The entire scene in the Trigram Fire Sect Purple Sky Palace became chaotic, and some people in the dísciple below began to whisper to each other. Everyone didn't know why Sect Master was able to target Yi Nan in this way.

Those who knew a little about Yi Nan's background also kept silent, since Sir Sect Master insisted on sending him to Dong Ao, there must be deep meaning. I just don't know how the Liu Elder Council in the hinterland of Sect responded to this matter.

Faced with the chaos on the field, Sect Master Qu Yifeng was only coldly snorted in his nose, and the momentary pressure of Nascent Soul Middle Stage cultivator raised all the Golden Core dísciples.

Yi Nan, who was sitting in the front of the objection, was the first to feel it. At this time, he was shocked and realized that he had collided with Sect Master. Immediately sit down and work silently to resist the strong pressure, to be honest, this strength is definitely not much worse than mother.

In fact, Yi Nan is also delaying time. She has secretly informed her mother just now that as long as she can make it in time, Sect Master will give in to her face.

Huo Chilian, who was sitting on top as the Master, also looked anxious at this time, but he didn't seem to be worried about Yi Nan's trip to Dong'ao. Instead, he wanted to make this happen with one hand. Of course, he also knew that Liu Piaopiao would not be able to hide this. It would be unsightly if the master jumped out to protect the short-term scene.

Qu Yifeng, who can be the Sect Master, must send him as if he is iron-hearted, and the whole person is also the one word worth nine sacred tripods of Sect Master's imposing manner.

On the other side of the Pill Pavilion, the first Hu Yiyuan is a rare one opened the mouth and said: "What does the Trigram Fire Sect's rules say, if there is a dísciple, you will be punished to meditate. I thought about it on the cliff. And after the penalty expires, I still have to send you to Dongao. Why bother."

This remark still sounds like Sect Master’s standpoint, but it’s also Remind Xia Yi Nan that this matter cannot be changed.

The three big guys from Sect all spoke up. Yi Nan sat down blankly with a frustrated face below. It seems that even if the mother comes in person, it may not be able to change it.

On the contrary, Yi Lingfeng, who was sitting at the last seat, opened the mouth and said at the right time: "The dísciple needs to keep in mind and don’t confront Sect Master. In the future, if someone in sect dares to despise Sect. Master, it’s no wonder that this precept hall is the first to enforce the law impartially.” After speaking, he looked at Yi Nan with deep meaning, but his eyes were full of helplessness.

This time, Qu Yifeng summoned the three of them to come here specifically to warn that there is a major event to be announced, and that the atmosphere in the sect must be strictly regulated. This matter made the three of them startled. Even if they could, they thought that Sect Master would definitely have a second hand, but I didn't know that they would directly exile the son of Lihuo Old Ancestor to Dongao to be the first seat of the Item Hall.

Yi Nan's face was disappointed after hearing this, even his big brother stood on the side of Sect Master not being fair to himself. Now I can only turn around when I wait for mother to come.

Next, Yi Nan didn’t hear a word of what Sect Master Qu Yifeng said. Later, I only heard coldly snorted from Sect Master’s nose again, and suddenly it blasted in his ears before he came. back to his senses.

Just listen to Qu Yifeng slowly said: "In this Inner Sect Golden Core grand competition, the first three can be selected as Young Sect Master candidates. Even the dísciple has the same chance, but I made it clear that being selected as a candidate for the Shao Zong is not worry-free. If you fail to refine the Golden Core Great Perfection within a hundred years, you will automatically lose your qualification status. Can you hear it clearly?"

The face of Golden Core dísciple showed excitement. This time I lost a top seed, and the reward is so generous. Everyone looks like be eager to have a try.

Sitting in the front row, Yi Nan has a helpless expression on his face with both hands clenched, while serious eyes are constantly looking at the entrance of the main hall, hoping to see the silhouette of mother Liu Piaopiao.

To be honest, this sudden occurance is tantamount to depriving him of the opportunity to be selected as Young Sect Master. How can people be reconciled?

Qu Yifeng, who was suddenly sitting upright, sighed and said to Yi Nan: "I know you are waiting for the rescue. To be honest, even if your mother is here this time, it won't help."

Suddenly a white light flashed outside the door, and then Liu Piaopiao, dressed in a white shirt, came quietly. Waiting to come forward and salute Qu Yifeng and the other three one after another. Although her background is profound, she dare not break the rules in Trigram Fire Sect.

Everything is back with reason to convince people. After the four Nascent Soul Cultivators returned the gift, Liu Piaopiao looked towards Yi Nan again, with a little love in his eyes. He turned his head and gave a relieved look before turning his head to Qu Yifeng and said: "Dare to ask Sect Master why Yi Nan was punished to go to the Dong'ao branch for a mistake?"

Qu Yifeng was not panicked either. , Although the name of Demoness Qisha at that time frightened him for hundreds of years. But now that Trigram Fire Sect has become the number one Great Sect in Tianlan, he needs no fear as a Sect Master.

Even if he stood up, stretched out his hand and motioned to the next: "Sister-in-law, please sit down first. Let me tell you about this matter slowly."

"If you have anything, just say something. ," Liu Piaopiao replied domineeringly: "If Yi Nan didn't make any mistakes, why should he be removed from the Inner Sect grand competition list and punished to Dongao."

This is also in the hearts of everyone. As a Sect Master, if I can’t explain this clearly, I’m afraid it’s hard to convince people.

Seeing this, Qu Yifeng sighed and moved his mouth directly, as if he was sound transmission with Liu Piaopiao privately. After a while, Liu Piaopiao's face showed an incredible face, and then he looked unwilling to look at Yi Nan and his eyes were a little moist.

This scene made everyone present very puzzled, but Sect Master Qu Yifeng once again opened the mouth and said: "In the future, we must strictly rectify the ethos within the sect. We must not form parties for personal gain, or form cliques. Put the interests of sect first. You will be solely responsible for the internal rectification of sect in the first seat of the commandment hall in the future."

Yi Lingfeng did not dare to neglect and quickly got up and moved towards Qu Yifeng and said: "Zun Sect Master’s decree, Ling Feng will definitely live up to his sect atmosphere."

Qu Yifeng turned around and said to Yi Nan: "The assault boat to send you to Dong'ao has arrived, at this moment. Stop at the top of the Purple Sky Palace, and when you go out, you will go straight up and someone will take you to Dong'ao."

"Assault boat, who still uses such an old-fashioned transportation?" Yi Nan Asked puzzled.

"If you ask you to go, you can go, where is that many nonsense," Qu Yifeng also directly replied impatiently.

And Liu Piaopiao directly took out a storage ring, reached out and handed it to Yi Nan, saying: "Take this thing with you."

I haven't waited for Yi Nan to take over. Qu Yifeng's face was embarrassed and said: "Sister-in-law, don't embarrass me. It's not compliant to do this."

Liu Piaopiao gave a blank look and didn't care about that many directly wanted to force the storage ring into Yi Nan. Hands. Suddenly a ripple appeared out of thin air and a big hand stretched out to take over the storage ring, and then said: "a loving mother begets a useless son, how can sect rules be easily broken."


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