Heroic Spirit: All My Past Lives Were Summoned By My Daughter

Chapter 100: Shen Changqing created the law, what is the God of Martial Arts, and what is the Emper

Chapter 100: Shen Changqing created the law, what is the God of Martial Arts, and what is the Emperor of Martial Arts?

 Sword Master Xiaoyao left and handed the Yanyu Sword to Shen Changqing when he left.

 In Shen Changqing's eyes, this Yanyu Sword is compared with the previous Xuanyuan Sword.

I have to say, it’s a lot worse.

Besides, Shen Changqing doesn't care whether he has a sword or not.

 The gathering of his spiritual thoughts is the sword.

 Thousands of broken leaves in the raised hand are also swords.

 Any sharp thing in the world can be a sword.

 But after all, it was Xiaoyao Jianzun’s wish, and Shen Changqing could not refuse.

 After accepting the Yanyu Sword, he watched Xiaoyao Sword Lord leave.

 He stopped in the attic for a long time, thinking about the conversation between Qin Shu and Xiaoyao Sword Master last night.

This of course cannot be hidden from his perception, and the content of the conversation is clear and easy to hear.

 “What trouble did Yan Xianchao encounter?”

 Shen Changqing is not clear about this.

 In order to reassure his mother, he has not stepped out of Misty Rain Villa in the past twenty years.

However, even if you know it, it won't solve the problem.

 With his current strength as a martial saint, he cannot shake the giant of the Void Realm.

 There are even land gods on it.

Taken ten thousand steps back, the Yanxian Dynasty’s rich heritage is a symbol of the pinnacle of Dazezhou.

 Even if there is some trouble, it will not hurt or itch, and it will hardly hurt the bones.

His younger brother is even more talented and powerful, and the entire Immortal Dynasty’s civil and military officials are also not weak.

 Presumably, it will be handled well before long.

Shen Changqing thought about it carefully and realized that his worries were undoubtedly unnecessary.

Soon, he saw that the figure of Xiaoyao Sword Master had completely disappeared.

 He continued to sit cross-legged in the attic and took out the three ancient books.

Although it doesn't have much effect, there are still some things in it that don't exist in the Xianwu Era.

“If you want to master martial arts and become a god, I don’t know how long it will take.”

“Even if I take the elixir of heaven and earth, my longevity can barely last to eight hundred years.”

“If you step into the God of War within eight hundred years, your longevity will increase dramatically, and Emperor Wu will also have a chance in the future.”

Shen Changqing fell into deep thought and stared at three ancient books.

 During the previous period of Qingyunzhai and Laozi, it was because I had not entered the stage of martial arts training.

 So all his heaven-defying understanding was released in creating laws and preaching.

 Since then, I have gained new talents, and the release of my heaven-defying understanding has not been much.

If we work hard now, we might be able to create a practice method that is superior to that of a martial saint!

 “Done it!”

 Shen Changqing fully integrated himself into the state of enlightenment.

 Intention to find a bright road in the long night.

 Understand the path of martial arts to become a spiritual master, and even to become an emperor through martial arts.

 The years pass by, year after year.

 Three years have passed in the blink of an eye.


Yan Xian Dynasty, the back garden of the Yan Palace.

  Although twenty-three years have passed, Situ Wan'er's appearance has not changed at all.

 It’s just that both his mental state and his own aura have declined a little.

 She was sitting quietly on the stone chair, listening to the servant's report.

“So, Qian Yang Immortal Palace has no attitude of returning it at all?”

 The servant nodded and responded again.

“The Lord of Qianyang Palace also said that if the Cave Heaven Paradise continues to emit spiritual energy, they will continue to use it and will not return it until the spiritual energy no longer erupts.”

After saying this, Situ Wan'er's expression immediately turned cold, and she clenched her fists tightly.

 “It’s too much to bully others!”

This kind of problems left over from the history of the Yanxian Dynasty finally broke out completely in the present era.

 Yanxian Dynasty many years ago had a total of thirty-six caves and heavens.

It can be said that he is wealthy and powerful, and he is actually a dominator.

 At that time, the Qianyang Immortal Palace was depleted because of its own cave heaven and paradise.

 In order to seek development, we rented three buildings from Yanxian Dynasty.

 The price is three thousand Qian Yang magical powers, thirty thousand Qian Yang treasures, and the term is three thousand years.

 The Yanxian Dynasty lacked three Cave Heaven Blessed Lands, which had no impact at all.

 So the monarch of Yanxian Dynasty readily agreed.

But no one thought that the depletion of Qianyang Immortal Palace’s cave heaven and blessed land would actually be the beginning of a disaster.

 As time goes by, more and more places are experiencing the phenomenon of exhaustion of cave heaven and blessed land.

Some powerful people in the world have guessed that a new round of disaster may be coming.

All forces in Da Zezhou have tightened their belts, hoping to survive this disaster smoothly.

 To this day, three thousand years have passed.

 The Dazezhou Cave Paradise has been half exhausted!

The Immortal Palace and Immortal Dynasty in the world are in a difficult situation, and everyone is looking for new vitality.

The same is true in the Yanxian Dynasty. Ten of the thirty-three cave heavens and blessed places have dried up.

 But after all, he is wealthy and has a solid foundation.

 The remaining twenty-three will not affect the development of Yanxian Dynasty, practice, etc.

 If this trend continues, the Yanxian Dynasty will also need to live frugally.

So, Situ Waner took the contract from that year.

Send people to Qian Yang Immortal Palace to take back the three cave heavens that are still emitting spiritual energy in accordance with the contract.

 Unexpectedly, he was rejected.

This negotiation lasted for more than ten years.

 Today, I finally feel like I want to break my skin.

The master of Qianyang Immortal Palace is already upset and has made it clear that he will not return it!

If a war breaks out, hundreds of thousands of disciples and tens of millions of disciples in Qianyang Immortal Palace will wait patiently.

 In fact, the reason why Palace Master Qianyang is so confident.

 That's because in the past ten years, the Yanxian Dynasty has been plagued by other troubles and will not easily go to war.

You should know that as the spiritual energy gradually dries up.

 Among the Great Zezhou, only the Yanxian Dynasty still has twenty-three cave heavens with spiritual energy erupting!

Looking at other immortal sects in other dynasties, there are only one or two left for the poor, and only seven or eight for the rich.

Those eyes outside are staring at us all the time.

Whenever Yan Xianchao showed weakness, he would swarm him like a wolf.

The mentality of Palace Master Qianyang seems to be doomed to the Yanxian Dynasty.

 He bet that the Yanxian Dynasty would not dare to go to war!

Situ Wan'er obviously understood this truth and was already furious.

 At this moment, a figure walked out of the courtyard.

“You go and tell Palace Master Qianyang that I will give him another three years.”

“If it is still not returned after three years, this dynasty will immediately declare war on Qianyang Palace.”

 The person who came was wearing a yellow robe and was in his twenties.

 She should be in her prime, with a handsome appearance.

 But there was no sign of immaturity on his face, it was all wisps of wind and frost and fortitude.

 As a contemporary monarch of the Yanxian Dynasty, he knew how heavy the burden on his shoulders was.

 Since he can remember, he has never relaxed at all.

 “South wind...this is absolutely impossible to do!”

Situ Wan'er quickly stood up with an anxious look on her face.

  If war is declared, one hair will affect the whole body.

 And this will not end in a short time.

The war with Qianyang Immortal Palace alone would probably last for decades, and it would be impossible to attack all the three major assets of the Yan Immortal Dynasty.

If other immortal dynasties secretly intervene in this process, the war will be extended indefinitely.

 So for Yanxian Dynasty, it was a huge consumption.

 If things continue like this, the consequences will be unpredictable.

 “Mother, I have made up my mind.”

"If this punch fails, people in the world will think that our Yanxian Dynasty has declined."

 “There will be no end to the troubles from now on.”

“Besides, the National Preceptor will definitely be able to enter the middle stage of refining the void in three years!”

 Situ Wan'er couldn't help but be startled after Yan Nanfeng finished speaking.

She looked behind Yan Nanfeng at the old figure walking from outside the courtyard.

 It is the Imperial Master of Dayan!

 “Middle stage of refining the void…really?”

Situ Wan'er was quite excited.

 The realm of refining the void, the early stage, the middle stage, the late stage, and even the Great Perfection.

 The gaps between these four stages are very large.

At present, the Yanxian Dynasty is home to three giants in the Void Refining stage, two of whom are members of the royal family, but none of them have touched the middle stage. And the master of Qianyang Palace is also in the early stage of refining the void. If the master of the Immortal Dynasty can reach the middle stage of refining the void.

Then this war should not last too long.

 “Don’t worry, Madam, three years is enough for me to enter the middle stage of refining the void.”

“In addition, His Majesty’s qualifications are extremely rare.”

“In my lifetime, I should be able to see him enter the late stage of refining the void.”

 “This battle can begin.”

 The Imperial Master sighed and spoke, feeling quite emotional in his heart.

More than twenty years have passed, and he has witnessed Yan Nanfeng create miracles step by step.

No one in the outside world knows that Yan Nanfeng is actually in the Nascent Soul stage now!

 Hundred years of transformation into a **** is not a dream.

“In the late stage of refining the void...can Nanfeng touch this level?”

Situ Wan'er's tense mind finally relaxed a little.

"Mother, you are tired these days, please take a rest."

 “I will handle all the affairs between the DPRK and China.”

Yan Nanfeng felt quite guilty when he saw that Situ Wan'er looked very haggard.

 “I’ll stay a little longer and then go back.”

Seeing this, Yan Nanfeng bowed and left with the imperial master.

The entire courtyard fell into silence again.

Not long after, a figure quietly appeared and sat next to Situ Wan'er.

 He poured a cup of tea and handed it to Situ Wan'er.

“Uncle, how are you doing at Yanyu Villa?”

Situ Wan'er's words were trembling. She hadn't visited him in more than ten years.

 The last time we met was when we were ten years old.

Now in a blink of an eye, I have grown up.

“Yan Qing is living a good life. You don’t need to worry too much. You should deal with the affairs of the Immortal Dynasty first. He will understand, but...”

Xiaoyao Jianzun took a sip of tea and his eyes were filled with sadness.

 There were some things he didn't know whether he should say to Situ Wan'er.

Such a hesitation in speaking made Situ Wan'er feel a little nervous.

 “What’s going on?”

 Sword Master Xiaoyao shook his head and chuckled.

“Although this kid Yan Qing can’t cultivate immortality, I’m afraid he can become a powerful person in the future.”

 After a while, he told Situ Wan'er everything he saw and heard at Yanyu Villa.

 “Isn’t the Jindan period even Qing’er’s opponent?”

Situ Wan'er was shocked. It was true that she had not expected it.

So many things have happened in Yanyu Villa, Qing'er is now strong enough to beat the Golden Core Stage!

Moreover, in the more than ten years since she went to visit.

Qing'er's mentality is very stable and she has been studying martial arts very hard.

 It is truly commendable to receive such an evaluation from the mouth of Xiaoyao Jianzun.

"very nice."

 The tip of Situ Wan'er's nose was a little sore.

She knew that she owed Qing'er a lot, but Qing'er didn't blame her.

 Being the eldest son but unable to inherit the throne is a very painful thing in itself.

 “You can relax, it’s time for me to leave.”

Sword Master Xiaoyao put down his teacup, and when Situ Wan'er raised his head, his figure had disappeared.


 Time flies by quickly, and the years of cultivating immortality only last in the blink of an eye.

The three-year deadline given by Yanxian Dynasty to Qianyang Immortal Palace came soon.

 At the same time, we are in Yanyu Villa.


 Shen Changqing has forgotten the passage of time.

 He devoted himself wholeheartedly to the creation of martial arts and spiritual cultivation, including martial arts and the creation of a path to becoming an emperor.

 The talent of understanding is once again put into perfect use at this moment.

 Three years, five years, ten years?

 Shen Changqing doesn’t remember.

He closed his eyes tightly, and his consciousness was a sea of ​​chaos.

 The memories of one life after another, the secrets of the techniques practiced, including the martial arts paths, even the secrets of the heavenly monument, etc.

 They are all in the sea of ​​chaos, sorting out and integrating.

 He reached the point of selflessness.

Even in the sea of ​​chaos, there are still shadows of battles floating past.

Those are the people he has met before and the opponents he has fought against.

 He observed over and over again and created again and again.

 Failed and then continued, continued and failed again.

 One hundred thousand times, one million times.

 Shen Changqing was completely trapped and unable to extricate himself.

 He sat in the attic day after day.

 Only spend one hour every day sorting out the failure conclusions without taking a break.

 During this period, Xiaoyao Sword Master came to visit.

 But after less than a few words of conversation, Shen Changqing continued to have an epiphany.

 Sword Master Xiaoyao had no choice but to leave.

 So, twenty years passed again.

On this day, a very clear pattern gradually appeared in Shen Changqing's mind.

 His mind was suddenly shaken.

"I found it!"

 “I have found the way to become a **** through martial arts and become an emperor through martial arts!”

 He opened his eyes on the spot, and his sword intent suddenly broke out.

  All the sword marks were left in the attic, and the complete method of connecting with gods and becoming an emperor was completely recorded.

This movement attracted Qin Shu's attention, and she hurried over.

 “Your Highness, what are you doing…”

 “What year is it today?”

Shen Changqing couldn’t remember how long it took for him to have the epiphany.

“It is now the year 8654 of the Daze New Calendar.”

Qin Shu was quite puzzled as to why His Highness asked about the time.

 Twenty years already?

Shen Changqing looked at the top of the sky, and there was no change in the sunlight.

 The only difference is that the aura has decreased again.

 “How is the Immortal Dynasty lately?”

Qin Shu answered truthfully: "The war is still going on, and there is no sign of it ending at the moment."

 Shen Changqing was quite surprised when he heard that there was a war.

 But then he fell into silence again. He remembered that Sword Master Xiaoyao had mentioned something to him.

 It’s just that I was too immersed in enlightenment at that time, and I was completely in a state of not paying attention to anyone.

Now that I have successfully enlightened myself and created the practice methods for the two realms after the Martial Saint, the next step is to practice.

As for his soul clone, the Heavenly Demon Emperor in Lingzhou should also take action.

 He turned around and left the attic.

“Your Highness, where are you going?”

Qin Shu was very nervous and felt that Shen Changqing was already showing signs of going crazy during the martial arts training process.

 “Appreciate flowers and listen to music.”

 Shen Changqing's words fell into Qin Shu's ears, and Qin Shu couldn't help but froze on the spot.

 When has Your Highness ever admired flowers or listened to music?

Are you really going crazy?

 She was about to follow.

But he saw the densely carved words on the sword mark attic.

 The words are composed of some kind of martial arts practice.

 However, Qin Shu couldn't understand it at all.

This is not a simple and pure martial arts practice, it is so profound that it makes one's scalp numb.

Even though Qin Shu is a master of Nascent Soul, she has good spiritual roots and is talented and intelligent after practicing immortality for hundreds of years.

 But there is no way to understand the mystery of it.

 The more you observe, the more you feel like you are in an endless ocean.

 Just like a small boat with a leaf on its own, a drop in the ocean.

 “What is the God of War, and what is the Emperor of War…”

 Qin Shu stared blankly and murmured to herself.

 (End of this chapter)

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