Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 2022: Fly down

"Fenli, take care of yourself. After all, the pain demon is still weak. If you are so capable, why didn't you sacrifice more demons to the lake of blood?"

Thinking of this, Dolana no longer hesitated, and immediately spoke.

Feeling the maintenance in Dorana’s words, Fenli let out a cold snort, and was about to ridicule a few words, but suddenly felt a pain in her foot, as if her whole foot was plunged into magma and was being melted by the hot magma. .

She looked down in surprise, but did not see any traces of injuries on her feet, as if everything was just her illusion, but soon, she thought about everything clearly and looked at the scars not far away. Silhouette.

"Pain Devil..."

Fen Li chanted the title of the demon angrily, and her eyes showed a bit of viciousness. She knew that the demon who was carrying pain had a unique ability to pass the pain she suffered to other demons. This is also the reason why she can survive in Huo Yin City for so long, and no other demon dared to move her.

The closer to death, the more terrifying the power of the painful demon. The kind of personally experienced pain is more unbearable to the devil than the painful illusion. Many demons who have attacked her have fallen into consciousness because of this ability. The unclear situation, in Huo Yin City, this situation often also means death, and it is an extremely painful death.

Fenli saw that the pain demon found an exposed magma and put his foot in it blankly. The pain was also imposed on Fenli, as if to respond to her provocation.

For a while, Fenli felt that she couldn't stand still, and her hands lost consciousness. If the demon beside her hurriedly held her, she would probably fall directly to the ground.

Seeing that the pain demon did not make waves, as if she had just done a trivial thing, Fenli gritted her teeth, her eyes showing a bit of viciousness.

Just when she was about to wink at the demons under her command and let them teach the painful demons, suddenly, in the space beside her, there was a strong spatial fluctuation.

The heat wave hit, Fenli was stunned, and other demons' exclamations came from her ears: "This is the power of the flame to hide. The big devil has found here, let's run!"

The space magic composed of fire magic elements, except for the extremely rare gate of hell, is only the flame escape known to other demons, and that is also the exclusive ability of the great devil. I don't know how many demons have died under this ability. .

The space fluctuations that seem to be hiding in flames made the nearby demons terrified. No one knew how the great devil found here. Maybe a demon will spread the news of the discovery of the blood lake, or the great devil has sensed it. Anomaly, compared to this, the nearby demons are more concerned about how to survive in the hands of the great demon.

Only a few legendary succubuses who have confidence in themselves can maintain their composure. They stare at the direction the flames are coming from, and even if they have to flee here in the end, they have to see the face of the future.

Hela was also one of them. She stared at the huge flame that ignited out of thin air, and slowly, a look of surprise appeared in her eyes.

She saw that when the flame dissipated, a huge figure slowly appeared, which was clearly a figure she was familiar with.

On the side, the pain demon also showed a look of surprise, looking at the huge figure in disbelief. If she still had a hand, she would definitely rub her eyes to see if she was dazzled.

"Elott, I didn't expect you to have also come to Fireprint City. I thought you gave up the trial of **** after you withdrew from the door of pain." On the side, Dorana took the initiative to speak as if she had discovered something.

Soon, when this figure appeared completely, all the succubus nearby all reacted. Isn't this the giant who has a relationship with them outside the door of pain? The pace of fleeing had already slowed down at this moment.

"Elott? To be honest, I don't like that name." As the voice spread, the succubus nearby also saw it. The man standing on top of the giant's head was wearing a large black cloak and holding a The Divine Sword is full of terrible mana fluctuations. It is very similar to the giant's soul, but it is even more terrifying. "You can call me Rod."

"Rode?" Hearing this strange name, Dorana couldn't help but frown. She turned her eyes to the side and looked at Hela, who was also surprised. "Hela, I remember being outside the door of pain. , You and the pain demon are very close to that Elott, or Rod, what is his origin?"

"I don't know..." Hela was also a little confused. She seemed to have never really seen the little monster who claimed to be Elotter. "His soul came to **** in a complete form. It should have been one in his lifetime. A necromancer, or a sorcerer...Unexpectedly, he has this kind of power..."

At the end, Hela's voice began to tremble. Just looking at the man, she felt a panic. His body had a power that the succubus could not reach anyway, even those long-famous big demons, Not as terrible as him.

Just as the succubus was talking, Rod also raised the sharp sword in his hand and ordered: "Kill them all."

Following Rhodes's orders, on the magic ship above the giant's head, a group of fallen figures appeared. The height of the giant made it difficult for them to aim at the succubus below, so they made a decision that shocked the demons below.

I don’t know which fallen person was the first to start. When the demons on the ground reacted, they looked up, and saw a crowd of fallen men leaping off the giant’s head, completely ignoring that the action was enough to make them weak in physique, and fell instantly. Into meat sauce.

"They must be crazy? They said that they killed us all. Did they think that they would kill us with their bodies in this way? What kind of devil would use such tricks?"

Fenli looked at the scene above her head and said in disbelief. In her opinion, the behavior of those fallen people can be said to be no different from suicide, except to scare the enemy, it has no effect. There can be no demons standing on the ground stupidly, waiting to be killed by them.

"Look at that giant and you will know that there is power in nothing but wisdom, so you will give such an order." The demon beside Fenli agreed.

At this moment, listening to Rod’s cold words, the succubus who subconsciously planned to flee did not intend to leave. They stood in place with contempt, preparing to watch the jokes of the fallen who fell to death, and even commanded them with orders. Rhode was also despised by them.

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