The surface of the Physalis River at the bottom of the stone chamber slowly rose up, and Yi Tian visually inspected it at the current speed. I am afraid that the river water below the opposite bank will not pass. The bridge deck is up.

After receiving Yi Tian's sound transmission, He Weiming suddenly showed embarrassment on his face, and then extended the hand to drag the treasure hunter so that it quickly pointed the way. The speed of the three people suddenly more than doubled, but the little thing was busily broken, and every fork in the road was busy brow beaded with sweat.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the three of them could gradually see the key point in front of them, but at this time the river below it had risen to less than a foot.

Wait when Yi Tian felt that his chances of winning were about to reach the end, He Weiming, who was leading the way in front, suddenly stopped at the bifurcation. Yi Tian hurriedly stepped up and asked inexplicably: "What's the matter with Fellow Daoist He?"

After speaking, I did see the treasure hunter in his palm suddenly curled up into a ball and trembling, no matter what Unexplained how to appease it can't calm its horrified look.

Later, why Weiming’s face showed helplessness and said: "I don’t know what happened. The treasure hunter suddenly seems to be a huge threat, but it seems that except for the physalis river below here. Nothing else appeared.

As the three were talking about swimming under the stone pillar, a shadow, the Divine Consciousness of the three and their keenness, even if they noticed something was wrong. Then they hurriedly took out the Spiritual Artifact. They formed a ball and started to defend.

The shadow of "pu" peeked out of the green physalis river water, and saw a Poison Dragon as long as ten zhang emerge from the water.

I saw the three of them immediately roared, and then a green arrow of water came out of their mouths moved towards the location of the three of them.

"The poison spreads quickly," Yi Tian didn't dare to take it hard. He Weiming raised a point and then he pulled away and dodged on the narrow stone pillar platform silhouette.

He Weiming pointed his Avatar with both hands and saw. The two silhouettes overlapped in an instant, and then they jumped into the air to avoid the venom.

After jumping up like this, He Weiming seemed to touch the prohibition formation in the air, which was originally above the stone chamber. When the hanging stalactites fall irregularly, if they are still flying in the air, they will definitely be hit by the stalactites suddenly falling overhead.

"Fellow Daoist He, let's take a gamble," After talking about Yi Tian, ​​regardless of whether there is a treasure hunter's guidance or not, he rushes towards the right passage closest to him with his own feeling moved towards.

After walking up, Yi Tian will split a divine sense to stare at. Holding the Poison Dragon to prevent him from making another move, he rushed forward without stopping.

He Weiming is also a thief who knows the inconvenience at this time, and now it is the right way to get out. took out two sword lights and shot at the Poison Dragon, then turned around and followed Yi Tian and ran away.

The action of the two of them seemed to be completely combined.

The Poison Dragon was irritated, and only heard a dull Dragon's roar from its mouth with a retreating sound throughout the stone chamber.

At the same time, the stone stalactite above turned out to be large under the influence of Dragon's roar. Large tracts of falling, the falling stones fell into the Physalis River and aroused one aft er another Three feet high waves come. In some places, the chain channel was directly covered by the green physalis river water. After the river water fell, the chain channel was left with corroded stone slabs.

Yi Tian divine sense has found that almost all of it has been corroded and worn through, but on the contrary, those chains have not changed after the physalis river water drenched.

After flying for more than ten breaths, seeing that the passage in front of him has just been washed by the river water, Yi Tian hurriedly reminded: "Fellow Daoist He walks along the chain", after saying that the protective cover on his body was lifted and his hands were pulled. With the chains on both sides, both feet also stepped on the chains below and sprinted away.

After a short walk, I saw a hole suddenly cracked in the channel that was washed by the river just now, and then the slabs fell in large chunks.

Yi Tian didn't care about these and ran forward desperately. Seeing that there was only more than ten feet away from the final passageway, he suddenly heard a voice from He Weiming who was released afterwards: " Fellow Daoist Yi, watch out for it."

When I looked up, there was a terrified look on his face. It turned out that a large piece of stalactite fell from the top of the stone chamber, and I saw it sinking into the river below. Then a wave of four zhang highs was stirred up and moved towards Yi Tian directly.

In such a small space, Yi Tian couldn't retreat all over, so he had to clenched the teeth to open the protective cover to the maximum, then took out the ice crystal shield and put it on his head.

It was not enough to finish this and I began to sacrifice the golden sun body method, and suddenly the skin seemed to be covered with a faint golden light. As soon as the preparation was completed, the huge wave started to engulf Yi Tian's silhouette directly.

He Weiming only felt his heart shook when he saw it. It was enough for the physalis river to pour from head to toe. After a breath, there was a trace of golden rays of light shining slightly in the huge green wave, and it didn't seem to be extinguished from beginning to end.

When the huge wave passed, a golden silhouette appeared. At this time, Yi Tian only felt that there was a hot feeling all over his body, and the coefficients on the ice crystal shield in his hand were corroded into pits. It's not that it can't be used anymore.

My own protective shield was corroded after persisting for about three breaths. Xin Hao also has body refinement and body protection, even if the vinegar water invades it, it can hold it.

However, the hot feeling all over the body this time is real. Yi Tian immediately removed all the physalis and water remaining on his body, and then moved towards the direction of the point and went straight in three or two steps. .

He Weiming not far behind is finally relaxed, but he is not relaxed at this time. Although he is not covered by physique water, the attack by the Poison Dragon not far behind is real. of.

He Weiming did not want to make Yi Tian the first to reach the end. No matter how the Poison Dragon attacked, he didn't fight back at all, and tried his best to increase the speed to the fastest speed above those chains. Galloped up.

After a while, Yi Tian reached the end point, and after the two of them got directly into the passage in front of them, they only heard that Poison Dragon roared furiously in the river.

But it seems to be restricted and generally unable to enter the passage.

Yi Tian and He Weiming ignored so many walks in the passage for a while and came to the next stone chamber before stopping to take a breath, and then took out some medicine pill to take the spiritual which will be consumed After the power is added, prepare to continue going down.

Suddenly He Weiming showed a terrified look on his face, pointed his finger at the black shadow on the wall not far in front and said: "Fellow Daoist Yi, do you think this is a who?"

Yi Tian just focused on restoring the spiritual power and didn't care too much. In addition, he had just escaped from the previous danger and didn't notice anything wrong with this stone chamber.

Looking at the direction of He Weiming’s fingers, his face suddenly changed several times. There was a shriveled corpse on the wall in front of him, and there was a stick more than a foot long in the heart. Of biting nails.

And this corpse obviously has six arms and three heads, Yi Tian blurted out and said: "It's Luo Que, why did he die here?"

"If Fellow Daoist Yi proves to be able to determine his identity, Qianlingzi won that year, and we may face him directly next," He Weiming said angrily.

Yi Tian stood in front of Luo Que’s corpse and watched for a long time with a frown on his face, but muttered in his mouth: "There is no reason, Luo Que’s cultivation base is higher than Qianlingzi’s First Rank This is not the difference between Golden Core and Nascent Soul, but the gap between Spirit Transformation and distraction. Even after this world is suppressed by the power of the interface, Luo Que still has an overwhelming advantage."

Stepped forward and looked at the corpse carefully, only to see a breath of life exuding from all over the body, the skin had been completely rigid, and there were some traces of dry blood in the seven orifices. In my heart, I was amazed that Luo Que's body could still be so well preserved after three thousand years.

The core nail nailed to his chest is not ordinary. The first half is soaked with blood in Luo Que's body, but there is no trace of rust on it. Moreover, the pattern pattern on the core nail is something that Yi Tian has never seen before. After checking the Spirit Realm text in his mind, he was surprised to find that the pattern pattern does not belong to any of them.

And Spiritual Artifact all around exudes a quaint and chilly atmosphere. At first glance, you can tell that it is definitely not a masterpiece of the right way master.

On the other hand, He Weiming carefully looked at the back of his face and revealed a grave expression, then focused his gaze on the boring nail, but involuntarily stretched forward to try to pull it out.

"Fellow Daoist He, wait a minute," Yi Tian suddenly shouted coldly.

He Weiming suddenly stopped his hands and apologized: "Fellow Daoist Yi is forgiving for being attracted by this Demonic Artifact for a while."

" Do you say that this boring nail is a Demonic Artifact?" Yi Tian showed some doubts on his face.

He Weiming nodded turned to said resolutely: "The pattern on this thing is the text of Spirit Realm. I was fortunate to find some records in the relics on the Tianlan continent and study it for some time. "

Putting it that way is not surprising, Yi Tian turned his gaze to He Weiming and his Avatar, even if he understood what he said. Then the corner of his mouth said with a smile: "Please also Fellow Daoist He, I wonder why this diamond nail is so powerful that Luo Que, the great power of the upper realm, can be nailed to death."

He Weiming stretched out his hand. He pointed to the heart nailed: "This thing is indeed a Demonic Artifact, and it can be regarded as an intermediate Demonic Artifact. If you want to stimulate it, the spiritual power required is expensive, I guess Qianlingzi mostly uses the method of blood refinement. It took it out."

Yi Tian nodded replied: "It is true. For those Spiritual Artifacts that cannot be fully sacrificed, using blood refinement is the most direct method, but the price is not cheap, this Demonic If Artifact can’t absorb enough spiritual blood, it won’t help. Qian Lingzi has spent a lot of blood in order to be able to drive this boring nail."

"It’s just that I’m afraid that he himself will also use it. It’s hard to make a decision," He Weiming then extended the hand and pointed at Luo Que’s body and said: "Fellow Daoist Yi, have you noticed any difference on this body?

After this, I asked Yi Tian again The divine sense took out carefully over the corpse, and then the brow on his forehead gradually frowned. After a while, he turned his head to face He Weiming and said: "There are no other wounds on the corpse except this one. There is no way to fight back in a single blow."

He Weiming's face showed a little approval and said: "It is true, then did Fellow Daoist Yi think of anything? "

"There must be hidden secrets in this," Yi Tian said flatly: "Even our cultivator can be prepared for one or two in the face of the sneak attack of Demonic Artifact, and there will be resistance all around. Otherwise, there should be other defensive scars on the body, and it would never be hit by a single blow in the heart, unless it was. "

"Unless it is done intentionally," He Weiming said.

"Impossible," Yi Tian exclaimed: "Could Luo Que bring about one's own destruction? "

"The old man thinks that instead of bringing about one's own destruction, it is the opposite way of life. "

Yi Tian gave a surprised look and said: "Then Fellow Daoist He thinks Luo Que is going to do anything?" "

He Weiming's face was also confused and looked down and walked forward to check that the wrinkles on the forehead behind Xia Luoque's corpse became deeper. He turned his head a little later and said: "I couldn't guess it, but I just think there is a reason for it. It will definitely not be such a simple thing. "

Yi Tian knew that he didn't have much information about this. For the present, he can only continue to investigate. Anyway, Qianlingzi won it in the depths of the next channel. .

I walked forward and was about to put Luo Que's body away, suddenly He Weiming opened the mouth and said: "How about Fellow Daoist Yi wanting that Demonic Artifact? "

Yi Tian corner of mouth twitching immediately extended the hand to signal him to take it out, only to see the Avatar of He Weiming walked forward, and then his hands kept forming the seal and entangled a black demonic energy. After the hand, slowly pinch the second half of the core nail and pull it out.

When the Demonic Artifact was pulled out, only the sound of "ka ka" was heard, followed by a long one. About a foot of the core nail appeared in front of Yi Tian. Judging from the spiritual power fluctuations emitted from this Demonic Artifact, the level of this thing is almost the same as that of the Jingling Bottle and generally not a common product.

After the unidentified Avatar put away the Demonic Artifact, Yi Tian turned his head to examine the body of Xia Luoque, only to see that the whole body shrank as if deflated at this time. The spiritual power in the flesh and blood of the body was pierced by the heart. Only a skinny skeleton is left after the nail coefficient is absorbed.

But the three of Luo Que's head are still well preserved, and the face can still be seen clearly, only three of his. Gu Shi's disheveled face revealed a fierce look. With a glance, you can clearly distinguish the difference between killing, bloodthirsty, and violent.

After contrasting with his own Dharma body image, Yi Tian The more I watched, the more I felt something was wrong, and then he blurted out: "Luo Que's body does not have a Niwan Palace."

He Weiming, who listened to the side, immediately lay down with a drop of cold sweat on his forehead and hurried forward. Checking the condition of the three songs. Later, an incredible expression appeared on his face and said: "It is true. Isn't it possible that he escaped from Nascent Soul to body possession of Qianlingzi? "

"There is a probability, but the secrets of Spirit Transformation and Divided Spirit Stage cannot be inferred under our guesses. But I think this matter is getting more and more interesting, but it seems that there is still some medium that will not connect them all for a while," Yi Tian said slowly.

"Be prepared and we continue to go Go ahead, maybe the answer is ahead," He Weiming is more open-minded. If you have any questions, you might as well investigate it.

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