Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 2018: Number one servant

Extremely satisfied with the ultimate move, Rod slowly lowered the Titan's arrow and swept across the audience.

Sharma, who had just turned into a piece of ground meat, had regained a new life in the field of death at this moment. He got up from the ground, and there was a bit of enthusiasm in the eyes of Lord.

"Master, I sincerely apologize to you for my previous ignorance."

Sharma, who was reborn, said respectfully to Rod.

"Until I became a member of yours, I didn't know how kind and great you are, and you have bestowed this unique power on each of us! After this trial is over, I will definitely find the nun The bards in Gongzhong, let them extol your great achievements..."

Sharma lifted his palm, and the dark green cloud appeared on his palm. Listening carefully, you can hear the wailing in the soul from the condensed cloud. That is only the corpse witch king. A high-level death cloud that is qualified to condense.

After restoring his body, Rod applied the power of the ghost king's cloak to the realm of death.

Other creatures resurrected from the realm of death can not only preserve their previous power, but more importantly, they can also have additional templates belonging to the corpse witch king, which can release advanced death clouds, and can also transform dead ordinary creatures into corpses. witch.

Even Rod himself did not expect that the power belonging to the ghost king's cloak could be perfectly combined with the death domain and the scarlet eye. He can only sigh that this is indeed an artifact belonging to the necromancer. In terms of efficacy, he has never let it. Lord was disappointed.

"Sharma, I told you a long time ago that you want you to join us, but you don't listen to me at all. How many times have you been!"

Sharma's wife, Kroy, also came to his side at this moment, pointed at him with an index finger with sharp nails, and complained endlessly. Kroy is characteristic of a vampire. At this moment, Sharma is no longer afraid of him. He dissipates the cloud of death in his hand and looks at Kroy with a smile on his face.

Rod stared at Sharma, the resurrection of the death domain made him look like an ordinary person. Even Rod, who possessed god-level spiritism, could only find out that he was different from normal creatures from the death energy in his body. As for Sharma's wife transformed by Scarlet Eyes, the appearance changes were so obvious that it could hardly be concealed.

"Master, I want that power too..."

Just as Rhodes was thinking about the way to transform, the great demon Agrand flapped his bat wings and came to him.

Not far away, a group of newly born fallen people tried to release the cloud of death one after another, feeling the new power in their bodies. For a time, dark green clouds hovered around the audience. It seemed that this place was no longer hell, but occupied by necromancers. town. These were all seen in Agrand's eyes, and it tickled his heart.

"I don't think you need that power." Rod scratched his head. He didn't understand why Aglan, who was a great demon, wanted the power of the Witch King.

"Since the other servants of the master have mastered this power, as your number one servant, how can I not? In that case, how can I convince them and the servants you will receive later?" Aglen Shen Soundtrack.

Rod glanced at Agland deeply: "The number one servant..."

Staring at Rod's scarlet eyes, Aglan only felt a panic in his heart, just like all the thoughts in his heart, all of which was seen by Rod at this moment, as if he could not contain any secrets in his heart.

As Rhodes said, Aglan did not need the power of the Witch King. The blood of the great demon in his body made him more inclined to swing the giant sickle, and with the flash of fire, he cut off the enemy’s head in an instant. Instead of hiding in the distance to release the cloud of death, he prayed for the power of the corpse witch king, not for the power itself.

As Rhode's body recovered and showed terrifying strength, Agrain felt heartfelt joy at the same time, but also worries in his heart. He knew that the master would definitely return to **** for trial. At that time, the master would also conquer more demons, and even the other great demons would become a member of the master's subordinates.

Among the big demon, Agland’s bloodline is not ancient, and his strength is only medium to low, otherwise he would not go to the door of pain, which only the succubus can go to during the trial in the lake of fire.

Agland knows this deeply. As the master’s more powerful demons, his status will continue to decline, unable to make breakthroughs in strength, he can only rely on his own identity, that is the first from Servant born in the realm of death.

The power of the corpse witch king can only be regarded as icing on the cake, but what he wants more is the identity brought by the number one servant. What Agrand didn't expect was that the thoughts deep in his heart could not be concealed under Rod's gaze, as if his soul was thoroughly seen by Rod.

Fortunately, Rod’s next words alleviated the anxiety in Agrand’s heart: "As you said, you are the first creature to return from the realm of death. It has a special meaning. At that time, I , It is impossible to give this power to other creatures, it can only resurrect you from the dead. By now, the transformation to you has been completed, and the power of the corpse witch king must use the effect of the artifact at the beginning of the transformation …"

Speaking of this, Rod's brows frowned slightly. He glanced at Aglan, and he seemed to think of a certain possibility in his heart, and slowly said: "But...I may have a way to make you have that kind of power. But that requires If you experience pain, you may fall into a deep silence, and feel death completely, but I am not sure. Maybe even if you do all this, it will be no different in the end. You have to think carefully."

Rod shrugged, an uncertain thought flashed through his mind.

"For the sake of my master's reputation, no matter how dangerous it is, I am willing to try."

Agrand leaned on the giant scythe in one hand and knelt towards Rhode. His words were very sincere. The big demon's figure was a bit taller than ordinary humans, making him the focus of the fallen people nearby.

"Okay, let's try it." Rod nodded and agreed to his request.

His figure flashed, and accompanied by a strong gust of wind, the arrow of the Titan in Rhode's hand pierced Aglan's chest.

"What?" The fallen man nearby, obviously didn't expect this kind of thing, widened his eyes and exclaimed in his mouth.

The next moment, the violent current burst from the sword held by Rhodes, disintegrating Agland’s body’s defenses from within. The great demon who had just talked to Rhode eagerly had already turned into pitch black under the blast of the ultimate lightning. Scorched corpse.

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