Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 2021: Seal of the Blood Lake

"The seven seals of the Vulcan statue have now been broken by five. If this continues, we will get nothing."

Numerous demons gathered in front of the lake where blood turned into blood. These demons have different forms. If there is anything in common, it is that every few times between them, they can see the beautiful succubus, exuding Belongs to their style.

If ordinary abyss demons who believe in the king of eroticism are allowed to come here, they will definitely be surprised by the situation in front of them. The succubus gathered here are all close confidants of the king of eroticism. Ordinary succubuses are probably hovering around Tier 3 and Tier 4. High-level succubuses who can be promoted to Tier 6 are already rare enough to become one of the succubus lords, but these succubuses in front of them are all different Has a legendary rank.

It was one of the succubus who uttered this dissatisfaction. She wore a purple silk dress that was extremely rare in **** and was unable to make it. She often could only buy a purple silk dress at a high price from the enchantress in the neighbouring hell. In other words, among the succubus of hell, the price of this silk dress is even higher than the treasure that can be upgraded.

"Dorana, listening to your tone, you seem to be dissatisfied with the status quo. I don't know what you have to pay attention to to break through the current predicament?" Soon, a mocking voice came from another succubus. Outgoing.

"Fenli, now is not the time to dispute, the most urgent thing is to offer a considerable amount of sacrifices to reduce the erosion of these blood on us, so that we can break the seal in it!" Facing the succubus's mockery, Dorana Shook his head and said.

"Humph." Fenli snorted coldly. "What you said is the same as if you didn't say it! Who doesn't know that you have to offer sacrifices to the lake of blood to break the seal, but who has the ability to come here, who is not the best under the king? Who? Who would be so stupid to sacrifice his life in vain?"

"Yes, you want other demons to offer sacrifices so much, don't you just want the last person to enjoy the fruits of victory? I think it is better to offer you as a sacrifice to the blood lake, maybe this is the case, the power in the blood lake Will weaken!"

Following Fenli's words, the demon nearby supporting her joined in. And Dorana was not to be outdone here, if it weren't for the extreme restraint of the demon nearby, a battle might have broken out long ago.

"Don't be impulsive. Although we found a seal, it won't be long before the situation here will spread. You don't want other demons to come here, right?"

Dolana seemed to have thought of something, and sighed deeply. It was a disadvantage of the succubus. Even if she had a legendary rank, it would be difficult for her to compete with other demons. Lost in an instant. Along the way, she has seen too many such things. The beautiful succubus who was still in the center of many demons in the previous moment was beheaded by the great demon in the next moment, and no one knew when the great demon would be targeted.

"Sellen..." As if thinking of something, she gritted her teeth slightly and said a name in her mouth.

After arriving in Huo Yin City, the Great Demon immediately became the master here. In the entire trial, it seemed that only the Great Demon could shine, and their abilities were above all demons, but strangely, they could find the seal of the Vulcan statue. , But they are often creatures other than the Great Devil.

After the three seals were lifted, the angry great demon began to kill indiscriminately, and even the inside of the great demon also had conflicts. The center of Fire Seal City has turned into the most tragic battlefield, which also forced other demons. You have to unite to resist the power that belongs to the great devil.

"Hey, suffering devil, what do you think of the current situation? You know, all our succubuses have more or less invested part of their sacrifices into the lake of fire, and even sacrificed their followers, and you do What's wrong? You know, you got the reward of the **** king, but you didn't do anything at all. Are you not going to explain it?"

Just as Dorana was thinking about the situation, Fenri's words came from her ear again, and Fenri was targeting other demons again.

The tense atmosphere in Fire Seal City aroused the irritability in the blood of nearby demons, especially at this moment. Seeing that the seal related to the Vulcan statue is hidden in the lake of blood, it can only be seen and cannot be seen. This is even more so. Let the demons fall into a deep madness.

I don't know how many times the battle took place. The dead devil's corpse was also treated as a sacrifice and thrown into the lake of blood. Only a few demon who kept their senses could survive. In order to gather enough sacrifices and finally smash the seal, gradually, the succubus around the blood lake one after another hit the other demons.

Throwing your subordinates into it as a sacrifice is not as simple as killing other demons and throwing their corpses into it, and the great demons did just that. The central area of ​​Huo Yin City has almost become a forbidden zone. No devil dared to approach it at all, and finally passed the ten-door test. No devil wanted to lose his life here.

Before that, Dorana had been targeted by many succubuses. The succubus, who was very respectful in front of her, had now removed her disguise and was ready to offer her as a sacrifice to the blood lake at any time. , Are all related to her current lack of strength.

The power that belongs to the succubus, to a large extent, does not come from her own, but from her followers. Once Dorana, the Abyssal Demon with a legendary rank as a follower, naturally did not have to fear other succubuses, but unfortunately, all of this disappeared with the death of Lenis.

The barrier of the door of pain was enough to exclude most low-powered succubus, Dorana could not find a back-up, and did not want to give up the final trial.

Thinking of Lenis' death, Dorana felt unwilling in her heart for a while. Until now, she could not believe that the abyss demon king of the legendary rank was killed instantly by that creature, and there was no power to resist. To be able to do this, that creature probably has the power of a king, and the strength is higher than that of a group of demons.

Dorana noticed that this time, Fenli did not use words to target her. Fenli's target was replaced by another succubus covered in scars. That was the most eye-catching thing in this trial. Succubus, for no other reason, she was the first to pass through the door of pain.

In the previous trial, Dorana paid special attention to her. She seemed to have a unique ability in her body. It was a heroic power. In addition, she seemed to have a special memory with Dorana. To catch up with the existence of.

Thinking of this, Dorana no longer hesitated, and planned to take the initiative to relieve her.

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