Heroic Spirit: All My Past Lives Were Summoned By My Daughter

Chapter 121: For hundreds of years, the Evil Sword Immortal was actually the person beside me

Chapter 121: After hundreds of years, the Evil Sword Immortal is actually the person next to me

 Jiuchongtian Hall.

Chu Ning stopped quietly, and all the powerful men in the entire Tianjian Sect who were in the god-transformation stage or above were present.

Looking at the huge palace, there are hundreds of people.

 From the direct disciples of the Sixteenth Peak, to all the elders of the Sixteenth Peak, and even the master of the Sixteenth Peak, no one was absent.

 In front of all of them, stood five immortals with extremely deep and terrifying auras.

The white eyebrows looked respectful and slightly fanatical. At this moment, he raised his hands and said:

 “I thought that there were immortals on Penglai Island was just a myth, but I didn’t expect it to be true.”

“All the disciples of my Tianjian Sect, up and down the sect, would like to thank Immortal Penglai for your help!”

 As he spoke, he bowed deeply towards Li Daoran and the other five Holy Spirits.

 This is true for all the powerful people at the top of Tianjian Sect present.

The coming of Emperor Chong is a catastrophe for the entire Tianzhou.

It would be great if the mysterious immortal from Penglai Island comes down to help.

However, Li Daoran shook his head gently, with a rather emotional look on his face.

He came to Tianzhou 70,000 years ago in advance and stayed on Penglai Island for a long time, which has already spread some fame to the outside world.

When I came to Tianjianmen today, I thought I would have to talk a lot, but judging from Bai Mei's attitude and understanding, I didn't need to.

“Di Chong appeared in this world and was looking for a girl named Yunxiang.”

“I hope you can let Yunxiang leave Tianjianmen and Tianzhou as far as possible.”

Li Daoran got straight to the point and made his intention clear without beating around the bush.


Bai Mei was very puzzled. He looked around at the senior officials in the hall.

Who is Yunxiang? Who is Yunxiang?

That Di Chong appeared in this world, why did he want to find her?

Everyone looked at each other in confusion until the peak master of Luoyun Peak looked at Chu Ning, whose face suddenly turned pale.

“I remember, Yunxiang is your child, right?”

The voice of the master of Luoyun Peak had a slight tremor, which made him feel a little unbelievable, but at the same time he seemed to understand something.

On the day Yunxiang was born, there was a vision of the Heavenly Sword Gate opening and closing, vaguely revealing that Yunxiang's talent was unusual.

 It didn’t take long for Emperor Chong to appear!

 These words caused an uproar in the whole hall.

 Bai Mei also looked shocked, breathing quickly and asked Li Daoran.

 “I wonder if Penglaixian would like to tell you the reason?”

 He suddenly understood, and he immediately understood that whether it was Li Daoran or Di Chong, they all appeared because of Yunxiang!

"terribly sorry."

The old man holding a whisk next to Li Daoran shook his head gently and declined.

His name is Jiang Wenshu, and he is a heroic spirit who was contracted by the Second Pavilion of Daxia some years ago.

 At present, within Tianshu Division, his status in the ranks of the Holy Spirit is not weaker than that of Li Daoran.


Li Daoran also looked at Chu Ning.

 His mission is to snipe Di Chong and other four Holy Spirits to prevent Yunxiang from dying.

 There was no way for him to send Yunxiang away in person, which would unbalance the combat power of both sides and result in the sacrifice of several companions in vain.

"how so…"

Chu Ning's thoughts were a little confused, and her body was a little unstable.

 The revelation of this news was a shock to her.

 “It seems that Yunxiang is very important.”

 Bai Mei practices the supernatural power of seeing images in dreams. Even if Li Daoran and Jiang Wenshu don't want to say more, they can probably guess some of the content.

“Let’s go, take Yunxiang and your husband, leave Tianjianmen, and never come back again.”

After Bai Mei’s words fell, Chu Ning raised her head and looked around at everyone in the hall.

 They all had a slight smile on their lips and nodded slightly.


 A moment later, at the foot of Luoyunfeng Mountain.

Chu Ning didn't remember how she got down the mountain. When she looked up, she saw Shen Changqing holding Yunxiang, waiting outside the cave door.

"How is it going?"

Shen Changqing asked softly.

Judging from Chu Ning's expression, the external situation should not be optimistic.

 Over the past few days, Di Chong has been walking in various places in Tianzhou, causing many disasters.

 At present, several immortal sects have been destroyed.

 “Husband, let’s fly far away.”

 These words made Shen Changqing fall silent.

Facing the disaster, Tianjian Sect, as the highest immortal sect in Tianzhou, shoulders the responsibility of all people in the world.

Chun Ning backed down at this time and made a suggestion to leave Tianjian Sect, which was completely unlike her style.

 But Shen Changqing suddenly thought, maybe it was for Yunxiang.


 Without any hesitation, Shen Changqing nodded.

 “Well, let’s leave now!”

Chun Ning simply tidied up the cave, then picked up Shen Changqing and sped away in the air.

A few days passed, and the three of them were far away from the Tianjianmen range and approached the edge of Tianzhou.

Shen Changqing looked ahead, with some ripples in his eyes.

Going further east, after walking for several hundred years, you should reach Da Zezhou.

 They, as a family, can start over.

 “Husband, I’m a little tired.”

Chu Ning looked tired, and she and Shen Changqing landed in a cave.

Just as Shen Changqing stepped forward, the formation suddenly opened and closed, and the power of the divine transformation stage quickly formed ten thousand restrictions.


Shen Changqing stopped and turned to look at his wife outside the cave with a complicated expression.

 He should have thought of it and expected it.

 “I’m sorry, husband, I’m sorry.”

“The person Di Chong wants is Yunxiang, our child.”

"They could obviously hand over Yunxiang, but if they didn't... hundreds of thousands of disciples of the Tianjian Sect might all die because of Yunxiang."

 “I can’t go, I can’t go, I’m sorry, husband.”

Chu Ning endured it for so many days, but finally she burst into tears and couldn't stop streaming down her face.

Di Chong came to hunt down Yunxiang, and this result was far beyond what she could bear.

 Bai Mei asked her to take her husband and Yunxiang to leave Tianzhou, and even the immortals on Penglai Island would take action.

 But if she was asked to bear the lives of everyone in Tianjian Sect and live with peace of mind, she couldn't do it.

Her eyes were red and she looked at Shen Changqing affectionately.

 In Shen Changqing's stunned eyes, he walked away in one step.

She knew that this separation might be forever.

  But she had no more choices.

 The cave prohibition seal will dissipate in one month.

Yunxiang's cry sounded harshly, but there was no sound.

Shen Changqing stood there, looking at Chu Ning's leaving figure.

The expression continued to change, then became uncertain, and then became extremely terrifying.

“Di Chong, are you here for my daughter?”

He lowered his head and looked at Yunxiang again. The evil thoughts around his body became more chaotic and violent, and there was a vague shadow of Yin Luo lingering around.

 Finally, the Demon Locking Tower slowly emerged, floating in the cave.


 Over the Tianzhou realm, wind and clouds were floating.

A group of four figures continued to rush towards the Tianjian Gate.

Every step he takes creates a huge ripple storm.

They walked to the sky above Prajna Mountain, and the entire Prajna Mountain was completely silent, and everyone was terrified.

 They walked to the area of ​​Yingtian Mansion, and the master of Yingtian Mansion seemed to be ready to die.

But they didn’t even look at him and just left.

 The storm continued, attracting countless eyes from all over Tianzhou along the way.

Those eyes were filled with trepidation and fear.

"Di Chong, is your news correct?" Rosen asked in a deep voice, after this period of investigation.

 They have a clear understanding of the specific distribution of forces in this era.

 Among them, Tianjian Sect is undoubtedly the strongest immortal sect in Tianzhou.

 Some time ago, many groups of demons and immortals in the surrounding area saw some strange phenomena of heaven and earth appearing in the sky above the Tianjianmen domain.

Di Chong, as the Demon Dragon Immortal Lord, soon learned the news among the demon immortal group.

Combining the information they compiled in later generations, this vision of heaven and earth is likely to be the birth of the Tianyun Map.

"Even if it's wrong, it doesn't matter. I'd rather kill him by mistake than let him go."

“Furthermore, after the visions of heaven and earth are revealed, it is impossible for there to be no trace at all.”

“Obviously someone has covered up or erased the traces of the vision.”

“I suspect that besides us, other Holy Spirits have come here.”

Di Chong spoke calmly, his eyes flashing slightly.

It would be better if this behavior of not having three hundred taels of silver in this place was discovered. Now that they know about it, there is a high probability that Yunxiang is at Tianjianmen.

"Other Holy Spirits? You mean..."

Rosen frowned.

The Luo family's geographical position in the Xuanhuang Realm is to the west of the Xuanhuang Realm, and it continues the human civilization.

 They have naturally heard of the three eastern continents, Shuzhou, Zhongzhou and Xingzhou.

  But because the distance is too far, they do not belong to the same intersection circle.

According to Di Chong's guess, if other holy spirits came to Tianzhou 70,000 years ago, it was most likely the Ziwei Kingdom in Central Continent.

 Because so far, only Ziwei Kingdom has discovered traces of Yunxiang.

 However, how did the news about them spanning the long river of time leak out?


Di Chong narrowed his eyes, and the majestic fluctuations of his spiritual thoughts instantly enveloped the entire Tianjian Sect.

 The arrival of the four ancient and prosperous auras has naturally been sensed by Bai Mei for a long time.

At this moment, hundreds of thousands of disciples were seen, although their faces were very pale.

 But they all stood ready, holding the fairy sword in their hands tightly.

 The mountain guarding formation also roared loudly and was fully opened and closed.

 Sixteen peak masters sat cross-legged on the top of the sky, staring at the four figures in front of them.

 Huang Long and Fu Yueyue were surrounded by swords and rainbows.

“I hope that senior brother Yun and sister-in-law can be safe and sound.”

 Huang Long has learned about Shen Changqing's departure from Tianjian Sect.

"Your sister-in-law has no regrets now. With her character, she may be on her way back now."

Fu Yueyue smiled and spoke, facing the oppression of the four terrifying figures in the sky, she seemed to understand nothing.

 For Chu Ning, after giving birth to Yunxiang, her life was considered complete.

 Having conquered demons and slain demons for more than two hundred years in his life, his Taoist heart has never wavered.

 Chu Ning will not run away.

At the same time, the five holy spirits, Li Daoran and Jiang Wenshu, also slowly stepped out of the space.

When Di Chong saw this scene, the corners of his mouth suddenly raised slightly.

 “Sure enough…”

Rosen's eyes were solemn, and he had a strong murderous intention.

 He wanted to know how the secrets of the top brass of the Luo family were leaked out.

“If I’m not wrong, you have already transferred Yunxiang, right?”

Di Chong slowly glanced at the huge Tianjian Sect area.

 At such a close distance, he could not sense the aura of the destiny map.

That is enough to prove that Yunxiang has left Tianjianmen.

“It’s okay, I can find her even if I kill you.”

Rosen snorted coldly, and in an instant, a majestic power of immortal energy rose up.

 “What a loud tone!”

 Jiang Wenshu took one step forward, the whisk in his hand shining brightly.

 A total of nine Holy Spirits set off their Immortal Energy at this moment.

This made Tianzhou, who was already under tremendous pressure, tremble even more.

 The spiritual energy of heaven and earth is constantly rolling, collapsing and destroying continuously.

It is as if a certain law has been hit and shattered, and at the same time, the origin of the Cave Heaven Paradise has a tendency to be extinguished.


Thunder exploded in the sky above the Heavenly Sword Gate area, and the nine holy spirits took action against each other.

 The collision between the magic weapon and the supernatural power caused the mountain guarding formation to collapse immediately, and it could not even hold on for a breath.

This terrifying outpouring of power also caused a large number of disciples to spit out blood, and their expressions turned into horror and fear.

 In front of the real immortal, they are not even qualified to take action.

As the saying goes, when gods fight, mortals suffer.

 Scenes of debris flying everywhere continued to appear on the major peaks of Tianjianmen.

Looking in other directions, most of the continent is shrouded in thick clouds, the power of thunder is sweeping wildly, and the origins of various laws are collapsing one after another.

 “Are all immortals so strong?”

Huang Long's face turned pale, and he was so shocked that his internal organs were bleeding.

 “The truly strong person is Di Chong.”

 Fu Yueyue noticed that during the battle at the top of the sky.

Na Di Chong actually restrained the three great immortals by himself and forced them to retreat continuously.

 “Gather the formation again, gather the formation again!”

White Eyebrow roared, the master of the Sixteen Peaks was unable to participate in the battlefield, so he could only find another way and attempt to use a blocking formation.

 This movement has already attracted the attention of many powerful immortals within Tianzhou.

 But what can they do?

 At the same time, a distant location.

 There was a rainbow of sword energy sweeping across, and Chu Ning's figure appeared quickly.

She has already seen the sweeping and roaring of various powerful immortal auras outside the realm of Tianjian Sect.

  The collision of magical powers caused the space to collapse one after another.

Facing this level of power, Chu Ning gritted his teeth and prepared to step into the formation and serve as the node of the formation.

  However, she saw a big hand suddenly reaching out from her shoulder. When she turned around in shock, she saw a familiar face.

 “You...why are you back?”

Chu Ning felt like the sky was falling and she was so anxious.

 Shen Changqing put Yunxiang in her arms, then smiled slightly, sighed softly and spoke.

"You said you were in such a hurry to die. I'm worried that no one will collect your body by then."

Chu Ning suddenly felt aggrieved and punched Shen Changqing in the chest.

"You bastard!"

 Shen Changqing took advantage of the situation and held her in his arms.

Feeling the last warmth, Chu Ning's tears fell again.

It doesn’t matter, all living beings are equal under the catastrophe, but it’s a pity that my daughter was just born.

“However, before that, I need to send Emperor Chong off for a while.”

Shen Changqing looked in the direction of Tianjianmen, the area that almost formed a chaotic space.


Chu Ning looked up blankly.

Soon he saw Shen Changqing's black hair dancing wildly, and strands of black evil thoughts slowly emerged from his body.

In just a moment, the yin and yang of the heaven and earth were reversed, and darkness enveloped the sky, covering the sky, the sun and the moon, and making their sight dim.

 A suffocating evil force emerged from Shen Changqingzhou's body.

 Serious, terrifying, cold, and endlessly cold.

This aura caused a strong fear in Di Chong's heart in just a moment, and he looked over in shock.

 “Husband, you...”

Chu Ning's mind rumbling, and her eyes became glazed over.

Shen Changqing fluttered his sleeves and walked towards the sky above Tianjian Gate.

It is true that there are no immortals among the natives of this era, but there is him... the Evil Sword Immortal!

 (End of this chapter)

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