Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 2108: Magic eye appease

Under the gaze of a bunch of magic eyes around him, Rod raised his hand slightly. At this moment, whether it was Margaret in the room or Alama’s ear, there was a faint whisper, and at the same time , Their hearts were slightly lost.

The two people with higher ranks were not trapped by this whisper, and soon woke up, and the eyes of the nearby Demon Eyes looking at Rod also had a slightly different meaning.

"Master Rod, I heard a whisper of evil... that's a whisper belonging to the devil."

The blind Margaret has an extremely keen sense of sound. She quickly noticed the ominous meaning contained in the sound and reminded Rod.

"Don't be surprised." Rod slowly replied, "That is one of the slave cage abilities that imprison the Eye of Almighty."

According to the description of the system, the slave cage is the ability of the **** king. In addition to imprisoning other creatures in accordance with the user's request, it can also send out trapping words to the surroundings as Margaret heard. , To attract other creatures to dig into it and capture other unlucky creatures.

Margaret and Alama, due to their higher ranks, can quickly get rid of even if they are affected by the words of trapping, but if they are replaced by other ordinary creatures, there is no way to easily break away from this power. Soon, he will be deeply attracted by the words of trapping, and will eventually fall into the slave cage.

The level of the words of entrapment requires Rhode to spend extra karma points to upgrade. At present, it is only at the level of Lv1. If you want to rise to Lv2, you need to spend 10w karma points. The price is not high. If Rod had not obtained a large number of sin karma points from the remnant soul of the stigmata, it would take several months to collect all these 10w sin karma points.

In addition, if there is the love field of the **** king, you can directly raise the trapping language to the full level. Even the legendary creature will involuntarily get into the slave cage under the trapping language. As a result, the controller of the cage has a variety of powerful slaves.

Rhode did not raise the level of the Word of Entrapment. Although coupled with the ability of the Word of Entrapment, the slave cage could capture a lot of extra population for him. Even some high-level creatures and even legendary creatures are possible. No need for these.

It was not for this ability that Lord chose to open the slave cage. What's more, if Lord needed additional population, he had a simpler method, and he didn't use the power of the slave cage at all.

The existence of the realm of death made Rhode look down on the ability of the slave cage to capture the population, but the slave cage can imprison all the power of the creatures in it, and can not get rid of the eye of omnipotence. This makes Rhode very valued. If some tricky enemies are captured, they can also be locked in a slave cage.

After opening the slave cage, Rhode quickly found the almighty eye in it surrounded by chains and barbs.

The omnipotent eye noticed Rod's sight, turned his eyes, and quickly looked at Rod's position. At this time, the Almighty Eye didn't seem to be in good condition, the surface of the eyeball was covered with bloodshot eyes, and the eyes became a bit sluggish, without any initial prestige.

This discovery also made Rod's heart tense.

If it hadn't been for him to put the Eye of Almighty in a slave cage capable of imprisoning power, the Eye of Almighty that had awakened might have destroyed everything in front of Rhode with a laser.

"Are you sure you can comfort it, instead of me taking it out, it will start shooting lasers, or petrify us all?" Rod seemed to think of something, and the corners of his mouth twitched towards Margaret. Asked.

"Master Rod, please believe in my ability." Margaret assured.

Hearing what she said, Rhode didn't ask any more questions. After preparing for the worst, he took the Almighty Eye from the slave cage.

Immediately after escaping from the cage, the pupils of the Eye of Almighty shrank and almost harvested a small hole. At the same time, the laser, which symbolized destruction, began to condense on its surface.

Just as the laser was about to sweep past, suddenly, it seemed to have discovered something, and the laser slowly dissipated in its eyes.

At Marguerite's signal, a bunch of magic eyes came up, surrounding the almighty eyes in them, looking at it with curiosity or joy.

For a moment, the Almighty Eye seemed to be at a loss, and even its own abilities had been forgotten. It looked at the magic eyes around it that looked larger than itself, with a puzzled look in its eyes.

"Are you petrified? I didn't hear the sound of fighting." Outside the room, Rod's slightly puzzled voice came over.

In order to prevent it from being completely petrified by the Eye of Almighty, Rohde used a flame to escape the room at the moment it was released. Hearing no sound inside, Rohde asked immediately.

Lord's voice seemed to touch the almighty eye surrounded by the demon eye. For Lord's voice, he was already very familiar with the tomb of the magic king before. He heard it again at this moment and immediately condensed the laser light again.

The pure white laser pierced the wall of the soul-conspiring tower, brushed Rod's shoulder, and rushed straight into the sky, even if it penetrated the clouds, it didn't mean to stop at all.

On the side, Rod Heart watched this scene with lingering fear. When he was deep underground, he felt the horror of the laser. No matter how solid the ground is, it can’t stop the sweep of the laser. Even the Titan’s arrow is faint. It is a sign of unbearableness. If it is hit by a laser, it will be strong and there will be two more holes in the body.

The laser only existed for a short while, and quickly dissipated from Lord's eyes, and Lord could not help but let out a deep sigh of relief. It seems that the eye of omnipotence is very vengeful. If he didn't take out the eye of omnipotence and quickly escaped to the room with flames, he would be petrified by the appearing eye of omnipotence.

In the room, when the laser from the omnipotent eye stopped, beside it, several magic eyes about the same size as it slowly approached, gently wiped with the tentacles, and the surface of the omnipotent eye after the laser dissipated. The black smoke coming out.

Under the wiping of the tentacles, the movement of the Almighty Eye stopped. Under the envelopment of the magic eyes, it felt unprecedented warmth. In addition, the immense fatigue also surged up, and its eyes began to lose weight, and finally Motionless as if he was asleep.

"Successful." Soon, Margaret's joyous voice reached Rod's ears.

Rod also saw everything that happened in the room through his own magic eyes. He couldn't help but glanced at this blind old woman. He didn't think that she really had a way to settle down the Almighty Eye. This undoubtedly made Rod Save a lot of trouble.

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