Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 2107: Slave cage

With Margaret's guarantee, Rod did not hesitate anymore, and was ready to take out the stored almighty eye.

Generally speaking, things with life cannot be stored in the spatial ring.

Whether it is a living animal, undead creatures that have ignited the fire of soul, elemental creatures that rely on the core of the element for survival, or heterogeneous creatures of various shapes, they cannot be accommodated inside the space ring. The storage space in the ring is instinctively repulsive to living things.

However, if it is a dead body or an animal’s stump, it will not be rejected by the space ring and can be included in it by Enron. This is also how Rod saw a lot of biological materials from Alama’s space ring. Can't see the cause of any living things.

Among them, the plant is an exception. If the sapling is placed in the space ring, no matter how long it is placed, it will not change in any way. The time in the ring is completely static, and after the sapling is taken out and replanted, it can still thrive. Grow.

And the deadwood warriors among the plants, or the trees of wisdom and other wise plants, can't be included in the spatial ring either. Rod guessed that this might have something to do with the souls contained in them.

Not long ago, when he got the omnipotent eye deep underground, Rhode tried to include it in the space ring, but the feedback from the space ring made Rhode have to give up this idea.

Although the Almighty Eye is a part of the body of the Almighty, it has long been separated from the body of the Almighty, but it is different from the remnants of other creatures, as if it still has life, can move on its own, shoot the laser that destroys everything, and cannot Be included in the space ring.

If Rohde insists on including it in the space ring, it may cause the entire space ring to be fragmented, causing chaotic spatial turbulence, and even himself will be affected. Rohde, who knows the nature of space rings well, will naturally not Do it.

But this is facing a new problem. If you don't store the omnipotent eye and just carry it with you, waiting for it to recover from the vertigo, I am afraid it will trigger another fierce battle.

Such an unstable eye of omnipotence, no matter where Rhodes takes it, it will not easily settle down. It will cause a terrible disaster at any time. The eye of omnipotence that has been on the magic mirror once will not Fooled again.

After getting the Eye of Almighty, Luo Luo felt a little bit difficult at first, and he didn't know how to take it out of the Tomb of the Witchcraft King safely. Perhaps the only way to take away the omnipotent eye is to throw it on the enemy's territory and cause it to be destroyed everywhere.

In Rhodes’s impression, in Bracada, some legendary wizards have treasures that can be loaded into living things. They may be the highest-quality spatial rings, or the treasures forged by the alchemist. Such treasures are extremely rare, and Rhode has never obtained it yet.

In addition to treasures, there are also some special abilities that can do this.

Rod had seen her use the door of another dimension to divide a storage space exclusively for her on Inota. After that, opening and closing the storage space no longer required mana. There are extremely high requirements for the magic of the door of the different dimension, at least the level of 10 is required, and if you want to open the different space for storing living things, you need a higher level.

Rod originally wanted to increase the level of the door of another dimension by consuming experience points, but after a little thought, he found a better choice.

The source of sin karma contains the power of **** kings of the past dynasties. Even the various abilities of the stigmata can be exchanged for sin karma points, which also provides a lot of convenience for Rhodes. He only needs to find a suitable ability from those abilities.

After briefly browsing the options in the source of sin karma, Rhode quickly picked out many of the abilities that could store living things.

"[Swallowing Heaven and Earth]: From the source of gluttony. Open up an exclusive world in the body to accommodate other creatures to live in. You can increase the size of the exclusive world through eating, and increase the resources of the exclusive world through eating. The required sin karma points: 500w"

"[Slave Cage]: From the source of lust. Open the cage space to imprison slaves. The slaves in the cage can't use all their power, and their health will continue to flow over time. The required sin karma points: 20w."

"[The Rest Place]: From the mysterious soul. Use the soul to condense the sanctuary space that shelters everything, and protect the creatures in it from any harm. Required prerequisite ability: Destiny domain. Required sin karma points: 5w."

"[Flame Master]: From the source of jealousy. Control the plane of fire elements. Prerequisite ability: Legendary fire magic. Prerequisite ability: Cinder domain. Sin karma points required: 500w."

The various options in the source of sin karma also made Rodriguez secretly smack his tongue at that time.

Among the various fields provided by the source of sin karma, they did not belong to the current gluttony king's domain. Rhodes saw the disease domain of the former gluttony king. Before that, Rod was still speculating about the realm of the King of Glutton. After seeing the ability of Devouring Heaven and Earth, Rod seemed to have a clear understanding.

That is a unique ability that is not weaker than the domain. It can form a self-contained space in the body. It is no wonder that the Glutton King has such a huge size.

According to the description of the system, as you continue to eat, the space formed by the swallowing heaven and earth will become larger and larger, and even exceed the general plane size in turn. Rhodes can feel the powerful potential contained in this ability, no matter which legendary creature this ability is placed on, it is enough to become its core ability, but if it is only used to store a living thing, it is also a little overkill. .

In addition, the huge crime karma points required for this ability of [Swallowing Heaven and Earth] also made Rod shook his head secretly, which was enough to exchange for a powerful domain ability. In view of these, Rhodes did not choose this ability.

And [The Rest Place] and [Fire Master], these two abilities also made Rod's heart startled.

The meaning of resting place is precisely those shelters in hell. If he can create his own shelter, Rhode no longer has to worry about the safety of the rear.

The Flame Lord was even more amazed by Rod. According to the description of this ability, it can directly gain control of the Fire Elemental Plane, thus treating the entire Fire Elemental Plane as its own private space, which is the elemental Lord’s. Exclusive treatment.

It is a pity that these two abilities require the support of the power of the domain. Rhodes does not meet the prerequisites for exchange. The sin karma points he possesses do not allow him to spend so much. He can only choose the simplest one. That is [Slave Cage].

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