Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 2020: Subdue your subordinates

Enveloped by the cheers of the fallen, and in the center of the crowd, Rod faintly felt that there seemed to be a certain change in the field of death, but when he felt it carefully, it seemed like his illusion, even the system In the log, nothing else appeared.

Rod was taken aback. Just as he was going to continue to study the changes in the field, Agland took the initiative to step forward and respectfully proposed to him:

"Master, I guess you must plan to go to the final stage of **** trial next."

Agran's words brought Rodela back to reality.

Unable to feel any other changes in the field of death, Rod guessed that this might be the reason why his character level was not enough. Then he stopped thinking about it, nodded, and replied: "You are right, I do Think of it this way."

Return to the **** trial and try to save Mexiga. This is Rhode’s plan before returning to hell. In contrast, he successfully smelted the source of magic power and was recognized by the Titan Karenda. , More like a bonus. With the blessing of power brought by the source of magic power, Rod believes that the trial of **** will be smoother.

Hearing Rod’s answer, Aglan immediately suggested: "Master, I saw that you can turn into a great demon, with the blood of the devil flowing in your body, and I used to be a member of General Sellen’s subordinates, so it’s better than us. This way is mixed into it...According to the evaluation of the internal strength of the Great Demon before the trial begins, General Selron is very likely to become the ultimate winner of this trial."

After being granted new power by Rhode and becoming his number one servant, Agrand’s loyalty naturally does not need to be said, and the proposal of the great demon also made Rhode’s eyes shine.

"It sounds like a good idea, but I have a more direct way."

With that said, Rod took out a uniquely shaped ring from the space ring. The ring was simple in style, silver-white all over, with a wide eyeball inlaid on the front. If you look closely, you can see the bloodshot eyes appearing on the surface of the eyeball.

A few degenerates with more knowledge, after seeing the ring that Rod took out, couldn't help but exclaimed. Even Sharma's eyes widened at this moment: "This is a human eye ring? This is a magic eye. The treasure of the church, I heard that the devils believers are now loyal to the newly appointed King of Nigon. Master, where did you get this treasure?"

Beside Sharma, his wife Krouy's complexion changed again. She grabbed Sharma's collar and rebuked: "Master's secret, why are you qualified to inquire? Don't you want to apologize to the master!"

Hearing what she said, Sharma seemed to have realized something. She quickly slapped herself and said: "Master, I never intend to inquire about the secrets of your body. I just can't control my curiosity. Just like you I know, for a magician, curiosity is the most commendable quality in them, and it is also the reason for them to explore the secrets. If there is no curiosity, many subtle magical secrets will not appear in this world... "

Upon seeing this, Rhode waved his hand and interrupted Sharma’s words: "But sometimes, curiosity can also provoke destruction. A long time ago, why was the enchanter expelled to the underground world by the wizard of Bracada? Isn't it because of the curiosity in your mouth that makes them not tolerated by orthodox mages?"

Sharma turned pale and lowered her head deeply, but Kroy said for him: "The master's teaching is thought-provoking. I believe Sharma will never forget what you said today."

"I didn't mean to blame him." Rod spread out his hands and said, "You are all my loyal subordinates. I will not be angry with your words. I will only pour my anger on the enemy. You think Knowing where the human eye ring came from, I can tell you that I snatched it from Morel."

Rod patted Sharma on the shoulder: "Although you have the power of the corpse witch king, it is nothing at all. If I want, I can bestow this power on any creature. A corpse witch king like you , I have an entire ocean as a reserve. Keep your curiosity in your heart, it will help you in the study of black art, and that is also you, or you, the most worthy of my attention."

Listening to the slow, but magical words of Rodman, Sharma stared at the person in front of him, only that Rod's words hit the deepest part of his heart. His arms trembled faintly, and the slight dissatisfaction that was still in his heart was completely dissipated at this moment.

"Master, I have learned the secret method of the Demon Eye Church, maybe I can help you to open the human eye ring." Aside, Kroy said at the right time.

Rod did not refuse, and instead handed Human Eye Ring into her hands.

Putting the human eye ring in the palm of his palm, Kroy’s mouth read a long and very convoluted spell. Just when Rode slightly doubted whether her spell was useful, the human eye ring also began to appear extremely obvious. Variety.

Under Rod's gaze, the eyeballs on the human eye ring turned slightly, as if they had come to life. Those eyes that looked similar to humans also made the wizards who had never seen such things tremble in their hearts.

Soon, a red picture was projected from the eyeball, and it was printed on the solid ground aside.

Looking at the picture displayed in the eyes of people, Rod took a deep breath.

Thinking back to everything he had met in hell, he also felt something in his heart. Just when he came to **** with the secret method of enchantment, when his soul was reborn in the monster furnace, he was just a little monster, and his strength could be said to be extremely weak.

Participating in the **** trial is also a last resort choice for Rhodes. He has no way to slowly accumulate strength in hell. He has to find a way to return to the surface world, and this **** trial to prepare for the battle of the doomsday is undoubtedly given Rhodes has such an opportunity.

Rod used a lot of power, devouring demons, power of plagues, fusion rituals, and painful illusions. Rod used many weird and powerful forces to finally kill the big demon Agge with the body of Goliath after fusion. Lan, only then returned to the island in one fell swoop, and combined with the existence of the apex of the legend, after a bitter battle, even the body of the giant was killed, and then the body was taken back.

Up to now, Rod, who has returned to hell, has recovered his strongest strength, and his strength has reached its peak. Not only has his body recovered, but even the giant's body has also been reborn in the field of death.

The **** trial that belongs to the devil may have come to the final juncture, but the **** trial that belongs to Rhodes has only really begun now.

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