Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 2050: Membership dispute

In the depths of hell, with Rod's departure, there were also some conflicts between the members of the legion.

"The master has gone to another position. You can listen to me now. I am the number one servant under the command of the master. When he is away, you must listen to my orders."

In front of the demons, Agran said loudly.

"You?" His words drew Carl's ridicule. Among the great demons of the Undead Legion, Carl's identity is undoubtedly the highest. The blood flowing in the bones of the great devil is also destined to not succumb. What are you? Even if Sellen, your former master, is here, you don’t want me to listen to an order from him. As for you..."

A bloodthirsty light flashed through Karl's eyes: "The master is not here now. I help the master punish those disobedient big demons. He won't have any opinion."

Following Carl's words, he originally belonged to the Chaos Troops, and is still under his leadership. At this moment, he also faintly surrounds Aglan, with an unkind expression on his face.

Surrounded by so many great demons, Aggran suddenly became nervous, his strength is not enough to contend with so many great demons, not only him, even if it is to let Karl fight personally: "Wait, what do you want to do, if You dare to hurt the master's number one servant, and the master will punish you after he returns!"

His words were exchanged for the sneers of the great demons. There was no great demon that took Aglan’s threat to his heart, especially Carl on the side. After hearing Aglan’s words, he couldn’t help it. Have to laugh out loud.

At the critical moment, Fenry said: "This is not what the master meant, Carl, you better be careful. When the master comes back, I will tell him what happened here."

Beside Fenli, the succubus Fulis was looking at Aglan with a worried look, and a little worry flashed in her eyes. It was with her suggestion that Fenli would take the initiative to speak. Otherwise, for this succubus, she would rather see Agrand be taught a lesson.

Carl snorted coldly. Although he is not afraid of Aglan in front of him, he can't just ignore Fenli. Although Fenli has the blood of succubus, she is the celebrity next to her master and has just received her master's reward. , And even Ling Carl looked at her more.

"He dared to provoke the great Karl, I think he has completely forgotten, the inferior blood flowing in his body, how big the gap between me and me, I will not be so lighthearted." Carl said reluctantly. .

After joining the Undead Army, Carl’s nature has not changed, especially when other members of the Chaos Army also joined them and became members of the Undead Army. They even occupies the vast majority of the Undead Army and completely suppressed their numbers. Lived the original succubus.

According to previous habits, members of the Chaos Troops, after joining the Legion, still obeyed Carl's command. This also gave Carl, who was extremely dissatisfied with the status quo, a chance. He was not reconciled to live under other demons, even if he had already died. And joined the undead legion, he also has to work hard to become the leader of the legion.

Taking advantage of Rhode's departure, targeting Agrand was the first thing Carl had to do. He didn't want this great demon to relied on the master's gift to point fingers at himself without shame. He didn't expect that his move allowed Agrand to win the support of the succubuses.

"The great demons who once belonged to the Chaos Force left him a lesson he will never forget, let him understand the end of the fight with Carl!" Carl waved his arm and ordered loudly in the voice of the great demons. .

The next moment, following Carl’s order, several fire lights flashed all over Agland. The great demon who once belonged to the Chaos Army appeared in the flames. The giant sickle, which was ready to go, seemed to be about to go in the next second. Gran cut it off.

And Aglan was not to be outdone, and while traveling through the flames, he vigorously waved the giant sickle in his hand, trying to counterattack Karl.

Unfortunately, due to poor strength, Aglan's counterattack did not work, but exposed his own weakness, that is, the lack of blood.

Compared to the veteran big demon like Carl, Agrand is already a legendary big demon, but his bloodline ability is too weak, and the use of flame escape is limited to the most basic level.

Aggran, who initiated the raid, had not hurt Karl's body, and the giant sickle in his hand was grabbed by the great demon. At the same time, he heard the commanding words in Karl's mouth: "The blood is blocked."

In the next second, Agland felt cold all over, as if he had lost something, but he was not really hurt. Seeing that the attack couldn't work, and there was another great demon on the side, Aglan was preparing to escape to a safe place with flames, but was stunned to find that he could no longer use this ability.

The other big demons who rushed to cut off Agland’s arm holding the giant scythe in an instant, and the giant scythe that belonged to him fell to the ground. The astonishment on his face had not dissipated, and Carl had picked up the fallen giant scythe. , And hooked Agrand's neck.

"In the previous battle, you executed a lot of demons who were incapable of fighting, right? Now, who will execute you?"

Carl said arrogantly. Compared with that, Aglan, whose life he controls, was pale with a cold sweat on his head. It was different from being executed by his master before. It was a glorious and greeted new life in death, but now Death is a deep humiliation for Agrand.

"What are you doing?"

When Karl was proud, a familiar voice suddenly heard in his ear, which also made him startled, and beside Karl, the demons first took a deep breath and then bowed down.

Without looking back to observe, Carl realized who came back here to make all the members of the undead legion surrender. Only the master exists, and he immediately said:

"Master, you just came back. This great demon took the initiative to provoke me while you were away. I am punishing him...this...I...damn it."

Halfway through, Carl subconsciously looked back in the direction of his master. This look made him open his mouth deeply. He wanted to finish the next words, but he couldn't say a word. After a long time, this Hold the next sentence.

He saw that his master was following a creature that impressed him, but was swept lightly by her eyes. Carl could only feel that the blood of the proud demon in his body seemed to be frozen, with the breath of hell. What brought him at this moment was not the scorching heat, but the extreme coldness.

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