Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 2067: Almighty

Speaking of the shelters collected by the demons, Rod couldn't help thinking of the gluttony king who had deliberately arrived on the battlefield when he fought Karl not long ago.

At the beginning, Lord thought that the King of Gluttony was to avenge the Goliath who was killed and merged by him, so he deliberately found himself, even Carl, who was still an enemy at the time, thought so, and began to be the King of Gluttony. Clap your hands and applaud the arrival.

Until now, Rod realized that the gluttony king at that time found himself, and perhaps he did not intend to avenge Goliath. The gluttony king wanted only one thing from beginning to end, and that was the sanctuary in Goliath's belly. .

After the Glutton King got the sanctuary, he had no intention of staying, and turned and left in the direction he came from, which can also explain this to Rhodes. The Glutton King didn't know the power of the death domain. If it was for revenge, she could trample all the members of the Undead Legion to death after she got the shelter.

Before that, Lord was very puzzled about the King’s behavior of the gluttonous king. He didn’t understand what she wanted the shelters for. But at this time, after Mexijia’s confusion, Lord seemed to understand her. The meaning of the move.

If everything Mexijia said is true, then the effect of gathering the sanctuary is far more terrifying than Rhodes imagined. What is contained in the shelter is the soul of the incarnation of the gods. If the shelters that were originally scattered throughout the **** are gathered together, the incarnations of the gods that have already fallen can be awakened.

"That's really bad. I have never felt such a bad situation ever since the gods wiped him out. It's worse than being trapped in the depths of hell. I know this happened..."

Listening to Rod's narration, Mexijia couldn't help but shook her head, her eyes showed a gloomy color. Suddenly, her eyes glanced at Rod, her eyes suddenly brightened, and she suggested to him:

"You should stop this from happening. Do you remember the divination you used to do with me? The divination mentioned that you have the potential to become a god. Once the soul of the stigmata is awakened, he will be on your way to becoming a god. The biggest obstacle. Neither him nor the apostles will allow anyone who claims to be a **** to appear in the world. You and your subordinates will be regarded as heretics and be annihilated by the apostles and archangels."

However, Rhode denied her suggestion: "The stigmata recovers. The first to suffer is the **** demons, and then other creatures will take their turn. The demon army in the **** is going to counterattack the surface world. Make preparations. Without him, those Erasian people would probably not be able to fight the Hell Legion at all."

"You don't understand his horror. He once made an agreement with the Elemental Sovereign that even the archangel and the apostle must obey his orders. Once he wakes up, let alone hell, the whole world will be once again The realm of his destiny is shrouded. At that time, your destiny will be controlled by him, and you will lose any resistance to power." Mexijia warned.

Hearing this, Rod could not help but seriously consider her suggestion.

Regarding the various situations in ancient Elasia, Mesika knows far more things than Rhodes. Since she said so, there must be her truth. Rhodes did not think about how to refute, but was thinking about the existence in it. The pros and cons.

Rhodes, who owns the Death Realm, is not afraid of the usual battles, but if he is in the realm of other creatures, or fights against stronger creatures, the effect of the Undead Legion will be greatly weakened, which also makes Rod considered Mexijia's suggestion more seriously.

Rod did not know what kind of power the Stigmata possessed in the domain of mastering destiny, but he wanted to come to be more special than the domain of death, and conventional means could not contend at all.

After a long time, just as Jianmang was about to reach Luo Luo, Luo Luo finally replied: "The Stigma is not invincible, right? He will appear in hell, and he will also be defeated by the gods in your mouth. Is it?"

"It's true, but if you want to say that you are a god...for countless years, only one existence like him has been born. You can't compare with him." Mexijia sighed.

"Really? Are these artifacts in my body not enough to surpass those who become gods? Or, he has more artifacts than me?" Rohde naturally didn't believe in Mesika's answer, "I really don't I know how powerful the stigmata once was, but if the undead legion continues to grow, even if he recovers, I will have the confidence to fight."

"God is just a code name on that person. Some people call him ‘Revelator of Revenant’ or ‘Almighty’. You can’t compare with him.”

Seeing that Rod did not take what he said to heart, Mexijia had to say: "He is a hero, born a hero, and his heroic specialties are very unique. He can have all the abilities in you by just looking at you. , Your domain, or blood, has no effect in front of him. Do you know why he can defeat the stigmata? Because he already has all the power belonging to the stigmata, you plan to rely on it Can you defeat the stigmata like this?"

Listening to Mexijia's words, Lord showed a puzzled look.

The hero's specialty is to replicate the abilities of other creatures. Listening to Mexijia's words, Rhode's first reaction is naturally to disbelieve. There is no other reason. This hero's specialty is so powerful that you don't even need to pay any price. Looking at other creatures, this is simply impossible.

But Rod then thought about it, his complexion looked faint, the types of heroes' specialties were so strange that they couldn't be measured by common sense. Although the chance of appearing such heroic specialties that directly copied the power of other creatures was small, it couldn't be said to be absolutely impossible.

If this kind of power really appears on the enemy, if it is not eradicated in time, it is likely to cause a huge trouble. Rod deeply felt this.

"How come there is such a heroic specialty?" Rod said in disbelief, "What about the later becoming a god?"

"All those who participated in the battle of the killing of the gods believed that this world does not need the existence of the destiny domain. Although he has attracted the soul of the stigmata, he himself has also obtained the destiny domain belonging to the stigmata."

Under Rhodes’s gaze, Mesika said word by word: "Finally, despite the strong opposition of some creatures participating in the battle of the killing of gods, he was killed by us. His unique body also contains His heroic expertise can be used to refine special treasures, which will eventually be divided by us."

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