Heroic Spirit: All My Past Lives Were Summoned By My Daughter

Chapter 117: Emperor Chong Sansha, even if he sees my evil sword, he must lower his eyebrows!

Chapter 117 Emperor Chong Sansha, even if he sees my evil sword, he must lower his eyebrows!

"this person…"

 Shen Changqing looked into the distance, thoughtfully.

 He was surrounded by black mist, and all kinds of evil thoughts were pulsating, exuding a destructive aura.

Just now, an unknown divine will came.

That level of power, including the length of time, does not belong to this era at all.

 Even, Shen Changqing felt the fluctuations of later generations, as well as the strong aura of the origin of the cave!

 “The Holy Spirit?”

 Shen Changqing was not stupid and quickly guessed the origin of the other party.

 It's just that this method of crossing the long river of time is completely different from the way he was born as an aborigine.

  If you want to compare ‘reincarnation’ to ‘game’.

Then the later generations who step into history are ‘players’.

 “What are they going to do?”

 Shen Changqing fell into deep thought.

 It is obvious that the Holy Spirit certainly did not come alone and had a mission.

 After pondering to no avail, Shen Changqing looked down at his palm again.

He crushed the Obsidian Cave Master into a ball with only one face left.

 As the incarnation of evil thoughts, it is an existence that cannot be destroyed even by thunder.

Every trace of evil thoughts in the Obsidian Cave Master is a great tonic for him.

Moreover, looking at the level of this kind of evil thoughts, it far exceeds the ordinary level in the human world.

 Shen Changqing did not know the true origin of the Obsidian Cave Master before, but now it seems that he is probably someone with great supernatural powers.

 When he was going through the tribulation in the last era, he used the power of thunder to cleanse himself and separate his own evil thoughts.

 “What are you going to do? What are you going to do?”

The face of the Obsidian Cave Master is distorted, containing endless fear.

His whole body's strength was under Shen Changqing's palm, being tightly restrained and unable to use any of it.

 In the past ten years, the evil reputation of the Evil Sword Immortal has been widely spread in the outside world.

 As for the speculation about the strength of the Evil Sword Immortal, it is roughly around the middle stage of the Tribulation.

  Judging from the extent of the previous actions, this is not just the middle stage of the tribulation?

Shen Changqing may have half-stepped that step, as a semi-immortal in the world, he would believe it!

 “Don’t be afraid, it will be fine in a while.”

Shen Changqing smiled slightly.

 Under the change of the source of all evil, this smile looks quite penetrating.

 accompanied by the strong aura of evil thoughts, the master of Obsidian Cave screamed in fear on the spot.

Shen Changqing no longer hesitated and activated the natural ability of Devouring Evil Thoughts in his palm.

The Obsidian Cave Master was seen trembling crazily all over, and his entire distorted face quickly disintegrated.

 In the end, his eyes rolled up, and his entire consciousness continued to collapse amidst the roar.

He is just a bunch of evil thoughts. He is the same type of demon fairy as Shen Changqing, but he is far less terrifying than Shen Changqing's talent.

As a result, he could only become Shen Changqing's nourishment.

 The devouring process is relatively smooth, with the gurgling evil thoughts pouring into the source of all evil.

The transformation that had been stagnant for a year was finally shaken.

 But what Shen Changqing didn't notice was.

The jade communication slip in his arms suddenly emitted warmth, and a message was quietly delivered.



 Jiuchongtian Hall.

Hai Mei stared closely at the scene revealed in the water curtain in front of him.

 In the picture, it is the Obsidian Cave where all the monsters gather!

 The riots continued, and the owner of Obsidian Cave was taken away.

All the powerful demons and fairies in the entire Mountain Gate realm were suppressed and taken into the Demon Locking Tower, and the divisions of the Demon Mountain territories began to be shuffled again.

"What is the origin of this evil sword fairy..."

The white eyebrows and eyes were quite trembling, and the news spread very quickly.

 In a short period of time, it was known to many immortal sects in Tianzhou.

 Looking at all the groups of demons and immortals in Tianzhou, the demons are even more frightened.

No one knows who the Evil Sword Immortal’s next target will be.

Ever since the master of the Demon Nest was slaughtered eight years ago, the Evil Sword Immortal began to attract the attention of many forces in Tianzhou.

 At first, not many people paid much attention.

 After all, countless powerful demons and immortals have been born in Tianzhou over the years.

 There are many people who are drowned in the rolling dust of history, and it is not uncommon for existences that can deter the ages.

But even Bai Mei never expected that the Evil Sword Immortal would appear in the Obsidian Cave and fight to become famous again!

As the incarnation of evil thoughts, the Obsidian Cave Master possesses the strength to transcend the middle stage of tribulation, and the entire mountain gate realm has more than a dozen combined-stage demon kings.

Even so, he is no match for the Evil Sword Immortal.

"Could it be that the catastrophe glimpsed in the dream...is actually him?"

Hai Mei frowned tightly, a little uncertain.

 The so-called voyeurism in dreams is a magical power that has been passed down from ancient times.

 The name of its creator is Tianji.

 In this history, it is said that there was also an old man named Tianji.

Although Bai Mei is far inferior to Old Man Tianji, he is also unable to cultivate his magical ability to see images in dreams to the pinnacle.

 But as for the catastrophe, it is basically certain that it is true.

At present, Yinxian Cave is being besieged and cleared by many immortal sects in Tianzhou. Many altars have been destroyed, and the army of demons and immortals are retreating steadily.

 The idea of ​​the five cave masters wanting to resurrect the Immortal Lord Di Chong has almost no possibility of being completed.

 In this situation, another extremely powerful Evil Sword Immortal appeared.

This had to make Bai Mei's speculation begin to point to the Evil Sword Immortal.

“The whereabouts of the Obsidian Cave Master is unknown. Looking at the entire Tianzhou, I am afraid that there is no demon immortal who can compete with the Evil Sword Immortal.”

“Then this Evil Sword Immortal is probably the most terrifying existence in this world, and the biggest variable that causes the catastrophe.”

Thinking of this, Bai Mei's heart became heavier.

 Suddenly, a **** rainbow came suddenly and landed directly in front of him.

 The words are revealed, with anxiety—

  【The remaining three cave masters of Yinxian Cave have sacrificed themselves, and will soon resurrect the three demon kings under the command of Xianjun Di Chong! 】

  【The Allies are encountering a life-and-death crisis in Guigu, please ask the Sword Master to come quickly for support! 】

Baimei's complexion changed drastically and he stood up in an instant.

Thousands of feet of white hair danced wildly, bringing with it a strong wave of power in the later stages of the Tribulation.

“The masters of the ten peaks of Tianjian Sect, follow me down the mountain immediately!”

 The sound of clear drinking resounded throughout Tianjian Mountain.

This movement attracted everyone's attention, and everyone looked over at once.

I saw a long rainbow of sword energy rising from the top of the mountain, and a large number of sword shadows walked through the air, turning into meteors and rushing towards the Ghost Valley.

As the most prosperous immortal sect in Tianzhou, Tianjian Mountain has an important mission.

  It needs to deter all the surrounding monster mountains, as well as the other three major areas that are as famous as the Obsidian Cave.

In most cases, Bai Mei will sit in Tianjian Mountain, and the masters of the Sixteen Peaks will not come out in full force.

 But now, something big seems to have happened. Bai Mei not only went down the mountain in person, but also took away the other ten peak masters!

 Looking at the entire Tianjian Mountain, 80% of the information is revealed!

“The sword master actually came down the mountain?”

 Huanglong, who is located on the back mountain of Luoyun Peak, has grown into a young man with long flowing hair.

He looked at the rainbow leaving the sky, feeling a faint feeling of uneasiness in his heart.


Tianzhou Ghost Valley, the sky is vast and covered with thick clouds.

Black peaks stand in various places, stretching like a chasm, dividing the world of demons and immortals and the world of immortals in two.

 This is the largest territory of Yinxian Cave.

 The five hole masters’ trump cards are all in Guigu.

At this moment, the formation opened and closed covering thousands of miles in radius.

Countless disciples of the Immortal Sect stood in the sky one after another. Their faces were pale, and they tried their best to cast spells and maintain the operation of the formation.

Position ahead, towards the edge of the Black Mountain Ghost Valley.

 Dozens of Lingtian figures erupted with bright light and continued to be consumed by the bombardment of magical powers.

 This includes the three peak masters of Tianjian Sect.

Although they have not reached the Tribulation Stage, they are Dzogchen monks in the Integration Stage.

In addition, the master of Yingtian Mansion and the master of Prajna Mountain are both great monks in the middle stage of the Tribulation.

Even a character as powerful as the Obsidian Cave Master can only flee with his head in his hands under the joint attack of these two men.

 So in most cases, the defeat of Yinxian Cave is inseparable from the contributions of these two people.

 But now, the faces of Yingtian Mansion Master and Prajna Mountain Taoist Master are very ugly.

 The exhaustion of physical strength and the continuous burst of magical powers made them exhausted.

This battle not only failed to overthrow the Ghost Valley in the final realm of Yinxian Cave, but instead aroused the madness of the remaining three cave masters.

In sight, demons and immortals all over the sky are desperately resisting. Formations are also opening and closing, and magical weapons continue to roar.

The three cave masters sit cross-legged on the top of the Ghost Valley. There are dozens of altars scattered around, lingering with the strange aura of ancient forbidden arts.

With the changes in the world, various lines and patterns began to appear on the flesh bodies of these three cave masters.

Their consciousness gradually faded away, and were replaced by the three extremely powerful demon kings under the command of Xianjun Emperor Chong from the last era!

 The demon king occupies the physical body, and this kind of resurrection is no different from taking over the body.

But the three cave masters had no choice at all. The power from Yingtian Mansion Master and Prajna Mountain Dao Master forced them to do this.

 “Is Baimei here? If we don’t break through the defense of Guigu, we will face the demon king!”

 Ying Tianfu Lord shouted in a deep voice.

"The sword master is already on the way, and the one from Moxian Mountain is also on his way...but it seems he is too late."

The Peak Master of Tianjian Sect’s Luo Yun Peak had no blood left on his lips, and he couldn’t help but tremble in his heart.

 The reputation of Xianjun Di Chong, even though it has gone through the changes of the times and has long been buried in the long river of time, it still has an unimaginable impact on future generations.

His intimidation makes people tremble and fear whenever he mentions it.

 At that time, Di Chong had a large number of strong followers, including the twelve demon kings!

He could not guess which demon kings the three cave masters invited to sacrifice themselves this time.

But it is undeniable that if the White Eyebrow Sword Master had not arrived in time, everyone present today would have been annihilated.

 In the team, there are many powerful people from the Immortal Sect.

Chu Ning's face was full of tiredness and exhaustion. As a strong person in the transformation stage, she played a role that cannot be ignored in the process of subduing demons.

 In order to avoid greater casualties, she often rushed to the front alone.

 But this also left Chu Ning with little time to rest.

With the decisive battle imminent, she lowered her head and glanced at the jade communication slip in her hand.

 The message was passed on, but no response was received from Shen Changqing.


 Her eyes were a little gray.

 Because this may be the last time she can see the message from Shen Changqing.

Dense clouds were rising in the sky, and no one noticed that a figure was walking slowly in the direction thousands of miles away.

Li Daoran passed by this place while looking for traces of Yunxiang.

 Looking at the entire Tianzhou, the aftermath of the battle in Guigu was huge.

 He had already seen it a few days earlier.

 “How to sacrifice?”

Li Daoran finally stopped and hesitated slightly.

 He didn't know whether he should take action.

As the Holy Spirit of Daxia who came across the long river of time, he is very clear about the only goal and mission of coming here.

 Apart from this, all behaviors and behaviors are redundant and not recognized.

 Plus, he himself is not a nosy person.

 But faced with this situation, he hesitated.

 Obviously, the indigenous people ahead are about to face a devastating disaster.

If he were in it, he would turn around and leave without hesitation. It is wise to keep the green hills without worrying about running out of firewood, and to preserve the vitality.

 But those people didn't seem to have any intention of backing down.

Li Daoran once again swept his consciousness, trying to find traces of reinforcements.

 Sure enough, he saw many powerful monks in the tribulation stage.

  “They are quite united.”

Li Daoran looked appreciative, but decided not to interfere.

However, soon, his expression gradually became serious, and he sensed an extremely ancient evil intention from the three cave masters.

 “It seems a bit complicated.”

Li Daoran frowned.


The black mountains of Gui Valley are continuous, and dozens of altars finally erupted with a fierce light.

 The three cave masters suddenly opened their eyes, bursting out with fierce energy.

 “Please... Sansha come up!”

The violent roar resounded, rolling up endless black lines.

 The entire world was instantly plunged into boundless darkness, and terrifying waves of demonic power spread.

 He called out to all the powerful immortals in the room, and a cold feeling suddenly rose in their hearts.

The luster in the eyes of the three cave owners turned into abyss, and there was no longer any consciousness of the original owners.

 Instead, there is a coldness that ignores everything.

 The pupils are gradually imprinted with totem lines, like identity features.

 The Master of Yingtian Mansion, including the Taoist Master of Prajna Mountain and others, who clearly saw this scene, all trembled.

 “Is this the Three Evils?”

Di Chong has twelve demon kings under his command, namely three evil spirits, four kings and five immortals.

 Among them, the three evil spirits are heaven evil, earth evil and ghost evil.

 Each of them has extremely terrifying strength.

 Even if this resurrection is not a complete resurrection.

 But the method of sacrificing the body and seizing the body has weakened the strength and cannot be fully exerted.

They are definitely not the two of them who can compete in the middle stage of the Tribulation.

“Has the catastrophe that Baimei talked about finally come?”

Yingtian Mansion Master turned pale and suddenly turned around and yelled.

 “Everyone, retreat immediately!”

 The defenses of Guigu failed to be breached, and the three ancient evil spirits have arrived.

 At this point, this battle is considered a complete defeat for them!

 The order was conveyed, and all the powerful men of the Immortal Sect suddenly became restless and panicked.

 A teleportation formation was deployed instantly, and with the blessing of the magic weapon, it quickly enveloped everyone.

 But in the next moment, there was suddenly an evil spirit swirling around.

 A large number of magic weapons were destroyed in the blink of an eye, and the teleportation formation showed signs of rupture with a loud roar.

 “When you see me, why don’t you worship me?”

 The earth, the sky, and the universe are ringing with the cold voice of God.

Tiansha slowly stood up, and the pattern of three **** stars was imprinted on the Eye of the Abyss.

At a single glance, he swept across the sky to the powerful men of the Immortal Sect, making them feel as if they had been hit **** the spot, and thunder exploded all over their bodies.

What's more, some people couldn't bear the pressure, and blood spurted out with a "wow" sound, and their faces were horrified.

 “Kill, kill them all!”

The ghost valley was filled with murderous intent, and a crowd of demons and fairies all stepped out of the defensive formation.

The battle broke out again, but this time, the advantage favored Gui Gu.

 “Gather the formation again!”

Ying Tianfu Lord shouted loudly and stepped onto the sky above Gui Valley.

 As soon as he patted the storage bag, hundreds of magic weapons rushed out.

 Boom, boom, boom!

 The magic weapon was directly detonated by Lord Yingtian.

The destructive power caused swept towards the many demons and immortals who came to kill them.

Sansha was submerged in the smoke and dust, and the Taoist Master of Prajna Mountain also set out at this moment, following the same method and detonating a large number of magic weapons.

 The rest of the powerful immortal sects, sweating profusely on their foreheads, quickly recast the teleportation formation.

 The team was obviously in chaos, and some people from the Immortal Sect began to look frightened, turning around and running away without caring about anything.

Chu Ning turned around and saw that many disciples from Tianjian Mountain were still reshaping their formations, then they gritted their teeth and headed towards Ghost Valley.

 “Go back!”

But before Chu Ning could move, a delicate hand grasped her shoulder.

 The person coming is none other than Second Junior Sister, Fu Yueyue!

“Leave it to me to complete the formation!”

Fu Yueyue didn't give Chu Ning any chance to speak, and ran towards the many demons and immortals who were madly killing them.

Chu Ning had no choice but to turn around, release her majestic spiritual power, and create a teleportation formation.

 But see,


 Suddenly a black light flashed, covering thousands of miles in an instant.

It is like separating the heaven and the earth, forming a world of thousands of miles of cages.

Everyone looked up in fear and found that the teleportation formation quickly dimmed, and then lost all its luster!

 “In my world, you have to worship or die.”

 The soft laughter swirls around the world, carrying the joy of harvesting all living things.

The ghost demon has already walked out of the defensive formation, although there is only a **** star imprinted in his pupils.

 But his strength is not weaker than that of the Heavenly Evil and the Earthly Evil.

Just by raising his hand, Lord Yingtian and Taoist Master Prajna Mountain were both attacked by destructive waves, and the protective aura around them collapsed.

The spells performed by the two men were also torn apart by the ghost's bone claws, and they were shattered inch by inch!

The blood intent opened and closed, Yingtian Palace Master's robes turned into nothing, and a large amount of black energy came out of his right hand.

 His figure quickly retreated, his face extremely pale.

Attempted to annihilate the black energy, but was unable to do so and could only suppress it temporarily.

“It seems that this time, we are all going to die here.”

 Watching this scene, Fu Yueyue couldn't help but smile sadly.

“We still have a chance, as long as the sword master arrives!”

Chun Ning’s eyes were sharp and she took a step forward.

 The sword energy swept across and split a demon immortal into two halves on the spot.

 “It’s useless, these are the three evil spirits under Di Chong’s command.”

 Fu Yueyue's eyes were gloomy, and she had lost all hope of survival.

Chu Ning pursed her lips lightly and did not continue to comfort her.

Just looking back, the sky is covered with haze.

 The battle between the disciples of the Immortal Sect and the Demonic Immortal has never been so brutal.

The roar of the spell was accompanied by various miserable screams, as well as the tragic roar of throwing one's head and blood.

 They are intertwined together, making people seem to forget their fear for a short time.

Yingtian Mansion Master and Prajna Mountain Taoist Master are no match for the ghost evil spirit at all, and the other two evil spirits have not even moved.

"Do you have any regrets?"

 Fu Yueyue cast a spell and strangled dozens of monsters, then asked suddenly.

Chun Ning clenched the jade slip in her arms, with a pale smile on her lips.

“If there is an afterlife, I will definitely give birth to a big fat boy for my husband.”

After hearing this, Fu Yueyue burst into laughter.

“Does it have to be a fat boy? Isn’t it allowed by the girl’s family?”

Chu Ning swung his sword, and the sword energy swayed the clouds in the sky.

 “Anything works!”

The flying ash of the demon fairy was annihilated, but it seemed as if it was endless, and the darkness continued to surge.

 Blood continued to spray from mid-air, accompanied by corpses falling one after another.

The far distance, the direction thousands of miles away.

Li Daoran's aura blended with the heaven and earth, and was not discovered by the three evil spirits.

His face showed solemnity, staring closely at the battle in Guigu.

These three ancient powerful men who came as sacrifices also put a lot of pressure on him.

Li Daoran is actually very unfamiliar with the history of Tianzhou, including Tianzhou’s older combat power levels, and the names of various powerful figures.

 At that time, he was born in Shuzhou after all, and the distance between the two places was unimaginable.

"It's too strong. The arrival of these three will directly unbalance the combat power of this era. I'm afraid there will be a massacre and catastrophe."

Li Daoran guessed the outcome, and began to hesitate in his heart whether he should take action or not.

But at this moment, his body suddenly tensed up, and strong palpitations appeared in his heart.

 He raised his head and looked into the distance, his pupils suddenly condensing.

At the direction of the Guigu battlefield, Tiansha and Disha had expressionless faces. They seemed to have sensed something at the same moment and looked up one after another.



 The world of Ten Thousand Miles Cage was suddenly cut off by a sword shadow, leaving a shocking gap.

Rolling evil thoughts and will spread out, with extreme coldness.

 Shen Changqing appeared from outside the sky, looking down at the countless figures in the sky, and soon saw his wife Chu Ning.

 His breath was like a dragnet covering every corner.

  Senhan, the source of all evil, and evil thoughts are overwhelming!

 The intimidation from the Evil Sword Immortal instantly turned the whole place into deathly silence.

Everyone felt indescribable pressure on their heads and stopped fighting one after another.

 Master Yingtian's heart shrank suddenly, and his whole body was terrified.

The gentle smile on the corner of Gui Sha's mouth disappeared and he looked coldly at the top of the sky.

"Who is that?"

 “This evil thought... is so terrifying!”

“It’s the Evil Sword Immortal, it’s the Evil Sword Immortal here!”

 Looking at each other, they were all shocked.

Chu Ning also looked up and felt an indescribable terrifying power in the breath of the figure outside the sky.

 “Is he the Evil Sword Immortal?”

 Fu Yueyue murmured to himself.

 At the same time, all the fairies in Gui Valley.

At this moment, everyone felt a great sense of trembling from the bottom of their hearts, and fear continued to spread.

Facing this breath, their bodies could not help but tremble, almost worshiping!

Outside the sky, Shen Changqing was covered in black mist.

 The evil eye opens and closes to spread hostility and coldness.

 “Kneel down.”

  One word whispered, as if the law had descended.

All the powerful people in the sky, whether they are immortal disciples or demon immortals, are being attacked by terrifying pressure.

They looked horrified, their whole body strength was suppressed, their knees were out of control, and they all knelt down!

 The masters of the three peaks of Tianjian Sect, the master of Yingtian Mansion, and the Tao master of Prajna Mountain are all like this!

Under the pressure of terror, the evil spirits surged on the spot.

The bones all over his body were crackling, his teeth were chattering crazily, and his pupils were almost split.

Looking at the evil spirits of heaven and earth, they can no longer maintain their original appearance.

"Who are you!"

 The ghost roared and raised its head.

 His inner unyielding spirit eventually led to his shoulders collapsing and his knees breaking.

Together with the entire skull, it was suddenly disconnected from the neck with a snap!

This scene fell in Chu Ning's eyes.

She was in disbelief and looked around blankly.

The overwhelming number of figures lowered their heads and knelt down.

 He raised his head again and looked at the evil sword fairy outside the sky, his eyes blank.

Reflecting this picture, the figure is like an evil god, speaking as he says!

 (End of this chapter)

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