Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 2017: Conceive the ultimate move

"do not come near me!"

Faced with the persuasion of his wife and companions, confusion began to arise in Sharma's heart, and he didn't even know whether his persistence was correct.

"What are you still insisting on?"

The wife’s voice came again, and Sharma subconsciously followed the prestige, but she saw her wife’s beautiful face after being transformed by witchcraft. At this moment, she became hideous, her mouth grew fangs, and her eyes were even more general. With a chilling red light, black mist continued to gush out of his body, and he was approaching him step by step.

"No... this can't be the usual you..."

In a panic, Sharma finally noticed the anomaly. He fixed his gaze at Rod on the giant: "You must be the ghost! What did you do to them?"

"Didn't I say it? I gave them a new life, I gave them unimaginable power..."

Before Rod's words were finished, Sharma flashed forward, her arm turned into a thorny whip, and drew straight toward Rod, obviously not giving him a chance to finish.

"I can't help myself."

Facing Sharma, who was in grief and indignation, Rod shook his head, his eyes cold. Although his body is only at the level of Tier 6, the terrifying attributes contained therein cannot even be compared to the body of Goliath. It can even slightly contend with the creatures at the apex of the legend. Naturally, it is not a Tier 6 fall in front of him. Those that can be shaken.

In Rod’s eyes, Sharma was full of flaws. As a witchcrafter, he was good at witchcraft by turning his body into a weapon instead of releasing witchcraft remotely. This also made Rod shook his head secretly. Rode didn't want his subordinates to be such a group of magicians who could only fight in close combat.

While thinking about this, the arrow of the Titan in Rhode's hand penetrated Sharma's chest.

"This is impossible…"

Sharma's eyes were round, and he didn't even see what was going on. He didn't even feel the mana fluctuations. It was just a flash, and Rhode had appeared in front of him.

The blazing electric current exploded from the arrow of the Titan, and Sharma instantly lost consciousness, and his whole body was blown to pieces, while Rhode, who was close at hand, violently shook the large cloak behind his back, and the strong wind swept through, even A drop of blood did not stick to him.

On the shoulders of the giant's body, Agland looked at this scene with some surprise, and couldn't help but open his mouth wide.

When Sharma rushed over, Aglan was planning to greet him with a giant sickle and block the attacking enemy for Rhode. He did not expect Rhode to move faster than him.

Agland clearly felt that Rod did not have the power to use spells at all, and relied purely on basic attributes to crush. Sharma, waving his arm whip, was like an ordinary person facing a legendary creature. The difference in attributes made him unable to fight back at all.

"When is the master so good?"

Recalling the speed and strength shown by Rhodes, Aglan scratched his head very suspiciously. In his impression, the master’s giant body should only be good at strength. Now after changing to a smaller body, he shows The speed of exit almost surpasses the big devil who is known for speed.

Unable to think about the answer, Agrand shook his head instinctively. Anyway, the master's strength was strong, and he felt sincere joy in his heart.

On the side, Lord looked carefully at the Titan's Arrow, with a satisfied look in his eyes.

Rhode’s strongest killer move at present is to convert mana into the damage of Tier 5 magic [Titan Arrow] and throw it into it at a ratio of one to six, in order to cause terrible damage. The power is even thundering. Above the bomb.

According to Rhode’s current doubled mana limit, if he puts all 1,660 mana into it, plus the fixed panel damage of Titan’s Arrow, the magic damage caused will exceed 10,000 points in one fell swoop. What a terrible number. Rhode believes that no creature can withstand such a high amount of magic damage. Even the creature at the top of the legend will fall under 10,000 points of damage. This is the current Rhode, the only one that threatens the top legend. Biological means.

But in this way, Rhodes will also face several drawbacks.

The first is the consumption of mana. After losing all the mana, Rhode's strength will drop by one level, and he can only swing the arrow of the Titan to release lightning. In case of a miss, Rod Ke is in danger.

The source of magic power on Rod can solve this problem to a certain extent, even if the algorithm power is exhausted, it will be fully restored in an hour, which undoubtedly gives Rod the confidence to try this killer move.

In addition, more than 10,000 points of magic damage, once it bursts out with full force, is enough to level the island under Lord's feet, even the space can not withstand this damage, and there will be permanent collapse and loss, chaos. The turbulent flow of space will submerge here in an instant.

Rhode, who used the Titan Arrow to detonate the ultimate lightning at close range, was the first one to be backlashed by a killer move, the time he was hurt, and even before the enemy, the enemy might use teleportation to hide Open the range of the ultimate lightning explosion, but Rod who detonated the ultimate move is absolutely impossible to escape.

Rhodes recalled that in the mission of the Titan Giant's inheritance, just detonating the Titan Arrow with about two thousand damage points caused Krom himself to die under the explosion of the Titan Arrow. Even the Titan Giant's body cannot withstand two thousand points of Titan Arrow damage, up to ten thousand points of damage, and it is unimaginable horror, enough to destroy Rhode's own deity before harming the enemy.

The killer move initiated by Titan's Arrow is more like a double-edged sword for Rhodes. Fortunately, Rhode has found a way to solve the negative effects at this moment.

In the previous battle, Vera relied on the hero's will to steal the electric **** pendant that resisted all lightning damage from the hands of the archangel, and gave it to Rhode. With the existence of the electric **** pendant, Rhode is no longer afraid of detonating the Titan's arrow backlash, even if it is 10,000 points of damage, it will not be able to endanger the existence of magic resistance.

The existence of these two points made the ultimate move in Rhode's concept feasible. All the conditions for detonating the ultimate lightning have been met. All Rhodes has to do is to approach the enemy with the Titan's arrow in his hand, and it is best to be able to directly penetrate the enemy's body.

Unfortunately, Sharma became Rhode’s first target.

Facing Sharma, Rhode would naturally not be so stupid that he poured all his mana into the arrow of the Titan, and only took out one hundred mana.

Looking at Sharma, who was blown to pieces of meat, Rod curled his lips helplessly. It seems that even a hundred mana points are more than one hundred points. When the arrow of Titan penetrates through the enemy's body, it detonates from the enemy's body. The ultimate lightning doesn't use so much mana at all.

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