Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 2019: Resurrection of the dead

After Agrand’s body was shattered, Rhode’s expression was flat. He stretched out his hand and wiped the remaining blood on the Titan’s arrow.

When conceiving the ultimate move, in order to distinguish the name, Rhode called the arrow of the fifth-order magic Titan with more than 100 mana points, collectively called the ultimate lightning.

The 480 points of basic damage attached to the Titan Bolt itself, plus the additional 600 points of additional damage from 100 mana, make the panel damage of each ultimate lightning more than 1000 points. Even legendary creatures dare not resist. .

The body of the great demon is more tenacious than the fallen one, and the vitality in the body is more tenacious. It can withstand a higher amount of damage, enough to break Sharma the fallen to pieces, turning it into the ultimate lightning of smashed flesh, but It can only make Ageland seriously injured.

After discovering this, in order to reduce Agland's pain, Rhode invested a total of 300 mana into the ultimate lightning. A total of more than 2000 points of panel damage, without any suspense, instantly turned Aglen into a scorched corpse.

"Dear master...you, why do you want to do this?"

Seeing Rod’s lightning strike, killing Agrand who was still alive not long ago, Sharma’s heart was greatly shocked. He didn’t understand what the great demon did wrong, whether it was the pursuit of status. Aroused the dislike of the master, and then was executed by the master?

"Sharma, what are you talking about? Master's mind, can you guess at will?" Beside Sharma, his wife Kreoy's complexion changed suddenly, and she made a color toward Sharma. Before he could react, he pressed his head and knelt down to apologize to Rod.

It wasn't until Kroy's figure fell to the ground that Sharma realized what he had done wrong, with a look of horror on his face. He didn't know whether he would be punished by Rhode for this.

"It's okay." Rod waved his hand. The creatures awakened from the realm of death will remain absolutely loyal to him. He doesn't care about the offense of these creatures, nor does he need to show cruelty and frightening like his enemies. The side.

The body was restored, and Rod's heroic specialties were restored together. Looking at the nearby creatures, he could easily see through the thoughts in their hearts, as if he was in control of everything.

For example, Kroy in front of her, she looked stronger than Sharma, and her words were not polite, but she cared about Sharma more than she cared about herself. Rod just glanced at her, and he saw through her thoughts.

When facing an enemy, the power of the Peeping Eye is not as useful as Rhodes thought, but when used to control his subordinates, it is a rare ability.

"Master, thank you for giving me this power! I have already felt that a steady stream of death is emerging from my body! I know that with your help, I have taken control of death!"

At this moment, Agrand’s weird cry came from behind Rod. He turned around and saw that the great demon had recovered from the death realm and was condensing three clouds of death, like with The Hellma of the fireball juggling is the same, constantly shifting between his hands, seemingly satisfied with this ability.

"Do you control death... Even I dare not say that I can do this, you are still far away." Rod shook his head and smiled.

With the blessing of God-level Spiritualism, as early as in the Treasure House in the Clouds, Lord discovered that his death domain has undergone new changes, not only has the scope of the domain doubled, but more importantly, he can make The dead undead creatures resuscitate in the field of death, so as to achieve true immortality.

Without time to try more detailed changes in the field of death, Rhodes returned to the depths of hell. It was not until Agrand asked that Rhodes tried.

Agland, who had already died under the ultimate lightning, revived after a short period of time, and also possessed the power that belongs to the corpse witch king. This also made Rhode a further sense of the power of the death field.

"A creature worthy of the apex of the legend has domain power." It seems that after thinking of something, Rod sighed, "I just don't know how to continue to improve the death domain..."

After restoring his body, Rhode can freely open or close the death domain. Normally, Rhode will keep the domain open, but he doesn't know how to continue to improve this ability.

The level of spiritualism has been elevated to the apex by Rhodes. It is impossible for spiritualism beyond the **** level to appear, but the power of the death domain is far from reaching its limit. Rod faintly had a foreboding that if the death domain was raised to the extreme, he might really be able to completely control death, as Aglan said.

Rod shook his head. Ordinary Tier 6 creatures, even the vast majority of Legendary creatures, would not think about the domain. That was the power that belonged to the apex of the legend, and Rod simply couldn't find a suitable consultation object.

Thinking of the subject he was consulting, Lord undoubtedly recalled something, his eyes gradually became more solemn, and his willingness to return to the **** trial, to a large extent, was related to Mexiga, who has been imprisoned by the demon.

In hell, Rod had been guided by her, and her body seemed to hide a great secret. Whether it was her status as the king of hell, or she, together with other people, including the **** of wizards, Gwen, attacked the golden figure, so that Rod could not just leave. Rod wanted to find her and ask her everything. answer.

"Master... that great devil, being able to recover like this, does it mean...we can too?"

Looking at the resurrected Agland and the series of changes in his body, Sharma showed incredible eyes. He was a little doubtful of what he saw. After repeated confirmations, he asked Rhodes carefully. Tao.

"Of course." Listening to Sharma’s question, Rod turned his eyes, looked at the crowds of surprises, or suspected fallen ones, and said loudly, "In my domain, you don’t have to worry anymore. Death. Death cannot take your souls without my permission. Fight for me, and I will give you rebirth over and over again."

As Rhode's voice spread, there was a moment of silence nearby, and then there was a louder than a burst of cheers. All the fallen were excited about what Rhode had mentioned.

Beside Sharma, Kroy cheered along with the fallen. Even Agland, after hearing Rhode’s words, felt all over his body, and lifted the giant sickle high as if he had won the battle. , Join the cheers.

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