Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 2051: Fear of spreading

"Farewell... Your Lord."

Leaning down deeply, just glanced at that unique existence, Carl did not dare to let his gaze rest on her for a while.

Her image was slightly different from the existence in Carl's impression, but Carl didn't dare to ask another question. It was enough for Carl to feel the familiar breath in his memory.

"It's impossible...that breath...is that the arrogant king?"

On the side, Fen Li in the Undead Legion also showed an incredible expression after seeing the existence of that one. No matter what she thought, she couldn't even imagine that Rod had just left for a short period of time and returned with the arrogant king.

Following the instinctive fear in the bloodline, she knelt on the ground with other succubuses, with no other thoughts in her heart besides awe.

"Have you forgotten that I am your master now? Who do you need to worship first? Do you need me to remind you?"

Soon, Karl was kicked down by a huge force.

Although Karl was aware of this attack before the arrival of Juli, he did not dare to dodge, let alone escape with flames. He just leaned his body on the ground and let the Juli throw himself Kicked down.

After rising from the ground, Carl looked at the existence who kicked him down with a look of fear. Not long ago, he was Carl’s enemy, but now, he is Carl’s master, not to mention that the master just kicked him. One kick, even if he killed him, he didn't dare to have any complaints in his heart, only when he faced the existence next to his master, the situation changed.

"Master, of course I understand that your words are the will I cannot resist, but that person...he, he is..."

Carl said nervously. Suddenly, he seemed to have discovered something wrong, slapped himself violently, and changed his words: "I mean she...I never deliberately slandered Lord King."

Seeing Carl's only solitary appearance, Rod, who had just returned to hell, was a little helpless for a while. He turned slightly to the side, looked at the broken-winged angel beside him, and asked in a low voice:

"Why are these demons so afraid of you? Obviously you are just summoned from the card, and you don't have the same power at all."

"Go ask them."

Rod's question only resulted in a cold glance from the angel.

Among the members of the undead legion that were kneeling on the ground and dominated by demons, a group of still standing existences appeared very conspicuous at this moment. It was before Rhode’s offensive that he fell into **** and strayed into the trial Carl and his entourage besieged the angels.

As Rhodes resolves Karl, these angels who were supposed to be sacrificed by Karl are also resurrected in Rhodes's death domain and become members of the undead legion.

"This is impossible, that fallen angel who betrayed God, how could she return to her former appearance and come here with her master?"

An archangel roared loudly, but unfortunately, his inquiry was destined to be unanswered, not even a devil, and took a look in his direction. The only one who knew what had happened was Luo.

Rod shook his head. He had no time to learn from the nearby demons the reason why they were so afraid. Rod's gaze turned to Agland, who was lying at Carl's feet, trying to suppress the howling in his mouth.

Agrand's change caused Rod to frown. He looked at Agrand and then at Carl, who seemed to realize something in his heart.

"Let him recover." Rod said slowly.

After receiving Rhode's order, Carl was unwilling to do so, but he could only do what Rhode said. He picked up the giant sickle he put down again and completed the sentence for Agland.

Under the influence of the death domain, Agland quickly recovered his original appearance. He was injured in order to assault Karl. The arms that were beheaded by those great demons have been restored at this moment, and even a scar is not left. He has completely recovered.

"Interesting area."

The voice of the broken-wing angel's evaluation reached Rod. Even with her insight, she could not help commenting on the realm that brought other creatures back to life and restored all states.

Rod glanced at her. Just when he was about to say something, Agland knelt down in front of him:

"Master, you must be the master for me. During your absence, as your number one servant, I want to order these disobedient demons. I didn't expect that they would not listen to my orders and threatened to teach me. I have a meal, this simply doesn't put your majesty in your eyes at all. I suggest that you punish them severely and let them learn how you are!"

While reporting to Rhodes, Agrand gave Carl a fierce look. At this moment, his heart was full of triumph. On the other hand, Carl looked pale at this moment and seemed to have predicted how he would be affected. Punishment.

"Master, please don't listen to him talking nonsense! It is clear that he disobeyed your will. You gave me the task of managing the members of the Chaos Troops. He was good. He wanted all the demons to listen to him when he came up. I believe you He must have never been ordered like this, all this is his own decision!"

In order to reduce the punishment he received, at this moment, Carl didn't care about anything else. In front of the existence of the suspected king, he told everything that had happened before.

"The master will punish you!"

Hearing what Carl said, Agrand gave him a fierce look, as if to vent all the treatment he had received before, and Carl also darkened, as if he had a premonition.

However, Lord's decision did not come for a long time. Just as the two demons were puzzled, Lord Lord sighed deeply, and then looked at the broken-winged angel beside him.

"Make you laugh."

The angel didn't answer Rod's words, just glanced at him lightly.

"Ageland, tell me, is everything that Carl said before is true?"

Soon, Rod turned his eyes and looked back at Agland on the ground.

"Master..." Seems to have noticed something, Aglan showed a look of astonishment, "I am your number one servant. I brought you back to the surface world. I will fight the angels with you until the very last moment. You will believe it. I said!"

"Tell me, is what he said is true?"

This time, Rhode's words sank faintly, bringing with him a unique ability that Agrand could not resist.

"Yes..." Agland looked startled, his eyes seemed to have lost focus, and he replied mechanically.

"You let me down."

Rod looked at him deeply and said slowly.

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