After driving an assault boat from Zhong Prefecture across the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains in the east, he will directly enter the boundary of Dong'ao. This time Yi Tian can be regarded as the last visit to his hometown. The plan is to visit Dong'ao. Each of the three points of the Xuanyang branch stayed for a while.

Now Tie Sword Sect has long been renamed Trigram Fire Sect Tiejian Courtyard, Xuan Jianxin is in charge of sect affairs, Chouren Jiu and Wu Min two reasons, Early-Stage cultivator are on the side to assist.

Originally, he was transferred to the main line of Zhong Prefecture to be in charge of the precepts, but the two were single-minded and did not want to be too distracted, so they recommended Yi Lingfeng for the position.

Qu Yifeng and the others naturally knew the way, and they nodded agreed after consulting with Mo Wentian and Shi Qianwei.

This time after Yi Tian returned to Iron Sword Sect, he first visited Senior Brother, Mo Wentian and Chouren Jiu. Although his own cultivation base was far superior to everyone at this time, Yi Tian didn't put on any airs at all. On the contrary, it was the same as before. Everyone sat down and chatted carefully for a long time.

Mo Wentian knew that advanced Spirit Transformation was hopeless and began to plan for the things behind him. After hearing that Yi Tian had found Chi Yangzi's Reincarnation Body, his face showed a touch of comfort.

Yi Tian knows what he thinks and does not shy away from directly telling the pros and cons of this reincarnate and recultivate. Although part of the past life memories can be retrieved after reincarnation, the cultivation process cannot tolerate the slightest sloppyness and rely on himself. Just work.

Then he told Yi Lingfeng in public to wait for the Senior Brother Mo Wenzhen to reach that point and must try to find his Reincarnation Body.

After many days in Tie Sword Sect, the three set out to visit the Xuanling Courtyard. At this time, Nangong Qianyun was in charge. Yi Tian didn’t want the two children to know too much about their past. So there was no excessive behavior with Nangong Qianyun.

After leaving Profound Spirit School, Feizhou directly changed to the direction moved towards Simpleflower Mountain Hewan Village and galloped away.

Half a day later, Feizhou rushed to the sky over Hewan Village and Yi Tian looked down. The small village in the past has become a medium-sized town.

Then he took his two sons down Yuntou and walked around the city on foot. After several inquiries, I learned that it is now renamed Hewan City, and 30% of the residents in the city have the surname Yi, which is a large family that has been circulating for hundreds of years.

There is also an Yi Family ancestral hall in this city. It is said that more than 30 generations of ancestors have been enshrined. After Yi Tian heard the news, he only faintly said with his two sons: "Let’s see the Yi family's ancestral hall."

The silhouette of the three people arrived there after only three breaths. Yi Tian looked outside and the Yi's ancestral hall was not very splendorous and majestic. On the contrary, it was like a scholarly family. The ancestral hall covers a small area, which is almost the same as in his own memory.

The three people walked into the ancestral hall, Yi Tian, ​​and saw from a distance that there were hundreds of tablets in the deepest part of the ancestral hall, and there were about 30 rows from top to bottom. At the front end of the sixth row, there are a few gold-painted tablets, and the words that bring in the eye are Yi Da and Yi Er respectively.

In the second row below, there are also two card slots, but the top one is empty without a name. When Yi Nan saw this, he quietly asked: "Is father a descendant of that generation of Yi Family?"

Yi Lingfeng hurriedly said: "That's the non-character card at the top of the seventh row. Press We are the eighth generation."

Yi Tian divine sense swept through and showed a little contemplation on his face. Back then, I found that half of the seal on the top of the ancestral hall spirit tablet. According to grandfather, his ancestors had seen immortal descendants in Simpleflower Mountain, so they chose to put down roots again.

After all, there must be something special in immortal's eyes.

I thought that two dísciples of Zhong Prefecture Trigram Fire Sect in the banyan tree cave of Simpleflower Mountain should be immortal as grandfather said. But when I think about it, I can’t match the number. My ancestors were only about three hundred years before the six or seven generations, and the Golden Core dísciple Lin Yi was at least a thousand years ago, and the time did not match.

Could it be that other cultivators came to Simpleflower Mountain after this, or they fought for this half of the seal and gave their ancestors a bargain.

Thinking of Yi Tian's short sound transmission sentence, let Yi Lingfeng directly send Yi Nan to the Chiyang hills, while he teleported directly to the height of Simpleflower Mountain.

After three breaths, I swept the divine sense across the mountain and found that the banyan tree hole I had filled up in the past seems to have been covered by intricately growing trees and vines. And there is no special place in the whole mountain to isolate one's divine sense.

secretly said in one's heart: "Is it because I thought wrong, all of this was caused by unprovoked coincidence, my ancestor just picked up half of the seal by accident in the mountains and took it home.

After careful consideration for a long time, let go of the divine sense again and scan the Simpleflower Mountain again. This time the range has been expanded to more than double, covering a radius of five hundred miles.

After half a moment, frowned turned his face and moved towards Zhengdong. There was a divine sense in the Changqing River at the foot of Simpleflower Mountain that could not be fully detected.

After flying over, I took the divine sense deep into the river bottom and found a place.

The space of about three feet away from the divine sense cannot be invaded.

I lower my head and secretly thought, "It should be here", and then a head fell directly into the river moved towards that place.


The entire Changqing River is nearly hundred zhang wide, and its median depth is almost thirty-forty feet. Yi Tian took out a protective cover to protect herself and then sinking downward continuously, after the thirty zhang The light became dim. Just take out a night pearl and light up the road ahead before continuing to dive.

Thirty breaths After a while, I realized that I was already stepping on the silt on the bottom of the river, and then stretched out.

Thirty breaths The raised hand splits the water in front of you and kicks the whole body. Moved towards that place and dashes straight over.

Without ten breaths, I came to the area where the divine sense can’t invade, and stretched out my hand to throw Ye Mingzhu. All around three squares are illuminated. Looking carefully into the silt at the bottom of the river, there is a thin layer of halo shining. It is covered with water plants and silt, if it weren’t for the strong divine sense, you might have missed it. Go.

extend the hand, take out, azure glow, lift up the water plants above this layer of halo, and reveal a spherical Formation with a faint white light.

The seal in the Nimaru Palace seemed to tremble on this matter, and the Formation below was directly broken. After three breaths, one of the tiny balls of light floated directly in front of him and stopped.

Yi Tian stretched out his hand to hold the ball of light in his hand, and then the silhouette flashed directly from The bottom of the Changqing River leaped into the sky.

Half a day later, in the depths of the Tiger Leaping Cliff Brahma Cave, Yi Tian opened the Formation to completely isolate himself from the outside world, and then took out the ball of light and placed it in front of you carefully Looked up.

There seemed to be a shadow flashing across this ball of light, and the halo of all around seemed to seal it so tightly that I could not find out.

At the moment when there was nothing to do, suddenly the seal flew out of the forehead and shot out an aura shining on the halo. Immediately, the halo Formation was directly broken open, revealing a roll of animal skin handwriting.

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