After a sudden light flashed in Purple Sky Palace, only a young cultivator wearing azure clothes appeared out of thin air in front of everyone.

Looking at its cultivation base, there is no sign of force fluctuations all over his body, like an ordinary mortal. It's just that the hand just now didn't even notice the five Nascent Soul Cultivators present, and there was a burst of exclamation on the scene. Only the Old Ancestor in sect can appear silently again.

And the faces of the five Nascent Soul Cultivators also showed a look of shock. It seems that Yi Tian's appearance has reached the realm of Return to the Natural State. That is to say, it should be above the Nascent Soul Stage, a phenomenon that can only occur when it reaches the higher realm.

Qu Yifeng stepped forward and said with both hands: "Senior Brother Lao, I didn't think about it personally."

"Yifeng, my Trigram Why can Fire Sect stand on the top of Tianlan Realm?" Yi Tian asked earnestly.

"Naturally, the dísciple in the clan is united sincerely, and the Sect Master is the leader," Qu Yifeng hurriedly replied.

Yi Tian nodded with a smile, then his eyes swept across the hall and everyone in the hall stretched out their hands to signal to sit down.

Later, I glanced over Liu Piaopiao, then looked at Yi Nan and said: "Sect is not my Yi Tian alone, and my clansman can't occupy other people's ascending passage. I see here. Among the many dísciples, there are also some talented and intelligent people whose strength is far superior to Yi Nan. That’s why I have set three candidates for Young Sect Master. If you want to become the Young Sect Master of the first under the heavens sect, learn sect. You have to show me something that excels."

As soon as the words came out, the eyes of the disciples present showed amazing eyes. The youngest Sect Lord's Position of the first under the heavens sect seemed to be The distance is so close, but if you want to really get it, you have to show extraordinary strength.

With this remark of my own, the Golden Core disciples in the entire great hall seem to be riveted enough, since the Old Ancestor from the fire made a promise himself, it is naturally true.

Only in the front row, Yi Nan cried out with a frustrated expression: "Why did father assign child to Dongao?"

I was beaten by Yi Tian before he finished speaking. Suddenly said: "Sect should not involve other relationships in the discussion, just call it what you should call it."

"Yes," Yi Nan wiped his tears and said: "reporting to Old Ancestor, why deprive dísciple of qualification "

"I will definitely explain this to you in the future. Now you will let me go to Dong'ao, and I will personally send you to the place where the Chiyang hills are branched." Yi Lingfeng said: "You haven't returned to Dongao for a long time and follow me."

Yi Lingfeng's eyes flashed light and hurriedly stood up and arched his hands: "dísciple will follow the Old Ancestor decree. "

After that, Yi Tian stretched out his hand and waved his silhouette for an instant and disappeared without a trace from Purple Sky Palace. The two who disappeared with China Unicom were Yi Lingfeng and Yi Nan.

Liu Piaopiao just said goodbye to Yi Tian and the others moved towards Yi Tian and the others, his eyes swept sighed on Yi Nan, and he hurriedly withdrew from Purple Sky Palace.

Then I saw Sect Master Qu Yifeng twitched his lips and said: "Sit down, I will talk about the rules of Inner Sect grand competition."

Listen to everyone. They all hurriedly sat cross-legged and listened to Sect Master's inspection.

After half a day, an assault boat passed at a very fast speed above the sky, leaving a golden track. In the cabin, it was Yi Lingfeng who was driving the flying boat. As for Yi Tian, ​​he was sitting side by side with his eyes closed and meditation. At this time, Yi Nan didn't dare to make any trouble in front of the father, but just accompany him to sit and say nothing.

After a while, a voice rang in his ears: "Are you still gloomy about the distribution of Dongao?"

"Child doesn't dare," Yi Nan didn't say much It simply replied.

Yi Tian knew that he was in a bad mood, his face was just laughed, and then turned to Yi Lingfeng and said: "When passing by the Changqing River, go to Hewan Village Yi Family to stop."

After hearing this, Yi Lingfeng hurriedly asked: "Is father wanting to worship the ancestors?"

Yi Tian ordered nodded replied: "Back then, I asked you to go back and take me to live and settle down with clansman. You can do it."

"Father reminded me that the child dare not forget, but now we have become the ancestors of the Yi Family when we go back," Yi Lingfeng quipped.

"Yes," Yi Tian sighed suddenly fell into the memory, and opened the mouth and said after three breaths: "Nine hundred years, even though I am in a foreign country, I still feel the hardship of my homeland."

"Father, if you miss home, you can stay in the ancestral land for a while," Yi Nan said hurriedly. At this time, he seemed to have guessed the purpose of father.

Yi Lingfeng, who was on one side, showed a bleak color on his face and said, "I'm afraid that the time for father to stay in this world is running out. I want to go back and take a look at the end."

"It’s hard to leave the homeland, but for the longevity road, it’s the only way to go forward," Yi Tian sighed and said: "In the future, you have time to go back to your hometown to see, for the mortals in the world Don’t care too much about the rise and fall, as long as the ancestors and heirs can continue."

Yi Lingfeng nodded after listening, and seeing Yi Nan on the side seems to be indifferent to this matter. If you understand, you will sound transmission privately.

With his own cultivation base, no matter what tricks he does, he can find out clearly, but Yi Tian is not willing to interfere too much, so he just closes his eyes and sits cross-legged.

After a moment, it seemed that the two brothers had already communicated with each other, and only heard Yi Nan gently opening and asking: "Dare to ask father if he sent me to Dong'ao for another purpose?"


Yi Tian glanced over the two after opening his eyes, it seems that Yi Lingfeng has already explained his experience back then. So Yi Nan knew it well, and asked just to make sure again.

After a pause, I replied: "You have grown up around your mother since you were young, and you lack experience and cannot face the evils of cultivation. Letting you go out to be your own is also to test you."

After listening, Yi Nan replied respectfully: "Father's decision is also for our own good. After going to Dong'ao Chiyang hills this time, I will definitely cultivate my body and focus on Changsheng Avenue." So Yi Tian's face is also A little smile appeared.

Later Yi Tian flipped his hand and took out the jade slip and handed it directly to Yi Lingfeng: "This is the authentic Absolute Art of Spirit Sect. These are originally passed down on Spirit Realm. Cultivation technique, you can have a chance to read it if you have good luck with my light."

After hearing this, Yi Lingfeng showed some suspicious expression on his face: "Mother is in charge of Spirit Sect, is it in her hands? Isn’t there a full set of cultivation techniques?"

"hmph, what she has are all castrated versions of embroidered legs," Yi Tian said disdainfully: "This is when I killed the powerful Qianlingzi in the upper realm back then. What he found on him is more complete than what you can get from Thousand Spirit Sect."

Yi Lingfeng immediately showed ecstasy on his face and hurriedly took the jade slip and placed it on his forehead to read it through. . After ten breaths, a trace of bright light appeared in the eyes: "It is really the upper realm cultivation technique wide-ranging and profound. If you continue this cultivation, it will be more powerful than the two Senior Brothers."

"The golden blade broadswords were all my friends when I was young. You can't stand up to them in the face of them. Even if the cultivation base is higher than them in the future, you still need to maintain the corresponding respect. As for this cultivation technique, wait for you to learn the Great Accomplishment. Even Senior Brother Mo may not be your opponent anymore," Yi Tian explained.

After listening to this, Yi Lingfeng hurriedly put away the jade slip and focused on driving the takeoff boat.

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