Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 2081: Saint soul

"Aren't you afraid that the soul in your hand will run away?"

Looking at Mexijia, Rod couldn’t help but say, before that, he ran out of mana, and the soul fragments he fought for were only three-thirds more in total than the one in Mexijia’s hand. one.

Seeing that she didn't use the soul fragments, but held it in his hands, Rod could not help being very curious.

"I can't use these." She said slowly, "This is for you. The source of sin karma in your body should need these souls very much."

Rod looked at her unexpectedly. He didn't expect that she would act like this, and then asked: "Aren't you curious? These souls are likely to record the method of becoming a god, but that is other kings. The precious thing that you all desire so much, you are willing to leave it..."

Hearing Luo's question, she showed a playful smile: "I don't need this kind of thing. I have seen the birth of a god, and saw him fall sadly. This kind of thing does not have any attraction to me. ."


Hearing what Mexijia said, Rod was about to step forward and take the saint's soul from her hand, but saw Mexijia slightly sideways, taking the soul away from him.

"Don't worry, Rod. Before handing this soul to you, I hope you can promise me two conditions." Looking at Rod, she said softly.

When Rod stopped, he knew that it was impossible for Mexiga to give her soul to herself, and then asked: "What are the conditions? Why not speak out and listen."

"Remember the prediction card I left?" She stroked her chin and said.

"That set of prophecy cards is now in Rowling's hands, do you want to take it back?" Rod frowned slightly and asked.

With Rowling's use of that set of prophecy cards, Rhodes also felt the potential of those seemingly inconspicuous cards, especially the trump cards in the cards. If they can be summoned, it is enough to make The existence of the apex of the legend feels tricky.

Listening to Mexiga, she seemed to want to take back this set of cards, which also made Rhode feel a little difficult.

After checking the prompts in the system log for a while, Rod realized that the value of the soul in Mexijia’s hand is not weaker than the value of the prophecy card, even more than a lot, exchange the prophecy card with soul, how can it be a steady profit Things not to lose.

What really makes it difficult for Rhodes is not the choice between the two, but how to explain all this to Rowling. In a sense, that set of prophecy cards has become an indispensable thing for Rowling. After Rod takes it away, Rowling's strength will drop by a large margin.

Taking a deep breath, Rod continued: "That set of prophecy cards is not in my possession now. I may not be able to agree to you. I need some time to discuss it."

Mexijia shook her head: "I don't want that set of prophecy cards. All I need is one of them."

Rod was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect Mexijia's request to be so simple: "You only want one of the cards? Don't you know how powerful that set of prophecy cards contains? You are making that set of prophecies. I spent a lot of energy when I got stuck."

"Of course I know all this." Rod's words seemed to evoke some memories of Mexiga, she sighed, "I spent hundreds of years, under the chase of the Holy See, and witnessed countless heroes. The birth of, this set of prophecy cards was created, but do you know what I did after the prophecy cards were produced?"

"Are you avenging those who chase you?" Rod thought for a while, and guessed with some doubts, "Or is he planning to use the power in the prophecy card to conquer the surface world?"

"Ha, I don't want to do this." Mexijia smiled and refuted the content of Rhodes's words. "When the prediction card was completed, I joined a circus and became a fortune teller there. Card fortune-telling for the people there and answering their doubts."

"Why did you do this? That set of prophecy cards contains the power to conquer the world, but you only use it for divination?" Rod showed a surprised look, not understanding Mexijia's choice.

"Who knows?" She did not answer Rod's question. "I know you left the prophecy card to Rowling, but I only need one of them. You should be able to agree to it for her?"

Rod thought for a while, and quickly replied: "Okay, but I want to know, is the prediction card you need one of those aces?"

"It's this one."

Mexijia shook her wrist, and a prophecy card appeared in her hand, the card facing Rhodes.

Rod stared intently, revealing a slightly unexpected look. It was one of the three prophecy cards that Rod gave her to interpret the revelation of the card not long ago. It painted the prophecy card of the hero Nimbus, not any of them. Ace.

"This prediction card..."

Rod's eyes condensed, he looked at the card, the long-dead dog held in his arms by the boy, and then looked at the lazy king who followed a group of legion members back here, and he seemed to realize something.

"Who the **** is Nimbus? Is it the dog? But I didn't detect its heroic identity from that dog."

Rod couldn't help asking. At this moment, he was not only confused by the pattern on the card's face, but also the corners of Rod's mouth twitched when he remembered the words he had argued with Rowling before. Before that, he could not have imagined that the dog in the picture turned out to be the lazy king in the future, and it is no wonder that after seeing the few prophetic cards, Mexijia spoke out the enlightenment of divination in one go.

"Of course it's the boy, why do you have this question?" Mexijia glanced at Rod with some confusion, "However, this is also related to my second condition. Leave it to me. This is the second The contents of each condition."

Mai Xijia stretched out her index finger, pointed to the distance and lay on the ground. After this time, she was already asleep, and she didn't care about the big dog who had changed drastically nearby, and said to Rod.

"You want a lazy king, it's not a simple thing..." Looking at the big dog in the distance, Rhodes thought about the conditions that Mexijia had mentioned in his heart.

Compared with other kings, the lazy king is obviously inferior to them. It can even be said that there is a deep gap. No matter which king fights, it will fall into the disadvantage, but in terms of defense, the lazy king can be said to be the most unique existence. , Even the claws of the rage king couldn't tear his skin, which made Rodgau take a look at the dog.

The defensive ability of the Lazy King is not compatible with the undead legion that can be resurrected repeatedly. Because of this, after a little thought, Rhodes made a decision: "Well, I will promise your two conditions. Now, the Holy One Give me the soul."

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