Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 2069: Outside the shelter

Above the lake of fire.

"Master, the battle in Fire Seal City has come to the final moment. Only when the Glutton King returns with the sanctuary, you will be able to obtain the most powerful soul in the world."

In front of a large silver-white palace, a flame elf respectfully said.

These silver-white palaces are neatly stacked, as if they have been deliberately manipulated repeatedly. In front of the fire elves, there is a girl with a human appearance. Her eye pupils, hair, and even the eyebrows are all. Crimson, like a burning hot flame.

Listening to the report of the Fire Spirit, she looked at the row of shelters in front of her, her face showing unstoppable joy: "That's really great. With that person's soul, I will definitely be able to achieve what I want. ...It's a pity that those nasty guys are here, and it seems that the soul has to be separated a lot."

Turning her red eye pupils slightly, she saw not far away, a big dog crawling on the ground. The noble dog trainer was climbing on a ladder to tidy up the hair on his body. But it closed its eyes, as if asleep, and kept snoring like thunder.

A loud noise came from its nasal cavity. All the demons near this place would be startled by its snoring before they felt the fear of being suppressed by the steps. Many dog ​​handlers even blocked their ears. , In order to continue to complete the cleanup, the big dog in front of him is the lazy king in hell.

Looking at the big dog lying on the ground, as if she could not feel the tension at all, she couldn't help but feel an unnamed rage in her heart. She stretched out her hand and pointed to the big dog, and a flame ignited on the big dog.

The flames continued to burn along the fur of the big dog, which also shocked the nearby dog ​​handlers. Many dog ​​handlers who could not stand firmly fell off the big dog, and some were even engulfed by the flame. , Turned into ashes in the flames.

As for the big dog on fire, when the nearby dog ​​trainer moved away, he just rolled over lazily and put out the flame on his body.

The girl's movements made the big dog wake up from sleep. It yawned, licked a few times with its tongue, and then looked at the red-haired girl.

"Why are you still sleeping? Isn't the soul of the incarnation of the gods enough to make you take it seriously? All the preparations before awakening the soul are completed by my flame spirits. What have you done? Why can you be divided into it? one?"

Looking at the big dog looking at her, the red-haired girl immediately complained in dissatisfaction. The more she talked and the more angry she became, a group of nameless anger ignited in her heart. A red hair swayed with her figure, like a flame. combustion.

"Flam, I feel your anger."

A low male voice came from behind the red-haired girl. She turned around and saw a beast that was slightly smaller than a big dog, but sturdier. It was a behemoth with bulging muscles all over, a hell-bloom with dark brown hair.

Whether it is a red-haired girl or a big dog not far away, there are many creatures around her. Surrounding the red-haired girl is a large group of fire elves. There are many legendary existences among them, and the big dog is next to it. They are all dog handlers, and the more common three-headed dogs.

But in the surroundings of Hell Bimeng, no other creatures followed. It came here alone, uttering human words, and speaking to the red-haired girl in common language.

"You just came, help me teach it, it dared to ignore us and sleep on its side." Then, the red-haired girl pointed to the big dog to the side and gestured towards Hell Beamon.

Hell Bimeng glanced at her helplessly: "We have more important things to do. These are unnecessary disputes."

"Isn't it? You who use anger in the name say that this is an unnecessary dispute? He aroused my anger and should bear my anger. Doesn't this mean anger? How are you the king of anger?"

As she said, the red-haired girl stomped her feet, and the big dog ignited a large flame again. It rolled on the ground a few times before extinguishing the flame on her body. But for the dog trainer below, there was nothing. A terrible situation like an earthquake occurred in Yau.

The red-haired girl's harsh and unrelenting words also drew a burst of anger from Hell's Bimeng. A layer of flame ignited on its body, but it was only temporarily revealed, and it quickly returned to calm.

It glanced at the red-haired girl with some dissatisfaction. After all, it didn't say much, and turned to the shelter on the side, lying on the ground and waiting.

Seeing that she was ignorant of herself, the red-haired girl glanced contemptuously at the two giant beasts in the distance, and then vented the anger in her heart to the fire elves beside her.

"I remember that I asked you to open the seal in the shelter to prepare for the awakening of the soul later. It seems that you have not fulfilled my order." She looked at a scared fire elf and said in a cold voice.

"Master Flam, please forgive me this time..." The fire elf seemed to have noticed something, with a deep fear on his face, pleading towards the red-haired girl.

"It's too late. Fire spirits like you shouldn't stay in this world. You should return to the flame furnace to recreate. This is the greatest boon for you."

The red-haired girl gave him a cold look, then stretched out her hand, her white palm penetrated the body of the fire elf, and the fire shield, which the fire elf used to protect her body, could not stop her movement for a moment. Just let her palm pass through. Soon, she drew out her palm again, and this time, in her palm, there was an extra crimson crystal, which was the elemental core of the fiery elf.

Under her control, the elemental core that was supposed to regenerate the elemental creatures lost its original power at this moment. The elemental core that was originally shining with bright red light became gray in her palm, and disappeared in a blink of an eye. Any vitality.

The nearby fire elves saw this scene in their eyes, and their fear of the girl was even greater, but no one dared to make any noises, but buried their heads deeply.

Before the red-haired girl continued to do anything, the trembling sound from a distance also attracted the attention of many fire elves nearby.

The intense tremor caused the lake of fire to begin to boil, and the waves of magma turned into constant waves. At this moment, the hot magma set off a wave of flames, like a tsunami, sweeping toward the people outside the shelter.

"It's the King of Glutton, she is back with the shelter!"

Feeling the familiar breath in the distance, the red-haired girl showed a bit of joy on her face, and then raised her hand to press. The flame waves that had been sweeping before had melted quickly at this moment. If it were not for the residual temperature in the air, There is no trace of their existence at all.

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