Heroic Spirit: All My Past Lives Were Summoned By My Daughter

Chapter 16: All demons enter the Tao and suppress the present generation!

Chapter 16: Ten thousand demons enter the Tao and suppress the contemporary world!

“Is this the leader of the Black Lotus?”

 “How could you be...so young?”

 The entire Taixuanmen realm fell into chaos in an instant.

Everyone looked at the figure in the black robe above the sky. They were so frightened that their faces were extremely pale.

The strong sense of oppression came from Shen Changqing's body, which was an aura fluctuation they had never seen before.

“Hahaha, you came just in time, let me see how much you weigh!”

The crazy Yaoguang Pavilion elder burst out with soaring inner energy. The moment he took a big step, the true energy he had cultivated for hundreds of years poured out in an instant.

Facing Shen Changqing, he condensed the appearance of all dharmas, forming a huge wine gourd shadow, as if he was going to swallow Shen Changqing into it!

This majestic scene is the full blow of a powerful man at the peak of heaven and humanity. He is a representative figure who stands at the top of this era.

All the strong men of the Donghuang sect held their breath and stared at the sky-covering wine gourd as it exploded with divine power, but suddenly stopped a hundred feet away in front of Shen Changqing, and then——


 The true essence collapsed and the phantom shattered.

This scene caused Mr. Yaoguang Ge's laughter to stop abruptly, as if he suddenly woke up from alcohol, and his pupils condensed violently.

He didn't see Shen Changqing's action clearly at all, and his own move was inexplicably shattered!

 “Come again!”

Yaoguang Pavilion Lao didn't believe it, and he burst out with shocking inner power for the second time.

At the same time, the sword master of Nanhai also snorted coldly, and the ancient sword behind him swept away with his sword energy.

He strode forward, his white hair dancing wildly in the wind. In an instant, the shadow of the sword condensed, and the sharp edge slashed at Shen Changqing, directly splitting the thick clouds in the sky along the way!


Shen Changqing's eyes were calm. As the cold words spread, the war broke out immediately. The left and right lords stepped onto the square, preparing to rescue the Sixth Elder.

 Chen Lingfeng snorted and immediately took action, and several heavenly masters caused huge waves on the field.

Hundreds of thousands of believers waved flags and flags in the sky, turning into a rainbow that filled the sky and rushed in.

  A melee is taking place. Today is bound to be a moment recorded in history for the entire Eastern Wasteland.

 When the Nanhai Sword Master's Wan Zhang Sword Shadow arrived, Shen Changqing finally made a move.

The true energy surged violently in the sleeves, and the demonic energy rolled into the three-inch plum blossom seal. Then, the ten thousand-foot-long sword shadow was like being hit by a hundred thousand mountains, and it collapsed inch by inch while trembling violently!

 In a blink of an eye, Yaoguang Ge Lao was already in front of him, dunking his hands with the intention of directly locking his throat.

Unexpectedly, Shen Changqing's cold eyes swept away, and the domineering Gangfeng brought everything in sight, and the extremely terrifying majestic true energy formed a demonic eye to look directly at him.

This made Yaoguang Pavilion's scalp numb, as if falling into a dark abyss, and all the space around him turned into Shen Changqing's demonic realm!

By the time he wanted to retreat, it was already too late. In this flash of lightning, Shen Changqing hit him on the head with a palm.


Yaoguang Pavilion Lao spewed out a mouthful of blood, and flew away when his mind was horrified.

Just this palm completely broke through the body-protecting aura of his being the pinnacle of heavenly beings!

 For a moment, Mr. Yaoguang Ge's consciousness became confused.

 With confusion, shock, and disbelief.

  What kind of move is this?

Even though he is one of the best masters in the Eastern Wilderness, a legend who can conquer an entire country by himself, and has seen countless magical secrets, he has never encountered the killing methods just now.

Besides, why does the leader of the Demon Cult, who is only twenty years old, have such a level of true energy toughness that he looks like a reclusive old monster who has been cultivating for hundreds of years?

 Is he at the pinnacle of heaven and man, or has he already half-stepped into the martial arts myth?

Yaoguang Pavilion's old thoughts disappeared in a flash, and the body flying upside down was caught by the warm current.

He saw the Nanhai Sword Master's whole body filled with sword aura, and the terrifying true energy power formed some kind of sword field around him. There were three thousand sword shadows circling the sky, pointing directly at Shen Changqing.

"You have such a good fortune at such a young age. If you are given another twenty years, how can there be room for the righteous way to survive in the Eastern Wasteland, and how can the people of this world live in peace!"

"Today, I will kill you!" The sword master of Nanhai roared loudly, his white hair danced wildly, his eyes were like lightning, and his sword energy was shining brightly.

Suddenly, his big sleeves flicked up, and the sword field formed by three thousand sword shadows was pressed hard towards Shen Changqing.

At this moment, he seemed to be completely standing on the top of the Eastern Wasteland. Under the unbelievable gaze of Yaoguang Pavilion Elder, his whole body turned into a sky-shattering rainbow.

That kind of magnanimity and terrifying edge have already surpassed the peak of heaven and man!


Three thousand sword shadows descended and turned into a blocking formation around Shen Changqing.

This is a full blow from the sword master of the South China Sea, and it is also a sure-kill blow for the strongest man in the Eastern Wasteland.

 The terrifying power it caused affected the entire Taixuanmen realm.

Many masters of the East Wilderness who were fighting, including Chen Lingfeng, looked up in shock under this arrogant aura.

 Shen Changqing's whole body was covered by the sword domain, and the Gang Qi continued to disappear in the violent collision.

 He glanced at the Sixth Elder below, then at the Demon Sect members all over the sky, and sighed slightly.

 He knew that there were only two outcomes for today's battle.

 The demonic religion dies and the righteous way emerges.

 The devil will live, the righteous will die!

Forget it, even if you become a big devil in this life, what's the harm?

In an instant, the Qi Jue Demonic Power was completely released in the body. Shen Changqing's eyes fell into blackness. Chaos arose between heaven and earth, and yin and yang were in chaos.

A magical power that far exceeds the power of the Seven Ultimate Demonic Skills begins to bloom quietly in this world.

 He has been enlightened for fifteen years and has now reached perfection.

 He called this skill...the entry of all demons into the Tao!

Shen Changqing's long hair danced, and strands of black true energy lingered outside his body, until the demon danced wildly on the top of the sky and turned into a ten thousand-foot-long demonic shadow!

The demonic shadow opened and closed its pupils, like the eyes of the abyss, causing the entire world to fall into boundless darkness in an instant.

 Darkness enveloped us, bringing with it an extreme coldness.

The moment Shen Changqing raised his hand, the three thousand sword shadows of the Nanhai Sword Master were instantly shattered!

At this moment, he has completely stepped into the martial arts mythology and became the leader of the Black Lotus, where all demons have entered the Tao!

 “Be buried here in the abyss forever.”

Shen Changqing whispered, but it was like the sound of heaven sweeping across, with a cold connotation, resounding throughout the sky of Taixuan Sect.

His eyes were ruthless with a demonic look, and the demonic shadow behind him covered the sky, and he stretched out a finger towards the sword master of Nanhai.


The sky and the earth roared, and the focus of the Nanhai Sword Master's pupils shrank instantly.

He had no time to react, and the sword energy in his body was shattered like bubbles in the blink of an eye.

Until the demonic finger of the sky came in front of him, his dull pupils were cracked like a mirror, and then his head was covered with white hair and his limbs were covered in skeletons!

The demon finger of the sky went along the road and wiped out the mountain area behind Taixuanmen in an instant. The moment it was razed to the ground, the Senluo fire burned all over the sky.

This scene fell into the eyes of everyone present.

 “The Sword Master of Nanhai...is dead?”

“This big demon killed the Nanhai Sword Master with one finger. I’m afraid it has become a martial arts legend!”

“Wulin myth…Wulin myth, the leader of the Black Lotus actually belongs to the realm of Wulin myth?”

Mr. Yaoguang Pavilion was shocked and trembling all over. Chen Lingfeng, including other masters of the sect, all had their pupils trembled and fear spread throughout their bodies.

 (End of this chapter)

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