calls?

It wasn’t until the man in robes fluttered in front of him, took out a token from his arms, and placed it in the hands of the sixth elder that the sixth elder’s body trembled and his mind trembled wildly.

"This...is this the Holy Fire Order of our religion?"

 The Sixth Elder suddenly grabbed the man in the robe's hand and asked in a state of disbelief: "Where is the leader of my religion now?"

The man in the robe looked a little gloomy and shook his head slightly: "Master has passed away. Before he left, he gave me the Holy Fire Token and asked me to return it to the Demon Cult."

After saying these words, the Sixth Elder's expression became sluggish and he staggered back.

 He clutched the Holy Fire Token tightly, somewhat in disbelief.

Shen Changqing has been away for ten years. During these ten years, he has been looking forward to seeing Shen Changqing come back every day.

 Unexpectedly, today, I heard the news that Shen Changqing had passed away.

 But obviously, he is still so young!

 The sixth elder raised his head again and shouted like crazy: "Who did it?"

The man in the robe immediately explained: "No, no, no, the master has great supernatural powers, and no one in the world can be his opponent. His death was because his life span has come to an end."

 The Sixth Elder was suddenly stunned. Did he die at the age of thirty?

Although he had doubts about the identity of the man in front of him, after all, the Holy Fire Order was real.

 “What did the leader... do outside?” the sixth elder asked in despair, choking with sobs.

"Don't worry, I can talk to you slowly." The man in the robe looked reminiscing.

 (End of this chapter)

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