Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 2080: Accomplishment and retreat

Soon, Rhode, who had no mana, returned to Fareze with Mexiga.

"I have got what I want, it's time to evacuate." Rod quickly ordered.

After receiving Rhodes's order, Farrezer also ordered a loud voice to the nearby demon: "Withdraw! The Great Demon Warlord is in teams of two and is responsible for leading the scattered members to evacuate!"

Due to the violent shaking, the ground under the legion members' feet has long collapsed. The originally flat land has now become several isolated islands in the lake of fire. Even the shelter that has lost its supernatural power has completely collapsed at this moment and melted in the lake of fire.

The nearby demons were even more unbearable. Many demons fell into the magma and lost their bloodline resistance to magma. They were quickly melted by the hot magma, but they were constantly reborn under the influence of the death domain. Be melted. For these unfortunate demons, it was like a torture.

There are also many legion members trapped on the scattered islands. Fortunately, a great demon came to rescue them. For a while, all legion members showed gratitude after the disaster and placed them in previous battles. , They don't dare to expect that there will be a great demon coming to the rescue. In the eyes of those great demons, ordinary demons are nothing, but in the undead legion, they are also a member of the legion.

Under the command of Farese, these great demon warlords came to the trapped legion members in groups of two, and alternately displayed flame escapes. After sending these demons to a safe area, they returned in an instant to rescue other legions. member.

"It's too late, they will soon become part of the beast."

At this moment, Mexijia's warning sound also reached Rod's ears.

Rod glanced at her, but saw the red glow in the sky, and the nearby demons screamed violently, even the members of the Undead Legion.

Under the shining red light, the nearby demon knelt to the ground, and his body began to turn into a few drops of pure demon's blood, converging towards the sky.

"No! Master..."

The prolonged wailing sound reached Rod’s ears. Following the reputation, Rod saw Sharma the Fallen whose body was dissipated a little bit. Even a Tier 6 creature could not escape the red light at this moment. .

Under Rod's gaze, Sharma's flesh and blood dissipated in Hongmang, followed by his skeleton. He was like other demons, completely taken away by Hongmang.

Rod's expression changed faintly: "How is this possible? My death domain will actually fail here?"

Lottery looked suspicious. The demons who dissipated under the red glow failed to regenerate in the death domain. This was undoubtedly what surprised him. This was the first time he discovered that the death domain actually failed.

"Be careful, the ritual contained in the Vulcan statue is essentially a disintegration and fusion ritual. It does not kill any of your legion members, but disintegrates and reintegrates them. Let alone them, even if You were sucked away by the Vulcan statue, and there is only one dead end." Beside him, Mexijia actively reminded.

Hearing this, Luo Luo took a deep breath. Although the Death Realm can resurrect the dead creatures, it can do nothing about the special conditions in many witchcraft rituals. Although Sharma was decomposed in the ceremony, in a sense, he did not really die. This is also the powerless place in the death domain. Only completely dead creatures can be reborn in the death domain.

Just as Rod was about to leave, a dog bark suddenly rang in his ears. Following the reputation, Rod saw the big dog before.

As the big dog approached, the members of the legion next to Rod showed horrified eyes. Unlike Rod, in front of these ordinary legion members, this big dog is undoubtedly an extremely terrifying existence. It is hell. The lazy king among them, even the big devil hesitated to approach. However, among the members of the legion, a new group of dog handlers and three hellhounds have been surrounded by the big dog.

Upon seeing this, Farezer reprimanded: "What are you waiting for? Hurry up and evacuate with it according to the master's order."

Seeing that no big demon dared to come forward, Aglan bit his head and came out next to the big dog. Under its careless gaze, he put his hand on the fur in front of it, from the flames. Leave with it.

"Master, please leave as soon as possible. Many of the great demons who shuttle through the flames are seriously injured and waiting for your domain to take effect." After most of the legion members were evacuated under the leadership of the great demon, Fa Lei Ze took the initiative to say to Rhode.

Rod nodded. With the restraint of the Orb of Destruction, the great demons in the Legion would burn themselves in the flames. Instead, the creatures that traveled through the space with them would not be affected at all, and all damage would be done by the big devil. The devil bears.

Under the leadership of a great demon, Rod's figure dissipated in the flames. When his vision was clear again, the scene in front of him changed dramatically. It was no longer the scorching red lava, but an endless deep blue sea.

Rod returned to the Elemental Plane of Water.

Unlike when he went to hell, when he went, Rod was still alone. When he returned, he was accompanied by countless demons. Those great demons with outstanding ability will be the core force of the undead army in the future. Not only that, he He also rescued Mexijia and controlled another **** king.

"Is this the island before? It seems that you will develop here well."

Walking out of a hidden exit that was not isolated by the Forbidden Magic Array on a cliff, and looking at the port in the distance, the Necromancers going out and returning, and the giant ocean undead surrounding the island, Mexijia praised.

"I didn't expect you, as a necromancer, to develop this island so well. I thought you were not good at it."

Rod shook his head and admitted: "This is not my credit."

For this island of the Elemental Plane of Water, Rod did not care at the beginning, but just worried about the countless marine creatures in the ocean, and wanted to transform all of them into undead creatures. It was Rowling, who was extremely concerned about the development of this side. Xin, the island can develop into what it is now, thanks to her credit.

Compared to everything on the island, Rod was more concerned about the Mexiga in front of him at this time. He saw that until he returned to the island, Mexiga did not absorb the pure large pieces of soul fragments, but always Hold it in your hand.

At this time, noticing Rod's gaze, Mai Xijia also looked at him with a smile.

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