Heroic Spirit: All My Past Lives Were Summoned By My Daughter

Chapter 99: No way, is he actually a genius?

Chapter 99 No way, is he actually a genius?

 Misty Rain Villa.

 Shen Changqing sat cross-legged in the waterfall loft on the top of the mountain.

The glow outside the mountain shines, and the aura nurtures all living things.

The crane sometimes flies across the clouds, making an auspicious and ferocious cry.

Twenty years have passed, and Shen Changqing has grown from an infant to a young man with long hair.

Although he has not practiced the traditional method of cultivating immortals, his temperament cannot be concealed at all.

At present, being on the path of immortality is like being banished to an immortal.

 This is a unique temperament condensed from several lives of experience.

 “I’ve returned to the Martial Saint…”

Shen Changqing opened his eyes and looked into the distance.

 Twenty years later, he has returned to the peak of physical sanctification in the Immortal Martial Era.

 Furthermore, his history of this era.

 Including multiple forces and specific combat power levels, we have a clearer understanding.

 This is 40,000 years ago, at the beginning of the end of the Immortal Road!

 Dazezhou is quite far away from Shifang Earth.

With Shen Changqing’s current martial arts strength, it would probably take several years to reach the plateau.

 The territory of Dazezhou is vast, with numerous immortal dynasties and sects spread throughout the land.

Lingzhou in the north is a place where demons gather. The distribution of power is extremely complicated, and various demon sects strive to be the top.

 There are monsters living in groups in the south, watching eagerly.

 The biggest difference between them and demons is that they practice the traditional method of cultivating immortals just like the human race.

 Other than that, there is almost no difference, except for a different name.

Go west from Dazezhou, where there is a dark swamp.

There, they are called the Xuanhuang Ten Thousand Clan!

 Shen Changqing took possession of the world in the Immortal Martial Era.

 The real origin of evil spirits is vaguely from the west of Da Zezhou.

 A race named Weird, which spreads curses and is very mysterious.

 In addition, the path of practice in the early stage of the Immortal Road and the End of Dharma is.

 The Qi training stage, the foundation building stage, the golden elixir stage, the Yuan Ying stage, the spirit transformation stage, and the void refining stage.

 Beyond the giants in the Void Refining Stage, the Integration Stage and the Tribulation Stage are missing.

 Another completely different path of practice has emerged.

 Beyond the refining stage, he is a land immortal.

Shen Changqing cannot speculate on the power of land gods, but they certainly have not truly become immortals.

 And it seems to be the end of the path of cultivation that can be reached in the period when the Immortal Road is at the end of the Dharma.

 This is because not only the spiritual energy is beginning to dry up, but also because after the last catastrophe, only the cultivation methods of the Void Refining Stage were left.

In the comparison of combat power, ordinary martial saints in the Immortal Martial Era can compete with monks in the early stages of the Divine Transformation Period.

As a top ancient genius, similar to Shangguan Yulong, he can compete with the late stage gods.

As for him, there is no problem in suppressing the peak of Transformation God.

 Beyond the Martial Saint and reach the level of martial arts and spirituality, you can compete with the giants in the Void Refining Stage.

 Martial arts and immortality cultivation are, after all, two different ways of cultivation.

 Although there is a gap, it cannot erase the power of Xianwu.

If it were not for the two ways of practice, the longevity brought by them would be vastly different.

 Giving future generations of martial sages another thousand years, they may not be able to create miracles.

 Finally, follow the information he found in reality.

 The initial stage of the end of the Immortal Road will probably be a thousand years later.

 At the end of the Dharma, spiritual energy is completely exhausted, and terrible disasters will come.

 It is also worth mentioning that his mother, Situ Wan'er, visited him frequently in the past twenty years.

 It came once when I was one year old, twice when I was five years old, and several times in the next five years.

  But in the past nine years, my mother has not appeared.

Logically speaking, he grew up with his younger brother Yan Nanfeng.

 Many things in the Yanxian Dynasty will be slowly taken over by Yan Nanfeng, and the mother should also have more free time.

 But this seems to be the other way around, my mother is getting busier and busier.

 He did not know the specific events of Yanxian Dynasty, and his mother kept silent every time she came.

 But no matter what, he is a living person after all, and he can still get some news.

 Yan Nanfeng ascended the throne and his reputation also spread to the outside world.

 It is reported that Yan Nanfeng reached the Golden Elixir stage when he turned ten years old!

Comparing the combat power of the Immortal Martial Era, the Golden Elixir stage is similar to the level of the fifth level of martial arts in the Immortal Martial Era.

Now that ten years have passed, Yan Nanfeng's realm has become a mystery, and the outside world cannot get a glimpse of it.

It can be said that Yan Nanfeng's qualifications are not weaker than those of ancient freaks like Shangguan Yulong.

  It's just that the two were born in different times.

  But if we look at it from another level, it is actually more difficult to cultivate immortality than to cultivate martial arts.

 Normal people only build the foundation at the age of twenty, but the talented people build the foundation at the age of ten, which is contrary to nature.

 But Yan Nanfeng is in the golden elixir stage at the age of ten!

No wonder all the officials in the Yanxian Dynasty hoped that Yan Nanfeng could ascend the throne.

 This is indeed the future of the entire Yanxian Dynasty.

While Shen Changqing was thinking about it, a sword light suddenly appeared on the horizon and turned into a rainbow.

 It was his great-uncle, Xiaoyao Jianzun.

 Shen Changqing stood up, but saw that the figure of Xiaoyao Sword Master had not arrived yet, and his laughter came first.

“Hahaha, Qing’er’s bones have become stronger and stronger recently, not bad.”

 Sword Master Xiaoyao landed in the attic and patted Shen Changqing on the shoulder, his eyes filled with admiration.

In the past twenty years, of course, he often came to visit Shen Changqing.

Witnessed with my own eyes that Shen Changqing was unable to cultivate immortality even though his spiritual roots were extremely poor.

  But his physique is a bit different from ordinary people.

 According to people in the government, Shen Changqing was able to break gold and break stone at the age of two.

 This made him quite amazed.

The only pity is that this talent is not reflected in cultivating immortals.

 “Thank you, uncle, for the compliment.”

 Shen Changqing bowed to show respect.

"That's it. I came here today firstly to see you, and secondly to tell you that everything is fine in Yanxian Dynasty."

“And, I heard that you are looking for physical training methods, as well as sword training methods?”

 After Xiaoyao Sword Master finished speaking, Shen Changqing nodded.

 He has memories of several lifetimes and an incredible understanding.

Those things that have been practiced before are of course very simple to be practiced again now.

 But the limitations of previous lives were there, and he naturally hoped to explore more and stronger cultivation methods in the early stages of the end of the Immortal Path.

 In this way, he can push him to develop beyond the Martial Saint.

“Physique practice methods are rare in the world and extremely difficult to find. However, I have extensive connections and have found a few copies.”

 Sword Lord Xiaoyao said, taking out three ancient books from his arms.

To be honest, it took him a lot of effort and energy to find these three ancient books.

 After all, who can practice martial arts if they can cultivate immortality?

Nearly all the things handed down from the great powers in the world are related to cultivating immortals.

These ancient martial arts training books were obtained from the hands of quite famous martial arts masters in the world.

Shen Changqing took it, then narrowed his eyes and felt slightly shaken.

After a few cursory glances, he found these ancient martial arts training books.

It is actually three-thirds similar to the ninth-grade creation method of the Immortal Martial Era!

Could it be said that the origin of the cultivation path of the Xianwu Era actually started from this era?

 For Shen Changqing, these three ancient books are somewhat useful, but they are of little real help.

If he wants to master martial arts and become a god, or even reach the level of Emperor Martial, it seems that he still has to rely on his own heaven-defying understanding.

No matter what, we can’t ruin Xiaoyao Sword Master’s good intentions.

 He put away the three ancient books and responded with a smile: "Thank you, uncle."

Xiaoyao Sword Master was very happy when he saw this.

 He took Shen Changqing for a walk along the end of the waterfall.

"As for the practice of swordsmanship, there are so many different methods in the world, and there is everything." "In order to prevent you from going astray, I decided to teach you myself."

 The words of Xiaoyao Sword Master made warm currents flow in Shen Changqing's heart.

As a famous swordsman senior in Da Zezhou.

 There are no more than five sword masters in the world who can rival him.

He is already in the early stage of training, and his daily practice is already very difficult.

 It will take decades or even hundreds of years to make even half a step forward.

 In this case, he was also willing to teach himself the art of swordsmanship.

 Even in his eyes, he may not live for hundreds of years, which is nothing more than a waste of time.

"My uncle and grandpa will teach me personally, so I will definitely study hard." Shen Changqing said sincerely.

 “It’s just a matter of courtesy for the whole family.”

 Sword Master Xiaoyao laughed loudly and walked and chatted with Shen Changqing again.

 When night fell, the two sat cross-legged.

Xiaoyao Sword Master looked solemn and explained the issues that need to be paid attention to in the way of swordsmanship, as well as his experience in using swords over the years.

 After that, he got back to business and taught Shen Changqing the true swordsmanship.

 As time passed, Yanyu Villa began to become quiet.

The moon stars are rare and the scenery is shrouded in clouds and mist, which is especially beautiful.

This teaching lasted until midnight, and then Xiaoyao Sword Master got up.

 “It’s getting late, you need to rest.”

“About Xiaoyao Three Swords, it may take a year to digest it.”

 “I’ll come and see you again in one year.”

After finishing speaking, Shen Changqing nodded and returned to the room.

The Xiaoyao Sword Lord took one step forward and arrived at the depths of Yanyu Villa.

 He did not tell Shen Changqing that Yan Xianchao was actually in some trouble.

 Come today, there is a third thing that needs to be reminded.

 Not long after, he appeared in the back mountain.

The old woman who received Shen Changqing had been waiting for a long time.

 In fact, this was arranged by Situ Wan'er, a Nascent Soul master at Misty Rain Villa.

  Duty is to protect Shen Changqing, named Qin Shu.

 No one in the entire Misty Rain Villa knew her true identity and strength.

 When Master Xiaoyao arrived, she lost her disguise and instantly became a beautiful young woman.

Hands up respectfully and bends down: "Qin Shu, I have met Senior Sword Master."

Xiaoyao Sword Master nodded slightly.

He said with a solemn expression: "In the past ten years, the Yanxian Dynasty may have been in some turmoil, with enemies gathering in groups and those who come with bad intentions."

“As for Yan Qing’s identity, there is a faint tendency to leak it to the outside world.”

“Once they discover that there is another prince in the Yanxian Dynasty, he may be persecuted by the bad guys.”

“If you’re sorry, you can have some snacks and keep an eye on the surroundings of Yanyu Villa. If anything unexpected happens, take Yan Qing and leave immediately.”

After finishing speaking, Qin Shu nodded heavily.

 “It’s your duty, even if you die!”

“Well, Yan Qing is old enough, is there any girl that he likes?”

 Qin Shu was silent for a moment, and then looked troubled.

 “Your Highness has not been lewd at all in the past twenty years.”

“It seems that she has no plans to have children and only wants to practice martial arts.”

After hearing this, Master Xiaoyao Sword couldn't help but sigh slightly in his heart.

 Perhaps in Shen Changqing's mind, immortality is the goal.

 Although practicing martial arts can increase longevity, there is a big gap compared with cultivating immortals.

“After a while, I will bring some elixirs from heaven and earth to help him prolong his life.”

“Perhaps he has thought about it and plans to start a family.”

“Besides, I heard that he seems to have a really good physique.”

"Two days ago, a golden elixir guard in the villa competed with him, but he was no match?"

  "Are you letting it go? Don't let him get too confident."

Xiaoyao Sword Master said with a solemn expression, if Shen Changqing feels that there is a lot to do in practicing martial arts.

On this road, it’s really dark all the way.

 When I return to this life at the end of my life, I am afraid I will regret not enjoying it fully.

"This...according to what the guard said, he really didn't let go, and he tried his best."

Qin Shu was very helpless. They also wanted to please Shen Changqing and make Shen Changqing happy every day.

 But Shen Changqing's physique has become increasingly terrifying in the past twenty years.

 From the qi training stage, the foundation building stage, and the golden elixir stage, he beat me all over.

 “No water?”

 Sword Master Xiaoyao looked very surprised.

Shen Changqing is twenty years old this year. Even the Jindan period is no longer his opponent?

“We also don’t understand why His Highness’s combat power is so strong.”

“Several guards who were participating in the sparring meeting said afterwards that they were all afraid of His Highness’s fists.”

“Even His Highness may not have tried his best.”

 Qin Shu reported truthfully.

Tell basically everything Shen Changqing has done over the years to Sword Master Xiaoyao.

 At the age of three, he showed extraordinary intelligence and the ability to remember photographs.

 At the age of five, the challenge of Qi training begins.

At the age of ten, that punch could break mountains and crack rocks.

 all all together

 Vaguely, Shen Changqing seemed to be comparing his physical body with how far it was from those of immortal cultivators.

 “It’s so outrageous…”

 Sword Master Xiaoyao let out an exclamation.

“Let’s do this, I will privately distribute three times the spirit stones to all the guards of the villa.”

 He threw out a storage bag.

Qin Shu glanced at it with her spiritual consciousness, glanced at it and quickly handed over her hand: "Thank you, Senior Sword Master, for the reward."


 After Qin Shu retreated, Xiaoyao Sword Master walked into the forbidden area in the back mountain.

Yanyu Villa is the property of Yan Xianchao, and it was also his retreat.

 There is a Misty Sword that has been buried deep in the forbidden area for many years.

Since Shen Changqing is practicing martial arts, he also wants to practice swordsmanship.

Then give this Yanyu Sword to Shen Changqing from now on.

 It’s just that he hasn’t reached the forbidden area yet.

 Just near the cliff, I saw several deep sword marks on the place where I had attained enlightenment.

 “Have you been here, Qing’er?”

 Sword Master Xiaoyao was not surprised.

 After all, there is an Enlightenment Stone in the place where he attained Enlightenment.

It is engraved with some sword skills recorded by the owner of Yanyu Village back then.

 Presumably, Shen Changqing has already tried to practice.

 “Eh, that’s not right!”

Xiaoyao Sword Master was nervous and walked over quickly.

 He was shocked to find that this mark was imprinted on several sword marks on the Enlightenment Stone.

  There is an indescribable and profound sword intent!

 Domineering, yet otherworldly.

 Him vaguely, Xiaoyao Sword Master felt frightened.

“Isn’t this what Qing’er left behind?”

 “Such a swordsmanship artistic conception... Could it be that he is actually a genius?”

 Sword Master Xiaoyao took in a breath of cold air, his eyes slightly glazed over.

 The understanding of Shen Changqing was instantly overturned in an unprecedented way!

 (End of this chapter)

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