Heroic Spirit: All My Past Lives Were Summoned By My Daughter

Chapter 101: Shen Changqing took action, and in the blink of an eye the **** turned into ashes and

Chapter 101 Shen Changqing takes action, turning into ashes and being annihilated at his fingertips (Thanks for the monthly vote)

 The war between Yanxian Dynasty and Qianyang Immortal Palace has lasted for seventeen years.

 This is not something that can end in one day. The foundations of both sides last for thousands of years.

 Even if they consume each other’s foundations, it will still take a hundred years.

The Immortal Road Fighting Era is mostly like this.

No matter the layout or combat power level, it is much higher than that of the Immortal Martial Era.

 So basically, most of the forces in the Immortal Road Era will not collapse overnight.

If there were, it would definitely shock the entire Da Zezhou and be horrifying.

This proves that the gap in strength between the two is too large, to the point of being crushed.

 But in this era, during the period of spiritual energy exhaustion, Osawazhou has already experienced reshuffles again and again.

Today, anyone who can establish a foothold in Dazezhou will be called the Immortal Dynasty Immortal Sect.

 Which one does not have a foundation of more than thousands of years?

 Hence, the war between Yanxian Dynasty and Qianyang Immortal Palace may not end so soon.

 It is worth mentioning that Shen Changqing heard that Yan Xianchao's national master had already reached the middle stage of refining the void.

 Originally, he was supposed to lead a large army and personally suppress the Lord of Qianyang Palace.

 But it seems that due to some things, he has not taken action.

 Behind the scenes of the Lord of Qianyang Palace, there are vaguely other forces in Dazezhou assisting.

Of course, the Yanxian Dynasty has had some alliances for so many years.

 It’s just that he hasn’t taken action yet, obviously it hasn’t reached that level yet.

 “The spiritual energy of heaven and earth is exhausted, disaster is coming, and chaos in the world is beginning to take shape.”

“The current war between the Yanxian Dynasty and the Qianyang Immortal Palace will sooner or later trigger the entire Great Zezhou War.”

“What’s more, there are also strange races in the West whose origins are unknown…”

Shen Changqing thought about this, his eyes looked a little dignified.

It’s chaotic, it’s really chaotic.

 In the future, Dazezhou will probably become more and more chaotic.

 He needs to practice martial arts and become a **** as soon as possible.

  With the current physical body, he has become a saint with peak combat power.

It can suppress the Great Perfection of Divine Transformation, but it is difficult to compete against the Void Refining Realm.

 Only the God of War, and the Emperor Martial behind him, can make him invincible.

 After practicing for a few days, Shen Changqing continued to practice, and Qin Shu specially warned many guards of the villa.

 This process is no longer disturbed by anyone, even Xiaoyao Sword Master has not appeared for a long time.

 As Situ Wan'er's uncle, he obviously played an important role in this war.

 At the same time, because Shen Changqing has a soul clone.

He is practicing martial arts and spirituality on one side, while on the other side...



Shen Changqing opened his eyes and slowly glanced around.

This is the Lingzhou Nebula Gate.

 There is a demon sect that has been passed down for thousands of years, and there are tens of thousands of demons in the sect.

 Among them, most are in the foundation building stage and golden elixir stage.

 Only the ten elders are in the Nascent Soul stage.

 The two founders have the strength to transform into gods.

And the sect leader Mo Xingyun, who has never seen the dragon, is reported to have reached half-step of virtual refining.

Over the years, Shen Changqing, as the lowest level member of the Demon Sect, has never seen Demon Nebula.

 The deepest feeling that gave him was that there was no emotion in the Demon Sect, it was all about profit.

 Fights within the inner sect often take place.

 It is normal for dead demons to be ignored at all.

This is just the Nebula Gate. Looking at the entire Lingzhou, there are magic gates everywhere.

 More cruel and cold-blooded.

It is as difficult as climbing to heaven if you want to take root here.

 Shen Changqing, because of his soul avatar, practiced bilaterally without any hesitation.

 Coupled with the three stages of fusion and decades of practice, it can be said that the Demon Emperor has become much stronger again.

 But Shen Changqing actually doesn't know what kind of strength he has.

 Since the Heavenly Demon Emperor also had not cultivated immortality, he thought it was too slow and there was no need to start over.

And now, based on the previous Black Lotus leader, he has deepened his cultivation of the devil.

  After all, martial arts can be used to become a **** and martial arts can be used to become an emperor or a demon emperor.

 Just in terms of real combat power, the Demon Emperor is stronger.


 Suddenly there was a noise.

Shen Changqing looked out the window with faint eyes.

There is a group of demons oppressing another demon there.

The screams pierced the dark night and resounded through the outer cabinet, scaring many demons to the point of trembling.

This kind of scene often happens in the magic sect.

 Shen Changqing withdrew his gaze and stopped paying attention.

 It won't be long before the Demon Emperor's strength is fully consolidated, and it will be time to take action.


Shen Changqing sensed something and frowned.

 The other side of consciousness.


 Dark night falls in Yanyu Villa.

 In all directions, a large number of figures in black suddenly appeared quietly.

Everyone used magical powers to completely conceal their true appearance.

Even the fluctuations in the breath have been suppressed to a certain extent.

The leader was wearing a cloak, and his pair of gloomy eyes were staring at the villa, scanning the entire huge scene of the villa.

“Are you sure this is a blessed land in the Yanxian Dynasty?”

“Why can’t I notice any changes in spiritual energy? It’s no different from the outside.”

 A low voice sounded, and there was a rickety old man beside him, who nodded slowly in response.

“It’s true, the Cave Heaven Paradise of the Yanxian Dynasty basically has formations, hidden among many industries.”

“Outsiders cannot find it, and even if they find it, no one knows whether it is exhausted or can continue to erupt.”

“And the owner of this Cave Heaven Paradise in the transformation stage has been dead for many years.”

“So far, the Yanxian Dynasty does not have enough manpower to resume its duties.”

“The sect leader said that it must be handled cleanly and neatly.”

After the rickety old man finished speaking, the man in the cloak fell into deep thought.

Each Cave Heaven Paradise is extremely important to the Immortal Dynasty and Immortal Sect.

 Among them, the Immortal Dynasty has a very vast territory and many industries.

There are hundreds or even thousands of properties like Yanxian Dynasty and Yanyu Villa.

 The Paradise of Cave is hidden among these properties, confusing the eyes of outsiders.

The discovery of Yanyu Villa this time was due to the battle between Yanxian Dynasty and Qianyang Immortal Palace.

 A follower of the owner of Yanyu Village died on the battlefield.

As members of the Lingzhou Demon Sect, they have long been assisting Qianyang Immortal Palace behind the scenes.

 Because I have the habit of searching for souls, I didn’t expect an unexpected surprise.

 Otherwise, without attacking Yanxian Dynasty head-on.

 There is absolutely no way anyone can discover the specific location of Cave Heaven Paradise.

Tonight, if we can secretly occupy the paradise of Misty Rain Villa, the harvest will be unimaginable.

 “Let’s do it and win the battle quickly.”

The rickety old man no longer hesitated, and the light of the magic weapon opened and closed.

 In an instant, it turned into thousands of rays of light, covering the entire Yanyu Villa.

 This is an isolation formation, and no message can be transmitted at all.


The rickety old man shouted in a low voice.

  Everybody stepped into the air and took off, swarming up.

The man in the cloak also took a step forward, with the great pressure of the divine transformation stage.

The entire Yanyu Villa was plunged into indescribable oppression.

Qin Shu, who was resting with her eyes closed in the villa, suddenly opened her eyes with a look of surprise and uncertainty.

 She quickly arrived outside the mountain gate and saw that the mountain guarding formation had been opened and closed.

There were ripples of light outside, and a large number of magical powers were bombarding them.

In addition, there is an isolation formation covering a hundred miles in radius, and the communication jade slips have no effect at all.

 She even saw a rainbow figure, exuding an incomparably vast aura.

 That was...the early stage of becoming a god!

Qin Shu's face suddenly darkened.

She could not figure out why this person suddenly appeared.

 Adhering to her duty, she needed to take Shen Changqing away immediately. But looking at the level of bombardment this mountain-protecting formation suffered, I'm afraid it won't be able to sustain even half a stick of incense.

If these people were coming for Shen Changqing, she wouldn't be able to escape far.

Logically speaking, so many years have passed.

It is impossible for anyone outside to know that there is actually an eldest prince in the Yanxian Dynasty.

Where did these people come from?

 Could it be...the reason for the Paradise of Cave Heaven?

Then how did they find it?

Qin Shu didn't dare to gamble, and wisps of power surged through her body.

 The huge movement in Yanyu Villa made all the guards appear one after another.

Behind Qin Shu, a large group of people soon stood in darkness.

In addition, masters hiding in the dark have also emerged from all directions in the villa.

 They looked at the black-robed men bombarding the mountain-protecting formation, their eyes filled with murderous intent.

“Brothers, it’s time to fulfill your duties. The Queen will always remember you.”

 As Qin Shu finished speaking, all the guards behind her burst out with strength.

 “It’s your duty, even if you die!”

The roar resounded, and everyone jumped into the air together.

Qin Shu took a deep breath and no longer hesitated.

 She turned around and rushed to Shen Changqing's room.

But I saw Shen Changqing had already walked over from the end of the corridor.

"Your Highness, it is no longer safe here. Please leave with your servants quickly!"

 Qin Shu’s cultivation in Yuan Ying stage has been revealed.

 Her ability to disguise herself disappeared in her desperation.

 It's just that she can't care too much now.

 We must try our best to take Shen Changqing out of here.

 “I’m leaving, what will you do?”

 Shen Changqing continued to walk towards the villa.

"We are all a group of dead soldiers, and we will all die for His Highness in the end!"

 Qin Shu was anxious. She didn't know why Shen Changqing could still be so calm.

Outside, there is a **** in the transformation stage.

 “But I don’t want anyone to die for me.”

 Shen Changqing shook his head gently.

 In just a few words, he had already appeared outside the villa.

 “Please, Your Highness! Go with me!”

Qin Shu begged and begged hard. She wanted to be tough, but she didn't dare.

At this moment, the mountain guarding formation is on the verge of being broken.

 All the guards stood in the air, determined to die.

 “Get back.”

Shen Changqing's voice spread loudly, and its majesty spread throughout the Misty Rain Villa.

 Tonight, no one will die around him.

 “Your Highness?”

 Everyone looked back and saw that Shen Changqing had not left, and they all looked anxious.

 At the same time, bang!

The mountain guarding formation finally shattered, and the starlight in the sky turned into nothing.

 A strong aura of blood and killing swept across the sky.

No matter how many disguises you put on, you can't hide the unique aura of being a member of the Demon Sect.

 “Your Highness...?”

 The man in the cloak stands with his hands behind his back.

Looked at Shen Changqing with a frown, quite suspicious.

 Look at the postures of these people, vaguely.

 Shen Changqing seems to have an extraordinary background and a very high status.

Like the prince status of Yanxian Dynasty!

 But, isn’t there only one prince in the entire Yanxian Dynasty?

 Furthermore, he had ascended the throne many years ago.

So who is the person in front of you?

It doesn’t matter, no matter who it is, let’s search for the soul first.


 The man in the cloak covers his big hands horizontally.

 In an instant, there was tremendous pressure.

At the top of the sky, a demonic palm appeared on the spot that covered the sky and the sun, and the demonic palm was even branded with the pattern of the magic door!

This is the power of a blow in the early stages of becoming a god, causing the expressions of all the guards to change drastically.

 When they all roared, they quickly cast spells to resist.

Qin Shu jumped up without thinking about her own safety, biting her index finger and preparing to use the forbidden technique.

Without thinking, I just heard a loud bang.

 The space was distorted, and strong force popped out from Shen Changqing's fingertips.

 Then the demonic palm of the sky fell apart in an instant!

  Along the road, everyone’s vision became blurred.

 I just felt an indescribable force passing by me.

The man in cloak who was in the early stages of becoming a **** didn’t even react.

 When his pupils suddenly widened, a powerful force instantly penetrated the center of his eyebrows.

He stared straight at Shen Changqing, his vitality disappeared, and he slowly fell from the air, refusing to rest in peace!

 The entire Yanyu Villa fell into silence for a short time.

Qin Shu's body was stiff in the air, her eyes slightly dull.

what happened.

His Highness just took action?

 “The senator is dead…”

 “The senator has been killed!”

 Under the sky, all the people in black looked at Shen Changqing in fear.

The rickety old man's hair stood up all over his body at this moment, and he was horrified.

In Shen Changqing's body, although he did not sense any fluctuations in immortality.

 However, the moment Shen Changqing flicked his fingers, terrible power suddenly burst out.

 As a veteran in the transformation stage, he died like this!

"Didn't I say that there are no masters here...Who is this from the Yanxian Dynasty?"

The rickety old man turned pale and turned around in an instant, trying to escape.

 But how could Shen Changqing let them go?

 As he raised his hand, the power of sanctification of the flesh directly crushed the space.


There was a rain of blood outside the villa in an instant, but not a single scream was heard.

 All masters of the magic sect shall die on the spot!

“It seems that Yan Xianchao faces a lot of enemies.”

Shen Changqing looked thoughtfully at the blood rain splattering all over the sky, gradually turning into blood mist.

 Of course he recognized that these people were from the Lingzhou Demon Sect.

 And when he appears here today, the target is actually not him.

 Combined with the fact that Yanyu Villa is a paradise in the Yanxian Dynasty, the answer is basically clear.

 But, how do these people know that Yanyu Villa is a paradise in the cave?

 Looking around the world, it’s not just the spiritual energy of Da Zezhou that is depleted.

 Lingzhou also faces the same problem.

 Now the situation has begun to escalate to the point of directly snatching the Dongtian Paradise.

If Yanyu Villa is occupied today, the news will continue to be blocked.

 Plus the Yanxian Dynasty is tired of war, I am afraid that it will not be discovered for a long time that there is a fire in the backyard.

The Demon Sect is so courageous that they are not worried about Yan Xianchao sending troops to defend it.

 Does this mean that Yanxian Dynasty will have bigger problems and will not be able to take care of them all?

Thinking about the fact that for so many years, Yanyu Villa has never had a new person in the transformation stage come to stay.

It can be seen that there are indeed a lot of enemies.

 After pondering this point, Shen Changqing suddenly found that everyone's eyes in the villa were focused on him alone.

 All the guards looked fanatical.

 “Your Highness…”

Qin Shu’s voice was choked with sobs.

 Her eyes were filled with confusion, shock, and disbelief.

 A little excited again, and...admiration?

  Forty years have passed in a hurry, and we have been together for such a long time.

 Shen Changqing has challenged immortal cultivators since he was a child and has shown extraordinary combat power.

But Qin Shu never thought that Shen Changqing could kill someone in the early stage of becoming a **** with just a snap of his fingers!

Your Highness, is he too strong?

 (End of this chapter)

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