Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 2049: Devil's Fear

Taking a closer look at the prophecy card with the angel of the sacred judge, Rod did not return the three prophecy cards obtained from the divination to Rowling, but put them together in the space ring.

With Rowling's ability, it is temporarily impossible to interpret the interpretation of these three prophecy cards, but this does not mean that Mexijia himself cannot do so.

Taking these three cards with her body was also Rhode’s consideration. After all, this is a card obtained from divination. As long as she finds Mexiga, she can see some different content from the card, thus reaching her own guidance. .

"What are you doing? Send me back to Huo Yin City."

After finishing all this, Luo Luo just wanted to order the great demon who returned to Sao City with him, and take him back to Fire Seal City, but he saw an unexpected scene.

The two big demons, following the appearance of the broken-wing angel, knelt on the ground, not even daring to lift their heads, at the same time trembling faintly, sweating profusely all over, if it weren't for Rhode's own eyes. , He couldn't believe that the two seemingly terrifying creatures in front of him were the purest blood in hell, and they were known for their arrogance.

Under Rod's order, the two great demons slowly stood up. Even so, their eyes still dodge, and they did not dare to look at the position beside Rod.

Upon seeing this, Rod seemed to realize something. He looked sideways and saw the broken-winged angel. Even if her strength ceased to exist, her breath alone was enough to make a group of great demons surrender from the heart. .

If it were not for the existence of the death domain, allowing Rhode to have full control over the undead creatures that belonged to him, he would even suspect that if the broken-wing angel in front of him gave an order, the nearby big demon would most likely turn against him immediately. enemy.

The previous guarantee from the Winged Angel seemed to be a good thing. At least this time, the Winged Angel went to **** to help Rhode. Even Selron, after feeling the breath of the Winged Angel, could never think of it. It turned out not to be the real arrogant king, but summoned from the prophecy card.

After a lot of time to adapt, just as Rhode was waiting impatiently, the big demon, whose flames had recovered, stepped forward fearfully, preparing to lead the two back to hell.

"Quick... Go finish the master's order and take them to their previous position in hell."

One of the great devil with broken horns gave his companion a little fearfully, but he himself came to Rod's side, ready to put his hand on Rod's shoulder.

The great devil with broken horns hadn’t stretched his hand into place, he was grabbed by his companions: "Did you forget? I just used the flame escape and led the master to come here. I can’t do it again now, so you will take it. Let's return to **** together."

"What?" The horned devil exclaimed. He glanced at the broken-wing angel in fear, then looked at his companion again, his eyes became fierce, "The master must have forgotten the opportunity to help you refresh the flame escape. No, you don’t have to worry about it, I will help you now."

He raised his hand and condensed, and the giant sickle appeared in his hand along with the flames. At the same time, his companion, unwilling to be outdone, lifted the giant sickle placed aside.

Seeing that these two great demons were about to fight, Rod finally couldn't help it, and sent them a Titan Arrow.

Looking at the big devil who was scorched by the Titan's arrow, Rohde angrily said: "What are you arguing about? Is she so terrible? If you want you to take her to show off the flames, how can it be like killing you? ?"

Under Rod's angry gaze, the two big demons nodded cautiously.

"Don’t blame me for not warning you in advance. If you hesitate like this, I will really kill you, and in my domain, I will kill you again and again, so that you will always experience what death brings. The pain that comes." Rhode raised the arrow of the Titan and threatened the two great demons.

Hearing Rod's words mercilessly, the two great demons looked at each other, and finally the Horned Devil said helplessly: "Master, you should kill us."

Hearing what he said, at this moment, the anger on Rhode's face was mostly reduced and replaced by a deep doubt.

With the existence of the Dark Words, Rhodes can directly order these two great demons to do what he instructed them to do, but what he wants to know is why the two great demons are so afraid and even willing to suffer. He died and didn't want to touch the broken-winged angel.

To figure this out, for Rod, it is far more effective than simply giving orders. This is also the reason why Rod pretended to be angry and scolded the two big demons.

On the side, under the blessing of blood kinship, Rowling realized that it belonged to Rhodes's intentions. She didn't say much, but silently paid attention to it.

"Are you sure? I may close the domain so that you have no chance of resurrection. You have to think clearly." Rod continued.

However, no matter how Rhode threatened, the attitude of these two great demons remained unchanged. They would rather die than touch the broken-wing angel.

On the contrary, it was the Angel of Broken Wings, deeply attracted by Rod's words, and said: "I can't see that you have mastered the power of the domain and you can close it freely. This is something I didn't expect."

"It sounds like you know a lot of information about the domain." Rod said, narrowing his eyes.

She didn't answer, just glanced at Rod contemptuously.

"Okay..." Seeing that the two big demons were unwilling to change their minds anyway, in desperation, Rod quickly came up with a solution, "If you dare not touch her, then I will hold her. You are holding me, there is always no problem now, right?"

Hearing what Rod said, the two big demons nodded their heads, agreeing to use the flame escape.

From the attitudes of these two great demons, Rod faintly felt that the broken-wing angel seemed to make the **** demons more fearful than he thought, even if she does not have the unparalleled power of a true arrogant king. Her existence alone was enough to make a group of great demons tremble with fear, and would rather die than face her existence.

Without the idea of ​​using the Dark Words, Rohde wanted to see what is unusual about this broken-winged angel, and whether it really deserves the fear of those big demons.

Thinking of this, Rod no longer hesitated. He stretched out his hand as he was used to before and put his palm on the shoulder of the broken-wing angel.

After finishing all this, the nearby big demon tremblingly stretched out his hand and grasped Rod cautiously.

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