Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 2106: Handover

"Is this the power of the source of sin karma?"

Through the aroused power, Rhodes saw the sin karma entangled in Mexijia.

The breath of sin karma that ordinary people can’t feel, in Rod’s eyes, has already turned into dark silk threads, entwined all over Mexijia’s body, especially the part of her palm, which is completely wrapped by the dark silk threads. .

In addition, Rohde could see that there were continuous silk threads flowing toward her body, even if she did nothing at this moment, she still had a lot of sin karma, constantly converging toward her body.

Rod showed a bit of enlightenment. As a king, Mexiga also had the source of sin karma on her body. The threads that gathered to her were undoubtedly the source of sin karma. The king of **** also has the ability to master the source of sin karma, and can continuously improve his abilities by relying on the transferred sin karma.

Wrapped in the thick sin karma silk thread around Mexijia, Rod could not see her own sin karma, and there was no way to accurately know her current state like she did.

After turning off this ability, Rhode put on the blindfold again.

With the improvement of his strength, he must be more careful about the ability of the Scarlet Eye, and in many cases, he can only use the magic eye to see things.

"Interesting ability, unfortunately this is not what I need." Shaking his head, Rod slowly said, he prefers destructive spells that can cause a lot of damage to the ability to see sin karma.

"I believe you will make the right choice." Aside, Mai Xijia said slowly.

After bidding farewell to Mesika, Rhode soon returned to the city of Sao on the main plane through the teleportation monument on the island.

Responsible for guarding the entrance of the two-way monument is a team of well-equipped terrorist knights. While the islands on the Elemental Plane of Water continued to develop, Rowling did not forget to strengthen the protection of Sao City. The horror knights that only those liches could cultivate in the past are also developing in Sao City at this moment.

With the power of the ghost king's cloak, Rhodes can transform a large number of corpse witch kings in a short period of time, but it is not a simple task to train a horror knight. The energy and gold spent are to transform the corpse witch king. More than ten times.

Seeing Rod stepping out of the teleportation tablet, the horror knights, as high-level undead creatures, saluted the dead lord respectfully, expressing respect from the fire of the soul, while Rod nodded slightly.

Soon, Rhodes returned to Sao City, and he came to the middle level of the Soul Convocation Tower with extremely abundant death energy.

Before Lord knocked on the door of one of the rooms, the room opened on its own. The unconcealed breath of death made the people in the room aware of Lord's arrival, and the faint sense of gaze in the space also made Lord I understand that my every move is seen by the people in the room at this time.

Through the magic eyes next to him, Rod saw the scene in the room, densely packed eyeballs on the surrounding walls, and at this time, following Rod's movements, he looked at him together.

Being watched by countless strange-looking eyeballs, Rod’s expression remained unchanged, but he heard a greeting: "Master Rod, you have finally come to me... When I saw you appear on the island again, and went When visiting Ms. Inotta, the worries in my heart let go."

It was the blind Margaret, the owner of those magic eyes, who made the sound. She looked at Rod through the eyes and asked hurriedly: "Master Rod, didn’t you go to the underground world to help Alama before? The last thing I saw was that his body was completely petrified, how is he now?"

"Don't worry, he is back with me." Lode slowly said when he noticed the worry in Margaret's words.

Since returning to the island, Rod has always had a feeling of being watched, knowing that it was caused by the anxious Margaret, the magic eye sent by Rod, and Rod did not care about the source of the peeping.

"Then where is he now?" Margaret asked with a pleasantly surprised expression after hearing Rhode's words.

"Well..." As he said, Rod took out the parts belonging to Alama. Except for the body that had been completely petrified, only one eye, one ear, and one mouth were left.

Looking at the little remains of Alama, who can no longer see the human body, Margaret took his body with some worry.

Not long ago, Margaret had seen Rod talking to the remains in his hand before the giant cocoon that Inota had turned into. Unexpectedly, the remains were the current Alama.

"Sorry, Margaret." Alama's mouth opened after being held in Margaret's hand, and said after a long time.

"You have nothing to be sorry for." Margaret said pityingly.

Alama sighed, "I said I would bring you the almighty eye, but I didn't expect that I would break my promise in the end."

Margaret shook her head and looked at the remaining eyeballs of Alama: "I can see you return smoothly, even if it's just now, instead of completely turning into stone, I'm very satisfied. I don't need any almighty eyes. Even if you fail to bring it back, I won't blame you."

On the side, Rod coughed and interrupted Margaret’s words: "Maybe you don’t know. I have already got the Eye of Almighty, and I got both eyes. Since I changed it to myself, I would It has caused some unknown consequences. It is of little use to me. Who of you knows how to make it into a treasure? Or is it made into a heterogeneous creature?"

Upon hearing this, Margaret opened her mouth. Seeing that Alama didn't say anything to refute, she also realized what Rod's words meant.

"Master Rod, that is the eye of the Almighty. If you give it to me, I am afraid it will only take a month. No, it may be a shorter time to create the legendary creation of the Demon Eye Church, which is Eternal magic eye."

Upon seeing this, Margaret said immediately, as if she had thought of something, she glanced at Alama's remains: "Of course, that needs Alama's help."

Rod nodded, and then glanced around: "I can't just let it go. According to the power of the Almighty Eye, the laser that it shoots instantly is enough to completely destroy the entire soul tower."

Even the defensive ritual of the witchcraft king's mausoleum couldn't withstand the laser shot from the almighty eye. As for the protection ability of the soul tower, Rohde naturally did not dare to have any expectations.

For this, Margaret didn't care: "Master Rod, no matter how powerful the Eye of Almighty is, it is just a pair of eyes after all. I know how to calm him down."

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