Heroic Spirit: All My Past Lives Were Summoned By My Daughter

Chapter 122: A sword opens and closes the forbidden area, please come on your way

Chapter 122: One sword opens and closes the forbidden area, please come on the road

 “This level of power?”

Di Chong's expression changed again and again, and turned into a gloomy one.

 He was suppressing Li Daoran and Jiang Wenshu alone when he suddenly felt a strong evil aura.

He then pushed back the two of them with his backhand, staring in the direction of Shen Changqing.

 As darkness enveloped us, the coldness of the forest continued to spread.

This caused the other Holy Spirits to retreat one after another, unable to conceal their shock when they looked at each other.

 “And the Holy Spirit?”

 “No, that’s not right, this is a native of Tianzhou!”

“Could it be the Evil Sword Immortal?”

Rosen raised his sleeves and briefly left the center of the battlefield.

 A few of them also felt frightened by this wave of power.

 Ordinary Tianzhou natives, even those who are in the Great Perfection stage of transcending tribulation, cannot bring them such oppressive power.

 Looking at the rolling aura that contains strong evil thoughts, it is clear that he is an indescribable demonic and powerful person!

Combined with the name of the Evil Sword Immortal that has been circulating in their ears for this period of time, the identity of the other party is about to be revealed.

 On the other side, Li Daoran, who had also withdrawn from the center of the battlefield, looked a little stunned and confused.

 What did he just see?

Chun Ning had already noticed it when he approached the Tianjianmen territory.

Yunxiang was sent back, which made him extremely anxious, but he did not dare to make any move for fear of being discovered by Di Chong.

 The next moment, Chu Ning's husband seemed to be a different person, with majestic evil power exuding from his body.

“Is this the Evil Sword Immortal you are talking about? There are such powerful people among the natives of Tianzhou…”

Jiang Wenshu raised his eyes and looked into the distance. The hair on his body stood up in the breath.

 “That’s right, it’s him.”

Li Daoran's heart was beating wildly, and he suddenly understood something.

 Chun Ning was also in the Guigu battlefield that day, and his life was at stake when faced with the crisis of the Three Evils.

The Evil Sword Immortal arrived in time, suppressed the three evil spirits with his own hands, and destroyed all the evil immortals in the entire Yin Immortal Cave, without harming any of the Immortal Sect disciples.

 Outsiders think that the Evil Sword Immortal just has a quirk of personality and only likes to kill his own kind.

 But looking at it now, it turns out that the evil sword immortal who makes the whole Tianzhou frightened is Yunxiang's father!

 It does not show mountains or water, and it even has no sense of existence at all.

 Hidden behind the scenes, he is the big BOSS behind Tianzhou!

 Compared to the last time in the Ghost Valley battlefield, the Evil Sword Immortal has become obviously more terrifying.

If he might have been defeated by the Evil Sword Fairy last time, he is afraid that he will be completely crushed now!

 The two Holy Spirits from the Ziwei Kingdom next to them were even more shocked in their hearts.

“It seems to be the peak of the Earth Immortal, and it seems to have surpassed the Earth Immortal!”

“It doesn’t make sense. How could immortals be born in Tianzhou 70,000 years ago without the laws of heavenly tribulation?”

“He can become an immortal without a catastrophe. His level of living beings may not be within the ranks of laws, but beyond the realm of transcendence…”


 Darkness covers the sky.

The Tianjianmen realm fell into a scene of lack of light from the sun and the moon.

Shen Changqing's figure has appeared in everyone's sight. He walked out of the field and only stepped into the battlefield.

 This creates the wantonness of the storm and the birth of endless pressure.

 “The Evil Sword Immortal has finally taken action!”

Hai Mei’s fiery gaze was filled with unprecedented excitement.

Perhaps due to his different stance, he has an attitude of annihilation towards all the demons and immortals in Tianzhou.

However, he can't feel any hatred towards the Evil Sword Immortal. Firstly, the Evil Sword Immortal has saved many disciples of the Immortal Sect. Secondly, looking at Tianzhou, there is no one who can rival him.

As for who in today's continent can compete with Di Chong, he and the sixteen peak masters have the same idea, only the Evil Sword Immortal.

 Now, he is here!

“Hearing from afar is worse than seeing you. You are indeed qualified to compete with me.”

Di Chong narrowed his eyes and stared at the powerful evil thoughts around Shen Changqing.

 Strong, indeed very strong.

Even if he dates back to ancient times, he is definitely not an ordinary person in his era.

But at the same time, he was very puzzled. In this era and world of Tianzhou, how could there be demons and immortals who have cultivated to this extent?

“Why are you talking nonsense with him? After all, he is just a native. The four of us join forces, are we afraid that we can’t take him down?”

 Beside Rosen, the Holy Spirit once again stirred up the majestic power of immortality.

 Over these days, no natives in Tianzhou can compete with them.

 So in his cognitive impression, the Evil Sword Immortal is just a slightly stronger native.

As everyone knows, at the moment when the power was activated, the magical spell fell on Shen Changqing's body, and was shattered and disintegrated by an invisible force on the spot.

 “Do it!”

 The fourth Holy Spirit drank clearly and directly sacrificed the Divine Soul Treasure.

A shocking blood spear gathered and stabbed Shen Changqing fiercely.

This force pierced the space, causing a black storm to sweep across, and also caused a greater collapse of the entire Tianjian Sect realm.

Rosen didn't hesitate. When he rolled up his sleeves, a net gathered around him, trying to block the space around Shen Changqing.

There is no doubt that the arrival of the Evil Sword Immortal will definitely be one of the obstacles in the search for Yunxiang.

 “Evil pupil.”

 The whispers suddenly sounded.

 As soon as Shen Changqing raised his hand, the world in front of him collapsed instantly.

 There are indescribable evil thoughts gathering together, and then they turn into eyeballs with terrifying suction.

The eyeball manifested a ferocious face, opening its abyss-like mouth and swallowing it in all directions.

Those two shocking forces rushed towards Shen Changqing, but they couldn't get any closer to Shen Changqing. They were all swallowed up and torn into pieces!

Rosen and the other two Holy Spirits all suffered varying degrees of backlash, and their faces turned pale as they groaned one after another.

He raised his head to look at Shen Changqing again, his pupils condensing.

 What kind of magical power is this?


Di Chong suddenly snorted coldly, and the horns on his forehead suddenly erupted with black light.

 He actually directly revealed his true form and transformed into a ten-thousand-foot-long demonic dragon.

Black scales are all over it, and unrivaled pressure rolls open and closes, permeating the entire world.

The power poured out and the dragon's roar vibrated, causing Shen Changqing's spell to cause violent ripples and tend to fall apart.

 “You dare!”

Shen Changqing looked directly at Di Chong with cold eyes.

With the sound of thunder, Di Chong was hit by an indescribable force.

 The evil origin in his body began to tremble inexplicably, and then they all huddled together under Di Chong's unbelievable look.

 It seems that when facing Shen Changqing's evil thoughts, he dare not resist or disobey!

"How can this be?"

Di Chong felt a sense of absurdity in his heart.

 The Evil Sword Immortal in sight seems to have the status of controlling all evil cultivation methods.

This kind of hierarchy of living beings is more like the source of all evil in the world!

 “Give it to me!”

 Di Chong roared and used all the power in his body with all his strength.

His dragon roar shook the sky and resounded throughout the sky, and there was also a black luster showing on the sharp claws.

 Vaguely, it seems to be activating an ancient forbidden technique.

 As the scales on the body flap, they open and close like breathing, and even more intense power pours out.

 However, Shen Changqing did not intend to give Di Chong any chance.

The source of all evil has entered the tenth level, and all laws can destroy it.

 He is beyond the laws and is above the demons and monsters in the world. In the ranks of living beings, how can the Emperor Chong, a demon dragon, compare with the Evil Sword Immortal?

Shen Changqing walked slowly through the air, and every step he took caused ripples in the space to explode.

Shrinking to the ground, he came to Di Chong in an instant, and suppressed it with one hand. The countless scales on Di Chong's body trembled violently, and every inch of them was destroyed!

 This severe pain caused Di Chong to let out an even more terrifying dragon roar, which had a certain effect of penetrating the soul.

Hence, hundreds of thousands of disciples of the Tianjian Sect covered their ears and screamed in agony.

Looking at all the surrounding holy spirits, even Li Daoran and Jiang Wenshu, they all found it unbearable and immediately mobilized their immortal energy to compete.

But this dragon roar is not an ordinary sonic shock.

 There is no other way but to endure it.

 “Who sent you here to kill my daughter?”

Shen Changqing's big hand contained the source of destruction, which was so heavy that Di Chong's eyes were split.

He grabbed Di Chong's dragon horn, slowly applied force, and then crushed it alive!

 This made Di Chong feel a sense of horror in his heart.

That cold whisper reached his ears, like the whisper of an evil god.

This being named Evil Sword Immortal, the most powerful Demon Immortal in the world, was far more powerful than he imagined.

 “Yunxiang...is your daughter?”

Di Chong couldn't speak clearly. This information also caught him by surprise.

The Luo family made it very clear that in Tianzhou 70,000 years ago, when Yunxiang was just born, the strongest group of natives were only in the period of transcending tribulation.

 But as Shen Changqing's power emerged, the meaning behind his words completely plunged him into a terrifying fear.

It’s true that Yunxiang was an infant, but the Luo family didn’t mention her father. He was such a terrifying character!

 “So what if you know, you don’t know anything about the future!”

Di Chong let out a howl, and both dragon horns were crushed directly by Shen Changqing.

 Blessed by the continuous trembling of his own evil origin, his soul dragon body has a tendency to be annihilated by flying ashes.

 “Okay, then I’ll send you on your way first.”

Shen Changqing has learned that Di Chong and other four holy spirits arrived from later generations across the long river of time.

Even if Di Chong didn't say it, he would still be able to find all the information in later generations.

  A sword opened and closed, tearing apart the space on the spot.

 Above the sky, an abyss and ravine was formed.

Chaos reigned in the ravine, and the terrifying tearing power destroyed everything.

This is the collapse of the laws and origins. It was opened up by Shen Changqing, and it is enough to smash the immortals to pieces and obliterate the soul!


The black divine thunder pierced the sky, sending out terrifying waves in the abyss.


Di Chong was among them and immediately screamed.

He felt his own disintegration, the collapse of the immortal power. Under the bombardment of the black divine thunder, the entire soul fell apart in an instant.

 This scene was clearly witnessed by everyone.

 The battle between Shen Changqing and Di Chong only happened between lightning and flint.

People only saw Di Chong reveal his soul dragon body, and then he was drowned by the dragon's roar, and his mind was shaken and his consciousness was blurred.

 When he opened his eyes again, an abyss appeared in the sky, like a big hole.

 When Di Chong was screaming, the dragon body of the Yuan Shen was torn apart!

 “The Demonic Dragon Immortal Lord...is going to be killed?”

Hai Mei’s pupils were shaking. The battle ended so quickly that he didn’t even see the fight between the two clearly.

Looking at the distance, there are also countless eyes watching in fear.

 The old demon from Montenegro stared, his body trembling.

 The spiritual thoughts of Yingtian Palace Master and Prajna Mountain Taoist Master were directly swallowed by the formation of the abyss.

“With one sword to open and close the forbidden area, this native is ridiculously strong!”

Rosen watched this scene with a splitting heart, and his view of cognition suffered an unprecedented impact.

He also did not expect that during the sniper attack on Yunxiang, there would be an unexpected encounter with such a powerful local native.

 Even Di Chong is no match?

 “Come in together.”

 Shen Changqing's cold eyes swept across, and he reached out his hand in an instant.

Yin evil power swept across the sky, causing Rosen and the other three remaining Holy Spirits to lose control of their bodies.

With a horrified look on his face, he rolled away and was thrown into the forbidden area.

 The destructive power continued to rage, and screams were heard one after another.

 Li Daoran and Jiang Wenshu clearly looked at this scene, their minds were rumbling, and their scalps were numb.

The Holy Spirits from the Ziwei Kingdom turned even pale.

Evil Sword Immortal overthrew the four hunting holy spirits with one person's power.

They are not required to complete this task at all. It is no exaggeration to say that even without them, the arrival of Di Chong and Rosen would be a process of death!

 “It’s incredible, it’s incredible, there is a terrifying evil spirit hidden in this era!”

Jiang Wenshu was shocked inside and somewhat incoherent.

 He and Li Daoran joined forces, but they were completely unable to suppress Na Di Chong.

 Unexpectedly, Di Chong was defeated just as soon as the natives of this world took action!

The so-called Evil Sword Immortal, this powerful man who was buried in the dust of history, why is there no trace of it in later generations?

If they had not crossed the long river of time, they would not have known that in Tianzhou 70,000 years ago, the name of the Evil Sword Immortal was still circulated!

Until Shen Changqing also looked over, his will descended on the five Holy Spirits, and cold sweat broke out on Jiang Wenshu's forehead.

 “We’ll do it ourselves.”

Li Daoran suddenly sighed softly, with mixed feelings in his heart and an even more complicated look on his face.

 He took the lead towards the abyss without hesitation.

 According to the mission of the Great Xia Cardinal, this trip is to protect Yunxiang.

 Looking at it now, they were completely unnecessary.

Who would have expected that Yunxiang has a father who is an evil swordsman?

 Now Di Chong, Luo Sen and others have had their bodies and souls torn to pieces.

 Under the influence of the original treasure in the cave, he will transform back into the body of a heroic spirit and his consciousness will return to reality.

This task can be considered completed.

There is no need for him to stay here any longer.

 “Brother Li!”

 Jiang Wenshu didn't know yet the true identity of the Evil Sword Immortal, so he suddenly spoke in a panic.

 “Let’s go, I’ll explain to you when I get back.”

Li Daoran took Jiang Wenshu and stepped into the abyss together.

 Their existence itself is unbearable for Tianzhou in this era.

 Law restrictions are completely different from those in later generations. The longer you stay, the greater the impact.

After seeing this scene, the remaining Holy Spirits sighed one after another, and they had no choice but to step into the abyss together.

The sky is dark, and evil thoughts are swirling in the sky.

 The immortal bodies of the nine holy spirits were all destroyed by ashes in the abyss.

Shen Changqing had no intention of destroying Li Daoran, but Li Daoran seemed to know something and did not stay any longer.

At this moment, his figure stood in the air, reflected in everyone's sight.

Although he is cold, ruthless, and full of evil thoughts, he is not a savior.

 But his strength and what he did are deeply imprinted in everyone's mind.


Chu Ning hugged Yunxiang tightly and stared blankly at the tall figure above the Tianjianmen domain.

 She was still standing there, her mind buzzing.

Facing all this happening, it is as unreal as a dream!

 (End of this chapter)

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