Heroic Spirit: All My Past Lives Were Summoned By My Daughter

Chapter 120: Di Chong's confusion: What is the Evil Sword Immortal?

Chapter 120 Di Chong’s Confusion: What is the Evil Sword Immortal?

The crane at Tianjian Gate roared fiercely, and white mist shrouded it.

Shen Changqing held the infant Yunxiang in his arms, with a smile on his lips.

 Very happy that he is a father again.

The cave was quiet, and Chu Ning was resting with her eyes closed.

 Suddenly, as if aware of it, Shen Changqing frowned and looked into the distance.

He smelled an extremely deep and terrifying aura of a fairy whose age was not tolerated by the Heavenly Continent and affected the laws of space.

 “Is it finally here?”

 Shen Changqing remembered Gui Sha's words.

Tianji once said that Emperor Chong will come to this era in an unprecedented manner.

 Judging from the fluctuations in the aura that can be sensed in the distance, the emperor's rush has finally arrived.

  However, Shen Changqing also smelled several other, equally ancient powers.

 It’s the Holy Spirit!

 At this moment,


 Suddenly, a bell rang loudly, echoing throughout the entire Tianjian Sect area.

Like a warning siren, it attracted everyone's attention the moment it sounded.

 Looking at the Jiuchongtian Hall, one after another looked at it with doubts and confusion.

The Nine-Cell Bell is a treasure handed down from the last era and possesses extremely mysterious detection power.

 Whenever there is a disaster in the world, the nine-layered bell will sound an alarm.

 Each tone represents a level, with nine tones being the highest.

The bells are still ringing, three times, six times, and even nine times!

The entire Heavenly Sword Sect instantly caused an uproar, and all the beings above the elder level walked out of the cave with shocked expressions.

"Nine bells ring... This is a sign of catastrophe!"

“Could it be that the Evil Sword Immortal is about to start a killing spree?”

 “The catastrophe, the catastrophe is coming!”

The Heavenly Sword Sect realm shook, and rainbows immediately stepped onto the Nine Heavens Hall.

The sword master Baimei who was in the hall, his face had become very pale.

He looked at the suddenly broken water curtain in front of him.

Just now, he tried to see why the bell was ringing, but the moment he peeked, he was hit by a terrible force.

A quick glance almost made him lose his mind!

“Sword Master, what happened?”

The masters of the sixteen peaks arrived one after another, and when they saw Bai Mei’s aura being chaotic, the uneasiness in his heart became even more intense.

 “Di Chong…still showed up.”

 Bai Mei struggled to speak out a word, forcibly suppressing the chaotic power of Dantian.

 His words made the master of the Sixteen Peaks feel as if he was struck by five thunders, and his eyes were filled with shock.

“This makes no sense, the five cave masters of Yinxian Cave are all dead!”

“Even the three evil spirits were suppressed and taken away by the Evil Sword Immortal. How can Di Chong be resurrected?”

The master of Luoyun Peak was in disbelief, and his pupils began to tremble.

 The word Di Chong, just hearing its name, makes people's liver and gallbladder burst.

This level of existence is a nightmare hanging over everyone.

As for the origin of Di Chong, it can even be traced back to the last era, to a mysterious place called Cuilongyuan.

Di Chong is the demon dragon who has been imprisoned in Longyuan for who knows how many years.

 Since he came out of seclusion, he has set off a storm of destruction in the surrounding areas.

Looking at all the demons and immortals in the world, they all surrender under his knees.

 As a result, a prosperous dynasty of demons and immortals was quickly born.

Di Chong is the leader of the Demon Immortal Dynasty, and is named Demon Dragon Immortal Lord!

 His power has cast an era into boundless haze.

If it weren't for the exhaustion of spiritual energy, Di Chong would not have died.

Today, he was resurrected?

“It wasn’t Yinxian Cave’s fault, nor was it resurrection…”

Bai Mei shook his head slightly, his expression extremely expressionless.

"While I was snooping, I also saw several other terrifying entities. They should be some kind of unknown magical power coming from elsewhere."

After the words fell, the masters of the Sixteen Peaks looked at each other, feeling even more frightened in their hearts.

If it is not resurrection, nor is it a method of sacrifice, then what kind of magical power is it?

 “Inform the whole sect and prepare for battle.”

Bai Mei sighed and spoke, with a complicated expression and hints of despair.

"The sword master is joking, how can we be Na Di Chong's opponent?"

Master Luo Yun’s lips were pale and bloodless.

 As he staggered, he almost foresaw his own death.

"We are indeed no match for Di Chong, but maybe there is someone who can."

 The master of the first peak was silent and then said.

Looking back, everyone naturally understood in their hearts who he meant.

 In this era, if anyone is to be said to be invincible in the entire Tianzhou, it is only the Evil Sword Immortal.

  That day on the Guigu battlefield, the Evil Sword Immortal suppressed all the powerful men in the sky with the power of one person.

 Such a figure left an indelible impression on their minds.

 However, the Evil Sword Immortal is also a demon.

Facing the old man Di Chong, how could he take action?

“First, we can’t be sure whether the Evil Sword Immortal will show up.”

“Secondly, we are even less certain whether the Evil Sword Immortal is Di Chong’s opponent.”

“Under the Great Tribulation, all living beings are equal. If you want to die, you should die standing.”

Baimei looked at the first peak master, and of course he understood who the first peak master had just spoken about.

 “As commanded!”

 Everyone bowed their hands and turned to leave.

 In a moment, there was a loud sound from the sky, echoing throughout the Tianjian Sect area.

Hundreds of thousands of disciples, regardless of the inner or outer gates, could all hear it clearly.

 “Di Chong appears, catastrophe is coming.”

 “Everyone in the whole sect is on standby!”

As soon as the words fell, there was a sudden gasp from inside and outside the field.

Chu Ning, who was in the cave, suddenly opened his eyes.


She looked at Shen Changqing in panic, her heart trembling with shock at the word "Di Chong".

Yunxiang was born not long ago, but she met Di Chong!

“Don’t worry, if the sky falls, there will be someone taller to hold you up.”

 Shen Changqing stepped forward and comforted softly.

 He looked into the distance again, his eyes slightly narrowed.


  On this day, the wind and clouds were blowing and the thunder was rolling.

The laws of heaven and earth in Tianzhou were squeezed like never before, when the four holy spirits walked slowly on the air.

 The space is distorted one after another, like a mirror being shattered.

 This movement naturally aroused the attention of many top demons and immortals in Tianzhou as well as the masters of the Immortal Sect.

 Over the Black Mountain Territory, the Imperial Chong arrives.

With a quick glance, he discovered that there were countless demons and immortals lurking here, all of whom were quite powerful.

 “It’s Di Chong, Di Chong is coming!”

 Under the mountain, all the demons and immortals were crawling and trembling.

The old demon from Montenegro knelt down quickly and shouted: "This junior has seen the Demon Dragon Immortal Lord!"

Di Chong seemed quite surprised when he heard the sound.

How come the natives of Tianzhou still know his name?

 “Do you know me?”

 The old demon from Montenegro looked overjoyed. Being able to say a word to Xianjun Di Chong is enough for him to brag for a lifetime.

 “Of course I know him, junior. Looking at the eternity of time, who in the world doesn’t know the Demonic Dragon Immortal Lord?”

“When the Immortal Lord founded the Demon Immortal Dynasty, he defeated the Immortal Sects in all directions and had to flee in all directions.”

 “The Immortal Lord has made great achievements and is truly a role model for our generation!”

 The old demon from Montenegro responded excitedly.

 After saying these words, the emperor couldn't help but rush around, and the expressions of the other three Holy Spirits became solemn.

When he looked at Di Chong again, there was a strange luster in his eyes.

Unexpectedly, just across the long river of time and coming to this era, I can still learn about the glorious deeds of Di Chong from the mouths of the natives.

This guy is really not simple.

 “It’s just a matter of the past, why bother mentioning it again.”

"If you are willing to follow me, in this era, you can start a new dynasty of demons and immortals."

Di Chong spoke calmly, obviously enjoying this kind of treatment.

 After all, the other three Holy Spirits behind him are also very impressive among the ranks contracted by the Luo family.

 Each of them are located in different eras and in different places in the Xuanhuang Realm.

 It feels quite good to be able to show my identity in front of them a little bit.

 “Huh? This…”

 However, after hearing his words, the old demon from Montenegro suddenly fell into hesitation and hesitation, and his expression became even more struggling.

For the old demon from Black Mountain, although it is extremely tempting to start a new dynasty of demons and immortals, it will definitely overthrow the many immortal sects in Tianzhou.

In other words, it was a real catastrophe.

 But now, looking at all the realms of demons and immortals in Tianzhou, who dares to cause a catastrophe?

"Why, you don't want to?" Di Chong frowned, slightly unhappy.

“No, no, no, being able to be favored by the Immortal Lord actually makes me feel flattered, but I really don’t dare to start a new Demon Immortal Dynasty!”

The old demon of Montenegro responded quickly, cold sweat began to break out on his forehead.

 Of course he heard the coldness in Di Chong's tone.

 “Why don’t you dare?”

Di Chong asked, Rosen and the other two Luo family saints narrowed their eyes.

This old Black Mountain monster had the tendency to be a vassal before, so why did he change his attitude in the blink of an eye?

 After Di Chong said those words, the Black Mountain old demon obviously felt panic in his heart.

“Immortal Lord, you don’t know something. If anyone in Tianzhou rises up to cause a catastrophe, he will definitely be targeted by the Evil Sword Immortal!”

“Once you are targeted, you will definitely die, not only in our Black Mountain territory, but also in the entire Tianzhou.”

After the old demon of Montenegro finished speaking, the other three Holy Spirits suddenly felt a little suspicious.

The so-called Evil Sword Immortal, who is this?

Judging from this attitude, the indigenous demons and fairies of Tianzhou seem to be extremely afraid and frightened of him.

 Even though Di Chong had already extended an olive branch to the Black Mountain old monster, he was rejected because of it?

 In fact, for the old demon from Montenegro.

There is no doubt about the power of Di Chong.

This is the Demon Dragon Immortal Lord of the last era, the leader of the Demon Immortal Dynasty, an existence that will last forever.

 But if he was asked to follow Di Chong and launch a war against all the immortal sects in Tianzhou, he would not have the courage at all.

 After the Guigu battlefield, the evil reputation of the Evil Sword Immortal spread completely.

All the demons and immortals in Yinxian Cave committed suicide. This kind of suicide was still based on their own cultivation.

 In other words, the Evil Sword Immortal is a supreme king of a certain level, and the level of living beings is beyond imagination.

 That day, he killed all the demons and immortals in Yinxian Cave, but did not attack the strong men of the Immortal Sect.

 This information is horrifying to think about.

 The character of the Evil Sword Immortal is so eccentric that it is impossible to predict.

 Let alone the old demon from Montenegro who dare not show up and cause havoc, this is the case across several other realms of demons and immortals.

"Evil Sword Immortal...are you afraid of him?"

Di Chong whispered again, his eyes gradually becoming very cold.

 There was indescribable pressure that fell on the entire Montenegro in an instant.

This is the anger from the Demon Dragon Immortal Lord, causing all the demon immortals in Montenegro to kneel on the ground and tremble in fear.

“The Evil Sword Immortal once suppressed the Three Evils, but I really don’t dare to do so.”

The old demon from Montenegro lowered his head, knowing that he had gotten into big trouble.

Three evil spirits?

Di Chong was deep in thought, recalling his long-lasting memory and reminding him of something.

He once had twelve demon kings and generals under his command, all of whom were extremely famous. They were the founders of the demon immortal dynasty co-founded with him.

It can be said that he has made countless military achievements. It is no exaggeration to say that without the twelve demon kings and generals, there would be no demon immortal dynasty later.

 Their origins are also quite mysterious, and each has its own legend.

 Because we share the same goals, we came together.

 Among them, there are three evil spirits.

How come this Evil Sword Immortal suppressed the Three Evils?

“So, this Evil Sword Immortal is the strongest among the natives of Tianzhou.”

“I am a little curious. This junior knows you but does not dare to follow you. Could it be that the deterrent power of this Evil Sword Immortal is greater than yours?”

Rosen looked at Di Chong, full of doubts in his heart.

 In a golden age of immortality 70,000 years ago, there was no chance of ascending to immortality.

The Immortal Road is broken, making it impossible to ascend and enter the upper realm. The combat power level is limited to the Great Perfection of the Tribulation Stage.

 Judging from what the old demon from Black Mountain said, this one called the Evil Sword Immortal seems to be quite powerful, even suppressing the demons and immortals in the entire Tianzhou.

 “Above me? It’s a joke, he’s just a slightly more powerful native.”

Di Chong responded coldly, staring at the Black Mountain old demon with an unkind look on his face.

If it were before, the old Black Mountain demon would be dead now.

 All the demons and immortals in the entire Black Mountain are also dead.

 But since they were afraid of the deterrent power of the Evil Sword Immortal, they did not dare to take the lead.

Then let yourself break this deterrent and let the natives of this world see who is the source of all evil.

Di Chong snorted coldly and walked away slowly.

 Rosen stood there, thoughtful.

 The revelation of this news really surprised him.


 At the same time, Tianzhou went in another direction.

There was a muffled thunder, and ripples were everywhere in the space.

Li Daoran used his magical power to seal off the world, preventing any movement from spreading outside.

After waiting quietly for a while, a black arc finally appeared, and four figures stepped out of it.

 Two of them belong to the Holy Spirit of Daxia, and the other two are the Holy Spirit of Ziwei Kingdom.

“Brother Li is out of touch with us, which makes us sweat a lot.”

 Laughter came out, and a gray-haired old man holding a fly whisk in his hand saw Li Dao and walked over immediately.

“Brother Li has arrived early, have you found any trace of Yunxiang?”

Li Daoran nodded, his mind was quite heavy.

“Yunxiang has been born, but the Holy Spirit who is chasing her has also arrived.”

“In addition, I need to tell you some information.”

“There may be some errors in the historical data investigated by Daxia and Ziwei Kingdom.”

"I discovered that in this era, among the natives of Tianzhou, there was an existence named Evil Sword Immortal. He was very powerful and terrifying, and his origins were unfathomable."

“He may be a hidden figure that has been buried in the dust of history, and there is no record of his information in later generations.”

“At present, in terms of combat power, I should not be his opponent.”

Li Daoran's deep words fell, causing the four Holy Spirits who had just arrived to freeze in mid-air, and their expressions were all astonished.

 (End of this chapter)

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