Heroic Spirit: All My Past Lives Were Summoned By My Daughter

Chapter 110: He will be considered Ling Jueding, that person is Martial Ancestor!

Chapter 110: I will be Ling Jueding, that person is the Martial Ancestor!

 “Master Jianzheng, there is news.”

“The ancient heroic spirit who has a high probability of being able to enter the top ten realms is named Prajna Buddha!”

“Those high-level officials in Xingzhou have launched a live webcast, preparing to record the entire process of the mythical level of Prajna Buddha.”

After finishing speaking, Jian Zheng frowned again.

live streaming?

 Xingzhou is going to demonstrate against Shuzhou and Zhongzhou!

It is true that Xingzhou’s foundation in Yuling Era is not as good as Shuzhou and Zhongzhou.

Over the years, in the distribution of many cave heaven blessed lands and ancient ruins.

 Many countries in Xingzhou lack the right to speak, cannot fight, and cannot fight.

This time, they joined forces to excavate new ancient ruins.

 Obviously, in their expectation.

This being named Prajna Buddha will definitely be able to enter the list of underground cave myths, one of the top ten areas that no one has yet explored.

 The effect of online live broadcast is undoubtedly a deterrent.

 “It’s connected, please take a look.”

 As crews build bridges, communication tools emerge.

The Chief of Staff and Emperor Yan also stepped forward and clearly saw a huge statue of the **** in the picture.

 The statue is made from pure burrow origin, and it is the statue of the heroic spirit.

 It’s just that this one is currently the largest in the entire Xingzhou.

 It needs to record at least a heroic spirit with mythical quality. If it is lower than the mythical level, it cannot be displayed.

There are also many names imprinted on it, all of which are top-notch mythological heroes.

Each country’s top ten myths list has a certain probability of being ranked on it.

 But Daxia is different. Daxia has a strong foundation, with a total of fourteen people.

This is equivalent to a ranking of world myths.

Jian Zheng had already seen the name of Shushan Taoist Master and was pushed down, ranking sixteenth.

Not only that, the 10th to 13th players from Central Continent have all undergone changes.

“What kind of ruins has Xingzhou excavated this time, and the mythical heroic spirit of the contract is so outrageous?”

Jian Zheng’s eyes twitched slightly, and he was actually quite shocked.

 In the picture, under the statue of Xingzhou’s world-class heroic spirit.

 There are the chief ministers of the Hall of Heroes of the Southern Kingdom, the chief minister of the Hall of Heroes of the Northern Kingdom, and the chief minister of the Hall of Heroes of the Eastern Wu Kingdom present.

 Today is a very important day for the entire Xingzhou.

 Not only all the spiritual masters in the entire star continent will witness the rise of their star continent.

Even Zhongzhou and Shuzhou have countless eyes watching.

Outside the Heroic Spirit Statue, there are also many figures standing.

 Among them, there are even strong men from Gulou.

 Guchong smiled proudly and spoke proudly to Prince Fudo.

“This time, our Gulou should be able to aspire to be the number one Heroic Spirit Organization in the Southern Kingdom.”

“The discovery of Prajna Buddha must be attributed to the ancient building.”

“In fact, many Buddhas were contracted by us Gulou people.”

Hand King Fudo nodded slightly but did not refute.

From the current point of view, the discovery and excavation of ancient ruins are entirely due to Gu Lou.

Even Prajna Buddha himself was contracted by the original owner himself.

 As for the status of Gulou in Xingzhou from now on, there must be no heroic organization that can shake it in the slightest.

 As for the mysterious family that took away the Wang family’s cake last time, I am afraid they will have to weigh themselves in the future.

 “Please, Buddha records!”

 There were words, and there was a vast golden light shining.

 Under the statue of the heroic spirit, a figure in cassock slowly appeared.

 Behind him, a bright moon of meritorious deeds shines.

 Just the moment it appears, it exudes boundless and majestic divine power.

“Is this Prajna Buddha?”

The prisoner was looking at the figure covered in vast golden light in the picture, and his heart could not help but feel huge ripples.

Judging from his appearance alone, you can tell that he is terrifyingly strong.

“It’s not simple. Where did this group of people from Xingzhou discover it?”

Emperor Yan narrowed his eyes. Of course he could see that Prajna Buddha was not a simple existence.

 This aura of time has already passed the end of the Immortal Road Competition.

 If I guessed correctly, he should belong to the Shushan generation.

Finally, Prajna Buddha walked up to the statue of the Heroic Spirit and touched it gently with his big palm.

 In an instant, golden words were revealed.

 The chief directors of the three Halls of Heroes stared nervously.

Through the live broadcast on the Internet, countless eyes are watching.

 ranging from high-level officials of various countries to as small as Lucheng Yingling Academy.

  Among them, Yu Peijia, the general manager of the Hall of Heroes of Ziwei Kingdom in Central Continent.

Beside him stood Shangguan Yulong, both of whom had different expressions.

If Prajna Buddha enters the top ten of the underground cave mythology list, it will indeed cause a sensation in the entire world of Yuling.

“Named as Buddha, if this person were born in the ten directions, his achievements would be equally immeasurable.”

Yu Peijia looked at the figure of Prajna Buddha and was quite amazed.

“Hmph, the mere Buddha is of no concern. If Xuanyuan Hen was willing to show up and record it, the list of myths would have been overturned!”

Shangguan Yulong didn’t seem to take Prajna Buddha seriously.

“It is indeed very rare for the first-generation Sword Master to single-handedly suppress an entire era.”

“But he was not born in the era of competition among immortals, so it is difficult to compare them with each other.”

Yu Peijia did not admit or refute.

  After all, no one knows the whereabouts of the first-generation sword master, and his name is not included in this cave myth list.

At the same time, Chen Xiangyang, the leader of Tiancheng Yingling Guild, and the Taoist Celestial Master are also paying attention.

Even Yu Wenyuan, who was at Qinling Pass, was reduced to Wang Shouzhuo who returned to the countryside.

 Bai Li continues to work hard in the clan, trying to successfully contract the heroic spirit.

This live broadcast was huge.

 It is the top leaders of several countries in Xingzhou who are fully promoting it.

 Finally, under countless eyes.

 The level of the heroic spirit of Prajna Buddha is slowly revealed.

   [heroic spirit: enlightenment. 】

 Title: Prajna Buddha. 】

  【Level: Mythical level. 】

  【Era: The Golden Age of Immortal Road. 】

【Life experience: Enlightened the Tao at the age of three, entered Buddhism at the age of ten, founded Buddhism at the age of thirty, and created Dharma and Buddhist scriptures at the age of fifty. 】

  【The Mahayana of Buddhism at the age of eighty, the master of the Black Mountain Demon at the age of one hundred and twenty, and the founder of Buddhism in the world at the age of two hundred. 】

                                                                                                                         ify , leaving behind the Prajna Heart Sutra , which has influenced later generations of Buddhism , and has thousands of disciples . 】

                      ify by peeping into the mysteries of the womb at the age of a thousand, only then can one know the body of reincarnation. 】


 Evaluation: The ancestor of Buddhism in the world, the reincarnation of three generations. 】

 When the words were revealed, a strange and bizarre scene appeared in front of Prajna Buddha.

 The aura of the long river of time appeared and completely enveloped his body.

 The mysterious power from the origin of the burrow continuously poured into his body.

“Pindao deserves to be evaluated like this in his life.”

Prajna Buddha felt quite emotional in his heart.

Since he was contracted out, of course he understood the difference in the current times.

 The evaluation of the Heroic Spirit Statue in the Catacombs is a recognition of his life.

 After a while, his figure disappeared.

 When he reappeared, the vast universe-like world was reflected in front of his eyes.

 The long river of time floats above our heads, untouchable and unapproachable.

There are long stairs at the foot, and a king's chair stands quietly at the end of the line of sight.

 The golden light gathered again and branded four characters.

His name is Prajna Buddha.

 “It is not in vain that I have dedicated my whole life to the Buddha.”

 Prajna Buddha’s face was filled with a smile.

 He ​​looked up and saw that the throne seats were empty and there was no one to choose from.

This feeling made the smile on the corner of Prajna Buddha's mouth get bigger and bigger.

 Until he saw the tip of the pyramid, his smile suddenly froze.

 “What…what’s going on?”

Prajna Buddha’s pupils trembled violently.

In an instant, a huge wave surged through my mind.

 He was breathing rapidly and stared at the tip of the pyramid.

The highest throne that is high above all the steps. There is actually a golden name stamped on his throne!

 The name is—Martial Ancestor!

 "Martial Ancestor...what is Martial Ancestor, who is Martial Ancestor!?"

 “When was this man recorded, and when did he ascend the highest throne?”

Prajna Buddha couldn't believe it, his mind was in a state of confusion, and he lost his composure on the spot.

Hurryly took a step forward and came to the name of Wu Zu.

  Touch lightly with trembling hands.

 In an instant, the luster appeared, slowly revealing the heroic spirit information of the Martial Ancestor.


 Outside, under the world-class heroic statue.

 The chief directors of the three Halls of Heroes paid close attention.

 Guchong and a large number of senior spiritual masters were also very nervous.

 “The top ten fields have appeared!”

 There were exclamations and expressions of excitement.

 The top ten fields in the underground cave myth list have always been blank.

Even though he is number one on the Great Xia Mythology List, the Shushan Taoist Master can only be ranked fifteenth.

 The top few in Central Continent still haven’t set foot in the top ten fields.

 But now, there is finally a mythical heroic spirit who can occupy one of the top ten!

 “Ninth in the world? He is indeed the Prajna Buddha, hahaha!”

Guchong saw with his own eyes that the brand name was in the ninth position, and he was immediately overjoyed.

 But for some reason, he was the only one laughing in the audience.

When the first ten realms were finally revealed, deathly silence fell near the Heroic Spirit Statue.

The white-haired heroic spirit Fudou Mingwang looked at him with dull eyes.

That title is far superior to Prajna Buddha, with a difference of eight ranking levels.

Those two simple words, but they reveal an air of looking down on the world.

The chief directors of the three Halls of Heroes looked at each other in shock, and felt like they were struck by thunder, and they all froze on the spot.

 The top ten in the underground cave myth list are always uninhabited places.

 Who is this Martial Ancestor, and when did he become the highest?

 The chief director of the three Halls of Heroes has no answer in his heart, and a sense of absurdity arises spontaneously.

Everyone looked up at the message from the Martial Ancestor Heroic Spirit. Prajna Buddha was also in the cave world, staring blankly.

   [Ying Ling: Yan Qing. 】

  【Title: Martial Ancestor. 】

  【Level: Mythical level. 】

  【Era: The end of the battle between immortals and the end of Dharma. 】

【Life experience: Enlightened Taoism and created Dharma at the age of forty, and created the realm of martial arts, martial arts, martial arts, and martial emperor. 】

                                                Stepping into the Martial God Realm at the age of 150, he is invincible to the land gods upon birth. 】

                                                  Stepping into the realm of Emperor Wu at the age of five hundred and fifty, he was invincible above the land gods upon birth. 】

  【Sweeping across the Xuanhuang Sacrifice clan at the age of nine hundred and fifty, and leaving the Weird Continent at the age of fifteen hundred. 】

  【Two thousand years old, he traveled around the Xuanhuang Realm during the End of Dharma, spreading the path of martial arts practice. 】

 【Returned to the ruins at the age of three thousand years...】

【Evaluation: In the dark age, the end of Dharma, and the end of immortality cultivation, a path to martial arts practice was created. 】

He is the originator of martial arts in the Xuanhuang Realm, continuing the complete path of martial arts practice, and influencing later generations in the Immortal Martial Era, the Troubled Demons, the Ancient Martial Era, and the last 40,000 years of the dynasty. 】

  After carefully witnessing the message of the heroic spirit, the whole place was in an uproar.

 “This man turns out to be the originator of martial arts!”

 “The entire martial arts practice system was created by this person?”

"This, this, this...this is the first person among immortals!"

 “The Martial Emperor Realm can actually be stronger than the land gods?”


Di Yan, who was watching the live broadcast at the Dazezhou ruins, became excited instantly.

 “Brother, this is my brother!”

 “Hahaha, my brother is the number one in mythology in the world!”

As soon as he finished speaking, Jian Zheng's mind was buzzing, and he stared straight at the picture with his eyes wide open.

“All the mythical heroes in the world are eager to be in the top ten, but he has already reached the top..."

Jian Zheng murmured to himself, and the name of Wu Zu was revealed, which proved that Emperor Yan's memory was not confused.

 In history, there was indeed such a person, and he was indeed the brother of Emperor Yan!

 “What are you doing standing still? Hurry and find the relics of Martial Ancestor!”

The prisoner was looking down the hillside at the many senior staff of the Qintian Prison.

 Their eyes were equally dull, but now they came to their senses and quickly continued working.


 In Zhongzhou, Yu Peijia took a breath of cold air, and her expression continued to change.

Even though he was as arrogant as Shangguan Yulong, he was still frozen in place.

   Martial Ancestor is the founder of martial arts.

Does this mean that the Martial Saint inheritance he obtained from the Heavenly Stele actually came from this person?

“The appearance of the Martial Ancestor is definitely one of the top three major events since the Yuling Era!”

Yu Peijia's mind continued to roar.

 Originally, the history they witnessed was the top ten myths of Prajna Buddha entering the cave.

Unexpectedly, one of the top ten fields already has a name, sitting at the top of the pyramid!

“Martial God, Martial Emperor, it turns out that the Martial Saint is not the end of martial arts.”

Shangguan Yulong stared at the live broadcast screen, his breathing suddenly became rapid.

If you can find the training information about the Martial God and the Martial Emperor, then his strength will definitely be improved.

In this case, why would he need to cultivate immortality again in this world?


 Daxia, Tiancheng.

 Chen Xiangyang laughed.

“A few old guys from Xingzhou want to use Prajna Buddha to shock Zhongzhou and Shuzhou.”

“I didn’t expect it, I didn’t expect a Martial Ancestor to appear!”

“Looking at it now, no one cares about Prajna Buddha!”

“Hey, wait a minute, why do I seem to have heard someone say the name of Martial Ancestor?”

 Chen Xiangyang suddenly became alert and sat up from his chair.

 He and the Taoist Celestial Master looked at each other, both eyes showing deep shock.

 “This is Emperor Yan’s biological brother?!”


 The capital of Daxia.

 In an antique manor.

The contractor of the first Shushan Taoist Master was an eighty-year-old man in the Daxia Yige.

But this old man has black hair. Except for some wrinkles at the corners of his eyes, his face is no different from that of a young man.

 Outside his body, the true energy fluctuations from the ancient martial arts era and the early stage of the heaven-human realm continued to linger.

“I never expected that the Emperor Yan who was contracted by Ning Si actually had an elder brother Wu Zu.”

The old man let out an exclamation, looked at the live broadcast, and gently put down the teacup in his hand.

Beside him, the first Shushan Taoist Master was wearing long robes, and the luster of his heroic spirit was flowing with the aura of incomparably long years.

 He also looked solemn.

The current level of historical excavation has not found the inheritance of the Martial God Realm and the Martial Emperor Realm.

Even in that monument, there is no record.

I am afraid that it will have been lost when it spread to the ten directions.

Just at this moment, a housekeeper suddenly came over in a panic.

 “Mr. Jiuge, something big has happened!”

“The Seventh and Eighth Marshals who are guarding our Daxia Colony have sent messages one after another.”

“It is said that several foreign armies were observed heading towards Da Zezhou!”

After finishing speaking, the old man's eyes couldn't help but narrowed slightly, feeling depressed.

 Damn the scum of the human race!

This must be the heroic spirit organization that colluded with the foreign races behind the scenes to pass on the news about Wu Zu.

"It's a bit troublesome. Except for Emperor Yan, Chief Ning and the other three heroic spirits have missions."

“Send a message to Chief Ning immediately and ask them to evacuate immediately.”

 The search for Wu Zu's relics was carried out in secret, and there was not even an army to follow.

The housekeeper raised concerns: "However, there must be relics of the Martial Ancestor in Dazezhou. If they are found by a foreign race..."

 The old man couldn't help but fell silent. This was indeed a very difficult issue.

 In the eyes of foreign races, even if they cannot receive a response from the strong human race and cannot make a contract, they still have other uses.

 “That’s all, I’ll also take a trip to Dazezhou.”

Shushan Taoist Master said, his steps suddenly stepped forward, and his figure disappeared.

 In the Great Xia Dynasty, the Taoist master of Shushan ranks first on the myth list.

 Looking at Shuzhou, Zhongzhou, Xingzhou and other countries, they can all be ranked in the top five!

 Even though he is now overwhelmed by Prajna Buddha.

His terrifying strength is undoubted!

 (End of this chapter)

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