Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 2068: Rod Choice

Hearing the final fate of the gods, Lord's expression faintly changed.

He didn't expect that the divine being who was best-known in the mouth of Mexijia, even stolen the divine power, and ruined the stigmata with one hand, would end up like this and be dismembered by his companion.

"You look very surprised." Mesiga said slowly when he noticed the change in Lord's expression.

"This is indeed a little unexpected." As Rod said, he took a deep look at the witch, "If the **** is finally divided by you, and each of you has taken away his body parts, then you, What did you take away?"

"Me? What I took away was his will. I sealed his will in the prophecy card and made him a trump card in my hand."

At the end, Mexiga seemed to have thought of something, and laughed uncontrollably. She raised her hand and covered her face. Her eyes were so sharp that it was difficult to look directly at her. But Rod could still hear her from the heart in her laughter. Joy.

After a long time, she calmed down, and there was a different meaning in her eyes when she looked at Rod: "Lord Rod, you saved me according to the prophetic revelation, and I have nowhere to stay in hell. Please let me follow you and witness the final fulfillment of the prophecy."

The corner of Rhode’s mouth twitched, and Mexiga’s words were simple. Once Rhode accepts her follow, he will definitely endure the enemies that belonged to her. Then he said: "Aren't you the king of hell? Except following me Besides, is there no better choice?"

"Unfortunately, from the current point of view, it seems to be exactly what you said." She shrugged indifferently. "I can become the king of **** thanks to the source of my sins, but I dare not pray to those demons. Interests, and those who are willing to follow me, are probably the fallen ones among the Krigan."

Speaking of this, she seemed to have thought of something: "By the way, did you see Parion? Did he give you the Gun of Killing God according to my request?"

"I met him before, but he didn't do what you said." Rod gave her a skeptical look. He didn't understand the content of her words, whether it was Mexijia made up, or She did order Parion this way, but she still told the truth.

"That's really a shame. I didn't expect him, but in the end he disobeyed my order." Mexijia sighed disappointedly.

When Rod was talking with Mexijia, a huge sword light cut the ground beneath his feet and attacked them.

Looking towards the direction where Jianmang was, Rod saw the ancient hero, and immediately grabbed Mexijia beside him, and once again shuttled through the space through the flames, avoiding the attack of tearing the earth.

"Master Rod, we really can't stop him. His power is not on the same level as ours. Please give an order to let the big devil exile him far away."

After reappearing from the flames, Farreze's voice was heard in Rod's ears. The place where he appeared was right beside Farreze.

The conversation between Lord Rodriguez and Mai Xijia has suffered from the other members of the Undead Legion. By now, each of them has died at least once, and certain great demons who have always rushed to the side of the ancient hero have died more than ten times. Even so, under the influence of the death field, they only need to rest for a while, and they will soon recover.

Faced with ancient heroes whose strength is far above them, members of the Undead Legion, even if they cannot defeat them, can rely on the power of the death domain to resuscitate themselves over and over again, and drag the enemy down. This is also the best thing for Rhodes. The place where the undead army is valued.

"The order goes on, we are going to leave here." Rod said quickly.

Fareze showed an unexpected look, and even Mesiga, who was brought to a safe position by Rhode, showed a surprised look at this moment.

Regarding Rhodes's obedience, Farrezer would not question his orders, and immediately found two warlord great demons, told them Rhodes's orders, and then asked them to pass on to the other demons.

And beside Rhodes, Mesica offered the initiative: "Lord Rhodes, why are you retreating here? As long as you solve the ancient hero, you can become the winner of the trial of hell, and even become a beast. Power equivalent to a king..."

After listening to Mesika’s proposal, Lord’s expression remained unchanged. He glanced at the Vulcan statue behind him. Compared to the incarnation of a beast, he cared about other things: "Did you just mention that the kings are fighting The soul of the stigmata?"

Mexijia glanced at Luo: "According to what I know about them, the souls of the stigmata should have been divided up. Even if you have rushed to the place where they divided the souls, I am afraid you can only see the remains of the sanctuary. ."

"I want to know if all the shelters are gathered together to call out the soul of the stigmata." It seemed that something had been thought of, Rod asked.

"Of course. Without any shelter, the soul's abilities will be greatly reduced."

Mai Xijia nodded, she looked at Rod, and then at the giant body that was once again divided into two by the ancient hero. There seemed to be a little more comprehension in her eyes: "What accident happened? Is the gathering of those shelters? Didn't the souls of the stigmata be condensed in time? Or is it on the lake of fire, what happened to me that I don't know?"

"You're right." Rod nodded. If it weren't for Mexijia's reminder, Rod would never have imagined that the King of Glutton specifically asked for a refuge. It turned out to be for the remnants of the soul. "Until now, those refuges None of them have been gathered, and the king is still working hard for this. I know where the shelters are piled up. I always feel that more important things are happening over there than in the situation here."

During the conversation between Rhode and her, members of the Undead Legion had already evacuated quickly from the battlefield in accordance with Farese's orders, leaving the entire battlefield space to the ancient heroes aside.

Without the members of the Undead Legion to block the way, the ancient hero did not pursue them, but slowly marched towards the Vulcan statue.

Even if it was only a brief battle, at this moment, the members of the Undead Legion looked at the ancient hero with a faint fear, but this fear disappeared when they looked at Rod.

Under the terrifying offensive of the ancient heroes, they couldn’t even hold on for a moment, but in the realm of death, they had countless chances to come back. At this moment, they looked at Rod’s eyes with hair. The fanaticism from the bottom of my heart.

On the side, Rod took a deep look at the ancient hero, and finally led the other members of the legion to disappear in the flames.

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