Heroic Spirit: All My Past Lives Were Summoned By My Daughter

Chapter 108: Ruins of Shushan, Shen Changqing’s wife

Chapter 108 Ruins of Shushan, Shen Changqing’s Wife

 It is a dark night in winter, with snow falling.

On top of the snow-capped mountains, a figure in robe is walking on foot.

Shen Changqing's silver-white hair fell to her shoulders, swaying in the cold wind.

His back looks quite lonely among the vast snow-capped mountains.

 The whole world is empty of any trace of life.

It is like a scene where birds have disappeared from thousands of mountains and people have disappeared.

 “The new era has not yet arrived.”

 Shen Changqing looked haggard and muttered to himself.

 He didn't know how long he had been gone.

 He has been wandering in the strange continent for many, many years.

 In a world filled with death.

Step into every corner, like a lonely ghost looking for something.

 But unfortunately, he found nothing.

 The sacrificial clan seemed to appear and disappear out of thin air.

Later, he passed through the strange continent and came to a new world.

There is also experiencing the end of the Dharma period, and the cold winter is covering the heads of all living things.

 It seems like there is nothing that can be done except to survive.

 He stayed for many more years and taught martial arts to the locals.

Even if you don’t have spiritual energy and cannot follow the path of immortal martial arts, you can still strengthen your body and continue your life and civilization.

 He continued walking, passing through one place after another.

 He wanted to see more of the Xuanhuang Realm and see how big the world was before he died in this life.

 But slowly, Shen Changqing seemed to have lost his direction.

 He can't go back.

 He could not guess the passage of time, how many years had passed so far.

 But according to the longevity of Emperor Wu, three thousand years is probably the limit.

 And today, Shen Changqing knows that this limit has been reached.

 He stopped at the end of the snow-capped mountains, his body exhausted.

 When you raise your head, look straight ahead.

There, the sky is dark.

 The sun and moon have no light, and all spiritual energy is lost.

 The origin of chaos spreads in all directions, tearing apart black thunder everywhere.

 Indistinctly, there is an extremely majestic and majestic fairy mountain standing, sleeping lonely amidst the dancing white snow.

 It is taller than all the mountains Shen Changqing has seen.

So majestic, like a miraculous workmanship, a creation of heaven and earth.

 There are ancient and dilapidated palaces scattered among the fairy mountains.

Follow the howling of the cold wind, whirling through the mountains.

It seems to be telling the unknown history with some kind of sadness.

Shen Changqing walked forward again and came to the foot of the mountain.

There is a stone tablet standing there. Although it has been eroded by the wind, you can still make out a few words -

 Shu Mountain.

 At this moment, Shen Changqing felt the aura of the end of Dharma here.

  It is different from what is coming in contemporary times.

 It is older, more remote, and lasts for an extremely long time.

 This is the end of the last period!

 Shen Changqing realized something clearly.

  Hasn’t this earth experienced the revival of spiritual energy in the middle?

 He ​​looked up and saw a stone staircase reaching the sky that reached into the clouds, with no end in sight.

As he walked slowly, he could see the buried and dusty caves one after another.

It seems that the prosperous illusion of the past floats by, and there is a moving and clear laughter penetrating the soul.

 Shen Changqing remained silent and continued walking.

 Until he came to one of the caves, he stopped.

There is an ancient seal and restriction in this cave, but as time goes by, this seal and restriction has lost its power.

He gently flicked his sleeves, and the seal and ban disappeared.

Slowly walking in, I was shocked to see many shocking claw marks around the wall.

Those claw marks seem messy, but if they are connected, it is a magical skill.

 “Huanglong Jue…”

 Shen Changqing's eyes flickered slightly, very surprised.

 He did not expect to find the birthplace of Huanglong Jue here.

 Looking around the cave again, Shen Changqing found some other information.

Huanglong, the fourth elder of Shushan.

 In the entire Shu Mountain, he seems to have quite a reputation.

 In terms of strength, it is also very powerful.

 This person has a cheerful personality and is extremely intelligent.

 But then it seemed...bewitched?

 Shen Changqing fell into deep thought.

 After Huanglong became possessed by the devil, he became crazy.

 He locked himself in the cave and studied some kind of skill day and night.

 This skill was obviously mastered by him, because the Huanglong skill spread to the outside world.

“Even if you are willing to become a demon, do you still want to create Huanglong Jue?”

Shen Changqing thought for a moment, and after finding no other information, he left the cave.

Continued walking towards the stone staircase to the sky, and soon reached the halfway point of the mountain.

There are a large number of tombstones standing at the end of the mountain. The names on the tombstones have long been eroded by the wind and cannot be seen.

"This is?"

 Shen Changqing suddenly noticed something.

 On each tombstone, there is a red thread wrapped around it.

The red thread seems to be woven by profound magical powers and has the effect of eliminating the dead energy of living beings.

These red threads are wrapped around the tombstones, obviously the weavers hope that the deceased can rest in peace.

 At the same time, we are also preventing corpse transformation.


 Why does the way of weaving red thread seem familiar?

 Shen Changqing stopped where he was for a long time, staring silently.

At the ends of the many red lines, there is a peaceful knot swaying in the wind.

 The knitting was exactly the same as that of his wife, and they had almost the same habits.

Shen Changqing didn't think much, just smiled slightly.

 He continued walking towards the top of the stone staircase to the sky.

 I saw many ruins along the road, some of which have been buried by the wind and snow, and some of which have lost their original appearance over the years.

The ruin and desolation of Shushan seems to have been formed many years ago.

 Shen Changqing is now basically sure.     The end of the Dharma here has continued from the last era to this day.

 There has been no spiritual revival here, and an entire era has been missing.

Shen Changqing doesn’t know exactly how many years.

 Originally, he thought he could find traces of land gods.

However, judging from the cave information of the fourth elder Huanglong, it is clear that the Shushan cultivation method is a complete path to immortality.

 In other words, there should be remnants of the Integration Stage, Tribulation Stage, Mahayana Stage, etc. inside Shushan.

 However, Shen Changqing has been walking for so long and has seen many places.

 Except for the Huanglong Jue left by Huanglong on the wall, there is no secret book.

In addition, Shushan should have had a mountain-protecting formation many years ago.

 The formation completely isolated the outside world, and it was only when the source of power was exhausted that Shushan was revealed.

Shen Changqing can see the glory and prosperity of this place from the various ruins.

 About half an hour later, he finally reached the end of the stone staircase to the sky.

 Looking up, there was a stone statue sitting there quietly.

 That is a woman, looking into the distance.

Looking towards the sky, it seems that he is waiting for something.


Shen Changqing looked startled, and his heart suddenly trembled.

He stepped forward and stretched out his hand urgently, wanting to take a closer look again.

 Suddenly, I felt a dizzy feeling and gradually lost consciousness.

 Three thousand years of life were completely exhausted at this moment.

Before returning to the ruins, Shen Changqing felt eyes falling on him.

The female stone statue seemed to have glanced at him.

Just one glance, also passed away with the wind, drifting into ashes...


 Chaotic space.

The light of the World Tree flickers slightly, and new words have been revealed on the Reincarnation Fruit.

There was silence and tranquility all around. Shen Changqing slowly opened his eyes, feeling extremely empty inside.

Just a little bit, just a little bit before he can see clearly.

 Is it the wife?

 He couldn't be sure.

 After calming down for a long time, I looked at the description of the reincarnation fruit.

  【Reincarnation has ended. 】

  【The imprint of life is being imprinted. 】

  【The fusion of heroic spirits is in progress. 】

  【Completed 100%. 】

  【1% completed. 】

 Shen Changqing couldn't help but be a little confused when he saw it.

 The former was naturally a Martial Ancestor, but he was very sure that he had just woken up and was not asleep.

Then why does it show that it is completely integrated?

 Looking at the latter's Demon Emperor, the progress is only 1%.

 This shows that the passage of time is normal for Shen Changqing.

Soon, he noticed a brand new light group, slowly floating under the World Tree.

This is different from the light group that someone contracted with a heroic spirit before and tried to call.

 He did not hear any chanting sounds, nor did he see any pictures.

 In addition, the aura emanating from this light group is filled with a very familiar yet unfamiliar smell.

Like the origin of the burrow?

Shen Changqing frowned slightly.

Regarding the origin of the underground cave, he knew that this was the reason why he could contract with ancient heroic spirits in the spirit-controlling era of later generations.

 Without the origin of the crypt, it is impossible to gather heroic spirits, and it is impossible to contract heroic spirits.

 The Statue of Heroic Spirits and the Book of Heroic Spirits are both made from the origin of the cave.

 There is no doubt that it is the law of heaven and earth in the Xuanhuang Realm.

 But why is this law calling him now?

 After Shen Changqing hesitated for a moment, he finally reached out.

The light shrouded him, covering his whole body.

 Shen Changqing felt that he had left the chaotic space and left under the World Tree.

The bizarre scenes before his eyes opened and closed, and his vision gradually became clearer.

When he saw it clearly again, he was already in a mysterious space.

The space is infinite, and the stars in the universe are floating around us.

 There is an endless river floating in the sky above the head, stretching without knowing its end.

 Inaccessible, inaccessible.

This beautiful scene is full of epic and vast charm.

 And, in the long river.

Shen Changqing sensed an unimaginable aura of time.

 “Is this the long river of time?”

 Shen Changqing was shocked inside.

 He could not clearly see the specific majesty of the long river of time, which was covered by the power of laws.

 Then, he looked forward again.

 There was only a royal chair standing quietly on the platform, and there was nothing else around.

 Shen Changqing was silent and suddenly looked back.

 He saw a long staircase, ten levels in total.

There is a royal chair on each floor, and no one is sitting on it.

 And where I am, I am at the end of the stairs, at the top!

"What exactly is this?"

Shen Changqing stood here, feeling quite chilled at the height.

 Very lonely, very lonely.

 Although there are nine other thrones below.

 But it seems that no one has sat on it since its birth until now.

 Finally, golden light shrouded and fell on Shen Changqing.

 Shen Changqing felt an extremely majestic source of power entering his body.

 At the same time, there are words revealed.

 That was gathered from the endless source power of the cave, and was slowly imprinted on the highest king's chair.

 Its light reflects the long river of time.

 Its majesty is higher than the nine heavens.

 The name is—Martial Ancestor!

 (End of this chapter)

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