After He Weiming’s Avatar stopped, Yi Tian found that the operation of the formation mark under his feet suddenly eased. It turns out that this large array has such a special effect that it can follow the intruder’s Attack and change the trajectory. After ten breaths, the entire array returned to its original appearance, and Yi Tian secretly counted the changes of Eight Sects in his heart, and then sacrificed the Formation Cone and Divine Needle in his hands and waited for the opportunity to appear.

When the formation mark has just risen and changed to a stable state, Yi Tian directly silhouetted and flashed to the vicinity of the node, and then the banned god needle in his hand took out again and again, and a formation mark node was all around the place. Unicom’s Spirit Realm texts are fixed, and after mutter incantations, the broken Formation cone is directly pierced into the node.

In a piece of white formation mark, a node of azure aura begins to flicker. Although it looks very discordant, it will spread from point to line and expand to one side of the ground. Mark is stuck.

Yi Tian then said in a deep sound transmission: "Now we are going, taking advantage of my broken Formation cone to restrict us from entering the stone palace to find out."

I didn't care about other things anymore, and the whole body began to fly in mid-air with the aura of the whole body about three feet off the ground.

I saw an azure light rise from the ground and then moved towards the distant stone palace and flew away, at the same time in different directions one black one white two escape lights also took advantage of the extremely rare opportunity to move towards the center of the stone hall lased away.

Yi Tian was the first to arrive at the gate of the stone temple, and then He Weiming's true body followed closely from behind arrived, and his Avatar was three breaths slow. After the three people just converged, only a retreat sound was heard coming from the direction of the node just now, and suddenly the entire array seemed to be activated, flashing white rays of light everywhere, and after a while, Yi Tian was punched in. The broken Formation cones in the node were swallowed alive.

When the cyan ray glow in the large array went out, the entire array quickly turned around. At the same time, a white light film lit up all around the stone hall to isolate the outside world.

The three people’s back path was cut off directly, Yi Tian tried to sacrifice the spell and attacked the light film, but the spell was lost immediately after being submerged in a pile of sponges. trace.

Turning his head and winking with the two of them, he said, "We have no way out now. We may face Luo Que and Qianlingzi next time. Fellow Daoist He, are you ready? "

"Extending one's head and shrinking one's head and one knife is now irreversible, Fellow Daoist Yi can rest assured that I will do my best next," He Weiming said.

So Yi Tian no longer verbally led the two of them towards the main entrance of the stone palace.

After ten breaths, before the three of them came to the main entrance, they saw two thick stone gates in front of them, which seemed to be pushed a bit wide. It's just that this place seems to be opened with force by outsiders. The original stone gate still had traces of the stone lock. Now you can see that the stone lock with the thick arm is cracked from it, which was completely broken by brute force.

Needless to say, this must be Luo Que's masterpiece, and only Asura clansman can have such a divine force.

After entering the stone gate, there is a two zhang wide corridor. On both sides of the wall, there is a wall lamp every three-four zhang, which is filled with white solid lamp oil.

When the three of them stepped into the passage, these wall lamps were automatically lit, illuminating the road ahead. Yi Tian glanced over the wall on the right side of the passage and found that there seemed to be some murals on it.

I walked forward and stared at these murals carefully and saw that the 1st mural was painted with a young child worshipping in front of a group of cultivators. There is no text or even Spirit Realm characters on the whole painting.

Yi Tian did not rush forward and followed the mural on the right to take a closer look. Starting from the 2nd mural, it describes the growth history of this child inside the sect. From a Qi Refinement Stage cultivator, it gradually grows up step by step.

He Weiming followed Yi Tian and swept his gaze, revealing a gloomy and uncertain color on his face. I thought he would face the two great abilities after coming in, but didn't expect it here. For other information, the nervous expression on his face eased for a while.

Yi Tian watched these murals slowly. In the next few paintings, the child gradually grown up, from Foundation Establishment, Golden Core, and Nascent Soul all the way forward.

When I saw the sixth mural, Yi Tian was immediately frowned. I saw the cultivator painted on this painting. The Nascent Soul in the brow mud pill palace has become extremely condensed, secretly said in one's heart: "This mostly refers to the Transform God Boundary world after Nascent Soul."

The backgrounds in the previous paintings are all within the sect, which shows that this person should be in the scene of sect penance. After Spirit Transformation, the background painting style suddenly changed.

This cultivator began to perform various missions of sect. On the following murals, some are his fighting demonic beasts, and some are scenes of annihilating foreign cultivators.

Yi Tian saw it for a while and found that there was a mural on it that killed the Asura cultivator, but at this time the appearance of Nascent Soul between the cultivator's eyebrows on this painting had become three.

This kind of realm is only recorded in the miscellaneous notes after the Trigram Fire Sect's three changes to the fire. Yi Tian instantly lay a drop of cold sweat on his forehead. This is not the Divided Spirit Stage cultivator on Spirit Transformation. What.

It is said that this distracting cultivator can also be a General on the side of Spirit Realm. I think that Luoque was just the cultivation base that's all of the Divided Spirit Stage.

But the next mural does not seem to be over. As we continue to deepen, we can see that the cultivator seems to have become stronger in the next mural, and can fight against the wild giant beast alone.

In this painting, his appearance seems to have changed again. There is no Nimaru Palace between the eyebrows, but the whole person is outlined with double strokes, like Nascent Soul back again And the fit is even higher in the ontology.

The realm Yi Tian on the Divided Spirit Stage has never been found in the sect classics. It is estimated that his Sect Founder Ji Xuanyuan is at most a distracting realm.

It is obvious that the cultivator in this picture is already on the Divided Spirit Stage, so Yi Tian couldn't help but become very interested in the identity of this person after seeing it. Going down again, the picture next door is the cultivator of this person fighting the Asura clan, and it looks like one against two.

The other enemy in the painting is on the back grows a pair of wings with a fierce face, two horns grow on his head, and the skin on his body is covered with small scales.

Seeing this look, Yi Tian flashed a secretly thought in his heart: "Isn’t this what the Demon Race cultivator looks like, and the shape and length of its horns should be a high-level Demon Race. If you are not mistaken, it is a cultivator that is much higher than the Demon Race cultivator. At least it must be above the Divided Spirit Stage demonic cultivator."

Only this cultivator will be seen in the following paintings. alone, all around There are no opponents and enemies. But in this painting, it is obviously divided into two halves in the middle. The left half is still in the form of a person, but the right side has become a completely alien form.

When you glance over, you can clearly see that the cultivator is divided into two halves and the hands are casting different spells, and the two halves of the face are like a contradictory complex.

What makes Yi Tian feel the most incomprehensible is that the cultivator's mind was split into two parts at this time, and his Nascent Soul was also split into two halves of mud pill on the left and right. In the palace.

This painting is very easy to understand. It should be that the person himself has a mutation, and after divided into two, he has become the incarnation of good and evil.

Nascent Soul Cultivator originally has the cultivation technique of External Body Incarnation. For example, like He Weiming, it uses the psychic Supreme Treasure or other Innate Spirit Physique to refine its own Avatar.

But the person in this painting is a bit different. He is completely split from the body, just like divided into two.

Yi Tian stopped and turned his head and glanced at He Weiming and asked his Avatar: "Fellow Daoist He, look at all the Avatars described in these murals and your Technique of External Body Incarnation. What are the similarities and differences?"

"The meaning expressed in this painting by Fellow Daoist Yi should not be difficult to understand. I think this person should have happened at the time of a drastic change that split his personality into one righteous one evil Two," He Weiming sighed.

"Personality split," Yi Tian couldn't help muttering after hearing it, it seemed that it was really a bit like it. As we continued to walk to the front of the corridor, one black and one white two identical people appeared on the murals after this.

But the white person is in the upper half and the black person is in the second half. Since then, the two seem to have parted ways, each growing up rapidly in different environments.

Gradually, from going up to heaven or down to Hades to traveling the other major Spirit Realm planes, the two will deliberately avoid each other's appearance.

Until one of the paintings suddenly separated lines disappeared, the black and white two people met again, but at this time they seemed to be fighting water and fire. Yi Tian looks true, it is obvious that the white side can overwhelm the opponent, but after all, it was split by the same person. Even if the division of Divine Soul is biased, it still knows the bottom line.

The black cultivator still has enough energy to retreat even if it falls in the wind, and the next few paintings are all about these two people fighting scenes.

Yi Tian looked carefully and found that every time these two people played each time, the Divine Soul of the black side would be removed a bit and put it into the white side. Needless to say, it will be invincible in the long run.

After three paintings, it is obvious that the white cultivator has an overwhelming advantage. This time, the opponent will directly capture his strength of Divine Soul.

Just somehow in the end but didn’t fully integrate the opponent back into himself. The strength of Divine Soul on the head of the white cultivator seems to be missing half of it, and the black person is actually at this time. There is no leftover at all.

Where did the remaining half go? This question has been unanswered for a long time in Yi Tian's mind. Turning around and forgetting He Weiming, he also saw it and thought about it, the two of them After looking at each other, he felt speechless for a while, and then smiled helplessly.

In the next mural, there was a third person, and the black cultivator that was captured was blocked and was being watched by that person.

Yi Tian's eyelids suddenly twitched, isn't the appearance of the person in charge of taking care of Ji Xuanyuan's body appearance? In this way, it is not accidental that the Lihuo old clan descended this world, but the black person was imprisoned in this world to be responsible for the watchmen.

putting it that way This sea-eye vortex is not a dungeon anymore. Seeing Yi Tian here, his heart was shocked, and then he slowly turned around to look at He Weiming, and then some unnatural words appeared on his face : "Fellow Daoist He, we seem to be involved in the dispute of the upper realm. Whether we can get out of this place is still unknown, but this time I drag you down."

He Weiming Seeing this, I also have a general understanding of the cause of the matter. It is also easy to guess what kind of person you are going to face, but there is no trace of regret on his face and said: "Fellow Daoist Yi does not have to be like this. Turn around, hurry up and see what valuable information will be left in the murals behind."

Although He Weiming said that he didn’t care, his face showed deep concern. Lulu, the mood has become heavy, not as free and easy as before.

Then Yi Tian saw that in the picture below it was the big sea-eye vortex at the end of the end of the world, but the entire vortex was above the mural. Under the sea eye vortex is a stone mountain, and there is a palace in the mountain. Needless to say, face up to where you are now.

Immediately after Yi Tian walked a few steps forward, he saw a 60-year-old Dao flying into the eyes of the sea, and he was on duty in the depths of this barren mountain palace. This old Dao must be the Avatar of Ji Xuanyuan, the old man from Lihuo. It turned out that his main task in the lower realm was to guard this stone palace.

Needless to say, there will definitely be a way to leave here, Yi Tian has some confidence in his heart after seeing it, at least one thing you can rest assured is that even if you want to retreat now, you should have it. The way can go out.

Later, in the next picture, an Asura cultivator and Human Race cultivator appeared. Yi Tian had some doubts in his mind when he saw this. What appeared before can be explained that someone can portray on this, but here it is obviously describing the situation when Luo Que and Qian Lingzi came to explore.

Can the portrayer foresee what will happen in a thousand years? Yi Tian can't figure it out a bit. At this moment, He Weiming behind him opened the mouth and said: "If Luo Que and Qianlingzi are predicted to come here, then Fellow Daoist Yi Do you think our arrival will also be on this mural?"

Although it's just a simple question, Yi Tian was taken aback after hearing this, and then hurriedly replied: "Go, look at the next painting, if the painter is really capable of thousands of years All the things after that are drawn on it, it will definitely predict the existence of you and me today."

The two quickly walked forward on the section of the road and then glanced over the stone wall on the right. The fingertips here turned out to be a bare stone wall with any patterns carved on it.

He Weiming’s face showed a trace of ridicule said with a smile: "I think this person’s cultivation will end here."

Yi Tian heard it but remained unmoved, At the same time, an extremely solemn expression appeared on his face and said: "I don't think it is necessary."

Suddenly some patterns began to appear on the stone wall in front of me, and it didn't take long for a new mural to appear. In front of the two.

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