Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 2048: Broken Wing Angel

"Wake her up from the trump card, Rowling."

After taking a deep breath, Rod finally made a decision.

"Do I need to offer sacrifices? If you just wake up the trump card, maybe even one-tenth of her own strength can't be used." Rowling hesitated for a while, and looked at Lord for instructions, "If there is enough With more sacrifices, she might be able to show some of her power, just like the previous trump cards."

"No need to do this." Rod shook his head. "Her identity is enough to get rid of a lot of trouble. If she only needs strength, the Undead Legion is enough to defeat Sellen and his party, but in that case, it will definitely attract the real king's attention. Can't rescue Mexijia."

Rowling didn’t insist anymore after hearing what Rod said. She threw the trump card with the angel painted onto the ground. As the card melted into the ground, the light was shining for a while, and the strong beam of light rushed straight up along the soul-conspiring tower. Even the dark sky above his head was completely dissipated at this moment, and the necromancer nearby was on guard as if it were an enemy, and did not understand what had happened.

Walking out of the light is the angel with wings drawn on the card. The snow-like long hair draped behind her, and behind her there were no plump wings, but bare skeletons. Even though she only had less than one-tenth of the strength of her heyday, her appearance seemed to make the stars dim. Matt.

There was a lot of arrogance in her eyes. She glanced at Luo Ling lightly, and looked at Rowling again without stopping at him.

"You have summoned me out of the darkness again. It seems that you have already thought about the second thing." After walking out with a strong light, the Angel of Wings said slowly.

When she said that, Rowling didn't think much about it, but just nodded: "The second thing I want you to do is to cooperate with him until I rescue Mexijia from hell."

"Mexijia? You mean that witch? She should be thrown into the lake of fire, her soul burned in pain, it seems that I have caught her now."

She did not agree to Rowling's request, but instead smiled. This was also the first time that emotions were revealed in her cold face.

"So, do you want to refuse this matter?" Rowling was a little helpless, but still asked her.

"Wait a minute..." From Rowling's words, Rod seemed to have heard something else, "Can she still defy your orders? I remember that you have absolute sovereignty over the creatures in the prophecy card. "

Rowling did not answer, but the voice of a broken-wing angel sounded in Rod’s ear: "No one can force me to do anything. Maybe the current me cannot get rid of the black magic on the card, but if you plan to change me The will, I will surely destroy with the card before you succeed."

Hearing what she said, Lord also figured out the key point for a while. If she loses with the trump card, it can be regarded as a loss that is not worth the gain. There is no need to come to that point, so he shrugged and said in place of Rowling: " Okay, just do what you said."

The Winged Angel looked at Rowling: "You can rest assured that I won't refuse this. Although I want that witch to die more than any creature, and doing so, I will be my enemy now, but that is What I promised you. I said that when you wake me up from the darkness, I will do three things for you. This will not change because of anything."

Her words were plain but with a kind of firmness that originated from the heart, and it could even be said to be arrogant.

At this time, Lord seemed to have discovered something, and asked Rowling with some doubts: "If this is the second thing you want her to do, then what is the first thing you want her to do?"

This is also what makes Rod feel puzzled. This is not the first time Rowling has summoned a broken-wing angel. It seems that Rowling has asked her to do one thing before that, but Rod doesn’t know. .

"The first thing I asked her to do was to let her tell me everything in the past. Only then did I know her identity." Seeing Rod's doubts about this, Rowling slowly explained.

The Winged Angel glanced at her: "You wasted a precious opportunity."

Rod didn't say anything. Without knowing the identity and strength of this angel, Rowling's choice couldn't be said to be wrong.

At this time, looking at the broken-wing angel who will become an arrogant king in the future, Rod seems to have thought of something. He picked up the prophecy card that he had drawn during the divination from the side, and painted it with golden wings and a teardrop in the corner of his eye. Showed her the angel’s prophecy card, and asked, "Do you know the angel on the prophecy card?"

Rod's thoughts are very simple. As an archangel, she obviously knows everything in Yunzhong City better than Rowling and others, and maybe she can learn information about that angel from her mouth.

As Rhodes expected, she glanced at the angel on the card and replied: "This is the sacred angel, one of the branches of the archangel."

"Is there any difference between them and ordinary archangels?" Hearing this, Rod suddenly brightened his eyes and asked quickly.

However, the broken-wing angel did not answer his question, but looked at him with disgusting eyes like an idiot: "Don't you even know this common sense? I was thinking, maybe I shouldn't have promised so early, summoning My person, are you sure you want to use the opportunity in this matter? If it fails, I won’t be responsible.”

"I'm pretty sure." Rowling said from the side.

Rod was somewhat helpless, but he said without showing any weakness: "Forget it, you don't need to answer, I myself will ask this angel who looks very holy and has received more grace from God."

Rod's words were exchanged for the glaring glaring of the Angel of Broken Wings, but Rod merely gave Rowling the card with the angel of the sacred decree: "Wake her up."

"Excuse me, brother, what is contained in this card is not the angel itself, but a unique power. Like those divine punishment cards, I can only activate the power in the card, and there is no way to awaken the angel... Rowling said embarrassedly.

Rowling’s words immediately made Rod dumbfounded. He did listen to Rowling’s mention that there are very few parts of the prophecy card that can bring unique power when activated, rather than awakening the creatures in it, like a sacrifice ritual, or It was Rowling who was in the treasure house, conspiring to find the archangel's divine punishment card. Unexpectedly, the card with the angels painted on it was actually one of them.

The ridicule of the broken-wing angel came from his ears. Although Rod was somewhat helpless, he could only accept the result.

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