The sudden sight on the stone wall made Yi Tian and He Weiming stunned. Later, the lines on the stone wall became clearer and clearer until a new mural appeared.

Throughout this mural, there are three people fighting against each other. It is obvious that the cultivation base of the attacked person is strong and not afraid at all, but the two people who joined hands seem to be suppressed by him.

Seeing here, Yi Tian looked stern and turned his head and said: "Fellow Daoist He seems to have a similar array of divination on the stone wall here. You see, what we will face next is not easy to handle." .

He Weiming extended the hand to point to the mural and said: "Fellow Daoist Yi, if you look closely, it is a two-to-one situation. That means Luo Que was killed by Qianlingzi?"


While talking, the pattern in the center of the stone wall has changed a little bit, and the two of them looked at it and realized that the look on the face was vicious and vicious. Yi Tian had seen Luo Que and Qianlingzi's lineup early in the morning, so he immediately recognized that this person was not either of them.

A faint color appeared on his face: "This person's face is definitely not Qianlingzi or Luo Que, is it the imprisoned person?"

He Weiming interrupted as soon as he came out: "It's not him. I remember that person's appearance. It doesn't match him at all."

"Could it be that besides Luo Que and Qianlingzi, there are also those who are imprisoned. In addition to the person, there is another fourth person, and what you and I are about to face is the fourth person?" Yi Tian said in a puzzled way: "putting it that way Tian Jizi senior exhausts life force for my divination What’s wrong with the result?"

"Fellow Daoist Yi is not helpful at this time, not equal to me. If we continue to go forward and see what else we will find," He Weiming does not care about that many, Now that you know that there will be a tough battle in the future, you can prepare for it early, at least there will always be a little more chance of winning with mental arithmetic and unintentional.

Listen, Yi Tian decisively clicked nodded, then took a big step and continued to walk forward, bringing people to the next stone wall and found that some lines and outlines faintly appeared on it, But it took a quarter of an hour for the above pattern to be covered by a layer of purple rays of light.

Since it was God’s will not to let himself know the result, Yi Tian just squirmed his mouth and said: "Fellow Daoist He, let’s go, even if there are mountains of daggers and seas of flames in front of us, we have to go for a break."

After He Weiming nodded signaled, the two of them also predicted no longer paid attention to the mural on the stone wall, and moved towards the depths of the passage.

In a few moments, I came to see the light coming from the passage ahead. Open your eyes and take a closer look. It should be the exit. Then the two hurriedly moved towards the exit without saying a word and rushed away.

After bringing out the passage, Yi Tian found that he seemed to be back in the Water Curtain Cave of Young Eagle Peak, but when he looked back, there was no trace of Weiwei.

Beware that secretly said in one's heart: "What a powerful phantom array, you can even phantom the most familiar place in your heart. It is estimated that I have entered the phantom array now. Only by breaking through the formation quickly will there be life, the ghost knows if there will be any more moths in this phantom formation."

I was thinking about it. Suddenly the silhouette of Chi Yangzi appeared in front of him, and he was swearing at himself. Said: "You who deceived the teacher and forget the ancestors, have you forgotten the mission to Zhong Prefecture that year? I will come back without completing it now. I am so disappointed in you."

Yi Tian listened. Remain unmoved, only after looking up and down did I realize that Chi Yangzi in front of him had been transformed into vividness, just like a daoist standing in front of him.

If I hadn't been proficient in Formation and my mood had been polished a long time ago, I'm afraid I would really follow it. Ignoring the Chi Yangzi Yi Tian in front of him, he opened the divine sense and went forward to realize that his Cave Mansion was really the same here. Apart from this, the traces that should have been in the hall of the stone temple did not show a weak spot at all.

So the key to breaking the formation is Chi Yangzi in front of him, turning his head to look at him carefully. Suddenly the other party moved, and he reached out and took out a Scarlet Yang True Fire moved towards Yi Tian.

Yi Tian didn't dare to directly fight back without clarifying the situation, but hurriedly avoided after performing her body skills. But after three breaths, the scorching sensation of Scarlet Yang Fire flew to a short distance, and Yi Tian felt that Chi Yangzi in front of him wanted to put himself to death.

Turned around and took out an ice crystal spirit shield to catch Chi Yangzi's spell forcibly in front of him. Just listen to the'creak' with a crisp sound. The ice crystal shield set up by Yi Tian, ​​together with his body, was shaken back three steps under a single blow.

But at this time Yi Tian was not surprised and rejoiced, and hurriedly used the sky thunder and eight-tone technique in his mouth, moved towards Chi Yangzi and said: "Fellow Daoist He stop, we don’t want to be fascinated by the fantasy array Killed each other."

Chi Yangzi in front of him was taken aback after listening, and then put away the Spiritual Artifact in his hand to make a defensive posture. Yi Tian immediately took out the magic needle for breaking the ban, then turned around and looked around and used the pupil technique to find the phantom array node.

Not long after, there was a smile on his face, and the mutter incantations in his mouth pierced the sacrificial needle directly into the rock wall above his head.

A white light flashed by and immediately after hearing the sound of ka-cha, the Cave Mansion in front of him and Chi Yangzi's silhouette suddenly became violently shaking. After three breaths, the distorted space phantom gradually dissipated, revealing a hall space of more than ten meters square, and the position where Chi Yangzi stood just now is exactly where He Weiming is now.

The two looked at each other with a smile on their faces. After putting away the Spiritual Artifact, He Weiming stepped forward to apologize to Yi Tian: "Fellow Daoist Yi is safe and sound, the old man is ashamed".

"It's okay, Fellow Daoist He, you and I have all fallen into the magical formation, fortunately to get out of it in time, or you will get hurt when you consume each other," Yi Tian hurriedly and comforted.

At the same time, he glanced at him and saw that his Avatar was standing in the distance at this time, but he was not bothered by the phantom array. I was thinking about it. He Weiming glanced over and saw that he knew and explained directly: "The Avatar below was originally refined with Innate Spirit Physique. It has a strong immunity to the magic array, but when the body falls into the magic array, it will Let the Avatar fall into a state of confusion."

Then stretched out his hands and repeatedly pinched the secret art, then clicked on the Avatar, and saw a light flying out of his hand and flying straight to the head of the Avatar. After three breaths, the Avatar also returned to normal moved towards Yi Tian and apologized.

After such a small episode, Yi Tian had to get up to 120,000 points of energy, and the ghost knew what obstacles would be encountered below. I looked up at the ceiling of the implementation one after another Magic Talisman text was portrayed on it, which is the formation mark that plagued the two just now.

If it weren't for Scarlet Yang True Fire Yi Tian, ​​a move that greeted Chi Yangzi before, it would be really hard to notice, just listen to He Weiming said with a smile: "Fellow Daoist Yi how did you find me?"


After taking out the ice crystal shield, Yi Tian stretched out his hand and pointed to the front, and saw that the traces left on it were obviously left after being hit by the sword wire made by the Yao sword technique.

Although the illusion can transform the familiar environment and characters in your heart, and even the moves can be changed exactly the same, the essence of spell will not change.

Being attacked by Scarlet Yang Fire and He Yao sword technique will have obvious differences, and the great probability of Chi Yangzi in front of him is He Weiming's ontology. That's why Yi Tian would first stabilize the opponent with the eight sounds of Tianlei, and then break the formation with a move.

After listening to this, He Weiming suddenly said: "What I saw in the illusion is the appearance of your incarnation as Qianlingyuan. The all around environment turned out to be in Kunwu Cave."

"This phantom array is to let us kill each other, but I am curious that the same situation would happen when Luo Que and Qianlingzi one after the other came in," Yi Tian stroked his forehead.

"It is better to be careful in everything, Fellow Daoist Yi, let's move on," He Weiming said.

After listening to Yi Tian, ​​after clearing up the defensive Spiritual Artifact, he moved towards the passage behind the stone chamber and walked slowly. With the lessons learned from the past, I didn’t dare to rush too much this time, I was afraid that I would start again. .

After a while, the three of them walked through the stone chamber and came to an empty Cave Mansion, which was about a hundred meters in diameter.

There are many stone pillars standing in front of each other. Each stone pillar is connected by four iron chains. The two iron chains below are covered with stone slabs, which can look thick and pass through several thousand. Some slates have been broken in the year.

It is reasonable to say that flying over such a distance is only instantaneous, but the stone tablet erected by the chain channel in front of me is engraved with a column of words written in Spirit Realm. Yi Tian leaned forward to see the truth, and saw the letter "It's hard to fly in the sky to the other shore".

After combining the prompts on the stone tablet and He Weiming's prompts, the two of them combined together. It seems that if the spatial flight here must touch some array restriction. The best way is to walk along the chain road in front of you to the other side.

But if you really walked over this chain suspension bridge-like passage, it would not touch any mechanism, Yi Tian walked to the passage and went down and took a look, only to see that the empty stone chamber was actually flowing underneath. A green river. The water splashed from the river splashed onto the stone pillar and suddenly made a sound of'zi zi'.

"Below this is a physalis river, if it is touched by the river water flowing out of the inside, the skin will be peeled," Yi Tian said with a solemn expression.

"This situation is like a cage. Maybe Qianlingzi and the others have discovered the secrets here. They are probably trapped in a certain institution." He Weiming was speculated.

There is indeed such a probability, and since it is a cage that can hold cultivators above the Divided Spirit Stage, it is nothing difficult to deal with Luo Que and Qianlingzi. As a result, Yi Tian felt that it was necessary to treat every organ more carefully, maybe he was trapped before seeing the two of them.

Expanding Divine Consciousness, I found out that the stone pillar suspension bridge is not simple. Dozens of stone pillar chains set up a passage in mid-air like a spider web. The most troublesome thing is not that everything is connected. It seems that there is only one correct way.

As long as the road leading to the opposite stone wall is taken, it should be absolutely safe. If you go the wrong way, you must not fall directly into the Physalis River below, so Yi Tian has to treat the connection with caution. Things down.

Turning around and briefly described all the crises that he could think of, He Weiming faintly smiled and said: "Fellow Daoist Yi don't worry, and look at the old man."


After speaking, I just right hand touched the mutter incantations in the mouth of Spirit Beast on the waist and said: "Come out."

A white aura quietly floated out of Spirit Beast's capsule, turned in a circle in the air, and then landed in the palm of his right hand. When the aura faded, a ball of white fluff was revealed.

Yi Tian divine sense immediately blurted out and made his debut: "Treasure hunter, I don’t want Fellow Daoist He to have this kind of Spirit Pet, but I don’t know what its magic is here?"

He Weiming With a slightly proud expression on his face, he said calmly: "Although this song can find heavenly materials and earthly treasures for the owner, it also has the characteristics of recognizing the way and avoiding danger."

"Fellow Daoist He wants it to take us through the barrier?"

"Exactly", after He Weiming said that he was doing his part, he directly took the treasure hunter in his hand slightly. Hold it up and let it see the road ahead.

The little thing opened his small eyes and stared at the road in front of him for a while, then turned his head and yelled "zhi zhi" to He Weiming. The latter took a big stride and followed Walk along the chain road on the front.

Yi Tian will follow closely from behind without much talk, and He Weiming’s Avatar is at the end. The three are almost three-four zhang apart.

After reaching the first fork, He Weiming stretched out his hand again to let the treasure hunter look at the road ahead in turn. After three breaths, the little thing called several times at the suspension bridge passage on the left.

He Weiming knowingly turned around and moved towards the direction it was pointing, but Yi Tian followed behind him with a face that was incomprehensible. Suddenly an unidentified voice came from my ears and said: "Fellow Daoist Yi don't worry, with the treasure hunter's innate sensitivity to danger, it will avoid all wrong roads. Although it may detour the long road, safety is the first priority. "

Yi Tian laughed irresponsibly after hearing this. Although He Weiming said it was good, he was still very nervous in giving his safety to a little Spirit Pet. However, seeing what He Weiming means, I can rest assured that its ability is 120,000 points, so I can't say anything for the time being, I just hope that the treasure hunter can safely bring its entire group out of this stone pillar chain channel.

Furthermore, Yi Tian also kept a mindful, every time there was a fork in the road, he would always stretch out a secret art to leave a mark on the right passage.

The more one hour we walked like this, the three of us came to the largest stone pillar in the middle, and the one that caught our eyes was a stone tablet, but the words on the stone tablet had already been scratched. spent. Needless to say, it was mostly the destruction caused by Luo Que and Qianlingzi last time.

It's just that Yi Tian found that the top of the broken stone tablet seemed to have some traces of passiveness, and after a closer look, he didn't think of anything wrong.

He Weiming reached out and pointed out: "There should be a part of the stone tablet that has been taken away. It may be a key item."

Yi Tian nodded replied: "Fellow Daoist He said it was right, but if you can't find this thing now, most of it should have been taken away. Maybe you can find a clue in the depths of the Cave Mansion behind."

He Weiming stopped talking and continued to drive the treasure hunter to the front passage.

Suddenly Yi Tian heard some abnormal noise below, lowered his head and looked at his face but turned pale with fright said: "Fellow Daoist He, let's go quickly, the river below began to rise."

He Weiming's face shook his muscles and hurriedly speeded up his steps and ran along the passage.

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