Heroic Spirit: All My Past Lives Were Summoned By My Daughter

Chapter 115: Is there anyone in the world who doesn’t know you, who will be frightened by the evil

Chapter 115 Who in the world doesn’t recognize you and is frightened by the news of the evil swordsman?

Tianyian Mountain is shrouded in clouds and mist, and the fairy wind is powerful.

Looking at the surrounding area for tens of thousands of miles, no monster dares to come even close.

Shen Changqing was sitting cross-legged in the cave as usual.

  quietly swallowing up the huge amount of resentment floating in all directions in the sky.

 This is completely different from the origin of evil spirits, including the energy of death.

 They are things that are invisible, intangible, and have no precise way to practice.

 But at the same time, they are everywhere, emanating from all living beings.

 Shen Changqing's evil thoughts were enough to absorb them one after another.

 And the source of all evil can transform it into the original power.

This kind of cultivation path is the Evil Sword Immortal.

Evil thoughts are endless, evil thoughts are endless.

 When Shen Changqing started practicing, he felt it was simpler than ever before.

 Get stronger, just like drinking water.

As long as a wisp of evil thoughts are swallowed up, the source of all evil will give a certain feedback.

Moreover, there is no worry that the source will be exhausted.

Although Tianjian Mountain is said to be an immortal gate, you can find all kinds of monster auras.

 But as for the fluctuations of evil thoughts, resentment, etc., it is impossible to detect the slightest.

 So Shen Changqing's practice in Tianjian Mountain did not attract anyone's attention.

 Two years have passed since my wife went down the mountain to slay the demon.

 His source of all evil has reached the sixth level.

Such a terrifying cultivation speed is unprecedented!

Shen Changqing took out the jade communication slip from his arms, and there was news from Chu Ning on it.

—[Today I overturned a team of ten thousand monsters in Yinxian Cave, killed two elders, and rescued the civilians on ten altars. Everything is fine here. How are you? 】

Shen Changqing did not hesitate, wrote the next line of text, and cast a spell to pass the news.

 For two years, he and Chu Ning basically kept in touch.

 Inform each other of peace, recent situation, etc.

 At present, the three peak masters of Tianjian Mountain lead the team, and many immortal sects jointly suppress it.

Chun Ning’s journey of subduing the demon went very smoothly, without any major obstacles or risks.

 “I can’t stay in Tianjian Mountain any longer.”

 Shen Changqing stood up slowly and walked out of the cave.

The resentment here is not enough to make his source of all evil go further.

 He also needs to go down the mountain.

Steps forward, and the figure disappears in an instant.


 Half a year later, Shen Changqing appeared in a place where a group of monsters gathered.

The jade communication slip in her arms radiated warmth, and the news of Chu Ning came again.

—[Husband, I’m afraid I won’t be able to keep in touch with you these days. The resistance in Yinxian Cave has become much more intense, and many of my fellow disciples have already died. 】

  【The three peak masters have all suffered some injuries. We need to consolidate the normal operation of the demon-slaying array and not be distracted. 】

  【Fortunately, good news came from Prajna Mountain. One of the cave owners of Yinxian Cave was killed on the spot! 】

  【In addition, I heard that a new powerful demon fairy appeared near Tianjian Mountain. What is his name, Evil Sword Immortal? 】

  【You should know, right? You have to be careful lately and don't wander down the mountain if you have nothing to do. 】


 Two years later, Shen Changqing left the place where the demons gathered and continued to the Tianzhou Immortal Dynasty.

He lowered his head and glanced at the jade communication slip. Chu Ning’s last message was a year ago.

—[Husband, do you still remember the Evil Sword Immortal I mentioned to you last time? 】

  【This Evil Sword Immortal is really not that simple, he actually killed the Lord of the Demon Nest! 】

  【This incident caused quite a stir. Many immortal sects in Tianzhou were looking for his whereabouts and were preparing to join forces to suppress him. 】

  【How have you been lately? Have you broken through the golden elixir stage? 】

 This is the last message. Chu Ning rarely contacted Shen Changqing for a year.

However, judging from the imprint of the life card, Chu Ning did not encounter any life danger, and the imprint was still very stable.


 Five years later, Shen Changqing came to Tianzhou Black Mountain again.

 The news about Chu Ning finally came.

  —【We succeeded! Yinxian Cave was defeated steadily by us, and the decisive battle will soon begin! 】

  【But now there is new trouble. The Evil Sword Immortal is so powerful that it has frightened the outside world. 】

  【It is said that he can come and go freely across Moxian Mountain, and even took away the Demon Locking Tower! 】

The Evil Sword Immortal is too rampant. We will probably go to find the Evil Sword Immortal after solving the Yin Immortal Cave, and we won’t be able to come back in a short time. 】

  【Also, congratulations on breaking through the Golden Elixir stage! 】


 Five years later, I received a letter from my wife again.

Shen Changqing couldn't help but smile.

 Seeing that the Yinxian Cave was about to be defeated, he was also sincerely happy.

 But is the progress going too smoothly?

According to Heavenly Sword Master Bai Mei's prediction, this demon subduing process may take more than ten years, or even longer.

 This is based on the underlying strength of Yinxian Cave, and it is not that easy to defeat.

but now…

 Shen Changqing didn't think much about it.

He was sitting cross-legged on the top of the Black Mountain, with wisps of black energy wrapped around him.

 Slowly glance around the Black Mountain area, thoughtfully.

 This is another place where demons gather in Tianzhou.

 Different from Yinxian Cave, Black Mountain has no master, and the battle between monsters has lasted for hundreds of years. The evil thoughts that burst out were so intense that they were unimaginable.

 Shen Changqing has been here for two years.

Looking at the vast territory of Black Mountain, everything within a radius of thousands of miles is completely silent.

 You can see trembling figures crawling and huddled in every corner of Montenegro.

 Their pupils were filled with intense fear.

 The intimidating power of the Evil Sword Immortal prevented them from taking any action.

“It’s been two years and I still can’t reach the ninth level.”

 Shen Changqing sighed lightly.

 The source of all evil is continuing to transform towards a new stage.

 But it seems that we have reached the top of the bottle and cannot break through for a long time.

Over the years, he has traveled hundreds of thousands of miles across mountains and rivers, visiting one place after another.

 As of today, the power of evil thoughts and evil thoughts he has devoured has allowed the source of all evil to enter the eighth level!

 Converted into the system of cultivating immortals, it is the period of transcending tribulation.

 However, there is a certain level of evil thoughts and evil thoughts that arise in the world.

According to the original cultivation speed, he only needs to stay in the Black Mountain all year round to successfully cultivate to the ninth level of the Source Body of All Evils.

 But since a year ago, the source of all evil has almost stopped moving forward.

 Not only is the speed very slow, but the improvement in strength is also minimal.

If you guessed correctly, this is because of the evil thoughts and evil thoughts that burst out in Heishan.

Its strength is no longer enough to support the cultivation of the ninth level of the Source Body of All Evils.

 He needs evil thoughts of greater intensity and greed.

 Judging from the information found in the Tianjian Mountain Sutra Pavilion.

There are a few demonic and immortal lands in Tianzhou that go beyond the foundation of Black Mountain.

 Among them, the fairy land called Obsidian Cave is said to have a territory that exceeds tens of thousands of miles.

Near the mountain gate of Obsidian Cave, there are countless powerful demons and immortals who are entrenched all year round.

Their leader, named Obsidian Cave Master, is also capable of transcending the tribulation period.

 Perhaps between the mid-term and late-stage, possessing the right to speak to cause catastrophe in the world with just one order.

The origin of the Obsidian Cave Master can even be traced back to the last era, but no one knows his true origin.

 It is said to be some kind of pure evil body that was separated under the baptism of thunder.

Shen Changqing has long been coveting the master of Obsidian Cave, but he has never done anything due to his own strength.

 At present, the source of all evil is stagnant on the eighth level, and is only one step away from becoming an immortal.

 If you don’t take action now, wait until later.

He stood up, and finally turned into a black mist, flying through the clouds and heading straight to the gate of Obsidian Cave.

With Shen Changqing's departure, the terrifying pressure that shrouded Black Mountain is slowly dissipating.

Many demons and fairies in Black Mountain raised their heads and looked around in fear.

 “Is he gone?”

 “It’s been two years, these two years have been a nightmare!”

“Who is this guy? He has made me breathless for two years!”

“Don’t you know the Evil Sword Immortal? In recent years, his name has been spread outside Tianzhou.”

"Evil Sword Immortal...Evil Sword Immortal, how come we in Tianzhou have such evil immortals? We have never seen them before?"

 Under the Black Mountain, Shen Changqing has left.

Thousands of demons and immortals looked to the horizon for the rest of their lives, their expressions extremely pale.

 Among them, there are several Black Mountain Demon Kings belonging to different camps.

 The most notorious one is undoubtedly the Black Mountain Old Demon, who has been practicing for two thousand years.

The strength is at the Great Perfection of Refining the Void and is about to enter the integration stage.

 He felt that Shen Changqing's breath was no longer in the world, and he slumped down with relief.

“Sir, who is this guy?”

Beside the old demon from Black Mountain, a red-haired demon asked tremblingly.

Since Shen Changqing arrived two years ago, the entire Black Mountain has fallen into deathly silence.

 Like ice, all activities have stopped.

 For many demons, even breathing carries some unimaginable pressure.

The Black Mountain Old Demon's voice was heavy, and his pupils showed fear.

“He is the Evil Sword Immortal. He first appeared in the Demon Nest eight years ago.”

“I don’t know what means I used to **** the master of the demon nest into a mummy!”

“In the next few years, the Evil Sword Immortal wandered around various places, causing a sensation whenever he appeared.”

 “The last time he appeared was in Moxian Mountain.”

“Under the eyes of the Taoist Mo Immortal, the thousands-year-old Demon Locking Tower was uprooted and taken away alive!”

“When Tianjian Mountain united with many immortal sects to descend the mountain to subdue the demons, Taoist Mo Xian could only watch helplessly and did not dare to stop them.”

“I didn’t expect that he would appear in our Montenegro, and now he is finally gone.”

After the old demon from Montenegro finished speaking, the cognitive view of the red-haired demon fairy was slightly subverted.

He may not have heard of the Evil Sword Immortal, but he is very familiar with the famous Mo Xian Mountain in Tianzhou.

Thousands of years ago, Moxian Mountain was a giant in Tianzhou.

There are a large number of ancient demon immortals imprisoned in its Demon Locking Tower.

 At the top level, it is reported that there are several unspeakable beings.

It was Mo Xianren who personally suppressed it in the last era.

It is no exaggeration to say that the overall strength of Moxian Mountain can be ranked among the top three of Tianzhou Xianmen.

But the Evil Sword Immortal not only comes and goes as he pleases, but he also takes the Demon Locking Tower with him?

 “Where is he going on this trip?”

The old demon from Montenegro could not see Shen Changqing's figure.

 But there is a vague feeling of uneasiness, maybe something big is about to happen!

 (End of this chapter)

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