Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 2082: Anomaly is coming

"Be careful, you have to put it away."

Seeing that Rod had agreed to the conditions, Mexijia also showed a satisfied look, and then handed him a large piece of soul in his hand, and reminded him at the same time.

Rod stretched out his hand and touched the soul of the saint, feeling that the soul was rapidly dissolving in his body. At the same time, many prompts appeared in the system log. He just showed a happy expression, but he heard a warning sound.

"Master, be careful! A powerful enemy is hurriedly approaching us! Let me protect your safety!"

It was the new big demon who had warned Rhode that he had joined the legion. At this moment, the nearby big demon subconsciously clenched the weapon in his hand and stared at the azure blue figure flying in the sky intensively.

"Quiet! She is our companion, so how decent she is screaming!"

Fareze recognized at a glance that the figure flying in the distance was the ice-blue sacred dragon who had fought with him when he raided the treasure house in the cloud before, and immediately rebuked those big demons who felt the majesty of the sacred dragon and looked wary.

Farezer's scolding quickly became effective. Even though the nearby demon showed hostile eyes at the flying ice blue sacred dragon, no noisy voice continued to be heard.

Seeing this situation, Rod glanced at the commander with satisfaction, and then looked towards the holy dragon flying in the sky, it was Yusia who was temporarily living on the island, and he didn't know why she appeared here.

"Rod, you are finally back!"

The advent of the sacred dragon also brought a burst of chill like an ice cave. Many demons living in **** nearby and accustomed to the hot magma felt uncomfortable, and their teeth shivered.

There is also a sense of urgency in Yusia’s words, which also surprised Luo Luo. This sacred dragon has never waited to see other creatures except the giant dragon. Last time she convinced her to take action in the treasure house in the cloud. Rod also took a lot of effort. Even if the Necromancer on the island is dead, don't want her to be in any urgency. He didn't expect to see Yusia so urgent as soon as she returned to the island.

The changes in the ice-blue sacred dragon also made Rod's heart faintly tensed. Before he could ridicule a few words, he hurriedly asked: "What happened? Why are you so urgent?"

"Inota's body, there have been many abnormal changes, she...Forget it, you come with me, and I will explain to you in detail during the flight."

As he said, the ice blue sacred dragon was about to pick up Rod and fly him to somewhere on the island, but Rod’s figure flashed by in the fire, and came to the ice blue sacred dragon’s back: "No , You are with me."

As Rod's words fell, his body and the ice-blue sacred dragon disappeared in the fire instantly, and the next moment they returned to the sky above the card castle on the island, and the ice-blue sacred dragon was still slightly stunned at this moment.

"Brother, I am here." Seeing Rod appearing, below, a young girl waved.

No need for Rowling's reminder. As soon as he appeared, Rod was aware of her existence through blood kinship. She, who had originally stayed in Sao City, also hurried back to the island at this moment. Obviously, something important happened.

After returning to the island, Rhode put on his blindfold again to prevent the power of the Scarlet Eye from leaking.

"I have learned about the situation from Yusia, is Inota okay now?" Rhode asked.

"She is very weak now...About an hour ago, the armor on her body suddenly released a dazzling golden light, and she was also in that golden light, and some unknown change occurred..." Rowling was a little worried. Said.

Listening to Rowling's account, Rod was taken aback for a moment. An hour ago, wasn't that when he and Mexiga were fighting for the soul of the stigmata in hell?

"I have sealed off the surrounding areas and prohibit any necromancers from approaching..." Seeing Luo Ling slightly stunned, Rowling continued, "Brother, I am worried that your death domain may bring unknown changes to her, you Don't keep getting closer."

"I can close the domain." Rod shook his head and insisted.

Upon seeing this, Rowling stopped talking, and instead led Rhode to the location of Inota.

"That is the current Inota..."

When Rowling led to the side of Card Castle, Rod was taken aback.

Through the magic eye used to see things, he saw a huge white cocoon, and the pure white fluff spreading from the white cocoon covered the entire aisle, as if something was gestating in it, the golden light was constantly flashing like a pulse.

"You said it was Inota?" Rod asked in disbelief, recalling the purple-haired girl in his memory, and looking at the huge white cocoon in front of him, he couldn't believe it. He was here when he was not on the island. Such a change happened unexpectedly.

"Yes, I just arrived. After learning that you returned to the island, Yusia found you the first time." Rowling nodded, but heard Yusia's roar.

"What did you eat for her? You turned her into this look?"

Rhodes's reputation went away, but saw the ice blue sacred dragon, yelling at a blind old woman.

"It's really nothing to do with me, I just brought her some magic eyes, who knows, she will suddenly change like that..." Under the pressure of the holy dragon, Marguerite's figure trembled. Reply.

"Still quibbling! You are the last person she came into contact with. She only ate your magic eye to make such a change! Come on, what did you do to Inota? Did you irritate it in the magic eye? What kind of potion?" Yusia roared, the icy blue dragon's breath had already condensed in her mouth, the temperature in the field dropped instantly, and the frost in the air began to condense.

"Enough, I assure you, Margaret knows nothing."

With a flash of stature, Luo Luo came to the ice blue sacred dragon and stopped her venting anger.

"Why can you guarantee this?" Yusia asked loudly. Inota's abnormal changes made it hard for her to believe the other people on the island, even Rhode.

"Just because I am her master." Luo Luo said slowly, with a strong momentum released from him.

Feeling Lord's momentum, the ice-blue sacred dragon's eyes were startled. Compared to the short time that had passed when he raided the Treasure House in the Clouds, Lord's strength actually improved a lot.

"Master Rod." Seeing Rod appearing, Margaret cried bitterly, "I brought a lot of magic eyes to Ms. Inotta, but I just hope that she can beg you to help Alama who is seriously injured... I didn't expect such a thing to happen..."


Rod bared his teeth. He didn't expect that such a change would happen on the island during his absence. Even Alama, who he thought was exceptionally capable, encountered something that he couldn't handle.

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