Heroic Spirit: All My Past Lives Were Summoned By My Daughter

Chapter 109: Catacomb Myth List (please vote for me)

Chapter 109 List of Catacomb Myths (please vote for me)

 The ruins of Dazezhou.

 Different from other ruins, Dazezhou is not without signs of living creatures.

 The territory here is divided up among many foreign races from the Xuanhuang Realm.

Everything is full of vitality, and the laws of the forest also exist. It is considered a fertile land.

Shen Miaoke followed in the footsteps of Daxia Qin Tianjian and has been digging for history here for several months.

The reason was Emperor Yan who was contracted by the chief director of Daxia Yingling Hall.

 After the aura of the Sky Monument erupted some time ago, a large number of memories were awakened.

Emperor Yan kept saying that he had an older brother.

So, Qin Tianjian came to the ruins of Dazezhou again, trying to find any clues about Emperor Yan's brother.

But it is a pity that Emperor Yan lived in an era when the Immortal Road was competing for power and the Dharma ended.

  It has a history of 40,000 years, and many epochs have passed since the battle on the Immortal Road.

Even the plate of Da Zezhou seems to have changed.

At that time, Yan Xian had no idea where he was going.

Furthermore, after 40,000 years, what else can be preserved?

 In a few months, the many staff members of Qintian Prison have achieved almost nothing.

 This has caused doubts in many people's minds. Does Emperor Yan really have an older brother?

Of course, no one can deny it.

 After all, it is unimaginable how far away Dazezhou is from the land of Shifang.

It is said that even an immortal has to travel long distances for a year.

Without the underground cave passage, they would not have been able to discover Dazezhou, nor would they have been able to come here, and they would not have been able to contract with Emperor Yan.

 For the history of Da Zezhou, Qin Tianjian only excavated one percent.

At this moment, the Chief Secretary was on the hillside, witnessing the scene of this mountain range.

 This is already the seventh place they are looking for.

 Fortunately, these seven places are not within the territory of all the tribes in the Xuanhuang Realm.

 For a few months, everything went smoothly without any accidents.

“The communication tools have been set up, but the signal is a little weak.”

Jian Zheng came down the hillside and sighed softly.

 This excavation work was led by him personally.

 This matter is related to Emperor Yan, and the senior officials of Daxia also attach great importance to it.

In addition, what he did not expect was that Shen Miaoke was also in this apprenticeship class.

 According to what Emperor Yan said, the first generation of sword masters received the inheritance of the heavenly monument.

 The content of the inheritance of the Tianbei is closely related to the brother of Emperor Yan.

Then the first-generation sword master is very likely to be in the sky monument and knows some news about his brother.

But the first-generation Sword Master Shenlong has never seen the beginning, and he only seems to have a connection with Kunlun Dao Zun.

So Emperor Yan wanted to meet Kunlun Taoist Master, and he also hoped to introduce the first generation sword master.

“Communication tools must not be disconnected. Da Zezhou is not an uninhabited land.”

The chief director looked back and said the same thing.

“Don’t worry about this. C9-level communication tools can still contact Daxia no matter how far away they are.”

“Just looking like this, when will we find it?”

Forty thousand years is too long, and Jian Zheng feels that something even exists.

 But it has also been erased or taken away by later generations.

The general manager was silent, and he saw Yan Nanfeng's heroic body slowly appearing next to him.

“Brother, as the Martial Ancestor, created the entire path of martial arts practice. If you can contract with him, it will be worth it even if it takes ten or eight years.”

Yan Nanfeng’s voice was rather hoarse.

 Her eyes showed a little sadness.

 Of course he had selfish motives. He had been waiting for Shen Changqing for many, many years since the end of that year.

 Even though he died of old age, he never saw Shen Changqing again.

“Emperor Yan, please rest assured. The mission of Qintianjian is to dig up history, and we will definitely do our best according to our responsibilities.”

Jian Zheng responded quickly.

 After learning the identity of Emperor Yan’s brother Yan Qing from Emperor Yan’s dictation.

 A few months ago, there was already a huge stir within Daxia.

 At present, the news is temporarily sealed within Daxia, lest Wuzu be contracted in advance by someone.

 In the 40,000-year-old Yanxian Dynasty in Dazezhou, there lived a man who opened up a complete path to martial arts practice.

 This is very unbelievable for Daxia.

 Because if Emperor Yan’s oral statement is true.

That would mean that he was the originator of martial arts practices in the Age of Immortal Martial Arts, the Age of Troubled Demons and Demons, the Age of Ancient Martial Arts, etc.

 It’s Wuzu!

The amount of information this brings is really shocking.

 In the period of the End of Dharma, people can no longer cultivate immortality.

Without the Martial Ancestor who pioneered the path of martial arts, it would have been disastrous for future generations of humans to fight against the Xuanhuang tribes.

 This kind of influence has lasted through many eras!

Jian Zheng knows very well that such people must have existed in history, otherwise how would the path to martial arts practice come about.

 Now, this person has surfaced.

It is undeniable that he was very excited inside.

 Not only because this man is the elder brother of Emperor Yan.

 Having a relationship is definitely a good thing for Daxia.

 It is also because of the status level of Martial Ancestor, which must be extremely sensational in today's Yuling era.

 He also wanted to meet the legendary historical predecessor who created the martial arts path.

“Lord Jianzheng! Lord Jianzheng!”

A few people were talking when suddenly a rapid shout came from down the hillside.

  Immediately afterwards, a large number of Qin Tian Jian staff appeared.

 “Why are you panicking?”

Jian Zheng frowned. The Chief Secretary and Emperor Yan also looked over.

“There is news that there are heroic spirits in our Great Xia who are on the Myth List in the Catacombs, but they have been squeezed out by the heroic spirits who have just contracted with Xingzhou!”

 When these words came out, Jian Zheng's eyes froze.

 The Chief Secretary and Emperor Yan also looked at each other, and they both saw each other's shock in their eyes.

The Catacomb Myth List is different from the Heroic Spirit List created by each country.

 It is condensed from the laws of the catacombs.

 An ancient heroic spirit that can be on the list of myths in the cave.

 Without exception, they are all very powerful.

  And it is an existence that has had an unimaginable impact on the history of the Xuanhuang Realm.

As long as they are recognized by the Catacomb Myth List, they will be able to gather the origins of the Catacombs and gain the original power, making their heroic bodies stronger.

 Whether it is Shuzhou, Zhongzhou or Xingzhou.

Those countries will try to record their own mythological heritage in the Catacomb Myth List.

 This is not only a means of demonstrating strength, but also a way of conveying deterrence to the outside world.

 At the same time, you can also obtain the original power of the cave.

  Mythical spirits can pass through this power.

 Helping the country to cohere, involving everything that requires the source of the catacombs.

 At present, within Daxia, there are a total of fourteen mythical heroes on the underground mythological list.

Those are all the top mythical heroes of Great Xia. They are all famous and have exerted great influence in history.

 “Who? Who was squeezed out?”

Jian Zheng's voice trembled and he asked quickly.

“He is the first Taoist master of Shushan!”

After saying this, Jian Zheng's pupils suddenly condensed.

The Taoist Master of Shushan was squeezed out?

 As the current number one existence in Daxia’s mythology list.

  Since the first Shushan Taoist was contracted, he has formed a great deterrent to the outside world.

 Not only was he very powerful, he also established Shushan, and his influence in history is immeasurable.

 At present, Shushan Taoist ranks fifteenth on the list of cave myths.

 In addition, it is worth mentioning.

This does not mean that there are fourteen ancient heroic spirits pressing in front of Shushan Taoist Master.

 The Myth List of the Catacombs is very mysterious, and it took many years of understanding.

 Many people have discovered that the ten spots in front of it should be empty!

 They cannot see it. It seems to be an unknown territory that is left to no one.

 Later generations contracted one mythical heroic spirit after another and broke many records.

 But so far, it is difficult to get involved in the top ten fields.

 Finally, Jian Zheng swallowed hard.

Douyin asked: "Is it the Martial Ancestor who pushed the Taoist Master of Shushan down?"

 This question is also what the Chief Secretary and Emperor Yan want to know.

Several people are very nervous. If it is the Martial Ancestor, it is probably not surprising.

 After all, Martial Ancestor created a complete martial arts path.

  Left behind are the Martial God Realm and the Martial Emperor Realm, these two realm systems that can crush immortal cultivators.

 Compared with the Taoist master of Shushan, it is obvious that Wu Zu's achievements are more prosperous.

"It's not Martial Ancestor. Xingzhou and other countries have joined forces and seem to have discovered some ruins."

“In that ruins, many media were found, and many powerful mythical ones were contracted.”

“The one who squeezed Shushan Taoist Master down is one of them.”

“The name is still being checked, and there should be news soon.”

After the words fell, for some reason, Jian Zheng and Emperor Yan couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief.

 Subconsciously, of course they still hope that Wu Zu can stay in Daxia instead of being contracted by others.

“How come those countries in Xingzhou suddenly joined forces to dig up history?”

The prisoner was deep in thought.

 Being able to knock Shushan Taoist down one spot is proof of the ruins excavated by Xingzhou this time.

Those historical figures, etc., are all heavyweights.

“In addition, not only the Taoist Master of Shushan, but also the other Heroic Spirits in Daxia’s Catacomb Myth List have declined somewhat in their rankings.”

“Including other countries and even Central Continent, everything has changed.”

“The Nine-Crown King Shangguan Yulong was squeezed out just after he was ranked 30th.”

"According to the news coming from within Xingzhou, it is very likely that they have a heroic spirit who can step into the top ten realms."

 As the staff reported again, the supervisor and the director-general felt heavy in their hearts again.

 “The top ten fields...”

Jian Zheng couldn't help but let out a deep sigh.

 With a little awe and deep regret.

 In the ranks of the mythical level, fish and dragons are mixed with the best of countless eras.

 There are those who cultivate immortality and those who practice martial arts.

 There are also many strange cultivation systems that exist in extremely remote places in the Xuanhuang Realm.

 They are famous far and wide, and they have done one major event after another in history that caused a sensation at that time.

 One of the reasons is that one’s own strength is strong, and one’s influence cannot be underestimated.

However, without exception, none of them exceeded the mythical level.

 This is caused by certain limitations, the limitations of the times, and other aspects as well.

 In other words, the level of the immortal age is too high.

 However, the Catacomb Myth List can break this level!

 Especially the gold content of the top ten fields is the pinnacle of the mythical level of heroic spirits!

 (End of this chapter)

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