Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 2052: Rectify the Legion

During the interrogation of Agrand, Rhode's sight also swept other demon members of the Undead Army.

Rhodes originally planned to let these demons manage by themselves according to their old habits, but now it seems that this is not a good idea.

On the side, the Angel of Wings looked at the embarrassed Rhode, with a smile on his face.

"What are you laughing at?" Rod asked helplessly.

"Do you want to manage these demons? Chaos and sin karma are their nature. Even gods can't erase them. What can you do?" She shook her head and looked at Rod's eyes. There was a bit of pity.

Rod curled his lips, and despite his reluctance, he still admitted what the Angel of Wings said. When he is around the members of the legion, he can rely on his own strength to gather them, and once he leaves, these demons immediately become a mess of sand.

"It sounds like you know the demons' habits very well, so why don't you help me manage them."

Rod's words were exchanged for the disdainful look of the angel with wings.

In commanding the legion, Rhodes has no special skills, leadership skills and tactical bonuses, nor has he received the training of the Elasia Knights Academy. Simply commanding unconscious creatures without saneness, may not see much, but if it is replaced by other living creatures In terms of command, Rhode has nothing to excel. When it comes to talents in this area, the Erasian is the best.

Rodriguez would not spend precious skill points on leadership and tactics. After thinking about it, he passed a picture into the minds of two nearby big demons, and said: "Go to this place, help I brought that man back."

The two great demons accepted the order, and the fire flashed twice in a row. When they returned to Rod's side again, a blank-looking man appeared in their hands.

"Who are you? Where did you take me? I warn you..."

As soon as the man was halfway through his words, he noticed the existence of Rod from the deep and extremely dead energy. The panic and fear in his heart also slowed down a lot at this moment: "It turns out that the master summoned me here, command Officer Farese Kendall is happy to help you."

The one who was pulled here by the two big demons in an instant was Farese who left a deep impression on Rhode.

In the battle in the city of Kana, Farese’s human forces were far inferior to Goliath’s body and Agrain’s strength, but under his leadership, Rhode, who had not recovered his body, was resisted for a long time, leaving Rhodes behind. He was deeply impressed, and this also allowed Rhode to see his commanding ability. When attacking the Treasure House in the Clouds, he was also asked to command the Necromancer, and the effect was much better than Rhode expected.

"Farezer." Rod slowly said, "Your ability in command left a deep impression on me. This is also the purpose of my looking for you. For those low-strength Erasian people, you can Make a subtle command, but I want to know, when your subordinates become a demon whose strength is far surpassing you, can you still be like this?"

Farezer was taken aback. He looked at the members of the Legion who was looking at him nearby. The hot lava reflected in his eyes, and his eyes lit up: "Respected Master, please give me this opportunity."

"You better think about it." Rod glanced at him. "The strengths of these demons are far superior to you. You are the member of the legion I first awakened. You have not been upgraded through the cloak of the ghost king, no matter where it is. The great devil can easily solve you, will you still accept this task?"

"This is indeed a difficult task, but it is also an opportunity for me to prove my ability to you." Valeze said firmly.

Through the peeping eyes, Rhodes saw the firmness in Valeze’s heart, as well as his confidence and the existence of the death domain, so Rhodes did not have to worry about his loyalty. At this moment, he who came from Elasia is Rhodes. The most suitable candidate under his command.

"Very well, I now appoint you as the commander-in-chief of the Undead Legion. You have the right to give orders to any demon in the Legion, and you can also put them to death. You don’t have to worry about the loyalty of these demons to me. The only thing you have to do is, It is to show their strength and make them look like a legion."

In the presence of a group of legion members, Rod shouted loudly and completed the appointment of Farese, and at the same time told him some of the situation of the undead legion.

Among them, Rhode also gave a detailed explanation of the effects of the death field. Prior to this, when Rhodes initially transformed Valeze, he had not recovered his body. The Goliath body he possessed was only legendary, and the unique effects of the death field had not been demonstrated.

It wasn't until the god-level soul-calling operation of the main body was restored, that the efficacy of the death domain changed further, and the undead creatures in it could be resurrected countless times. Rhodes informed Valeze of this situation, and hoped that he could make good use of this and maximize the ability of the Undead Legion. At the same time, as the commander-in-chief, he should be more aware of things than other demons.

"What? Master, this is not a good idea. We all recognize your strength, but the commander you appointed, he is just an ordinary human, no matter whether it is blood or his own strength, there is nothing outstanding. Where, what qualifications does he have to command us? We, pure-blooded demons, won't follow the command of a human being."

When Rhodes told Farese about the situation of the Undead Legion, Karl was the first to express his dissatisfaction, and he took the initiative to speak.

As the great demon, Karl would not follow the commands of weak creatures. If Rhode could not control him with the death field, he would not even follow Rhodes's orders.

Not only him, chaos and rebellion can be said to be the nature of a group of demons. It is not a simple matter to make them surrender. Even the broken-winged angel next to Rhode, except for the initial shock of these demons. Besides, seeing that it hadn't made any action for a long time, the demon nearby began to move around.

"In my opinion, Master Carl should be the commander-in-chief of the Undead Legion." Next to Carl, the great demon Nunes actively proposed to Rhode.

"Are you going to disobey the master's order?"

Seeing Rod standing with his hand holding his hand, he didn't mean to answer. He just looked at him, and Farese suddenly understood what he meant, and then his face sank, and he questioned Karl and the demon beside him.

"We're talking to the master, not to your lowly..."

Before Carl's defense was finished, he was roughly interrupted by Farese.

"Answer my question head-on! Are you going to disobey the master's order?"

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