After installing Luo Que's body alone in a Storage Bracelet, Yi Tian slowly got up and moved towards the back passage of the stone chamber with He Weiming.

The passageway behind this is narrow and long, and the two of them didn't know how long they walked down before they saw the passageway exit. After drilling out from that passageway, I came into a huge grotto. The entire grotto was about a few hundred zhang high, and the inner space looked like a mile.

In the deepest part of this grotto is a huge mural, in which is a black clothed man wrapped in chains. Yi Tian fixed his eyes on this person's face as the person imprisoned here shown on the mural in the passage before.

From the entrance, you can feel that the temperature of all around seems to have dropped a lot compared to the outside world. The more you go forward, the more cold you feel. It's not difficult to see the origin of the mural is a ten zhang not far in front of the mural, which is shrouded in white mist, and all the cold coefficients come from this.

And divine sense can't find the source of the fog even though the divine sense probes down, although I know that there must be something strange in it, I can only detect it by personally walking forward.

Yi Tian and He Weiming gestured to each other and took out the Spiritual Artifact in their hands, then opened the protective cover and slowly moved towards the depths of the stone wall of the cave.

After walking less than a hundred feet away, Yi Tian felt that the temperature of all around dropped rapidly again, and the mist produced by the moisture condensed in the air of all around moved the stone path under his feet It's all wet. A little investigation with divine sense actually found that these mists contain extremely high spiritual power, which is stronger than the concentration drawn from the spirit vein.

A single thought flashed through Yi Tian in his heart, and turned back and said: "Could it be that Qianlingzi was trapped in the mist?"

"It is possible, but we still approached Check it out," He Weiming replied.

After the two Shaoqing went deep into the misty area of ​​ten zhang, the three Yi Tian raised their protective shields to disperse the mist all around and walked forward side by side.

Suddenly a shadow appeared in front of the three of them. As the mist slowly dissipated, one could see a piece of white ice with a square meter in the center.

The above is exuding bursts of cold air, and it turns into mist after encountering the air all around. Yi Tian moved towards Jian Bing and looked at it, then blurted out: "There are people inside, it should be Qianlingzi."

He Weiming's muscles trembled after listening, and then stared at him. The piece of ice looked at it and used divine sense to invade it and explore it. Luxi said: "It's him, it should be trapped."

"Fellow Daoist He is ready to shoot directly?" Yi Tian asked.

"Take advantage of his illness to kill him, does Fellow Daoist Yi still have to be soft when he is in such a situation?"

"Let’s do it, Chi will change," Yi Tian without the Replied of slightest hesitation.

In this case, the two of them didn't say much, and then the three stood apart to enclose the piece of ice in the middle, and then each took out the Spiritual Artifact took out and condensed the ultimate move in their hands to prepare for a joint attack.

Suddenly Yi Tian seemed to feel that Qianlingzi’s fingers in the ice cube seemed to move slightly, but He Weiming's words came from his ear: "He is awake, Fellow Daoist Yi, let's do it. ."

The three of them separately controlled the Spiritual Artifact in their hands and smashed them on the piece of ice. A golden aura suddenly appeared from the inside of the ice cube, and then spread out from the inside to the outside. All the blocks of hard ice were covered in one breath.

Just listen to the three beeps of "pēng pēng pēng", the three spell coefficients concentrate on the piece of ice but are blocked by the golden protective cover. Then the shock of spell completely shook the ice into a crack.

A pure Spiritual Qi came out of it and met the air and turned into water droplets and lay down on the ice. Then there seemed to be more Spiritual Qi inside, as if crazily from the cracks. Gushing out directly widened the gap of the crack.

This sudden change made the Yi Tian three people not know what to do. With the sound of "ka-cha" in their ears, the one-foot-high ice appeared from the inside. Several cracks came, and then moved towards all directions to spread out.

Not long afterwards, I saw large chunks of ice peeling off from above, and the Spiritual Qi revealed in it formed a whirlwind to directly blow away the mist that was originally entwined all around.

After the sound stopped dumbly, a silhouette appeared on the spot, and the three of Yi Tian looked intently and their complexion suddenly became calm.

Among the silhouette that appeared was a cultivator more than seven feet tall, with a Spirit Armor body protection, and a broken Spirit Sword on his hand. The other half fell under its feet, but from the breach, it could be found that the Spirit Sword was broken.

Yi Tian secretly wondered in his heart: "Isn't this Luo Que's style, but his body was clearly nailed to death in the cave before."

The cultivator's But the face couldn't be more familiar, it was exactly the appearance of Qianlingzi that I had seen in Lihuo Ancestor Land. And at this time, after seeing the daoist, the spiritual pressure exuding from his body deeply realizes what the power of the upper realm is. It is a feeling that is not at the same level as the mirror image.

He Weiming on one side also opened his eyes and stubbornly resisted the Qianlingzi in front of him. His face was mixed with awe and anger. He was familiar with this face for hundreds of years. The nightmare that lingered in his heart day and night was indeed standing in front of him now.

Suddenly the silhouette of Qianlingzi in front of him trembled slightly, then opened his eyes and swept the three people in front of him with contemptuous eyes.

He Weiming's corner of mouth twitching shouted started: "The Spirit Sword in his hand immediately turned into a golden sword-shaped moved towards Qianlingzi's body.

"pu chi " What surprised all three of them was that the sword light penetrated his body directly, and a pair was pierced on him, but the wound healed after only a few drops of blood flowed out.

Next Qian Lingzi struggled to raise the right hand moved towards He Weiming. The same golden light turned from his fingertips into the same sword wire form to counterattack. But the power and conciseness of this trick is definitely not what it is. Unknown to be comparable, I saw that the sword light pierced the protective cover and made a "bang" under the photo.

He Weiming's body was directly withdrawn from the sword light three feet away, Yi Tian Divine sense swept the secretly thought "good risk", and saw that a five-inch jade bottle was blocked by his hand.

Suddenly Qianlingzi's mouth moved a few times. He whispered: "Jingling bottle. "

Then the right hand moved again. This time he repeated the same trick, but the goal was to choose the Avatar of He Weiming. It is obvious that Qianlingzi, the great power of the upper realm, is not to be trifled with. Soon it became clear that the strength of the three people in front of them was going to be defeated one by one.

While persimmons were soft, He Weiming’s Avatar was obviously the weakest party in the cultivation base. His true identity turned pale with. Fright, he knew the formidable power of the trick just now. He couldn’t take the Avatar under visual inspection.

Immediately, the silhouette flashed directly in front of the Avatar, and then both hands forming Under the seals, the two merged together again.

The imposing manner of Shaoqing He Weiming soared directly to the state of Great Perfection, the peak of Nascent Soul Late Stage. The right hand waved the Spirit Sword. We are greeted by a golden light moved towards Qianlingzi's trick.

After two golden lights collided fiercely in the air, this time He Weiming actually overwhelmed Qianlingzi, not only withstood the attack a little bit. sword qi also fought back on Qianlingzi’s body, drawing a deep and strong wound on his left shoulder.

But after divine light flashed, the wound on Qianlingzi’s shoulder was seen with naked eye again. The speed he obtained quickly healed. After this time, I saw that his left hand could barely drive.

He Weiming was about to continue to attack, but Yi Tian’s voice came from his ear: "Fellow Daoist He Wait a minute, you are helping Qianlingzi out of trouble if you continue to attack like this. "

"What do you say? Fellow Daoist Yi, but what clues did you find? "He Weiming asked hurriedly.

"I felt that two forces in his body were fighting fiercely, and he was trying his best to suppress each other. And the pain just now seems to make the operation of the spiritual power in his body become a little smoother," Yi Tian said with a solemn expression.

At this time, Qianlingzi's face showed a trace of ridicule said with. a smile: "didn't expect your doll is a bit bottomed, but unfortunately it's too late, wait for the old man to clean up this traitor before coming to deal with you. "

He Weiming looked surprised after hearing this, and later shouted sharply: "You use your own dísciple's life to increase the cultivation base. This is a matter of not being seen on the table. You are passing down the Taoism for your own selfish desires." that's all. To say shameless, you Qianlingzi is really the number one deserved. "

Jié jié laughed a few times, Qian Lingzi said with contempt: "You have learned my cultivation technique and will live for thousands of years. Isn't it enough? Now it's what you paid in return. It's time. "

After speaking, my lips began to slowly speak the truth, I saw that the spiritual power in He Weiming's body actually rolled involuntarily, and then rushed out of his seven orifices, and gathered into a dragon eye size in the air. Spirit Bead.

As the spiritual power draws out, the Spirit Bead gradually grows larger, and at the same time, He Weiming’s spiritual pressure fluctuations have greatly diminished. Needless to say, this is exactly what Qianlingzi used his dark hand on the cultivation technique to spare He Weiming’s spiritual power to make up for himself.

However, He Weiming seemed unwilling to be restrained in this way and hurriedly Take out a medicine pill and slap it, then the whole person trembles violently and then breaks down into two silhouettes with a "puff".

It’s just that the body and the Avatar’s body are swapped this time. The Divine Soul of the body is completely attached to the Innate Spirit Physique of the demonic cultivator.

As for the original fleshy body, you can smell an ugly spicy smell from it. Originally from The pure spiritual power drawn from his seven orifices has also become very dark at this time. Needless to say, it should be inseparable from the medicine pill he just took.

Qianlingzi suddenly With a shock on his face, he blurted out and said: "Wandubaixianwan, you actually have such a method. "

Yi Tian is not aware of it, but knows that this is obviously He Weiming's backhand to deal with the deprived spirit. It was originally intended to deal with Qianlingyuan, but now it is used on its body. .

Before, when the Spirit Bead was formed, Qianlingzi could not wait to start to absorb spiritual power, but He Weiming’s body of black spiritual power mixed into it and instantly turned Spirit Bead into ink-black. And Qian Lingzi also absorbed a lot of black spiritual power into the body.

I saw that he hurriedly interrupted the spiritual power absorption, and then the golden light masterpiece all over his body seemed to be inhaled just now. The spiritual power coefficient is forced out.

Devil Body He Weiming laughed loudly at this moment. From the laughter, Yi Tian can clearly feel his helplessness, melancholy, and a trace of melancholy. The joy of liberation.

Just listen to him holding back a smile and saying: "Qianlingzi didn’t expect, the taste of Wandubaiyan pills is not uncomfortable, the more your spiritual power becomes more urgent. , The faster the poison spreads within your meridian. Don’t think that the toxicity of a single silk can be suppressed. It will continue to erode your spiritual power like a bone-attached maggot until it poisons the spiritual power coefficient in your body and then corrodes your mud pill palace. Then you The Nascent Soul is also invisible until Divine Soul is destroyed. "

Yi Tian has never seen the existence of such a Poison Pill in the existing alchemy books, and He Weiming’s posture is obviously a means of the demonic cultivator, he is in order to avenge Qianlingzi He would come up with such a comprehensive plan and determination to abandon the original. You may not be able to be so decisive if you are yourself.

Later, I will only listen to He Weiming’s call: "Fellow Daoist Yi, we still have time to do it now. , Shoot it. "

Yi Tian knows that he has just abandoned his body, so his strength has temporarily fallen to Nascent Soul Early Stage. At this time, he can't face Qianlingzi alone without relying on himself, even if the opponent is still bound in his body. Look like.

Then he stretched out his hand and quickly knotted Yinfa and yelled in his mouth: "Xian", four arms and two heads are extended from the ribs and the back of the neck. Take them out together. The Sun and Moon's Splendor wheel comes to offer sacrifices in the hands, and the remaining four hands take out the five fire divine wind fan, the Taiyuan sword, and the flame demon order.

Then directly put the Sun and Moon's Splendor wheel without saying a word. After the sacrifice, the two merged into one and shrank into a three-inch-sized appearance moved towards Qianlingzi’s forehead and flew into the palace of Niwan.

Although the previous few moves hit the body without leaving any substance The sexual damage, on the contrary, makes the spiritual power in his body run more smoothly. But now Yi Tian never wants to make any unexplained mistakes again, aiming at the Niwan Palace, even if the former Spirit Transformation cultivator main Nascent Soul is damaged. It's terrible.

Qianlingzi sees it and guesses Yi Tian's thoughts, but now he can only use his left and right hands to defend against the enemy in front of him, but his two feet are still nailed to the ground and cannot move at all Half a point.

I saw that both of his hands separately used a golden protective cover to cover themselves. Faced with the overbearing of the sun and the moon in the next life, they also had to take defensive measures.

With a sound of "peng", a spark was stirred up on Qianlingzi's protective cover to withstand the Sun and Moon's Splendor wheel and then forcibly blocked. Yi Tian suddenly found that Qianlingzi's Lower Dantian was actually slightly gray His aura revealed, and he looked incompatible with the spiritual power of his body.

Then I saw him mutter to himself: "At this time you still come out to make trouble, or we will all die. "

The gray aura suddenly rushed into his meridian and other spiritual powers. After the fusion of Qian Lingzi's body suddenly became agile.

Then he both After hands forming seals, the Broken Sword took out into a golden light moved towards Yi Tian. Was shocked by this sudden change, Yi Tian did not dare to rush the flame demon order in his hands.

After the red light flashed, a swollen lava troll appeared in front of him, and saw both of his hands lift up the spiritual power of the whole body together to form a thick wall of fire, which will block any sword light committed in the future. Is outside.

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