Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 2016: The fallen

After bidding farewell to Karenda in the volcano, Rod took a deep look at the scarlet blade, and finally put aside the thoughts deep in his heart, left with Agran, and continued the journey in hell.

The figure walked through the flames, together with the body of a giant, and soon Rod came to another space.

It was an independent space, completely attached to the door of perfidy. The magic elements in it were extremely rare, and ordinary creatures stayed here, even unable to replenish the lost mana.

Rhode's arrival brought a different kind of vitality to this space. The rich magical elements attached to the source of magic power instantly flooded this space, and Rhode's mana recovery was not affected in any way.

Looking at the familiar magma nearby, Rod was full of memories of this space. This space once imprisoned Mexiga. He was here at the beginning. Taking advantage of the flames of the great demon Aglan to cool down, he transformed the great demon in one fell swoop and found a way out of hell. Now he is back again. .

"Parion? Where are you?"

His perception swept around, trying to find the fallen person imprisoned in this space, but he failed.

Earlier, when Rod came to this space, he found that another group of people were imprisoned here. Those were the fallen ones under Mexijia. They tried to rescue Mexijia, but it was a pity that he took a step behind. Mexiga was taken away by Selron, and even they had to be imprisoned here.

Parion in Rod’s mouth was the leader of the fallen. He held a pure white spear in his hand, which was said to have been contaminated with the blood of the stigmata, and that spear was Rod in the memory of the **** of the mage. have witnessed.

Rod chose to return here specially, not to be kind, but to hit the spear with his idea. When he was maintaining the body of a giant before, he might be a little jealous of Parion. Now he is restored to his body. No longer be afraid of anything.

"Master, I couldn't detect the breath of that fallen man, I only felt dozens of weak fallen ones."

On the side, Aglan, who was always paying attention to the surrounding environment, reported to Rod.

Rod nodded: "I also felt it. When we were away, what should have happened here, it's best to ask them."

With a flash of fire, Rhode appeared on the distant shore together with the giant's body and Agrand.

The voice that belonged to the fallen reached Rod, and the voice not only contained fear of a powerful existence, but also a respite of hope. The fallen nearby looked at the giant that appeared, and the eyes of the great demon seemed to have some kind of flame.

"Where is Parion now?" Without any extra words, Rod asked the giant's body.

The fallen nearby looked at each other, and finally one of the bosses replied: "Giant Elott, we persuaded Parion to give you the sharp gun in his hand in exchange for our survival, but he is not willing to No matter what we say, he will not change his mind..."

"I'll ask again, where is he now?" Rod interrupted the fallen leader's words, and said solemnly.

At this moment, the sight of the fallen nearby moved from the body of the giant to the man in black. Although there is an absolute difference in size between the two, for some reason, the breath of the man in black is Even more terrifying than the body of a giant, the fallen man who was approaching him couldn't help his legs trembling at this moment.

The leader of the fallen one keenly noticed that there seemed to be a certain connection between the person in front of him and the giant, as if the souls were in common, which made him even more afraid to resist.

"He stirred the lake of fire with a sharp spear, led the people on his side, and left us through the whirlpool and escaped! He betrayed the greedy king! Lord Elott, I heard him mention you before, and I believe you must Will not abandon the greedy king..."

The leader of the Fallen said almost pleadingly, when the whirlpool dissipated, all the Fallen who tried to jump into the lake of fire would end up being burned to death by magma, losing the sharp spear in Parion's hand, and it would not be different. They seem to have to stay in this space and wait for death.

The arrival of Rod and his party gave these fallen people hope, but there was only a glimmer of hope. Their life and death were completely in Rod's hands.

"Has Parion escaped..."

Rod's face sank, and the whole news made his heart tense. He didn't expect that being trapped in this space, Parion would still be able to escape by the vortex, but the matter was over, it was useless for him to think about it.

Soon, he put his perception on these fallen people.

"Master Elott, you will never turn your back on the greedy king, and please kindly save us who are fellow kings..."

The voice of the leader of the fallen was heard in his ears. Rod thought for a while, and he had an idea in his mind. He took off the blindfold on his face, and his scarlet eyes slowly swept across the audience, many of which were caught by him. The body of the person who is watching begins to change astonishingly.

"Master Elott, is this?"

The leader of the fallen man asked with some doubts, because his character level is higher than the current Rhode, he has not been affected by the ability of the scarlet eye, but some fallen people nearby have a bitter wailing in his mouth.

"I am in death, giving you a new life. Those who are lower than me are lucky. They can easily enjoy this salvation. As for others, it may take some time." Luode said slowly.

Hearing the screams from the fallen man nearby, the fallen man’s head stared with round eyes. At this moment, anger defeated the fear in his heart: "What are you talking about? I don’t know what sorcery you used, but I can feel it. Then, it must be bad. You can't think of doing anything to us, let alone let us join you! Unexpectedly, even you have betrayed the greedy king..."

"Sharma, don't resist."

Just as the leader of the Fallen scolded Rhodes angrily, a voice he knew very well came from his ears.

Following the reputation, he saw the wife who followed the greedy king with him. Prior to this, Sharma had repeatedly persuaded Parion to hand over the sharp gun, and a large part of the reason was also to get his wife out of here.


His wife's gentle persuasion was more effective than anything else. At this moment, Sharma was taken aback, and her heart also began to faintly shake.

"That's the case, Sharma. The master has given us new strength, don't hesitate, come with us, or do you want to run away from us like Parion?"

When Sharma hesitated, another voice came from his ears. It was the voice of a colleague who fought with him during the trial. The voice sounded sincere, which also made Sharma's heart faintly felt There was some fear, he didn't understand what was going on with the people around him, and unexpectedly, his attitude changed dramatically in an instant.

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