Heroic Spirit: All My Past Lives Were Summoned By My Daughter

Chapter 119: Yunxiang was born, the Emperor Chong descended and the Holy Spirit appeared

Chapter 119 Yunxiang is born, Emperor Chong descends and the Holy Spirit appears

 The moon sets and the crow crows, lingering all night long.

Chun Ning tied her hair behind her shoulders and stared at Shen Changqing carefully.

 As a man who has been with him day and night for hundreds of years, of course she knows every corner of Shen Changqing's body very well.

“In this way, the Evil Sword Immortal is indeed quite powerful.”

 After thinking about it, Shen Changqing replied solemnly.

Chun Ning has already told him everything that happened on the Guigu battlefield.

 From the conversation, it can be seen that in Chu Ning's eyes, the evil sword fairy is not only extremely powerful, but also has an even weirder personality.

I do n’t like killing the disciples of Xianmen, but I ’m unique to the masters.

“In the past eight years, have you really just been looking for medicine?”

Chu Ning stared at Shen Changqing closely and asked again.

 “Indeed it is.”

Shen Changqing nodded solemnly, but in fact he was sweating.

He knew very well that his wife had been slaying demons for two hundred years, and her Taoist determination had not changed at all.

If it is discovered that the husband she spends day and night with is a demon, it is really hard to predict how she will behave.

After seeing this, Chu Ning began to think deeply.

 Did you really think too much?

 But the figure I saw on the Guigu battlefield that day was indeed quite similar to my husband.

  No matter how a person’s appearance changes, the familiarity cannot be erased.

At this moment, looking at the golden elixir in Shen Changqing's body and the very weak level of power, it seems that it has nothing to do with the Evil Sword Immortal.

 After a while, Chu Ning's lips showed a smile again, and the doubts in her heart disappeared instantly.

 Thinking about it, my husband's qualifications are mediocre. He barely broke through the golden elixir stage at the age of two hundred, but he is no match for the Evil Sword Immortal.

“The sword master is now basically certain that the Evil Sword Immortal is the catastrophe he glimpsed in his dream.”

“But judging from the behavior of the Evil Sword Immortal, it is difficult to associate it with the catastrophe.”

“Besides...the Evil Sword Immortal is so powerful that Tianzhou cannot compete with it, and even if it is a catastrophe, there is nothing he can do about it.”

Chu Ning spoke again, with a little worry in her eyes.

The appearance of such a powerful demon immortal in Tianzhou is almost the catastrophe that the master of the White Eyebrow Sword said.

 But they had no way to take any suppressive measures against the Evil Sword Immortal.

What happened on the Guigu battlefield that day deeply shocked the Yingtian Palace Master and the Prajna Mountain Taoist Master.

There is no doubt that they cannot be the opponents of the Evil Sword Immortal.

Looking at the entire Tianzhou, even if all the masters of the Immortal Sect unite, the outcome is unpredictable.

How to suppress this situation?

"So you plan to let the Evil Sword Immortal go unchecked?" Shen Changqing's eyes flashed.

“Other than that, there is no other way. The sword master only hopes that the character of the Evil Sword Immortal will not change. Otherwise, if he causes a catastrophe, Tianzhou will indeed be unable to compete.”

Chun Ning nodded, and her words reflected Tianzhou's current attitude towards the Evil Sword Immortal.

 First, the Evil Sword Immortal did not kill the disciples of the Immortal Sect.

 Secondly, they are no match for the Evil Sword Immortal.

Taken together from the above two points, they have no urgent reason to unite with the Tianzhou Immortal Sect to crusade against the Evil Sword Immortal.

 The best state is to have nothing to do with each other.

If you anger the Evil Sword Immortal, it will be counterproductive.

 “That’s good too.”

Shen Changqing was relieved.

He has no intention of making an enemy of the entire Tianzhou, and he only shows up again and again to improve his strength.

"Well, go to bed early. I have to go to Jiuzhong Hall to discuss matters tomorrow."

Chu Ning lay quietly in Shen Changqing's arms.


 Time passes.

With the destruction of Yinxian Cave, Tianjianmen returned to its former tranquility.

 But we can still see that many disciples of the Sixteenth Peak frequently come down the mountain.

Go to various places in Tianzhou to slay demons and clean up the scattered monsters that continue to cause trouble.

Shen Changqing is also looking for new opportunities to devour the three evil spirits as soon as possible and absorb the evil thoughts born and stored in the Demon Locking Tower.

As for what Gui Sha said, of course he always took it to heart.

 Di Chong will come, it seems inevitable.

Until this day, Chu Ning suddenly and mysteriously laid out a table of delicious food.

“Husband, I have good news for you.”

 She leaned close to Shen Changqing's ear.

 “I should be happy.”

Shen Changqing paused slightly while picking up the food, and his eyes couldn't help but reveal tenderness.

“Leave all the family matters to me during this period, and just take good care of yourself.”

 The sudden good news slightly disrupted Shen Changqing's subsequent layout and rhythm.

 There is no doubt that the process of transcending the ninth level of the Origin of All Evils will have to be pushed back.

 “Husband, do you prefer a boy or a girl?”

Chu Ning was quite nervous.

 Since the last battlefield in Guigu, her desire to give birth to a child for Shen Changqing has become stronger.

 The future is unpredictable and no one knows what will happen.

 Fu Yueyue once asked her if she had any regrets.

 The only thought that flashed through her mind was that she could not continue her husband's bloodline.

 Now, the bloodline is coming.

 “Anything is fine.”

Shen Changqing had a guess in his mind.

 “Have you thought of a name?”

“Well, if it’s a boy, let’s call it Yunjianxian, and if it’s a girl, let’s call it Yunxiang.”

In today's world of Tianzhou and Earth, immortal cultivators are undoubtedly full of countless fantasies about their journey to immortality.

Chun Ning is obviously no exception. Naming the boy Yun Jianxian means that he hopes his son will become a dragon.

 But she named the girl Yunxiang, and it seemed that she did not want the girl to embark on a spiritual journey.

 “Sure enough…”

Shen Changqing's eyes showed a little sadness.


Chun Ning asked in confusion.

“It’s okay, I have gained a lot of knowledge in pharmacopoeia recently, and I will make some soup for you later.”

Shen Changqing responded with a smile, picked up a piece of meat and put it in Chu Ning's bowl.


 As time continues to pass, for those who cultivate immortality.

 Ten years have passed by in the blink of an eye, and the journey of ten months has been even less worth mentioning.

From Yunxiang’s birth to birth, Shen Changqing has always been by Chu Ning’s side.


Shen Changqing stood outside the cave. Junior Brother Huang Long and many of his wives' junior sisters were also waiting nervously at this moment.

 “A vision from heaven…”

Shen Changqing raised his head and narrowed his eyes.

Any baby with a certain kind of extraordinary talent will cause changes in the celestial phenomena when he is born.

This is a manifestation of the laws of the Xuanhuang Realm, which may be auspicious or ominous.

  Judging from the current scene, the birth of a daughter is also accompanied by some very powerful qualifications.

 “Congratulations, it’s a female doll!”

Fu Yueyue opened the door and walked out, holding Yunxiang in her arms.

Shen Changqing took it and smiled.

 “Let me see my eldest niece quickly.”

Huanglong also came over happily, and a group of people looked at Yunxiang curiously.

 Soon, he discovered that Yunxiang's forehead was actually branded with a snow-white pattern.

 “What is this? A birthmark?”

 Everyone looked at each other in confusion. Shen Changqing naturally noticed the snow-white pattern mark, but it was not particularly obvious.

“I’m afraid it’s a reflection of some kind of qualification.”

 He thought for a moment and then thought of something.

 The daughter was born with a vision and must have some special ability.

Combined with this looming snow-white pattern, it should be the source.

 At the same time, boom.

 Thunder streaked across the sky.

The White Eyebrow Sword Master, who was practicing quietly in the Nine Layers Hall, slowly opened his eyes with confusion.

He practices the magical power of "seeing images in dreams" and has a cognitive understanding of various changes in celestial phenomena that exceeds that of ordinary people.

At this moment, I looked up to the sky, which seemed to be vaguely visible.

 There is a very strange and magnificent picture of mountains and rivers manifested, exuding an unparalleled aura.

 Outsiders cannot see it, but he can basically see it clearly.

"What's this?"

 Bai Mei was quite shocked and quickly stood up.

 In that picture of mountains and rivers, there are traces of all living things.

  It is like some kind of totem brand, holding strong vitality.

 “I haven’t seen such a vision for a long time.”

 Bai Mei sighed inwardly, and with a flick of his consciousness, he discovered where the vision was pointing.

 “Is it Luo Yunfeng?”

The white eyebrows were thoughtful, and soon a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Although I don’t know what this vision represents, it seems to be an auspicious sign at present.

 The movement that appeared in the sky above the Tianjianmen realm naturally attracted the attention of many people.


 Far away, Penglai Island.

Li Daoran has searched for traces of Yunxiang more than once since he came across the long river of time.

 He was stationed on Penglai Island waiting for the arrival of his companions. In the past year, he met many natives.

As a result, rumors of immortals in Penglai gradually spread in Tianzhou.

 Although it was not intentional, it did mean to explore the traces of Yunxiang in this way.

 After all, he doesn’t understand Tianzhou, nor does he understand this era.

 It is not easy to find Yunxiang among the vast number of living beings.

 Through indigenous methods, it may be miraculous.

Until today, he suddenly felt some kind of ripples in the laws of Tianzhou.

 “This is...a fortune chart?”

Li Daoran was sitting cross-legged on Penglai Island and suddenly opened his eyes with a look of surprise and uncertainty.

 He looked far away into the distance, which belonged to the territory of Tianjian Sect.

 “It’s really a lucky picture!”

Li Daoran stood up immediately, his eyes full of shock.

The Tianyun Diagram is one of the origins of the laws of the Xuanhuang Realm, and it is at the same level as the Heavenly Tribulation.

Its function is to give all creatures in the Xuanhuang Realm endless vitality and luck.

Li Daoran knew the Tianyun Diagram because it appeared one hundred thousand years ago.

This is the main manifestation of the original law of the Xuanhuang Realm. Every generation of beings with destiny maps possesses unimaginable magical abilities.

  Unexpectedly, he would see with his own eyes the choice of the master of the destiny map in this golden age of immortality.

 “Could it be that Yunxiang was born?”

Li Daoran quickly thought of something.

 Speaking of the golden age of the Immortal Road in Tianzhou, some major events will happen that will shock the past and the present.

 It can be combined with Yunxiang, then only the appearance of this fortune chart!

 He was almost certain that this must be related to Yunxiang.

After all, judging from Ziwei Kingdom’s behavior of asking Daxia to cross the river of time to protect Yunxiang at all costs, Yunxiang definitely cannot be an ordinary person.

 This horoscope is a testimony.

 “I think I found it.”

Li Daoran was a little excited.

 Following that, I felt a little heavy.

When Yunxiang was born, those holy spirits who crossed the river of time to come to kill me were probably coming too.

He raised his head and stared at the sky, and with the flick of his sleeves, he completely erased the traces of the vision in the sky above Tianjian Mountain.

 And then suppressed his own breath into the dust.

 As time passed little by little, we finally arrived somewhere in the plain direction of Tianzhou.

Rumble —

Dark clouds cover the sky and the sun, covering the eight deserts, and the deep source of destruction is released unbridled in the sky.

 Thunder continued to streak across, and stormy winds stirred up in every corner of the plain.

 A total of four black arcs appeared slowly, with arcs of destruction crackling all around.

 When it fell on the earth, it directly caused the collapse and disappearance of the surrounding space.

 A big hand gently reached out, and a figure slowly walked out of the black arc.

 The person who came was wearing an ancient robe, with a feminine face and a strong fairy air.

On the top of its head, there is actually a pair of black dragon-shaped horns.

 Hideous waves of demon power spread from the horn, like a symbol and source of power.

“Is this the Tianzhou that existed 70,000 years ago?”

Di Chong slowly scanned the surroundings, swept by his terrifying spiritual thoughts.

 The combat power level and scenery of the entire Tianzhou can be seen thoroughly.

 “Weak, too weak.”

 He expressed the same emotion as Li Daoran at that time.

 The only difference is that he is more arrogant, as if he is dominating the world, and his eyes are colder and indifferent.

Ever since he stepped out of the black arc, the laws of heaven and earth in the entire plain were under unimaginable pressure, almost as if they were about to burst.

 Obviously, his power level is a disastrous manifestation for Tianzhou.

 The laws of heaven and earth here cannot withstand the power of immortals.

 According to the laws of the past and present, anyone who becomes an immortal will ascend to a place where the laws of heaven and earth in the Xuanhuang Realm are stronger.

As for Tianzhou, it belongs to the ‘lower realm’ level.

 One Li Daoran almost brought Tianzhou to a state of saturation.

At this moment, four more Holy Spirits have descended, and Tianzhou will naturally tremble.

 “Can you feel the aura of the Tianyun Chart?”

Beside Di Chong, another figure also walked out of the black arc.

This person's name is Luo Sen. He is an ancestor of the Luo family who was contracted by the Luo family. His strength is also at the Earth Immortal level.

 But in front of Di Chong, he obviously had to lower his profile.

 Because Di Chong is by far the most powerful Holy Spirit contracted by the entire Luo family.

 “Interesting, there is no trace at all?”

Di Chong continued to scan the scene of Tianzhou, but he never found the slightest trace of the Tianyun Map.

Judging from the time they spanned the long river of time, this time should have just passed not long after Yunxiang was born.

 The Tianyun Map has definitely appeared in the world, and it is in Tianzhou, and has not gone to other surrounding areas.

“If you can’t find the destiny map, you can’t find Yunxiang. How can you complete this task?”

The third Holy Spirit spoke in a deep voice. Apparently, they did not realize that before he came, a Holy Spirit from Daxia had already arrived in advance.

“Why go looking for them? Can’t we just kill them all?”

“The original goal of your Luo family is to erase Yunxiang’s memory and traces of her existence.”

“There was not even a living immortal in Tianzhou 70,000 years ago. Is it difficult to destroy the world?”

The fourth Holy Spirit of the Luo family sneered and licked his lips in excitement.

 For him, killing seems to be the best way to please himself.

“I think this is too cruel to the natives.”

Di Chong smiled slightly, his dragon pupils glowing with blood.

 “However, I also like it.”

 (End of this chapter)

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