Heroic Spirit: All My Past Lives Were Summoned By My Daughter

Chapter 116: In this era, there are still such powerful indigenous people

Chapter 116 In this era, are there still such powerful natives?

 A few months later.

Tianzhou Obsidian Domain.

 There is no trace of human habitation for tens of thousands of miles.

 But every hundred miles, there is a demon mountain standing, where all kinds of powerful demons gather.

Today, a black mist appeared at the edge of the domain.

All kinds of evil thoughts and will swept over the sky, with endless black clouds behind.

The sky suddenly fell into extreme drowsiness, and a heart-stopping pressure spread.

This movement caused the demon fairies entrenched in the nearby demon mountain to panic.

They all opened their eyes, which were silently practicing, with expressions of surprise and uncertainty.

“Which demon is this?”

"This aura...could it be that of the Evil Sword Immortal?"

“It’s the Evil Sword Immortal, it’s really him!”

Shen Changqing stepped slowly into the air, his whole body shrouded in black mist, shrinking to a hundred miles with one step.

 The spread of heavy pressure made many demons and immortals look horrified.

As early as many years ago, the evil reputation of the Evil Sword Immortal began to spread throughout Tianzhou.

Step into the demon nest and kill the master of the demon nest among all the demons.

Climbed to the top of Moxian Mountain and took away the Demon Locking Tower in full view of everyone.

No matter which incident happened, it set off a huge storm in Tianzhou.

At this moment, the Evil Sword Immortal came to the obsidian realm. Why?

Shen Changqing ran straight to the Obsidian Mountain Gate, ignoring many monster mountains along the way.

 The eyes looked at him one after another, all with deep fear.

 Until he approached the Obsidian Mountain Gate, the aura finally opened and closed.

 It rolled from the sky and fell on him.

Obsidian Mountain Gate is at the center of the Obsidian realm.

 The most powerful demons and immortals in the entire field are entrenched near the mountain gate.

There are more than a dozen demon kings in the combined stage, surrounding their only master.

 Shen Changqing's arrival naturally attracted their attention.

At the end of the mountain gate, in the direction of the sky shrouded in evil thoughts, a pair of indifferent eyes slowly opened and closed.

 The terrifying power in the middle of the Tribulation instantly covered Shen Changqing's body.

The Master of Obsidian Cave walked in the air, standing with his hands behind his back, and every step he took brought earth-shattering ripples.

 He is the incarnation of evil thoughts, a demon that cannot be erased even by thunder and calamity.

Having practiced till now, he is undoubtedly one of the oldest existences in Tianzhou.

 But even so, when facing Shen Changqing.

 There was actually an indescribable horror deep in his heart.

 Who is this?

Obsidian Cave Master's eyes gradually became serious.

 In the past ten years, the evil reputation of the Evil Sword Immortal has been widely spread.

He was deep inside the mountain gate and still heard a little about it.

 It wasn’t until the trip to Mo Xian Mountain that the Evil Sword Immortal became completely famous.

 There are rumors from the outside that its strength has reached the middle stage of transcending the tribulation.

At this moment, what he saw with his own eyes was that the evil thoughts lingering around Shen Changqing's body actually made him feel like he wanted to worship.

 What's this **** shuddering feeling about?

Obsidian Cave Master took a deep breath and spoke in a deep voice.

"This is a radius of 30,000 miles, you can take whatever you need."

 When these words came out, people could not help but move near the mountain gate.

All the eyes that came to pay attention fell silent.

They follow behind the Obsidian Cave Master and should obey the orders of the Obsidian Cave Master.

 There will be no objection to any decision.

However, the purpose of the arrival of the Evil Sword Immortal is still unknown.

Obsidian Cave Master lowered his status and directly allowed the Evil Sword Immortal to take any resources at will in his territory?

"I want you."

Shen Changqing spoke slowly, with a slightly hoarse voice.

 In the process of revealing the source of all evil, its appearance will undergo some changes, including subtle changes in its shape.

"What did you say?"

The Obsidian Cave Master suddenly frowned.

  Immediately afterwards, anger rose in his chest.

Shen Changqing had previously entered the Demon Nest and drained the power from the Master of the Demon Nest.

 The meaning of this sentence is that he clearly regards himself as the master of the demon nest?


 Near the mountain gate, a dozen astonishing forces erupted in an instant.

Looking sharply together, it was those dozen demon kings in the Fusion Stage.

“Do you know where this place is?”

“There must be a limit to arrogance! Just because you can come and go freely in Moxian Mountain, doesn’t mean you can walk out alive in Obsidian Cave!”

As the sound from the sky resounded, countless demons and immortals appeared in an instant.

 They were scattered in various places at the mountain gate, so densely packed that they were hard to count.

 Although they know that Shen Changqing is very strong, after all, there is only one person.

With the inherent strength of the entire Obsidian Mountain Sect, there is no problem in suppressing the Tribulation Stage.

What’s more, the cave master is here.

Looking outside the mountain gate, there are also countless eyes looking at the many demonic mountains standing in the area.

 But these fairies didn’t make any moves, they just watched nervously.

Obsidian Cave Master was still suppressing his anger, staring at Shen Changqing and speaking coldly.

“I can’t fulfill your request, and I’m afraid even the tens of thousands of monsters in this realm won’t agree to it.”

After the words fell, Shen Changqing's eyes turned leisurely.

“Can’t do it? I’m sorry, but it’s not up to you.”

 He raised his hand, and all kinds of evil thoughts gathered at their source.

The yin and luo phases of the sky opened and closed in an instant, covering the entire mountain gate in an instant.

Countless demons and immortals were preparing to leave, but they saw darkness suddenly pressing above their heads.


 The Demon Locking Tower appears, blocking out the sky and the sun.

Suppressed with unparalleled force, the entire mountain gate fell apart in an instant, and the formation was destroyed.

In the Demon Locking Tower, I don’t know when there was no trace of any demons anymore, and it was completely dead.

But this explosion of power poured out onto the earth.

The demons and fairies at Obsidian Mountain Gate screamed in fear.

“Impossible!” The expressions of more than a dozen demon kings in the combined stage changed drastically.

It seems that Shen Changqing never expected that as a demon immortal, he could actually use the demon locking tower?

This also made the Obsidian Cave Master stunned for a moment. When he came to his senses, Shen Changqing had already appeared in front of him.

 “Come with me for a walk.”

As soon as the faint whisper fell, a terrifying power came and fell on his shoulders on the spot.

This slap caused his shoulder to collapse.

 As the incarnation of evil thoughts, the original power in the body has a tendency to fall apart.

His face was distorted in severe pain, and he could not muster the strength to resist at all.

He was picked up by Shen Changqing, shrunk to the ground and stepped towards the horizon.

 Looking at Obsidian Mountain Gate again, it was also deathly silent.

The Demon Locking Tower quickly shrank and followed behind Shen Changqing.

In the densely packed windows, the struggling faces of countless demons and immortals were clearly revealed.

  Among them, there are also more than a dozen demon kings in the combined stage!

Scenes like this all fall in the eyes of the demons and immortals gathered in many demonic mountains in the domain.

 In an instant, it turned into a look of indescribable fear.


 At the same time, on the other side.

 While the chaos in the Obsidian Cave Ten Thousand Miles Domain was going on, somewhere in the direction of a distant plain.

The sky here is clear and everything is full of vitality.

 But at the next moment, black clouds suddenly rolled in the sky, and thunder flashed continuously.

 A surging power of law appeared, tearing apart the space.


 A bolt of thunder struck down, instantly creating chaos and nothingness in the square inch world.

 An ancient aura rippled out, and a robed figure slowly walked out of the deep thunder arc.

 “I’m here early?”

 He frowned slightly and looked around.

 Haven’t seen any companions, nor the Holy Spirit of Ziwei Kingdom.

 As the powerful immortal sent by Daxia this time.

 The era he lived in back then must have been older than the Golden Age of Immortal Road.

The Golden Age of Immortal Road is 70,000 years away from reality.

 He was an Earth Immortal from a hundred thousand years ago named Li Daoran.

 It is no exaggeration to say that he is the Cardinal of Great Xia, one of the few who has the Holy Spirit.

 He crossed the long river of time and entered this golden age of immortality.

His first task is to protect a woman named Yunxiang.

And snipe at the Western civilized country, that is, the Holy Spirit who has contracted with Tianzhou in later generations and will soon come here as well.

 But looking at it now, he not only came early.

 There was also a disconnect with the other Holy Spirits in Daxia, including several Holy Spirits from the Ziwei Kingdom.

“The original treasure of the underground cave is indeed magical. It is worthy of being created by the laws of the Xuanhuang Realm.”

Li Daoran lowered his head slightly and looked at his hands with surprise in his eyes.

 Originally it was in the state of a heroic spirit, but because of the blessing of the original treasure of the cave.

 In the process of crossing the long river of history, a physical body was actually created.

 In this way, even if he dies here, the heroic spirit body can still return to reality.

It’s just that this method of using the original treasure in the cave and then using magical means has spanned the long river of time.

 The consumption of Daxia’s heritage is very huge.

 Without absolute strength and ability, it is simply impossible to do it.

 At present, looking at the entire Shu continent in later generations, Zhongzhou includes Xingzhou.

 The only countries that can cross the long river of time are Daxia and Ziwei.

 At the same time, this also poses a huge test to the Holy Spirit itself.

 Not every Holy Spirit can successfully cross the long river of time.

 There is a high probability that failure will occur.

 Either being torn apart by the long river of time, or inexplicably falling into any era along the way, and never being able to return.

The reason why Daxia is willing to assist Ziwei Kingdom this time is because the number of original treasures in the cave is sufficient to ensure that the above accidents will not occur.

 “You need to find Yunxiang first.”

Li Daoran looked at the scene of Tianzhou Plain and fell into some thought.

 At present, Yunxiang should not have been born yet.

 Wait until the time of birth, or before birth.

Those Holy Spirits who come to hunt us will arrive on time.

Li Daoran only hoped that his companions could arrive earlier and make some arrangements in advance.

Soon, his consciousness swept out and quickly checked the combat power level within Tianzhou.

 The reason why later generations called the Immortal Road Era the Immortal Road.

 The reason is that the immortal cultivators in this era are all pursuing the illusory road to becoming immortals and then ascending to the upper world.

 What a pity, the Immortal Road has already been broken as early as the Immortal Era.

 The so-called upper realm is just another land in the Xuanhuang Realm.

 The so-called ascension is just a passage.

 It’s just that the laws of heaven and earth in the ‘upper realm’ are much higher than those of ordinary intercontinental continents.

 In the Yuling Era, everyone can pass through the caves and go to the ‘upper realm’.

"As expected, the natives here can only cultivate to the stage of transcending tribulation. They are weak, too weak."

Li Daoran's consciousness swept across and he saw one immortal sect after another, each with a very powerful aura.

 It’s just that in his eyes, these natives of Tianzhou are like ‘NPCs’ in the game of Yuling Era.

  Ignorant and vulnerable.


 Suddenly, his consciousness came to a place where evil thoughts were breeding, and was distorted.

 An even stronger stinging sensation hit him, causing his consciousness to be swallowed up on the spot.

Li Daoran's expression changed and he suddenly opened his eyes.

His steps staggered back, his lips turned pale, and his mind was filled with waves.

 “This, this, this…who is this?”

 He saw the overwhelming evil black clouds, and looked into a pair of evil eyes among the black clouds.

With just one glance, all spiritual consciousness is gone.

“There’s something wrong with this native!”

 (End of this chapter)

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